Build Madness

Chapter 895: Discuss Ge Alliance

Jiangnan, Jinling.

Longtian Science and Technology Museum.

Lao Wang was busy with the press conference and called on partners to deepen the plan to discuss Ge.

Participants included Chen Donghai, Mr. Zhao, Shen Zhipeng, Li Wei, Wei Changfeng, Xu Wenqing who had regrouped after the collapse of the Shanghai Chamber of Commerce, and Lin Zhenhua, the former vice president of the Shanghai Chamber of Commerce and now the president of the Jiangnan Promotion Association, the manager of the Jiangbei Chamber of Commerce, and the Nandu Commercial Association. Cooperation Association, Tianfu Business Forum, representatives of Heung Kong Industries...

The lineup is luxurious, the strength is tyrannical, they want money and money, and they want power and power.

It is precisely because of this that everyone dared to fight Ge Er Er head-on.

meeting room.

After Shen Zhipeng took his seat, "Mr. Wang, your momentum just now was still a bit weak. We can't be polite to that guy!"

'You're welcome, sir, if I scold you, how can I have a good time in the future? '

Old Wang Longtian smiled but didn't smile, "Why don't Mr. Shen do it again?"

"It's my duty, but the press conference is over, so I'll scold you another day."

Shen Zhipeng held his fists together, "Let's talk about business."


The old king of Longtian ordered the staff to launch a fuel dispenser with an impressive appearance, "Chen Dong, this is the computer fuel dispenser developed and designed by our company."

"Three front and three back, a total of six refueling guns, six built-in pipelines, which can support multiple models of gasoline and diesel."

"And the computer's built-in intelligent system supports self-service refueling, automatic settlement, automatic ticketing, etc., and can remotely adjust fuel prices and quotations."

"In addition, the equipment also has a fire-proof and explosion-proof fire-fighting system, which can automatically carry out emergency treatment in the event of oil failure or accidental fire."

Pharaoh motioned for the staff to demonstrate.

the end.

"How many units is Mr. Chen planning to purchase?"

"Just according to the purchase contract signed before, we will try to lay 200 units first."

"Chen Dong, I invite you here as my old king. I don't want to talk to you about an order of two or three million."

The old Wang smiled and ordered a white willow, the smoke billowed, and Li Wei beside him coughed.

Mr. Zhao took out the golden sand warbler, lit another one, and breathed out, "Look at you, you are so precious, you look like a parrot."


Chen Donghai was immediately unhappy, but when he saw Young Master Zhao pointing Sha Ying over, his pupils shrank, his momentum lost, and he quietly signaled Li Wei to change seats with him.

"Hey, seat warmer, tsk tsk, no one warms me up in this winter." Mr. Zhao unbuttoned his jacket and looked at Li Wei with a smile, quite provocative.

without it.

Last year, Zhao's father cooperated with CNOOC, which was tantamount to cooperating with Tiancheng. This time, when dealing with Tiancheng, Chen Donghai did not trust Zhao's father and son at all, so he secretly persuaded Old Wang to swallow up Zhao's property first, and then turn his guns to deal with Ge.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, he was overheard by Mr. Zhao who 'coincidentally' passed by.

Both sides have grievances.

Later, when the movie 'Big Man' was released, Young Master Zhao almost ate peanuts, Father Zhao used all his connections to calm down the incident, and now he has already broken his face with Tian Cheng.

But with the rise of CNOOC, with the protection of the new chairman, no one dared to touch it, Fengdu Yu was in charge, and Zhao's father did not dare to blatantly deal with Tiancheng and Tianfu International.

Now Mr. Zhao used his narrow escape to 'prove his innocence', showing that he and Tian Cheng were enemies and not friends, remembering Chen Donghai's bad words, and being pissed off by someone Ge, no matter how he looked at the dogs and men in front of him, how could he not be pleasing to the eye... …

"It's pretty."

Li Wei's face froze, thinking of her 'responsibility', she quickly returned to normal, and smiled charmingly: "There may have been some misunderstandings before, why don't I set up a Taoist banquet at the Jiangnan Banquet tonight to accompany Mr. Zhao?"

"Then there's no need. If you have a lovely wife, you won't be able to enjoy the wild flowers with thorns outside."


Some words are easy to cause embarrassment once said in public.

Especially Li Wei's identity as a 'bond of interests'.

However, Mr. Zhao has the strength to say this, and seeing the dead silence in the venue, he turned his head to look at Wei Changfeng, "I said, why is it so familiar? It turns out that he is a fat man from the Wei family. You must have lost three hundred catties in the past two years, right?"

"Mr. Zhao was joking, two hundred and five."

"Damn, how did you do it?"

"I was worried by someone Ge."


Mr. Zhao gritted his teeth, and looked at Xu Wenqing again, "Your younger brother is a real tiger. He dared to attack Ge Laoer. Has anyone found him?"

"I wrote a letter to my family before the Spring Festival, saying that I had a good time in the snow mountain."

"Letter from home? Snow mountain? Where?"

"have no idea……"


Old Wang and Shen Zhipeng faced Mr. Zhao's posture of "anti-client" and secretly exchanged glances. The latter stood up:

"Mr. Zhao has both talents and wit. We are united. There must be someone at the helm. I think Mr. Zhao is very suitable."

Before he finished speaking, Lao Wang slapped his thigh, "What the hell, I said why does the atmosphere of the scene feel so familiar, isn't this the alliance of begging Dong in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms... Ah bah, bad luck, we are not the vassals of the Eighteenth Route, Ge The second son didn't bother me, Lu Bu beheaded my general."

Audience: "..."

"Don't say it, it really smells like that."

Mr. Zhao said, "Don't mind, I was so angry and stupefied by Ge Laoer. As for Ge Laoer, I, a small real estate developer, can't compare to Mr. Wang, Longtian Industry Including domestic and overseas, the types are gradually spreading across the entire industry, and the estimated assets are more than one trillion yuan, and it is the only existence that can fight against Tiancheng. Even if you want to choose a 'Leader', it must be Mr. Wang."

"Yes, I support Mr. Wang." Wei Changfeng spoke first.

Xu Wenqing: "I also support Mr. Wang."

Others nodded one after another.

"Since this is the case, Mr. Wang will not shirk. From now on, everyone will be at his disposal to win this crucial battle. Of course, for the sake of Longtian and the jobs of tens of thousands of employees, I, Mr. Wang, will not cheat everyone."

"Boss Wang was joking."

"Then, let's continue to deepen the layout for Tiancheng, first of all, petrochemical computer tankers. If Chen Dong only purchases 200 units, we will not be able to squeeze the market share of CNOOC and CNOOC, which will affect the sales of Longtian Automobile and reduce support. The penetration rate of the SG smart card for smart cars."

Lao Wang played the ppt, "If there are not enough SG smart card users, how can everyone's real estate and commercial sectors compete with Tiancheng's industrial chain?"

"President Wang is right."

Shen Zhipeng nodded, "As an old opponent of Tiancheng, I can say that the power of the smart card can be said to be 'into the bone marrow'. If we want to win, we must have our own card payment method."

Wei Changfeng suddenly played tricks: "Listening to what Mr. Shen said, I suddenly remembered that no matter Dongshan, Beihe, or Nanhe, there is a Ginza community next to every Xingyue Bay. Mr. Shen, it is said that the land is owned by you from Mr. Ge Bought it second-hand at a high price?"

"Fart, I used my eloquence to persuade the leaders of various places one by one, and spent a lot of money to get it. It has nothing to do with Ge Laoer."

"What about Nansihu Film and Television City?"

"This project is hosted by Xue Da, and it is open to all investors in Xincheng. Mr. Li should also know about it."

Li Wei: "Yes, leader Xue contacted me at that time, and the start-up needs 2 billion. Unfortunately, the money is in charge of Mr. Du, and Mr. Du happened to be crazy..."

Wei Changfeng's face twitched when he heard this, as if he wanted to quit.

Xu Wenqing thought of her ruthless brother...

The former vice president of the Magic City Chamber of Commerce, remembered the spy who was killed by a robot on New Year's Eve...

Seeing that things were not going well, Old Wang signaled to Shen Zhipeng again.

The latter coughed, "I'm afraid of a ball. At the beginning, I took my brother to lead the riot to attack the ancient city of Qingshan, smashed the Guyue Hotel, and didn't see him Ge Laoer hit me. Later, at the Zaoshi Xincheng construction site, I still drove The excavator chased that guy, scared the crap out of him, and lost his shoes."

"Really?" Mr. Zhao raised his spirits instantly.


Shen Zhipeng nodded heavily, very sure.

"That guy isn't that scary either."

Mr. Zhao let out a sigh of relief, playing with the Golden Sand Warbler, "This thing came from him too."

Old Wang: "..."

What the hell, you guys can blow it too, right?

Immediately, he raised his voice, "That's right, Ge Laoer is far less scary than the legends say, you see, I scolded him by the media, he didn't even dare to fart."

Wei Changfeng also raised his spirits, and apologized for his doubts about Old Shen just now: "Mr. Shen, it turned out to be a misunderstanding."

"Small things."

Lao Wang: "Then let's continue to talk about the computer fuel dispenser."

Everyone dispelled their suspicions, thinking of what Old Wang had said before, they all turned their eyes to Chen Donghai.

It's like... how can everyone play if you don't buy a lot of tankers?

Or, you have to lead the charge.

"I'm not Sun Jian."

Chen Donghai was a little distracted, as if he was thinking of the plot of the Three Kingdoms begging for Dong, facing everyone's gaze, he subconsciously said.

Venue: "..."

Lao Wang smoothed things over, "Chen Dong is joking, to ease the atmosphere."

Chen Donghai returned to his senses, "Mr. Wang, petrochemical was squeezed by CNOOC last year and lost the northern market. The overall income is not high, and there is not much money to spend at all."

"One unit is less than 20,000 yuan, ten units are at most 200,000 yuan, one hundred units are two million yuan, and one thousand units are twenty million yuan. As far as I know, the decoration of Chen Dong's small villa cost 30 million yuan. A chandelier costs five million. With such financial resources, it is worth 2,000 computer refueling machines, but Mr. Chen only purchased 200. Do you really think I am a fool? Or, are you Ge Lao Er? Sent?"

"President Wang is serious."

Mr. Zhao narrowed his eyes, "Mr. Chen, you doubted me before, and now I have begun to doubt you too. Believe it or not, I will ask my father to thoroughly check all your gas stations in Bashu, Jiangbei, and Jiangnan?"

"Mr. Zhao, you can't say that. My money belongs to me. Petrochemical belongs to petrochemical."

"Well, yes, petrochemicals are yours, yours are not petrochemicals."


Lao Wang smoothed things over again, "Chen Dong, for the sake of the big plan, no matter what, you have to complete the new model upgrade for Southern Petrochemical."

"Mr. Wang, tell me the number."

"Start with 100,000 units."

"Two billion?" Chen Donghai couldn't help raising his voice.

"But it's a small business for me, equivalent to at most 200,000 SGs, and Longtian's annual shipments can reach 500 million units. Do you know what this means?"

"At least 100 billion in sales."

"So, do you think I invited you here for the purpose of 'drinking tea'?" Lao Wang emphasized the word 'drinking tea'.

Combined with the cost of 30 million yuan for decoration and 5 million yuan for a chandelier, Chen Donghai's face suddenly changed.

You know, Old King Longtian is also considered half-length official clothes, and with Longtian's strength, his position in the board of directors is even slightly higher than his current one, not to mention the support of the Huaxia Aerospace Department.

Li Wei blinked and moved her little finger secretly.

After Chen Donghai received it, he calmed down, "Mr. Wang, since it's about a big plan, I'll take this order, but the price..."

"Boss Shen's logistics will give you free transportation fees, and Longtian Technology will give you free installation fees, 20,000 units. The addition of these two items is not a small expense."

"Mr. Shen has logistics?"

Shen Zhipeng: "It's always been there. This is the company that Chen Feng secretly cooperated with me in order to get rid of Tianmao's supply. He told the rabbit to run."


Chen Donghai took a deep breath, "Unexpectedly, everyone has prepared in advance, I was negligent, so, then purchase 20,000 units, two billion."

"Remittance or transfer?"


"The plan has already started, and the equipment is ready-made. If you pay for it and deliver it, do you want to renege on your debt?"


Li Wei got up, patted the handbag, "I'll do it."

"Oh? Not petrochemical accounts?"

"I will pay in advance."


Lao Wang signaled the financial staff to take Li Wei to sign a new contract.

Immediately looking at Wei Changfeng, "Mr. Wei, after you quit Jiangbei and Jiangnan, you went to Nanhu and Xijiang to develop well."

"Mr. Wang, don't worry, Changfeng Industrial will purchase a large number of smart appliances and start selling smart living commodity houses like Mr. Shen."

"How many disks?"

"Currently there are six large real estate projects and eleven small communities. I can take out two large real estate projects and three small communities for renovation."

"Boss Wei is awesome."

Shen Zhipeng interjected: "Mr. Wei, I wonder if it is possible to set up a few Ginza squares on your side?"

"Naturally no problem."

"Thank you."

Mr. Zhao thought for a while, "My business is relatively loose, and it is not convenient to transform smart life, but I can lay SG appliances."

"Then introduce Sanlian home appliances?"

"no problem."

A group of people came and went, cooperated with each other, discussed for a day, and finally decided on the 'Discussion Plan'.

at last.

Shen Zhipeng asked pretendingly: "Mr. Wang, as far as I know, Tiancheng is the largest shareholder of Zigbee Mobile. If Ge Laoer sanctioned the new generation of SG equipment and made it unusable, our plan will come to naught."

"Don't worry, I've already made preparations, which is the 'Dragon Star Field' described at the press conference. Longtian Technology will launch a network-type space station into space next month, and strive to open registration before July."

The two directly ignored the question of who produced and who launched, which doubled the confidence of other partners.

at the same time.

The new generation of SG products of Longtian Technology has also launched a comprehensive publicity.

The promotion area is no longer limited to the Tiancheng industrial chain, but non-Tiancheng industrial areas.

Shenlong 3.0, Shenlong UI, Shenlong Forum connected with Panda Guardian, and several 3D micro-end games developed by personnel recruited from Tianyu last year.

Main theme: 'Reject krypton gold, promote sports'.


the other side.

The Science and Technology Alliance received the news that Longtian and Tiancheng were breaking up. The shareholders, board of directors, and company executives of all major companies almost opened the champagne and celebrated together.

Because Longtian withdraws from the Tiancheng industry chain, it means that Tiancheng loses the support of the smart card, and everyone can sell smart phones to replace the smart card.

Moreover, in order to counter Longtian Technology, smartphones already have credit card payment functions.

Of course, there are still essential differences between the two.

Smartphones are communication devices that focus on communication.

The smart card is a personal micro-terminal, mainly for the convenience of life, followed by social networking.

However, if a cooperation is reached with Tiancheng, the Technology Alliance will not only be able to transform smartphones into smart cards, but also take the market share of Longtian Technology.

Nan Bangzi's three awakenings are the first to get the moon, and its chairman personally leads the team and flies directly to Dongshan Jifu.

Afterwards, Moto, Nokia, Sony Ericsson, Panasonic, the largest mobile phone company in Wajima, Siemens of Germany, and Alcatel of France, which managed to survive the technological storm, flocked to the company.

Including a lot of computer companies at home and abroad.

Ge Xiaotian stood outside the mother star village that had just been sold out, on the construction site for emergency expansion, and met with the leaders of the Science and Technology Alliance who were stranded in Dongshan Jifu due to epidemic prevention inspections, and then came together on a ground-effect aircraft.

"You know, I'm a real estate developer, mainly selling houses."

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