Build Madness

Chapter 903 Ge Xiaotian: What is that?

So far, all meteorites discovered by humans come from the solar system.

Because most of the meteorites from outside the solar system are blocked by the nebula in the outer reaches of the solar system, and the few fish that slipped through the net either hit the surfaces of the four large planets, Earth, Wood, Uranus, and Neptune, or hit the moon, or were destroyed in the atmosphere of the parent star Among them, even if one or two passes through the atmosphere of the parent star, it is difficult to capture it with the current technological strength of the parent star.

Yes, exo-meteorites are hard to catch.

Because the meteorites in the solar system run at a speed of about 11.2km/s to 72km/s, which covers the second cosmic speed and the third cosmic speed formulated by scientists.

Meteorites outside the solar system belong to the fourth cosmic speed, which will not be lower than 80km/s, which has exceeded the upper limit of observation by current technology. When people discover it, it is already close at hand.

In 2003, the fastest missile on the parent star was about 6km/s, and the ascent needed to get rid of the gravity of the earth, and was also affected by atmospheric friction. Let alone intercepting extrasolar meteorites, even facing slightly faster intrasystem meteorites, there was no way.

Generally speaking, if a meteorite suddenly appears near the moon, with the help of 'gravitational acceleration', it rushes towards the parent star at a speed of 20km/s, human beings can only quietly appreciate a 'shooting star'.

If the target of this meteorite falls is a metropolis, humans can only evacuate the residents of the area as quickly as possible.

If the radius of this meteorite exceeds one kilometer, the human beings on the entire parent planet will not need to do anything. Maybe hundreds of millions of years later, new species will display our bones in museums like dinosaur fossils.

This is the reason why Tiancheng's laser shot satellites shocked the world. (At the speed of light against objects below the speed of light, no need to discover in advance)

However, with the current technology, even if the Tiancheng laser can hit a meteorite with a radius of one kilometer, the energy of the explosion is comparable to the "little boy" thrown in North America on Wajima back then, and at most it can push it away by one centimeter.

The point is, the Tiancheng laser is obviously not that powerful, at most it is equivalent to an ancient artillery.

Are you desperate?

Fortunately, except for the unverified reason of "dinosaur extinction", the parent star has not been attacked by extrasolar objects with a radius of more than one kilometer for hundreds of millions of years.

And today.

March 3rd.

10:00 a.m. China time, 9:00 p.m. North America time.

The parent star's largest and most advanced radar matrix, Daqingshan over-the-horizon intelligent phased array radar, and the parent star's largest pulse telescope, Huaxia Beihu Sky Eye, simultaneously issued an early warning to the North American NA space department.

It reminded that an unknown object about 200 meters long and 45 meters wide suddenly appeared between the earth and the moon, and flew towards the parent star at a speed of 16km/h.

At the same time, Tiancheng 101 Laboratory determined that the end of its orbit is the Great Lakes region of North America after multiple calculations based on the laws of the parent star’s revolution and rotation, and the estimated arrival time is 158 minutes, and an urgent notice was sent to the North American NA Space Department.

The North American side received the news and was dubious.

Because none of the satellites under the NA Space Department observed this thing.

But for the sake of safety, adjust the over-the-horizon radar and start the telescope of the space station to scan and observe according to the parameters given by the Tiancheng 101 laboratory.


"What? Fuck!"


On New Year's Eve, Tiancheng covered up the moon landing plan with a Spring Festival Gala performance.

After the launch vehicle was launched, the remote control department immediately turned on the photoelectric simulation system to maximize the AR technology previously tested at the northern foot of Mt. illusion.

Therefore, in the past month, the outside world did not notice that the Tiancheng Aerospace Department was quietly carrying out the 'Earth-Moon Orbit Change'.

Although the plan failed in the end, it was expected that Tian Cheng was born from scratch and was in short supply of practice.

As for throwing the abandoned launch vehicle to North America, will the other party crack it...

Since Tiancheng didn't carry out the manned spaceflight project, and directly jumped to the moon, Daoyi bought a super-heavy launch vehicle directly from the system in order to ensure that the launch vehicle can successfully enter the low-earth orbit of the parent star.

Name: N1.

This is Mao Bear in the 1970s, who failed to launch four times and eventually planned to go bankrupt.

The reason why I bought it was mainly because the system's gold storage was insufficient. In the list of super-heavy launch vehicles, I could only afford it.

Of course, the system will definitely not sell fake products. Facts have proved that this large sky-swiping monkey with a height of 200 meters, a diameter of 45 meters, an overall weight of 600 tons, and the ability to carry 60 tons of objects is very powerful.

With the lunar module and the No. 1 town center avatar that has been upgraded to level 5, I traveled in space for a month, basically without any failure.

And this time it is thrown in North America. In fact, the launch vehicle and lunar module will burn up in the atmosphere, leaving a five-level town center that ignores the terrain and environment.

When North America discovered this 'strange item', Ge Xiaotian revoked his authority and turned it into scrap copper and rotten iron.


Beijing time at 10:20 am.

An employee of the NA aerospace department leaked the news of the 'UFO' and uploaded the satellite photos to Panda Guardian.


Major media at home and abroad rushed to report.

This is the first close contact with an object most likely to be a UFO in the history of human civilization, and there is a high probability of establishing contact with it.

The North American NA aerospace department denied the news, but the residents of the Great Lakes area revealed to the outside world that countless fighter planes suddenly appeared in the sky, the isolation belt was also pulled up around the lake, and countless soldiers were even seen arriving one after another.

When there are 128 minutes left before the 'UFO' falls.

The Galileo Laboratory in Europe announced that it successfully captured the trajectory of the object.

At 11:00 a.m. Beijing time, there were 108 minutes left to fall.

Ice Bear announces discovery of target...


Several major astronomy hobby organizations on the parent star released high-resolution photos of UFOs, which indeed resembled launch vehicles.

But here comes the problem.

This is flying from outer space instead of being launched from the parent star, otherwise it would have been discovered by various countries.


Only 68 minutes left until the fall.

North America was shrouded in endless darkness, and many people with astronomical telescopes also saw from the starry sky the 'long object' that was speeding up with its tail flame.

12 o'clock Beijing time.

People in the entire home planet no longer work during the day, sleep at night, or eat at noon. They either hold their mobile phones and computers, or hold SG, and frantically scan Panda Guards.

According to statistics from Montenegro Odyssey, the number of online users during this period has exceeded 3.5 billion!

Terrible numbers.

at the same time.

People who believed in the Mayan civilization began to advocate 2012.

People who believed in the theory of Tiancheng's origin began to publicize the return of the Nuwa tribe.

People who believe in the theory of alien civilization began to urge countries to prepare for the planetary defense war.

For this reason, the parent star joint conference urgently held an online video conference to discuss how to deal with this UFO.

Although North America wanted to take it as his own, but out of fear of the unknown, Xiao Bu was also panicked...

And for the sake of showing off, or in order to stabilize the Chinese people, Tiancheng announced the suspension of power supply in certain areas, which was used to operate the Daqingshan radar matrix and the 'space bases' deployed at the gates of Xingyue Bay in various places.

The next moment, the tops of countless landmarks glowed like neon lights, and there were vague sounds of 'rush, kill, chug' and 'the 99-year agreement expired'.

Resident of Xingyue Bay: "???"

Machine No. 1: "Active the atmosphere."

Ge Xiaotian's head is full of black lines...

At 12:20 Beijing time, there are only 28 minutes left before the fall.

North America announced the activation of the air defense system, claiming that it can complete effective interception.

But immediately afterwards, the French aerospace department mercilessly exposed the lies, and told the entire parent star crowd with a popular science article that even the natural laser beam could not cause the slightest disturbance to unknown objects.

The Ice Bear is kind of happy, claiming to be ready for a peaceful world...

At 12:40 Beijing time, there are only 8 minutes left before the fall.

In the midst of suffering, ordinary astronomers also discovered UFOs.

Seven minutes later.

The UFO is close to the low-earth orbit of the parent star, and the speed does not decrease, and it penetrates into the atmosphere.

10, 9, 8...

In the meditation of hundreds of millions of people, the UFO appeared in the sky of North America in just ten seconds, visible to the naked eye.

Then it disappeared in the blink of an eye and disappeared in the direction of the Great Lakes.

"what exactly is it?"

"Is it an alien?"

"Still alive?"

"The Nuwa tribe is here?"

12:45 Beijing time.

The North American NA Space Department announced to the outside world: This is just an ordinary meteorite.

When the news came out, not to mention the masses outside North America, even the North American officials didn't believe it.

at this time.

Tiancheng 101 Laboratory released a set of photos to the public.

In the photo, the picture captured and intelligently restored by photoelectric technology clearly shows to everyone that the UFO is a long cylindrical spaceship.

Netizens immediately exploded.

Some bold people, especially Aitge Xiaotian, wanted him to show up and say a few words. After all, in this regard, only those at the top of the food chain on the mother planet are qualified to know the truth.

As for Lao Ge, he is not only close to the people, but also has a 'big mouth' occasionally.

If you let it slip, maybe everyone can learn something about 'dry stuff'.

One spread ten, ten spread hundreds, and even overseas netizens began to talk about it.


Helan Mountain.

Building a bridge is an extremely complex and patient project.

After launching the pilot rope, fix the super winch on the other side, tighten the rope, and guide the main and auxiliary slings.

Then fix several slings across the valley, set up vertical slings, lay box girders from both ends to the middle, and weld box girders...

The equipment needed includes two 100,000-ton gantry cranes, six 50,000-ton gantry cranes, and many cranes and hoists.

Erecting machine?

That is the equipment for building viaducts and sea-crossing bridges, and cannot be used for suspension bridges and cable-stayed bridges.

During the period, there were various types of helicopter auxiliary installations, and the scene was spectacular and shocking.

The wealthy North Americans who came to watch the scene did not know about the "extraterrestrial visitor" for the time being, and they were looking at the construction site intently with excitement on their faces.

Ge Xiaotian took out the smart card that was ringing non-stop, and immediately saw the 99...+ Aite information.

"Damn, what happened?"

Dao Shixi said quietly: "The netizens want you to say a few words."

"say what?"

"Information about UFOs."

"How would I know?"

Ge Xiaotian flipped through the Panda Guardian forum, and suddenly felt a pain in his flesh, "It's a big loss!"

"What's the matter, boss?"

"Unexpectedly, there are more than 900 million netizens, and I can earn millions in minutes. Is it so good?"


"Inform Montenegro Odyssey, and say that if anyone wants to attack me in the future, they must pay 1 Franklin first."


"900 million netizens, lost 900 million in an instant, it's still Franklin."

Dao Shiyi was silent.

Why can't you engage in some normal means of making money?


Ge Xiaotian sighed, and under Li Xiuxiu's contemptuous eyes, he opened the portable live broadcast room.

Almost at the same time, countless netizens poured in.

Room 1 for diversion is full, room 2 is full, room 3 is full...

And the scene.

In March of the Gregorian calendar, it is still the twelfth lunar month of winter, plus it is located in the grassland...

The north wind howled, blowing the oblique bangs on Ge Xiaotian's forehead, causing him to squint his eyes.

The live broadcast was launched, and netizens were the first to see Ge Er Er who was "full of face".

"Holy shit, I suspect this is the best emoji in 2003."

"Screenshot taken!"


Ge Xiaotian: "What are you talking about?"

Netizens did not mention this matter very tacitly, and posted questions about UFOs on the public screen.

"For this matter, you have to find North American NA Aerospace. It's useless to find me, and I'm not at the scene."

As Ge Xiaotian said, he turned on the rear camera to show the construction of the Helan Bridge, "Come on, let everyone see that the second major problem of the westward expressway has been solved. If the paving here is completed, the northwest section can be put into trial operation. Wait until Taihang Once the tunnel and the Qinling Tunnel are completed, the entire line can be put into trial operation."

There were countless praises on the public screen of the live broadcast room, but the focus of netizens was obviously not here.

Immediately afterwards, countless comments questioning Ge's incompetence occupied the entire display screen.

Ge Xiaotian suddenly became unhappy, picked up another satellite phone, and called Xiaobu in front of hundreds of millions of netizens.

"I rely on it!"


"I'm Ge Niubai!"

"Who saw the number?"

"It's useless to have a number. This is a dedicated communication frequency band. If you call it, it must be busy."

Soon, the call was connected.

A very familiar American English came.

"Mr. Ge?"

Ge Xiaotian switched the language system, "Hi, Mr. North America, there is something I want to know about."

"you say."

"Honestly, what is that?"


"The falling UFO, what is it?"

"You may not believe it. When we arrived at the crash area, we saw a metal vehicle that we had never seen before, but the next moment, it turned into scrap metal." (The fifth-level town centers are all various base vehicles.)

"Do you think, I believe?"

"Actually, I don't believe it either. I'm on the special plane rushing over."


2:00 p.m. Beijing time.

North America officially released the photos of the scene of the UFO crash, and analyzed it from various angles. This is indeed a pile of scrap copper and rotten iron, which has no research value. It may be someone's satellite that crashed accidentally, or it may have been shot during the bear period. Outer space, spacecraft that have not fallen down until now.

But the mother planet countries don't believe it.

There are countless satellites, and it is not a secret how many rockets Mao Xiong launches.

What's more, many space agencies have photographed UFOs accelerating continuously when they entered the low-Earth orbit of their parent star. If it is an abandoned spacecraft, how does it accelerate?

In addition, the group pictures released by Tiancheng clearly show that this rocket-shaped flying object does not belong to any national aerospace technology.

(System artifacts differ from reality.)

Not only the European League led by France questioned, even England and Montenegro Odyssey also suspected that the 'boss' would eat alone.

North America is having a hard time...


The NA aerospace department gritted its teeth, "We have indeed obtained alien technology, this is from our North America, what can you do?"

Really can't do anything.

In North America during this period, it is completely possible to walk sideways on the parent star.

The European League died down, a little resentfully.

Montenegro Odyssey quietly contacted England: "Boss is so embarrassing!"

England's backhand is a small report...

North America felt that Montenegro was going to mess with it, so...

The Iraq War, which had been brewing for half a year, broke out.

One is to establish prestige, the other is to clean up the arms market, and the second is to weaken the ever-expanding Montenegro Odyssey...

However, the news about North America's launch of alien technology research also spread throughout the parent planet.


Helan Mountain.

Nine calls from the newsletter.

"Xiao Ge, what do you think of that UFO?"

"I doubt it is true, so we have to speed up the construction of aerospace."

"has plans?"

"I plan to continue launching the lunar module to the moon at the Tiancheng Space Launch Center in the desert this month until it succeeds."

The Nine Institutes were not surprised, because in the past two years, China’s science and technology has exploded, promoting the development of aerospace, and unmanned moon landing is no longer a fantasy. "Is the beyond-the-horizon remote control technology mature?"

"Need a space station to support."

"That's troublesome, North America will definitely not let us use their space station, and Ice Bear's Mir space station was abandoned as early as 2001 and crashed in the Southern Pacific Ocean. With the technology we currently have, it will take at least five years Only then can the Tiangong project be launched."

"As early as last year, the Tiancheng Aerospace Department formulated the 'Earth-Moon Transit Station' project. As long as the superior allows continuous rocket launches, maybe we can assemble a space port in 2004."

"Spaceport? What spacecraft is that?"

"As the name suggests, it is a port that integrates logistics and passenger transport, and is used for parking and docking space shuttles or launch vehicles. After all, Tiancheng is a real estate developer. We entered the aerospace field only to build houses, sell houses, and then drive tourism and business. "


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