Build Madness

Chapter 901 I'm Just Very Venture Capitalist

The CEOs of the Science and Technology Alliance participating in the bidding meeting can all control the top 100 companies of the parent star, and their own brains and knowledge are by no means ordinary people.

Therefore, in the matter of transferring NT real estate shares, Ge Xiaotian absolutely did not cheat the technology alliance, and it was obviously a loss.

Before the transfer, the price of a single NT share was 181.8 Franklin, the average price of the transfer agreement between the two parties was 176.8 Franklin, and the number of transferred shares was about 600 million shares.

This means that he instantly lost (181.8-176.8) x 600 million, 3 billion Franklin, or about 25 billion red notes.

Not only did the Science and Technology Alliance feel that they were earning a fortune, but even the superiors and the people on the home planet thought that Tiancheng was in short supply.

Even this transaction has been selected as the case with the highest investment return in the past ten years in the mother star financial industry.

But the subsequent changes were a bit beyond everyone's expectations.

If you analyze from North American real estate stocks.

On the day the transfer agreement was signed, at 10:00 p.m. in China and 9:00 a.m. in North America, the New York market opened. NT shares rose 0.1% and continued to rise. The technology alliance, which was already making a lot of money, continued to make money.

If you analyze it from technology stocks.

On the day when the transfer agreement was signed, the technology stocks were affected by the smart one-card bidding meeting, and they exploded. About 100 billion Franklin poured in, and the yield was as high as 15%.

On the second day after the signing of the transfer agreement, the high-tech technology displayed by the Science and Technology Alliance at the bidding meeting doubled the confidence of shareholders, and the technology stocks took off immediately. On the same day, another 100 billion Franklin poured in, and the yield rate was also as high as 15%.

On the third day after the signing of the transfer agreement, Ge got the AV soft screen equipment and NFC equipment, denied the former, liked the latter, and revealed the meaning of 'calibration'...

Technology stocks are already so green that your eyes are green...

(U.S. stocks fall in red and rise in green, which is the opposite of China)

Although on the third day, when the New York stock market closed, technology stocks fell slightly, and the stock king Laoba issued an early warning that someone was cashing out a lot, but Soros, the stock god, said that the problem was not serious.

Therefore, this matter did not attract the attention of overseas stock investors, but pushed the downward trend up.

On the fourth day, Tiancheng International Holdings opened the first round of bidding, and Weihua Technology shined brilliantly.

Because the technology alliance will fail to bid properly, technology stocks plummeted, directly triggering the circuit breaker mechanism.

So, here comes the problem.

Who is cashing out early?

According to the information provided by the exchange, within two days, about 200 billion Franklin poured into technology stocks, and 130 billion was cashed out on the last day.

This value, minus the two-day rate of return, is exactly 100 billion Franklin.

The total transfer of NT shares is also 100 billion Franklin.

It's not that the Science and Technology Alliance suspects someone, but it's too obvious!



The CEOs of the Science and Technology Alliance who discussed the termination of the NT share transfer agreement with Ge Xiaotian soon received a summary report from North America.

Take a closer look, and look at Ge who wants to buy back NT shares at a low price...

The faces of a group of people turned black.

"We made 3 billion from you, and you will take the money we gave you and make 30 billion from us?"

"The key question is, do you still want to buy back NT shares at a lower price and continue to earn?"

"Mr. Ge, isn't it too much to play like this?"

Faced with questions from everyone, Ge Xiaotian was noncommittal.

"I'm a businessman, technology stocks continue to rise, and I have spare money in my hand, so I must follow the trend and invest."

"But the bidding will affect technology stocks. This is obvious to all. We suspect that you took this opportunity to short and premeditated!"

"You can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately."

Ge Xiaotian ate grapes without spitting out grape skins, stuffed them into his mouth like gulping dates, and said vaguely: "When transferring NT shares, you desperately lowered the price. My face at that time was no different from yours now, don't you believe me? There are photos to prove it."


The presidents of the Science and Technology Alliance don't want to continue to argue with this sunspot, and of course, they will not foolishly transfer the NT bull stocks that they obtained at a low price a few days ago, taking advantage of Tiancheng's shortage of funds, to this guy at a low price.

In other words, even if it is transferred to others at a low price, it cannot be cheap.

Otherwise, properly refer to the stock trading cases in the textbooks of Tiancheng Technical Secondary School.

The president of BlackBerry even thought of a title:

When our boss was short of funds, he transferred 600 million shares of NT Real Estate at a single share price of 176.8 Franklin. Five days later, he transferred the full amount back at a single share price of 150 Franklin. During this period, this huge amount of money poured into technology stocks. The superimposed income of 30% in two days, ask: How much did our boss earn Franklin?

"Mr. Ge, there will be a date later!"

The president of Matsushita walks away.

The other presidents also boarded the planes back to their respective headquarters with dark faces...

Ge Xiaotian was very innocent. He looked at Li Xiuxiu who didn't understand this matter, "To be honest, I really followed suit in investing."

"Well, I believe you."

"So cute."

"Can you spit out the skin when you eat grapes?"

"Scientific studies have shown that this improves digestion."


"Really, it's better to swallow the grapeseeds."

"I believe your evil!"


The next day, February 21st.

The health organization of the mother planet once again issued an early warning of the S virus, and announced the main epidemic areas, including Australia, South America, Canada...

Among them, countries such as South Vietnam, Thailand, and Cambodia have withdrawn from the epidemic area, resumed flights, and resumed production...

On the same day, the chairman or general manager of Nanyue, Taimei and other countries and regions organized a delegation to visit Huaxia. The new chairman of Huaxia received them grandly in Wangjing Tiancheng Building.

Subsequently, Huaxia ushered in import and export orders worth hundreds of billions of red notes, including fighter jets, tanks, steel, graphene...

"New year and new atmosphere, I hope Huaxia will continue to prosper as always."

In the evening, Ge Xiaotian stood on the rostrum of the Wuming Hotel in Shacheng, which was decorated as Huaxiahong, and announced the official start of the last round of smart card bidding.

The participants this time are all domestic enterprises.

Longtian has the support of reorganized Hedy, Great Wall Electronics, Goertek, ZTE, Bird Technology, Amoi Technology and other enterprises, forming an SG industry chain.

Wei Hua must also have a luxurious lineup here.

Including the newly formed HKUST Xunfei, Zhongke Intelligence, Zhongke AI Equipment, Zhongke Software...

And ZTC Zhongtian, ZTH Huatian, ZTN Yongtian, ZTA Hengtian, referred to as "China Eternal" four major semiconductor companies.

You can tell by the name, the software is supported by the University of Science and Technology and the Huaxia Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the four major semiconductors are supported by the Huaxia Aerospace Department.

Of course, Tiancheng holds different ratios of shares in these enterprises, otherwise these enterprises would not be able to obtain the corresponding technology and equipment.

However, even if they are all their own people, they can act in a full set, let alone live broadcast.

When the tender is in progress...

Semiconductor companies made public quotations to Weihua, software companies collected APP intentions from Tiancheng, and after summarizing, Weihua reported equipment prices that Tiancheng International Holdings was very satisfied with.

The supply price of the candy bar smart card is divided into 360 red notes, 650 red notes, and 1280 red notes.

The supply price of waterfall screen smart card is divided into 2680 red notes, 6880 red notes, 10,000 2 red notes...

The supply price of concave screen AR smart card is divided into 20,000 red notes, 50,000 red notes, 120,000 red notes...

Tiancheng announced to the outside world that only 8 red notes will be added for each low-end equipment as the operating cost of the card issuing center, and the price increase for each high-end equipment will not exceed 2%, which will be used as the follow-up exclusive service fee.

Immediately afterwards, Dongshan, Beihe, Xishan, Nanhe, etc. who paid attention to this matter announced the purchase subsidy through the official Shenlong account.

All the way to the West Industrial Park subsidizes 30% of the selling price,

Limin Activity Center subsidizes 25% of the selling price,

Xingyue Bay subsidizes 20% of the selling price,

5% of the selling price in other regions.

Seeing the news, the netizens who were not in the Tiancheng industry chain immediately became unhappy.

But seeing that the subsidy funds were donated by Ge alone...

"Another ad!"

"Changing tricks to attract us to buy a house!"

All the way to the West Industrial Park crowd: "It smells so good!"

Farmers in Limin Activity Center: "It smells so good!"

Resident of Xingyue Bay: "It smells so good!"

The rest of the netizens who only have a 5% subsidy: "..."

Subsequently, Weihua Communications Business Department announced that the first batch of new equipment will be launched in March, and the supply of follow-up equipment will be gradually increased on a weekly basis.

third day.

Tiancheng's independent groups established in various places, including Tianhao, Tianbo, Tianwang, Tianfu, etc., announced the opening of the market at the same time, and jointly launched 200,000 houses, and together they put on the slogan "buy a house and get a new machine"...

All of a sudden, there was a rush of looting...


Jinling, Longtian Technology Building.

Hearing that Weihua had won the Tiancheng smart card order, Pharaoh directly dropped his glass.

Everyone in the Discussing Ge Alliance also changed their faces instantly.

Because the main way to restrict Ge is to cut off the supply of SG, so that Tiancheng customers cannot swipe their cards or shop online.

But now, Tiancheng gave up using SG, which meant that Longtian not only did not sanction Tiancheng, but lost the electronic market attached to Tiancheng's industrial chain...

Old Wang took a deep breath, "Don't panic, Longtian still has a non-Tiancheng industrial chain market, plus the European business, at most two-fifths of the sales will be lost. If I can win the southern market, Longtian's strength will not decline. If it goes up, we can win."

Shen Zhipeng: "You're fine, but I'm in trouble. I've raised African lungfish worth nearly 10 billion in the desert. If Ge Heizi plays tricks on me, the Jifu Chamber of Commerce will be finished."

Mr. Zhao and Shen Zhipeng fought N times at the construction site of Yinji Mansion, and the relationship between them was not harmonious. Even if they cooperated, the two of them would look at each other coldly, "Mr. Shen can afford it."

"Are you farting?"

"Say it again, let me hear you?"

"I said you were playing..."


Old Wang Longtian slapped the solid wooden table to pieces, and in the eyes of everyone horrified, he said in a deep voice: "Since we are going to deal with Mr. Ge, we must unite as one, who dares to disturb the harmony, my old Wang!" This slap will definitely slap him on the face, and he will be dragged down. I donated Longtian Technology, and I think the higher-ups will do something special and allow me to farm in the prison."


Why are you so keen on farming?

However, although everyone wanted to complain, no one dared to speak out. Even the dissolute Mr. Zhao secretly moved his chair away from this ruthless man.

"Now that something happened, we have to learn to accept it. Fortunately, our deployment was mainly in the south before, and we can continue to popularize SG equipment in the future, so that all industries can connect with each other and then become one."

"President Wang is right."

"But we need time, so we can properly soften Ge Heizi."

"This..." Chen Donghai was very reluctant.

"If you don't give in, the newly installed smart tanker for you will have no network available and will be completely paralyzed."



February 25th.

Longtian Technology announced to enter the southern market.

But everyone understands that Long Tian was defeated and lost the Tiancheng industrial chain market.

Moreover, due to business damage and Longtian's lack of funds, it has been unable to build a satellite network 'Dragon Star Field'.

According to gossip, Old King Longtian secretly went to the desert in person, approached someone Ge to ask for reconciliation, and made a request to continue using the Zigbee protocol.

Instructed by his superiors, Ge was forced to compromise and restore Zigbee Network's support for the new generation of SG equipment.

It's just that Ge raised the licensing fee of the Zigbee agreement, resulting in the price of the new generation of SG being one-fifth more expensive than the old-fashioned smart card.

It can be said that Long Tian suffered a crushing defeat in this battle.

Until now, people both at home and abroad have just realized how powerful and terrifying Tian Cheng is.

Especially the real estate's countermeasures against Longtian Technology.

For example, the rent of the LT store has risen in the new year, and Tiancheng even forbids its subsidiaries to lease the store to Longtian Technology.

For example, LT store logistics and freight are paralyzed.

For example, all the office buildings of Longtian were cut off from power, water, and internet...

Although this is a malicious competition, when the two Big Macs collided, even the current leader of the High Procuratorate in charge of Dongshan pretended not to know that he was "ill in health" and urgently needed hospital treatment.

Of course, this series of news was submerged in the news that Ge Laoer was so poor that he sold Tianke, and soon Ge Laoer made a lot of money overseas.

The belated news made people see Tianrong's control over the financial sector, and Ge Laoer's "ruthless" and "black" attitude towards overseas capital.

Compared with Longtian's current situation...

"This fellow must have shown mercy to Old Wang's subordinates!"

"Nonsense, if you kill them all, the superiors won't allow it."

"That's because you didn't understand Weihua Technology's corporate information. Ge Laoer helped Weihua rise, obviously because he wanted the other party to replace Longtian."

"It makes sense. If it can be replaced, the official will never intervene."


"I suspect that the gossip that the old Wang was soft on is true."

"Ge Laoer almost told him to go back to farming, can you refuse to accept it?"


Tiancheng's deployment in the technology industry has temporarily come to an end.

The technology stocks that continuously triggered the circuit breaker mechanism did not usher in a new round of technology storm as people imagined, but were rescued by the North American Securities Fund.

This made stockholders who sold technology stocks in advance jump off the building one after another...

However, Overseas SG, Overseas Tianrong, and Tiancheng Intelligence Department, which were not confronted by Longtian and Tiancheng, rescued these shareholders.

As a result, a new profession was secretly born, called: Gold Purchasing Agent.

They will be attached to the three major security companies on the parent planet, and follow the prompts of the smart card to complete cheap gold purchases in various parts of the parent planet.

Funds to buy gold?

Of course it is NT share transfer money.

After all, North America would not allow so many Franklins to be swept away by someone.

The gold purchase plan will continue until May.

At that time, if the epidemic is over, it will be time for Aunt Huaxia to travel abroad.


Sitting in the office, Ge Xiaotian read the above information, which is the real purpose of this wave of operations, and pondered for a moment, "Did you take the opportunity to test Lehman Brothers?"

Dao Eleven: "Tested, the other party is fake, the market value of Franklin is 700 billion, in fact it is less than 200 billion."

"Let the old stockholders lead the technology alliance to do it. The technology alliance has lost so much, and it has to be made up from other places. Otherwise, there is no money to build the 'star chain'."

"Are you afraid that the leeks will not grow tall?"

"Look at what you said..."

At this time, a secretary knocked on the door and walked in, "Boss, the head of the department responsible for the Yinshan bridge project called and said that the rocket bridge construction is about to start. You said before that you are going to the site to have a look."

"Inform Holden that there are rich people who bought the boat tickets, and say that I will invite them to enjoy the big scene for free."

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