Build Madness

Chapter 897 I'm a little tight

Shacheng Wuming Hotel.

This is the fourth catering department built by Tiancheng International Holdings after the Canal Development Zone, Neo Brass and Tiancheng Coast in Dubai.

For example, Guyue Hotel, Black Hotel Chain, and UFO Stadium Holiday Leisure Hotel belong to Tianwei Catering, Tianle Tourism, and Tiancheng Sports respectively.

Different affiliations and different service groups have also created different decoration styles and brand effects.

The Unnamed Hotel has no stars or grades, and is mainly used for Tiancheng's internal meetings, reception of important foreign guests, meetings of senior leaders and so on.

The nameless resplendent gold of the Canal Development Zone, the nameless mechanical heavy metal of Neobras, the nameless diamond sparkle of Dubai's Tiancheng Coast.

And Shacheng is nameless.

Simple to the ultimate Chinese style.

On both sides of the corridor, logs support the roof, and a row of marquees descends vertically.

In the hall, there are ancient paintings on the screen, carved dragons and tassels, beside the outer soft couch, there are ancient pieces such as qin, flute, pen, inkstone, etc., and in the middle are the Taishi chair and the Eight Immortals table.

In the distance, there are high mountains and flowing water, and an indoor rockery is looming in the mist. Behind the qin and flute, two ancient knights fought happily with swords, guns and axes.

In such an atmosphere, even the bigwigs of the technology alliance who suspect someone has ulterior motives can't help but slow down.

At this time.

Ge Xiaotian wore a long gown, and appeared domineeringly amidst the sound of war drums, "Sit!"

Everyone was stunned: "..."

"Since you've come to China, do as the Romans do. We're used to talking about things at the dinner table."

"You don't know how to throw a cup to make a name?" Chairman Panasonic has a lot of research on Chinese culture, and he looked at the hundreds of strong men in armor holding swords and shields that made everyone shudder.

"Haha, who am I?"

Ge Xiaotian walked up to a soldier with a smile, and patted his shoulder, "This is just a model, Qin Terracotta Warriors and Horses, alive."


"Sit down, serve the food and wine."

Not long after, the two teams of beautiful girls brought exquisite dishes, and the young waiters helped to fill up the five-star Moutai.

After drinking for three rounds, we got to know each other better at the table.

Ge Xiaotian put down his chopsticks and sighed, "You know, the S virus is rampant, my shops can't collect rent, movies and TV shows can't be shown, and even cars can't be sold, all of them are losing money."

"The domestic account funds were invested in the Shacheng project, and the overseas account funds were released to gold futures players. Later, they had to pay short-term loan late fees to the Bank for International Settlements. Money is a bit tight recently."

Before waiting for everyone to respond, Ge Xiaotian changed his voice, "Well, the Tiancheng family has a big business, so it's not a problem to just search for points from a certain holding group and collect 180 billion."

The leaders of the Technology Alliance know that the topic is coming.

Having money, doesn't it mean that Tiancheng has enough funds to pay everyone for research and development or OEM costs.


Ge Xiaotian chewed the beef brisket, and said vaguely: "But the S virus affects all walks of life. If I search for assets from the holding group to realize them now, the overall value will definitely shrink. It is estimated that the shrinkage ratio will be as high as 20%, that is, realize 100 billion yuan. , to take 20 billion less than before. 20 billion, a listed group just disappeared.”

Nan Bangzi wakes up three times: "Mr. Ge has strong financial resources, and he is not short of this money."

"Sitting and talking doesn't hurt your back. If it were you, 20 billion would be evaporated in an instant, would you be willing? Oh, I guess by then you will not be the chairman of Sanxing, and you might have already squatted in the cell to play with the chairman of KS Group." The game is gone."


"So, after much deliberation, I decided to have a good chat with everyone."

Ge Xiaotian ate and drank enough in advance, wiped his hands, "We are old acquaintances, why don't we owe the design fee, R\u0026D fee, OEM fee, production fee, etc. first?"

"Mr. Ge..." Motorola and HP manufacturers got up almost at the same time, ready to refuse.

Ge Xiaotian waved his hand, "You're welcome, you have to trust my character."


Who the hell trusts your character? !

Motorola President: "Mr. Ge, the S virus has also had a great impact on our company, and we are also in short supply of funds. How about this, I call the shots, we share the risk equally, you pay 40% in advance, and then we wait for the product to sell, and then make up for the rest How about the next 60%?"

The Science and Technology Alliance has a complete upstream and downstream industry of electronic technology. After several rounds of technological storms, various groups have joined together to keep warm. There is me in you, and you in me, completely reduced to a community of interests.

Therefore, after the president of Motorola stated the conditions, the big leaders such as Sanxing, Panasonic, HP, and Sony Ericsson were all silent.

Only the isolated president of Nokia seemed to want to say something.

But Nokia has the arrogance of "the boss of mobile phones" and does not recognize the credit proposed by someone.

Ge Xiaotian stretched out his hand, Dao Shiyi handed over the No. 13 cigar, took a sip, and slowly exhaled, the aroma of the new nicotine-free tobacco immediately filled the surrounding space.

The big guys nearby frowned slightly, and then their eyes lit up.

"Oh, this is a perfumed cigar, which does not contain nicotine, but can regulate body functions, and can replace perfume."

The waiter delivered a wooden boxed No. 13 cigar to each distinguished guest.

Seeing everyone bowing their heads and sniffing gently, with expressions of enjoyment on their faces, Ge Xiaotian motioned for the surveillance to take pictures and pass them on to Tianyu for advertising, and immediately said quietly:

"I agree with the 40% advance payment proposed by Motorcycle, but do you know how many Smart Cards are available in China so far?"

"500 million units."

"To be precise, counting the 01 version of the smart card for the elderly, and the 02 student version, industrial version, agricultural version, commercial version, and credit card machines, there are a total of 700 million units."

Ge Xiaotian got up and walked to the back of the Taishi chair, a curved display screen popped up, and the GIS system was called out, "Although Longtian Technology supports the old version of the smart card service, many existing smart cards belong to the 01 version. Now two years have passed, and the old and new models have been replaced. , coupled with the further expansion of Tiancheng's industrial chain, the old equipment does not support the newly added industrial services, and eventually about one-fifth of these users need to replace with new ones."

"That is to say, Tiancheng International Holdings' order for this non-public bidding is 100 million smart cards, and the total order value is about 300 billion. If I pay 40% in advance, I need to raise 120 billion red notes."

"As I said before, it is very difficult to cash out now."

When Ge Xiaotian was speaking, the waiter had already folded the curved display screens on the back of the VIP chairs in front of the VIPs.

Some slow eaters, or those who have just started to eat, quickly put down the 'chopsticks' they didn't learn, and wiped their hands while learning about the bidding information.

100 million units, not to mention in China, is a super big order even for the current technology market of the entire Mother Planet.

The president of Sanxing said: "Mr. Ge, the quantity is so large, we can't bear the corresponding loss, we must pay the full deposit."

The president of Motorola also received a general code from the Science and Technology Alliance, "Mr. Ge, I'm sorry, I take back my previous statement, and the 40% advance payment plan cannot be adopted. My new opinion is the same as that of Sanxing."

"That's troublesome."

Ge Xiaotian sat back in his chair with a sad face.

When everyone saw this scene, they immediately understood Tian Cheng's situation.

If Longtian Technology does not provide services to Tiancheng, who else can develop a dedicated smart card for Tiancheng except everyone here?

In other words, it's not everyone begging Ge Laoer for an order, but Ge Laoer begging everyone for help in research and development.


President Matsushita couldn't help making a sound, and immediately collected the subconscious smiles. Fortunately, Ge didn't notice.

In silence.

The president of BlackBerry, which was secretly acquired by Holden General Motors of Canada, said, "Mr. Ge, since you are in urgent need of funds and want a large number of smart cards, we at BlackBerry have a compromise."

"Oh? Please tell me."

"BlackBerry Group plans to enter the Chinese electronics market in 2003. It needs factories, residences, office buildings, and sales stores. Why don't you discount these to us to offset R\u0026D and production costs."

"How much is this? One or two hundred million at most."

"Actually, we value Sky Entertainment International more than these commercial facilities."

After the president of Blackberry finished speaking, the presidents of other groups suddenly realized, isn't now the best time to carve up Tiancheng's industrial chain?

If you can acquire a company that starts with the word Tian, ​​you will not only be able to enter the Chinese market smoothly, but you will also have a solid consumer group in an instant.

However, now is the time for BlackBerry. According to the regulations of the Science and Technology Alliance, everyone can't snatch it up, and can't lower the price. Wait for BlackBerry to get the order and go back to divide it up.

After all, BlackBerry cannot make a complete mobile phone by itself. It needs to use the screen of Triple Wake, the transistor of Panasonic, the circuit board of Siemens, and the system of Microsoft...

"Heavenly entertainment!"

Ge Xiaotian showed a look of 'movement', frowned for a moment of thought, then shook his head in denial, "Sorry, Tianyu just signed a contract with Dubai, everyone knows that the King of Dubai and the Prince of Dubai agree with me, not Tiancheng, I can't break my promise. "

"Mr. Ge is righteous!"

The Blackberry time ended, and the president of Panasonic quickly stood up and started the Panasonic time, "Actually, you can exchange orders with Tiancheng Cement Industry and our company."

"That's the root of heaven, can I dig my own grave?"

The Panasonic moment is over, and Siemens is here...

Next, Feng Shui took turns. Dozens of super high-tech companies announced their conditions one after another. They were interested in Tianle Tourism, or Tiancheng Logistics, and even Microsoft Bill personally opened a video conference, saying that they were interested in Tiancheng Online Shopping...

Ge Xiaotian's complexion was 'getting worse', almost bluffing.

After everyone was excited, they glanced at the soldiers with fierce eyes on both sides, and quickly stopped their flags and drums.

Ge Xiaotian rumpled his little broken hair, messing it up like a defeated head of state.

Before speaking, BlackBerry, which was acquired by Holden, appeared again.

"Mr. Ge, you don't want to part with the industrial chain, why don't you transfer some of your stocks?"

"Impossible, my hands are full of bull stocks!"

"As far as I know, your gold futures started to fall after rising for a few days."

"You want this? Yes!"

Ge Xiaotian's eyes lit up', he patted the table, "Come here, sign the contract."

"No no no!"

The president of BlackBerry quickly shook his head, "What I want is NT real estate stocks in your hands."

"You're thinking about shit."

The president of BlackBerry is not angry either, "NT real estate stock has skyrocketed since its listing and almost took off, but affected by the S virus, it has continued to fall since mid-February. Mr. Ge, your property is evaporating. Instead of holding it in your hands, Why don’t you transfer it to our BlackBerry, and you only need 50 billion Franklin’s NT shares, and you can get what you want, and get 100 million smart cards.”

"Five billion Franklin? Four hundred billion red notes? I might as well just throw them away."

"New York Securities, North American National Bank and other shareholders of NT Real Estate, are you allowed to sell a lot?"


"So, transferring to us BlackBerry in exchange for an order is the best choice."

Under the influence of 2012, the value of NT real estate stocks far surpassed that of Microsoft and Internet.

The other presidents no longer cared about the internal regulations of the Raoshizi Science and Technology Alliance, and for their own interests, they came out one after another.

Panasonic: "Mr. Ge, you only need to transfer to us NT shares worth 39 billion Franklin, and Panasonic will help you complete this order."

Nokia President: "We only need 30 billion!"

Hearing the quotation, everyone in the Science and Technology Alliance froze, looking at the president of Nokia, his gaze changed from contempt to coldness.

That seems to mean: You are finished!

"Quiet, it is impossible for me to transfer NT real estate shares."

President of BlackBerry: "Mr. Ge, this is your only choice."


Ge Xiaotian fell into deep thought.

for a long time.

Light a No. 13 cigar.

Meditate again.

It was a long time again.

He said hoarsely, "I don't want to exchange stocks for orders, I want to cash out."

"what do you mean?"

"There is an old saying in Huaxia that you can't put all your eggs in one basket. I don't feel at ease handing over the smart card orders to a company. Therefore, I agree to transfer NT Real Estate shares, but I need cash, which can be any valuable currency."

Everyone in the Science and Technology Alliance heard the news, chatted in low voices, and then contacted their respective teams or the group headquarters.

at the same time.

The photoelectric equipment on the top of the Unnamed Hotel rotates to capture a series of "signal waves" transmitted by encrypted mobile phones, satellite phones, or special communicators to various parts of the mother star, and imitate them. While sending the analog signals to the target terminal, The information was cracked and transmitted to the display screen of the smart glasses on Ge Xiaotian's face that looked like ordinary glasses.

Soon, the radar captured the feedback signal, simulated it, and sent it to the CEOs of the Technology Alliance, and sent it to Ge Xiaotian's smart glasses.

In less than a minute, an unprecedented "commercial information war" on the home planet ended, involving nearly 500 billion red notes.

Ge Xiaotian pushed his glasses, not surprised that the technology alliance was eager for NT real estate stocks.

Because it is indeed a super bull stock, at least it will not plummet before 2012.

But Tianke restarted, and it won't take long before Tiancheng will become a thorn in the side of the Science and Technology Alliance. Considering the North American 'sanction', Tiancheng will sell its assets in North America from now on.

Of course, on the bright side, Tiancheng only invested in NT real estate in North America.

President of BlackBerry: "Mr. Ge, according to calculation and valuation, we subscribe for 1.6% of your stock."

"1.6%? 11.2 billion Franklin?"

"To be precise, the stock price is 11 billion Franklin."

"Open your mouth and erase 200 million for me?"

"That's the highest estimate we can live with as it keeps falling."

"Now the price is only temporary. When the S virus is over, it can double."

"But you can't wait for that time, you need a smart card now."


President of BlackBerry: "Mr. Ge, at eight o'clock in the evening, the New York Stock Exchange in North America is about to open for business. The time waits for no one. If you hesitate, wait until the market opens. NT stock may fall again. When the time comes, our headquarters will The evaluation price given will be lower.”


Ge Xiaotian sighed, picked up the unfinished No. 13 cigar, remained silent for a long time, flicked his fingers on the table, and signaled to the financial staff, "Draw up a stock transfer contract."

BlackBerry has made a good start, and other companies are not far behind, sending similar offers one after another.

Of course, for follow-up orders, everyone didn't dare to slaughter them.

The province pushed it into a hurry, and threw the cup as a sign.

Almost at the same time.

Tiancheng International Holdings notified Holden, the stock king Laoba, and the Morgan consortium to announce the sale of the stock.

Morgan is the largest shareholder of NT Real Estate and has no opinion on this.

Holden and the stockholder Laoba had no objections, and even prepared an upper-level exchange meeting for the new NT shareholders of the Science and Technology Alliance.

It can be said that except for Ge Xiaotian's "lost defeat", everyone else is happy.

After the contract was signed and the New York market opened, NT real estate stocks rose rapidly under the operation of the stock king Laoba.

The CEOs of the Science and Technology Alliance, who were not worried about this at all, became even more elated.

Just when everyone wanted to continue negotiating smart card orders.

Two middle-aged men came from outside the hall.

"Wei Hua?"

"What are they here for?"

In 2003, Weihua was only a communication service provider, providing technical support for communication operators, without "mobile phone business", let alone chip design and research and development.

The SG products of WH store are authorized from Longtian and commissioned by Wanshi Technology to manufacture.

Strictly speaking, Weihua is only a franchised dealer of SG, because SG is exclusively owned by Longtian and created by Longtian.

Weihua and Longtian have been acting for two years, and the public can't understand it, but the technology alliance has already discovered the clues. After all, Longtian Technology focuses on gaming and entertainment, and Weihua Technology focuses on business office. They both use ARM-based Soc chips, which are just complementary .

However, the market share of the Weihua Business Edition SG is extremely low. After all, there is an Apple in North America, diverting most of the business people, while Huaxia Business started late, and those who are really engaged in business are using the Longtian SG pad. , or SG Notebook.

Therefore, the Science and Technology Alliance did not sanction Weihua and allowed it to lay Asia-Europe optical cables, Asian-American optical cables, and even polar optical cables...

It's also strange to think about it. In the past two years, Weihua has actually laid five intercontinental submarine optical cables and two intercontinental land optical cables...

Ge Xiaotian saw Wei Hua as the president, and knew that the other party had inspected the goods at Wanshi, so he took a business jet and flew directly to Shacheng.

"Mr. Ge, good evening."

Mr. Ren looked around at the presidents of the Science and Technology Alliance, "Mr. Ge, we are here this time to acquire Tianke."

"Tianke?" President Sanxing had some impressions of these two words, but he couldn't remember what they were for.

"Oh, Hello."

When Mr. Ren heard the voice of doubt, he took the initiative to say hello, "Tianke is not famous, but Tianke has a product that is famous all over the world."

"What product?"

"Machine number one."


"We, Weihua, are preparing to set up a mobile phone business department, and hope to have the opportunity to exchange experience with you in the future."

Hearing this, Ge Xiaotian was 'surprised', "Oh? Zongxiong Ren has a rough idea and started to enter the mobile terminal? Coincidentally, we are holding a smart card bidding meeting, why don't you also participate."

"We're just a small business."

"Try it, it doesn't cost money."

"All right."

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