Build Madness

Chapter 898 Let me have a look

Weihua is just a communication service provider, and temporarily joined the smart card bidding meeting. Although the CEOs of the Science and Technology Alliance were surprised, they didn't think much about it.

After all, chips are not something ordinary companies can play with, let alone build a complete device.

Not to mention how many companies need support from design, research and development, to debugging, network access, to OEM and production, the technical patent alone is enough for Weihua to drink a pot, even if it is as strong as the perverted upstart of Longtian Technology, it is enough. It took three years to perfect a backward industrial chain.

However, Weihua's entry into the mobile terminal means that the other party needs a technology alliance or Longtian Technology as an upstream enterprise. The former is the owner of the site, and the latter is at odds with Tiancheng. To put it bluntly, everyone is likely to develop into a partner.

Therefore, the CEOs of the Science and Technology Alliance took the newly signed share transfer contract and nodded to Mr. Ren to leave an impression, and then returned to their respective seats one after another.

Tiancheng International Holdings transferred NT Real Estate shares worth 100 billion to Franklin, which is considered rich in his pocket.

The next step is naturally to talk about the smart card.

Ge Xiaotian didn't disappoint everyone, he switched to the curved display in front of him, and listed Tiancheng's requirements for the new generation of smart card.

"First, the device must support proximity swiping."

President of Sony: "This is not a problem. We have cooperated with Philips Semiconductors to develop a short-range wireless communication method that follows Maxwell's equations based on non-contact radio frequency identification (RFID) technology, named NFC. If it is used in the payment field, I will I believe it will make the new generation of smart cards shine in the field of technology.”

(The card swiping technology Tiancheng first adopted was a radio frequency card similar to an IC reader. Later, Ge Xiaotian described the needs to Daoyi and described it as NFC, so Zigbee was born. Tiancheng did not have NFC technology. jointly developed by Sony and Philips Semiconductors.)

Hearing NFC, Ge Xiaotian was slightly taken aback, "That's a good idea, let me take a look at the prototype. If possible, the new generation of smart cards will use NFC."

"As you wish."

The president of Sony contacted the headquarters on the spot.

"Secondly, a smart card requires a high-resolution display to meet industrial design and architectural design."

"Mr. Ge, this is Weiduan."

"Yes, but the SG pad can meet our company's needs, and I believe the Science and Technology Alliance can do it too."

President of Sanxing: "We have developed a soft screen, which is different from the Twisted Nematic twisted nematic TN soft screen. It will not appear ripples when squeezed, and its tolerance and contrast are far superior to IPS hard screens, which can reach 3000:1. , the black and white in the screen are more pure, and there will be no problems such as light leakage, it is named VA panel, and it can be used in high-end liquid crystal display devices. I think it should be very suitable for Tiancheng's needs."

"Very good!"

Ge Xiaotian clapped his hands, "Do you have any samples?"

"Yes, it can be mass-produced."

"Send two sets as soon as possible, let me have a look, if there is no problem, use this kind of AV screen."

"no problem."

Just take a look, and you won't lose it.

The president of Sanxing also contacted the headquarters.

Ge Xiaotian continued:

"The next step is the core software and hardware. With the expansion of Tiancheng's industrial chain, the internal business is gradually diversifying, and the Baixiaotong forum has become bloated. We urgently need a variety of apps to differentiate the internal business and make the service more thoughtful. , Therefore, I hope that the new generation of smart cards will have the function of multi-background operation and multi-app synchronous data transmission. Therefore, a powerful AI chip is needed."

In the seat, the president of Xilinx raised his hand without waiting for the executives of Intel and Gaotong delegation to speak, and said: "Mr. Ge, we can provide the current generation of smart cards with the most top-level Virtex technology produced by the 45nm manufacturing process. It focuses on high-performance applications and large-capacity computing, which can not only meet Tiancheng's commercial needs, but also be applied to industrial, medical, and even aerospace fields."

"Sounds like a great deal, but I suspect the price will be high."

"That's right, so we have also prepared a new generation of FPGA products. The structure is similar to Virtex II. It is the first FPGA with 90nm process and 1.2v core. It is suitable for the low-end market, such as the smart card for the elderly, the smart card for students, and the smart card for poverty alleviation.”

"In just one day, you have arranged so many jobs. I am impressed by the efficiency of the enterprise."

Ge Xiaotian showed a satisfied smile.

Tiancheng's efficiency ranks at the top of the mother planet, and it is the target of all major companies to imitate. Ge, who formulated the concept of high efficiency and carried it forward, has also become the object of worship of many business managers.

Although the Science and Technology Alliance does not worship Mr. Ge, being recognized by Mr. Ge in terms of efficiency means that Mr. Ge is very satisfied with the Xilinx company.

Seeing that Xilinx is about to win the order, the presidents of the technology alliance are very calm, because everyone can divide the order according to their respective businesses when they go back, but the isolated president of Nokia is anxious.

"Mr. Ge, you need to consider network support, map services, navigation services, etc. Affected by ZZ factors, they will definitely not use GLONASS navigation systems, but GPS and Google Maps, but your intelligent industry However, it is built on the GLONASS star chain. In addition, the Purple Peak Protocol belongs to the Tiancheng standard, but so far, the Tiancheng standard has only been recognized by less than ten countries and regions such as Huaxia, Ice Bear, Nanyue, Taimei, and Dubai. , do you think North America will adopt it?"

The president of Nokia is very straightforward, because since the launch of the acquisition of Symbian, Samsung, Sony, Ericsson, Motorola, LG and other manufacturers have turned out of the Symbian camp one after another, and the two parties have already become competitors.

In addition, Nokia belongs to the Finnish Nordic company, and has a complete supply chain of electronic components in Northern Europe, such as chips, resistors, circuit boards, etc., which can be produced and sold by themselves, and even lithography machines are also supported by ASML in the Netherlands.

The most important thing is that Tiancheng International Holdings has entered into Northern Europe and successively established multinational Tiancheng in Denmark, Norway, and Finland to invest in the "Pirate Paradise"-style Xingyue Bay.

Nokia can definitely win the Nordic smart card business first. In Chinese language, this is: the near water and the platform first get the moon.

Finguo seems far away, but it is closer to Tiancheng than Nanbangzi and Wa Island.

"Mr. Ge, the mature Symbian OS has a complete upstream and downstream software and hardware service provider. Only we can prepare hundreds of millions of devices for you in the shortest time and at the fastest speed."

These words left many CEOs of the Science and Technology Alliance speechless.

Because the president of Nokia was right.

The current mobile terminal market is dominated by Nokia. Last year, mobile phone shipments accounted for 75% of the total mobile phone shipments of the parent company, about 200 million units.

Longtian 500 million units?

No, Long Tian is a recognized technology hooligan who sells game consoles as mobile phones and is not recognized by data statistics platforms or technology companies.

Nokia, which accounts for 75% of the parent star's shipments, does have a strong production capacity.

The Saipan OS has high energy and low consumption, and does not require too powerful hardware support, and it is indeed suitable for Tiancheng's industrial chain.


Nokia has produced many exotic models, coupled with its lack of emphasis on software development, resulting in fewer and fewer software that can adapt to models.

In other words, there are more and more skin-changing software that change the bowl but not the soup, and even users start to complain about 'boring'.

If Nokia still does not pay attention to the in-depth development of Symbian OS, it is estimated that it will take another old path in time and space.

Of course, all of this has nothing to do with Tian Cheng, so let's do whatever we want.

Ge Xiaotian pretended to meditate for a moment, then raised his watch to check the time, "Actually, I am very satisfied with everyone, but to use the old Chinese saying, it is a mule or a horse, pull it out for a walk. In this way, we will give you two days to prepare, and there will be samples out." Samples, if there are no samples, prepare the concept map of the new smart card, and we will start the first round of bidding in two days."

"no problem!"

Although the Science and Technology Alliance is a group, everyone wants to get the first order and then distribute it to other companies.

For example, Sanxing Electronics accepts commissions, throws electronic components that cannot be manufactured by itself at low prices to Panasonic, Sony, HP, Philips, etc., and when they get the components, they sell them to assembly plants at low prices, so that they can earn more.

As for the patent fee, it is all included in the quotation of electronic components.

Therefore, North American Gaotong is the happiest, because no matter who gets the order, he can sit and collect the money.


That night.

Ge Xiaotian met Wei Hua as the president.

As soon as we met, this guy turned on the projection device and said to himself:

“In the tech world, there are many types of businesses.”

"Some companies can design chips, but cannot manufacture chips, and need to entrust high-tech manufacturing companies to produce them. Such companies are easily sanctioned by the outside world."

"Some companies can design chips and develop their own systems, but they can't make chips... Just like the former, they will also be sanctioned by outside companies."

"Some companies can develop etching machines and lithography machines, but cannot produce etching machines and lithography machines. They need to entrust high-tech manufacturing companies to manufacture..."

"As for high-tech manufacturing companies, they need to find lithography machine companies to buy lithography machines, and at the same time find chip design companies to order..."

"This results in a complete mobile phone, the chip uses company A, the electric board uses company B, the system uses company C, the screen uses company D, and other electronic components, such as speakers, cameras, 3D gyroscopes, vibration motors, etc., It comes from all directions, so the word 'tune' appears."

"X mobile phone company, based on the chip of company A, adjusts the system of company C to create a UI desktop suitable for both, and then based on these, adjusts the screen of company D to make it more suitable for its own 'assembly machine'."

"The final result is that all electronic components only play 60% to 80% of their performance, and the performance of silicon-based electronic components will be further weakened if the resistance heat dissipation is included. During the user's use, the performance of all electronic components will change from 60% to 80%. 80%, reduced to 40% to 60%, 40% represents low-end models, and 60% represents high-end models.”

"This is one of the reasons why some mid-to-low-end models have excess performance in terms of configuration, but they are incomparably huge when playing games. Of course, quality issues are another matter."

"Based on the above, I would say unceremoniously that on the mother planet, no matter whether it is a mobile phone or a micro-end, it is very backward."

"But Longtian Technology is different."

"The Shenlong system is specially developed for the Shenlong chip, basically 99% match, and the remaining 1% is a defect in the manufacturing process."

"As for the Baixiao UI, it's just a layer of skin, which is convenient for users to interact with computers, because ordinary people can't learn to code like ghosts and dragons."

"As a result, even if Longtian does not use graphene chips, the Shenlong suit is only five years behind the Technology Alliance."

"It's a big step forward for us, a huge step forward."

"But Longtian is too strong. When it enters the European region, it will be the leader of Eurasian technology, and even kill the self-proclaimed Nokia."

Mr. Ren understood, "Checks and balances!"

"Tiancheng Technology, you have already familiarized yourself with it on the way here. It created the Shenlong chip, Shenlong system, and Baixiao UI. It is the backing of Longtian Technology. Although it later cut many scientific and technological achievements to Longtian Technology, it also retained many cores. technology."

Ge Xiaotian called up a set of chip structure diagrams, examined them for a moment, and then said, "Maybe neither of us can understand."


"However, we can understand the principle. This chip is different from the distributed layout of the Shenlong chip."

Ge Xiaotian couldn't understand it, but there was a plug-in close by. After scanning, "For example, every transistor array of Shenlong chip is like a perfectly planned city. The district is responsible for transportation, the central area is responsible for storage and external sales, and vehicles and labor are the signals driven by the current. Similarly, other phalanxes include furniture cities, papermaking cities, financial cities, audio-visual cities... In the end, these hundreds of millions The 'city' of the country constitutes a country, that is, a Soc chip composed of hundreds of millions of transistors."

"But all of this, in our eyes, is just a flat two-dimensional body, and the signal transmission directions are only left, right, front, and rear. In other words, people and vehicles can only drive along the road and cannot fly in the sky."

"This chip can fly in the sky, that is, the transistor layout of the 3D structure."

Mr. Ren: "The legendary optoelectronic chip?"


"Three-dimensional graphene chip?"



"You have nothing to do with Longtian, and you don't use graphene. This chip is called a 3D carbon nanotube chip, and it still uses multi-core. The difference is that multiple processors are no longer connected side by side, but parallel up and down. Together. In this way, the distribution area of ​​the cable is expanded to the entire surface of the processor, and the parallel structure also effectively shortens the length of the cable between each processor. In this way, an average area of ​​1 square millimeter can be distributed 100 or even 1000 not only the speed of data transmission is improved, but also the power consumption is greatly reduced.”

"What about performance?"

"During the inspection, did you experience the power of the new equipment?"

"Extremely strong and impeccable."

"The 3D carbon nanotube chip produced by the 120nm manufacturing process is comparable to the 90nm Shenlong chip. However, due to the limitation of the circuit board layout, the device must be made into a convex screen or a concave screen, which is used to place the chipset like a cube. "

"It turned out to be like this..."

"Longtian has a god core, so we Weihua can't lose our momentum."

"How about calling it Qilin?"

"Isn't that the same level? It's called Pangu. Pangu opened up the world, so there is a Hongmeng system."


"In these two days, you should understand the new equipment information thoroughly as soon as possible, and wait until the bidding meeting to perform a good show."


the next day.

The president of Sony invited Ge Xiaotian to experience the NFC prototype.

The function is far less powerful than that of the future. It only has the function of swiping the card, and cannot send pictures, information, songs, and videos.

Ge Xiaotian played with it for a long time, and was very 'disappointed'. He glanced at the system prompt, and comforted him: "Keep working hard."

third day.

Sunrise Electronics invites you to experience the VA soft screen.

The display effect is indeed more amazing than TN soft screen and IPS hard screen, and there is no ripple when pressed, but the touch response speed is comparable to system delay or system freeze, almost one second slower than fingers.

Ge Xiaotian entered the technology into the system, shook his head and sighed, "You used to be like a seller's show, blowing it up to the sky, but now you are facing a prototype like a buyer's show, can it be used?"

"Mr. Ge, we can further shorten the response time and strive to reduce it to 6ms within half a year."

"Half a year? During this period, my industry will be directly paralyzed?"


two days later.

The first round of bidding for smart cards will start.

The failure of the NFC function and the VA soft screen made the technology alliance feel bad.


Just when everyone was about to enter the arena, all the major news media on the home planet revealed the big news that Weihua Communications acquired Tiancheng Technology with 570 billion red notes.

"Where did they get so much money?"

"The point is, is Tianke so valuable?"

"Wait, 3D printing technology?"

"3D carbon nanotube chips?"

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