Build Madness

Chapter 902 Yinshan Bridge and Helan Bridge

March 1st.

Ge Xiaotian arrived at the Yinshan Engineering Department of Tiancheng Bridge.

Strictly speaking, the all-way westward expressway originates from Dongshan Qinggang, passes through Beihe Shijiazhuang, Xishan Jinyang Mansion, enters Yulin, Shaanxi Province, goes directly to Yinchuan, and then crosses Helan Mountain by virtue of the "rocket bridge" to reach ALS, without passing through the middle of the grassland Yinshan.

However, all the way to the west expressway has overall strategic significance and extremely important economic value. In addition, ground-effect transportation connects the Great Northwest, forming a "link" across the whole of China, causing the board of directors to begin to consider "vertical" issues.

That is to say, through this east-west highway, the economic development of the surrounding north and south regions will be driven and the strategic deployment will be completed.

For example, build a highway from Yulin leading to EEDS and Hohhao City, or a railway that runs through Yinshan Mountain and goes directly to Erenhot, an important border town.

Then, from Erenhot, an important border town, along the Daxingan Mountains, a ground-effect transportation line to Hailar (Hulun Lake) in the northeast will be laid.

In this way, the grassland green clothes can support the northeast green clothes at any time to achieve a joint defense system.

But because Tiancheng has not yet developed a mountain-type ground-effect aircraft, the board of directors had no choice but to build the Yinshan road section first.

Just as Tiancheng promoted the I-shaped giant rail, the superior changed the project to railway transportation and handed it over to Huaxia Energy Construction.

During this period of time, Huaxia Energy Construction has absorbed the old team of China Railway Construction, and after rectification, it has started the infrastructure madness mode.

Build wind power towers in grasslands,

Laying solar energy systems in the desert,

Helping Tiancheng build giant rail transportation in Dongshan,

Transformation of the power station for the Three Parallel Rivers Project in Xiaolangdi,

The first building in the sub-region is being prepared on Wuzhou Avenue in Shanghai,

Helping Teddy Luqiao blow up mountains in Hanzhong...

However, the huge business volume quickly led to a shortage of talents for Huaneng Construction.

It's not manpower, it's talent.

Including surveyors, designers, engineers, mechanics...

To this end, Huaneng Construction signed a talent sharing agreement with Tiancheng International Holdings.

Share Tiancheng labor dispatch company, share Tiancheng Architectural Design and Research Institute, share Tiancheng Bridge Design and Research Institute, share Tiancheng Water Conservancy Engineering Company, share the high-tech talent incubation base based on Tiancheng Technical Secondary School...

Therefore, the bridge department responsible for building the Helan Mountain rocket bridge was assigned to Huaneng Construction Group and renamed the Yinshan Bridge Engineering Department.

When Ge Xiaotian walked into the temporary command office, the 'Yinshan Bridge' project was being discussed inside.

The Yinshan Bridge is not the Helanshan Bridge that Tiancheng intends to build with rockets, it is located in the northern Yinshan territory.

Yinshan Mountain is the geographical dividing line from east to west in northern China, with an average altitude of 2,500 meters.

Its northern slope is connected to the grassland, and the terrain is gentle, but 95% of the area is barren of grass.

Its southern slope is connected to the Hetao Plain, and the landform is mainly formed by fault subsidence, with an average drop of nearly a kilometer.

And it is the fold-like topography of the southern slope that constitutes a natural barrier, making Yinshan Mountain occupy an important position in Chinese history and leaving behind many humanities.

Such as Zhaojun Tomb, Zhao Great Wall, Chicken and Deer Plug...

For example, the poet Wang Changling's "but let the dragon city flying generals stay, don't teach Huma to go to the Yinshan Mountains"...

However, the landform is complex, and the surrounding area is full of cliffs composed of ancient metamorphic rocks, and this place is still an "address fault zone". In terms of current conventional construction technology, it is impossible to build a bridge at all.

Tiancheng Bridge Design and Research Institute spent a year exploring and researching, and finally adopted a semi-trunk and damper seismic system as the main construction plan.

The so-called semi-overhead, semi-floating system with a structure similar to that of a sea-crossing bridge means that the beams of the bridge are not rigidly connected to the towers and piers, but are connected by sliding bearings. During earthquakes, the full cable-stayed bridge can swing longitudinally , to avoid structural resonance, to achieve the purpose of seismic energy dissipation.

The so-called damper refers to a device that provides resistance to movement and consumes movement energy, similar to a shock absorber.

The use of damping to absorb shock is not a new technology. It has been widely used in aerospace, aviation, military industry, firearms, automobiles and other fields. It is only in the new century that it has begun to be widely used in engineering, with Tiancheng steel structure being the most.

The combination of the two forms the main body of the bridge, spanning the entire Yinshan Mountain, with a total length of 36 kilometers.

These include 11 cable-stayed bridges with an average span of 1,200 meters, which are used to pass through the canyons between the cliffs.

In order to fix the bridge, the two sides of the canyon adopt the gas lift reverse circulation process of the hydraulic rotary drilling rig to form holes, build pile foundations, and install six caps of 4,000 cubic meters respectively, and use chain reaction devices to ensure the stability of the cable towers of the cable-stayed bridge .

In layman's terms, it is to drill two rows of deep holes on the soft sand, inlay thousands of 'nails' that penetrate the sand layer, and then press several heavy large iron blocks on the top of the nails, and weld the two together. Then lay iron plates with shock-absorbing devices on top of the iron blocks, thus forming the "Yinshan Bridge". Bridges ignore natural disasters.

Therefore, although the Yinshan Bridge has a small span, it is the first giant bridge system to cross the 'geological fault zone' on the parent planet.

The difficulty of construction is so high that it ranks first in the history of parent star bridges. If it is completed, it will break a series of bridge records.

Therefore, this project is the "Battle of Fame" of "Huaxia Energy Construction".

The investor is the board of directors, and the total cost is about 24 billion red notes.

Feeling unlucky, Ge Xiaotian secretly asked the leaders of Railway Construction to urge the board of directors to give Tiancheng Electric Industry an additional 1 billion red notes for improving electrification facilities, and opening digital management and information operations. The final cost became 25 billion.

This cost is the real cost, not a quotation.

Because all materials come from Tiancheng's industrial chain, they are delivered almost at cost.

And the exploration design was also completed by Tiancheng independently, almost no money was asked.

For the remaining transportation, labor, machinery, and fuel, Tian Cheng only earned what he should have earned.

If overseas construction companies are invited to evaluate the Yinshan Bridge, the construction cost will not be lower than 200 billion red notes.

Therefore, the board of directors is very satisfied with Huaneng Construction taking 20 billion to do 200 billion.

At the same time, it announced to overseas that it cost 300 billion to build the Yinshan Bridge.

One is that the Yinshan Bridge is worth the money, the other is for GDP, and the third is that large projects are being undertaken overseas.

Starlink in North America, Freedom Boat in North America, Alpine Shelter in Canada, High-altitude Floating Island in Wajima, Private Airship in France, Arctic Ship in Ice Bear, England...

Everyone else is doing it. If we don’t do it, it will look a bit different. Although Lao Ge has made an Ark project, it is not an official investment.

Therefore, the board of directors announced the launch time of the Shenzhou V manned spacecraft and the Tiangong space station plan.

This seems to have turned into a super race of 'fleeing away'.

What is the reason...


Ge Xiaotian wanted to laugh when he thought of this, but then he panicked again.

In another nine years, this cowhide will blow up, what will be done then?

I am afraid that people who are not from the whole mother planet will call themselves a liar...

"Boss!" Seeing him walk into the command office, Chief Engineer Liang of the Bridge Design and Research Institute stood up and greeted him.

"How's the progress?"

"Everything is normal for the Yinshan Bridge. The pile foundations and caps on both sides of the canyon of the Helan Bridge have been completed, and the suspension bridge is just waiting to be built."

"Take a good rest for a day, recharge your spirits, and wait for the personnel and equipment to be ready tomorrow to overcome difficulties!"

"Guarantee no problem!"

The difficulty in building the Helan Bridge is nothing more than the conventional construction method, which cannot pull the pilot cable to the opposite side of the canyon.

Therefore, Tiancheng Bridge Design and Research Institute has formulated the 'rocket bridge construction technology', which uses rockets to drag the pilot cables over.

What is the lead wire?

Can be described as 'construction rope'.

Just imagine, the span is about 1,700 meters and the depth is 1,300 meters. If there is nothing horizontal in the air to fix the 'scaffolding', how can workers and machinery build bridges?

And the thing that is horizontal in the air is called the main sling.

According to the requirements of the Helan Bridge, the nearly 2,000-meter-long main sling weighs as much as 200 tons even without counting the anchor, and there are more than one set. Otherwise, the steel box girder cannot be lifted, let alone multiple steel boxes. beam connection.

In order to facilitate the laying of the 200-ton main sling, it is necessary to pull a "thin rope" to the opposite bank first, then use the super winch to index the 200-ton main sling over, then fix the main sling and the anchor, and hang the main sling vertically The sling hooks the steel box girders, connects multiple steel box girders, and the main structure of the suspension bridge is completed. Then, the telescopic components between the box girders are overlapped, the road is paved, and the bridge can be opened to traffic...

And this "string" that pulls the main sling is the pilot rope.

Of course, the construction of long-span bridges and the construction of cross-sea bridges are two different things.

Moreover, this is the first time Tiancheng has built a suspension bridge, while the previous ones were all cable-stayed bridges.

What's the difference between the two...

The suspension bridge has bridge columns at both ends, and the bridge is suspended by arc-shaped ropes in the middle.

The cable-stayed bridge has a bridge column in the middle, and the two ends of the bridge are suspended by ropes.

Of course, the technologies are different and the presentation methods are different. Tiancheng once used cable-stayed glass suspension bridges in the Canal Development Zone.

That is to say, on both sides of the bridge, outward-sloping bridge columns are set, and the bridge body is pulled from both sides respectively. It looks like a suspension bridge structure, but it is actually a cable-stayed bridge.

The Yinshan Bridge in the north also uses a suspension bridge that resembles a cable-stayed bridge.

That is to build bridge columns on multiple hills, and lay a bridge between the hills through steel cables. It looks like a cable-stayed style, but it is actually a huge suspension bridge.

Strictly speaking, it is easy to distinguish the two from the appearance, but it is actually difficult to distinguish the structure due to the influence of technology. Even with the improvement of technology and materials, the two technologies will be mixed in the future to avoid geological disasters.


The next day, March 2.

As early as last year, the Grassland Army prepared two rocket vehicles and the corresponding Dongfeng Express. During this period, a trial installation was completed, and the effect was like a "small test with a knife".

When Ge Xiaotian arrived at the construction site of the Helan Bridge, the supervisors of Grassland and Grassland Green had already arrived ahead of time, and they were admiring the pilot cable mounted on the rocket with relish.

In fact, Tiancheng also has rockets, from the V2 using pure ethanol and liquid oxygen to the latest T1 using plastic fuel, the total number exceeds a thousand, but they are either deployed in Montenegro, or deployed in non-regions, or deployed in polar regions, and cannot be blatantly used. to use.

In addition, in fact, Tiancheng already has the equipment to bring the pilot cable to the opposite shore without rockets, such as a 200-ton ground-effect aircraft.

But when the rocket is launched, the work can be completed in a few seconds, so why take a big risk to use the aircraft.

Besides, rockets also have a shelf life, or 'storage period'. Although there is no need to inject fuel at ordinary times and refill after use, the internal components will oxidize and fail...

And the two Dongfengs that were given to Tiancheng for free to build bridges were -4 in the 1980s.

After careful calculation, it has been forty years, and it is very flavorful and solid.

Ge Xiaotian first ran up to caress for a long time, and then exchanged greetings with the director of the grassland and the director of the grassland green clothes, these two leaders who have never met but actually know each other very well.

Tiancheng set up a ground-effect transportation transfer station in the grassland, built a ground-effect transportation airport, built a westward expressway, installed the first bridge on the mother star, and established Tiancheng's second aircraft factory in the northern Daxing'anling. GDP not only solves the development problems that have plagued this place for decades, but also increases countless jobs.

Needless to say, the green-clothed supervisor, just like the rumors outside, he Ge Laoer has a grandfather who strengthens the platoon, shoulders all anti-stars, and a retired chairman, and two retired general managers live in Daqingshan...

Therefore, the atmosphere between the two parties was harmonious, and several projects that did not require the intervention of superiors were quickly finalized, including ALSZQ grassland expansion, ALSYQ grassland expansion, Yinshan North Slope Wind Power Plant, Yinshan South Slope Photovoltaic Power Plant...

Not long.

Several private planes from North America flew from the southeast under the mutual delivery of military fighter planes.

After a while.

Holden led the rich people who bought the tickets, and walked off the private jet in high spirits.

Different from the last time we met, the rich people were extremely enthusiastic this time, greeting each other from a long distance away.

"Hi, Ge!"

"Oh my god, you've become handsome again!"


Ge Xiaotian understood the psychological changes of this group of people.

The last time I tricked them into buying real estate in the desert, and let them hoard iron ore in North America, all of which were spent on buying and selling. If anyone were to face a project with no profit, no matter how much they trusted, they would resist in their hearts.

In the past few days, countless investors have followed suit and invested in technology stocks, and this group of people is no exception.

Ge Xiaotian asked Tianrong International to secretly inform this group of people to retreat in advance to avoid being trapped.

After that, the technology stocks plummeted, triggering the circuit breaker mechanism continuously, and the North American Securities Fund implemented a rescue plan. He asked Tianrong International to inform the group of people to buy at the bottom in the morning and sell at the peak in the afternoon.

In just three or four days, all the funds used by a group of people to buy boat tickets returned to their respective pockets.

Of course, the reason for this is because North America is keeping a close eye on Tianrong International and many offshore companies, so that they cannot take the opportunity to make a fortune when the North American Securities Fund rescues the market.

But let this group of rich people make money, and the effect will be reflected immediately.

"Ge, do you still have a ticket?"

"You have to talk to Holden about this."

The 130 billion Franklin earned by Ge Xiaotian from transferring NT shares and investing in technology stocks must be converted into gold through "Auntie Traveling Abroad", and then brought back to China, let alone keep Franklin.

Because Franklin is about to lose a lot of value soon...


Iraq War!

Ge Xiaotian looked around the rich people, and found that there were not many of them. He pretended to look at his watch, "It's getting late, let's go to the viewing area, and we will appreciate the rocket building bridge later."

"Very good!"

Inviting rich people to watch rockets build bridges is nothing more than showing that he, Lao Ge, is very loyal to his own people through the incident of "technology stocks", and then took the opportunity to draw in the relationship between the two parties.

half an hour later.

Green clothes operate the rocket car, Tiancheng employees fix the pilot rope...

From afar, it looks like a rope has been tied to the big monkey.

Not long.

Mr. Liang is counting down, three, two, one, launch!


The rocket with its tail flames, dragging thousands of meters of steel cable, soared into the sky, drew an arc in mid-air, and landed heavily on the opposite side.


Although the whole process only took three or four seconds, the way of building bridges with rockets caused a sensation both at home and abroad...

The tycoons couldn't get enough of it, "Ge, there's a rocket car over there."

"We shoot into the sky?"

"Very good, I paid for this fee!"

A rich man who made a fortune by speculating in stocks took out his smart card without hesitation, "Swipe the card?"

"Ten million red notes!"

"Small money!" The rich man readily agreed.

The grassland green-clothed director who was eavesdropping from a distance looked at someone as if he had seen a ghost.

This is a rocket given to Tian Cheng by his superiors, and Tian Cheng made ten million by hand?


The second rocket soars into the sky...

The target must be the empty and uninhabited prairie egg testing ground.

At this time.

Dao Shiyi quietly approached: "Boss, your plan to land on the moon has failed."


"Since the first day of the new year to the present, I have tried nine times to change the orbit of the earth and the moon, all of which ended in failure. Now that the launch vehicle is running out of fuel, I need to find a solution. Look, let it become space junk, or let the landing The lunar module is separated from the launch vehicle and flies to the outer universe as a probe with the help of its own solar system?"

"The product of the system, wouldn't it be good to fill it with system power?"

"The operators have interns from technical secondary schools. It's no problem to fill it once or twice. If they fill it many times, they will definitely feel strange. After all, the amount of fuel has been registered at the time of launch."

"The solution..."

Ge Xiaotian held the binoculars and watched the second rocket fall into the direction of the egg-guiding test site, and his heart moved, "Is there no mark on the lunar module?"

"No, it's all the product of the mastermind."

"Let it fall in North America, and announce to the whole world that the Tiancheng Daqingshan radar array has captured a suspected UFO alien..."

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