Build Madness

Chapter 904: The Familiar Ge Style Routine

Ge Xiaotian chatted with Nine for two hours, and when the communication ended, it was already evening outside.

All-round lighting equipment was activated at the construction site of the Helan Bridge, and the workers completed two shifts and continued to assemble the box girder.

The rich people who came to watch the rocket build the bridge will be contacting the executives of their respective companies, or contacting relatives and friends to inquire about UFOs.

Because this group of people is different from the presidents of the Science and Technology Alliance, the latter belong to Tiancheng's one-time consumer group, while they are responsible for collecting iron ore in North America and belong to 'partners'.

Therefore, Tiancheng's hospitality department specially arranged super luxurious villas for them in Tiancheng Xingyue Bay in Yinchuan, and prepared many desert recreational activities, such as torque cars, single-person ground-effect aircraft, desert camel races...

Of course, if you want to return to your respective countries, you can leave immediately.

Ge Xiaotian bid farewell to the other party temporarily, returned to the construction site headquarters, had a cup of tea and rested for a while, and checked the news by the way.

NA Aerospace of North America broke the jar and admitted that the waste copper and iron are alien technology, which brought great shock to the parent star.

Not only has the masses had something to talk about after tea, but it has also prompted countries to increase investment in the aerospace field.

After all, if you fall behind, you will be beaten. Ira is a living example.

The French private aerospace company Arianespace, which is also the earliest and largest aerospace transportation company on the parent star, took the lead in announcing that it will allocate 1 billion euros to increase the research and development of Ariane's commercial launch vehicle, and plans to build the most popular "satellite network" System', which is expected to launch 600 satellites, welcomes global entrepreneurs to invest.

Shockingly, France not only agreed with Ice Bear to participate in the plan, but also signed a launch agreement with Ice Bear for the launch of the Soyuz carrier rocket.

But when you think about it, it's normal.

North America eats alone and dominates alien technology. If other countries don't unite, if North America is backlashed by aliens and becomes a puppet, wouldn't human beings be defeated?

However, this made Ge Xiaotian very dissatisfied.

I've been busy at home for a long time, isn't it just to make money?

The damn Gallic chicken wants to cut off the beard!

Ge Xiaotian immediately landed on Panda Guard.

In the past, in order to learn about UFOs, netizens asked "Ge Laoer" one after another. Although he pretended to be a wave with Xiaobu, netizens did not get the answer they wanted. Now that Aite charges for it, netizens are still enthusiastic .

As soon as the forum was opened, more than a dozen Aite messages popped up almost every second.

"I really want them to go on forever..."

Ge Xiaotian rubbed the gossip displacement keyboard, edited a 'talk', and then synchronized to the web, "No one knows UFOs better than me!"

This is the truth.

But netizens don't know.

Almost instantly, comments appeared below.

"Drinking too much? A bottle of brain-invigorating and kidney-tonifying liquid, nourishing the stomach and sobering up, is the best choice."

"I bet, there will definitely be dry goods next!"

"All kinds of media are ready, Lao Ge has something to say!"

"Nine times out of ten, I drank too much. Today, the Helan Bridge is pulling the main sling. Tian Cheng invited donors to organize a tour. That is a large group of super rich people. Old Ge must be too drunk."

According to Tian Cheng's clear signs of account flow, the ticket money that Holden paid belongs to the project money invested in Huaxia, not the "Ark boat ticket payment", otherwise it is a fraud, and in the eyes of the rich, all the way to the West Highway It is indeed the 'Ark Project'. Therefore, the outside world has the news that the Helan Bridge has donated to overseas rich people.

(The 25 billion of the board of directors is to invest in the Yinshan Bridge, which is a strategic project. The Helan Bridge is mainly used to connect the westward highway)

Just when netizens were talking about it.

Ge Xiaotian published multiple "graphics and texts" in a row, which were also synchronized to the web.

The content includes the time point when the Daqingshan radar matrix captured the UFO, the appearance form of the UFO simulated by the Tiancheng 101 laboratory, and the guesses based on the information collected by the Tiancheng xx laboratory...

And the appearance of UFOs restored by optoelectronic technology.

In short, this is a shuttle-shaped spacecraft with a streamlined structure that suddenly appeared between the earth and the moon through the space jump technology.

As for the universe without air, why should it be designed to be streamlined.

Because there is still friction in the universe, the streamlined shape is like a loach, with the help of its own internal technology to construct a "synovium" on the surface, it is convenient to sail quickly in a non-absolute vacuum environment...

There are a lot of blah blah, even overseas news media that don't pay much attention to this matter have come to the panda guardian forum.

For a while, Ge Lao Er's account attracted global attention.


Ge Xiaotian put down the pen and paper, picked up the smart card to take a photo, uploaded the legend, and synchronized the web.

next moment.

Billions of people on the home planet, including the chairman and general manager of hundreds of countries and regions, saw the confusing information.

The content is as follows:

2003 Tiancheng International Holdings General Contracting Quotation Form for Unconventional Projects.

Network satellite: including manufacturing, including launch, including insurance, including operation, 200 million red notes/piece, or 30 million Franklin/piece, or equivalent precious metals. If purchased separately, delivery to your door, free installation, 150 million red notes/piece, or 20 million Franklin...

Commercial satellites, meteorological satellites, astronomical satellites, geographic satellites, ibid.

Technology experiment satellite, 500 million red notes...

Reconnaissance satellites, navigation satellites, interception satellites, etc., ibid.

Space launch center: including materials, including software and hardware support, including technical support, including launch area, measurement station, technical test area, fuel reserve area, command and control center... Small 15 billion red notes, medium 25 billion red notes, large-scale negotiable .

Launch vehicle: manufacturing, transportation, insurance, fuel included, charged according to the load, 200 million red notes/piece for sale... If purchased separately, delivery to your door, free commissioning...

Unmanned space shuttle: including manufacturing, including transportation, including insurance...

Seats on the space station: Astronauts are guaranteed to be sent to their destinations, full refund if failed, 300 million red notes per person, or 40 million Franklin per person... No standing tickets, breakfast and dinner not included.

Spacesuit: Made of a new generation of nanofiber materials, anti-radiation, high and low temperature resistance, built-in intelligent micro-terminal...

Living cabin: Made of a new generation of nano-ceramic materials, anti-radiation, high and low temperature...

Lunar Lander: Using high-strength superalloys...

Interstellar minecart: Manufactured using the two-legged humanoid mech technology that Tiancheng has been experimenting with for two years, it can be remotely controlled beyond the line of sight, and can be used for mineral mining and engineering construction on the surface of planets with harsh environments...

Intelligent dummy: Manufactured with the No. 1 machine technology, it can simulate 99% of human physiological conditions, and can carry out some space experiments, and can carry out spacewalks without equipment. Although the lifespan is only 20 days, the price is extremely low, only five Thousands of red notes...

Aerospace Capsule: This is an essential food for astronauts. It can satisfy hunger, replenish water and nutrition, and can also be used as a snack. It has 15 flavors to choose from, including strawberry, papaya, cucumber, orange, watermelon, and beef Flavor, mutton flavor, donkey meat flavor, crayfish flavor, African lungfish flavor... 200 red notes/piece, shelf life of five years, 250 grams per piece, no postage, no door-to-door delivery, need to be paired with a manned rocket Buy.

Aerospace Gym...

Aerospace Concert Hall...


In addition, it undertakes the renovation project of the space launch center, as well as the repair, recovery, and troubleshooting of launch vehicles, satellites, and space stations.


Time seemed to freeze, and after a full dozen seconds, the comments below appeared.


"I really doubt that Ge Laoer wrote it himself!"

"Are you kidding me?"


"Damn, big news, Nanyue really placed an order, and it's still online shopping!"

"What? Online shopping?"

"Yes, I bought a satellite with Taimei, and the latter bought a satellite and a launch vehicle. I guess I want to play two stars with one stone."


Hundreds of millions of netizens were stunned.

Immediately afterwards, countless people flocked to the Tiancheng online shopping platform.


"Holy shit, I know houses in Xingyue Bay can be purchased online, but online shopping for the entire community?"

"Iron ore can also be purchased online?"

"By the way, when did so many new categories be added, such as metal minerals, civil engineering resources, fishery and seafood..."

"It was updated on the morning of the first day of the new year, but you didn't pay attention."

"Pay attention, there is an 'Enterprise Purchase' option below, click it in and have a look, there are surprises!"

"Damn it, you can actually buy weapons online? Fighter planes? Tanks? Aircraft?"


"This is so..."

"What are you thinking? You can't buy it. This is a national-level online shopping platform. You need to pay a deposit of 1 billion to be eligible for registration. And, depending on the supplier, it's Daqin Bingfeng."


"This business is..."

"It's so big!"


The Baixiaotong forum that has not been closed yet.

Many netizens who were unwilling to suspend the service of Baixiao UI and stayed in the old forum to protest suddenly stopped protesting.

"You say, is this a coincidence?"


"Just after the UFO crash happened on the parent planet, Ge Lao Er launched this offer..."

"Hey? After you say that, I really feel that this routine is a bit familiar."

"Whether you are familiar with it or not, this is obviously Ge Laoer's usual routine. First stir up the popularity, and then take the opportunity to advertise."


"No, that UFO couldn't have been created by Tian Cheng, could it?"

"Things are beyond our imagination, but it is precisely this that makes me more sure that Tian Cheng did it, because... Tian Cheng is omnipotent!"


The slogan is so smooth, are you afraid it's not Gouto?

Gou Tuo: "The important thing is that we can use this matter to threaten Ge Laoer and force him to restart the Baixiao UI, otherwise we will announce to the world that the UFO was created by Ge Laoer!"

The rest of the netizens: "You're so beautiful, Tian Cheng has prepared the space station and the launch vehicle, I don't want to go to outer space to do free absenteeism... just slip away."


Gouto was very sad.

Recruitment is difficult these days!


March 20th.

The Baixiao UI, which has been running for nearly three years, ceased its service and became history together with the Baixiaotong Forum.

Numerous netizens spontaneously gathered at Panda Guardian to commemorate the milestone of China's Internet, Bai Xiao Tong.

Tianyu International's games, including Bai Xiaotong NPC, also launched commemorative activities one after another. The online rate of players on that day was the highest in the new century, and brought billions of virtual item revenue to Tianyu.

the same day.

Longtian Technology launched the Shenlong UI based on the Shenlong system. The page is simple, supports the dark mode, supports the panda guard, and supports the Tianyu game platform.

Regardless of whether you are playing games, listening to music or watching videos, the running smoothness of the Shenlong system is far superior to that of the Baixiao UI, which runs slowly due to its many functions.

After all, the number of non-Tiancheng industrial chain residents is much higher than that of Tiancheng industrial chain residents.

Also the same day.

Weihua Technology updated the WH store, and put the second batch on the shelves, which is also the first batch of new mate series phones officially sold to the outside world, and the Hongmeng system based on the Pangu chip research and development.

The advent of the waterfall screen, coupled with the AR micro terminal, immediately attracted thousands of customers to buy it.

So far, the two major technology alliances in China have begun to confront each other, or launch new technologies, or launch new equipment, or start a price war, or blackmail each other...

Then, Rice Technology, which has been tepid for nearly two years, declared bankruptcy. At the beginning, Lei Ge was hired from Jinshan, returned to Tiancheng Aerospace Department, and started to formulate the third China Science and Technology Alliance, which is the design and development of photoelectric core series equipment. and simulated operations.

Still the same day.

Tiancheng International Holdings announced that the main construction of the Helan Bridge has been completed, and it has become the first long-span suspension bridge constructed by rocket technology on the parent planet.

In addition, Ge Xiaotian personally announced that on April 1st, the Beidi 1st Road to the West Expressway, the section from the northern end of the Taihang Tunnel to the Yinchuan ALS section will start trial operation.

At that time, all private cars, freight vehicles, and passenger vehicles will be free of tolls until May 1, which is before the opening of the Taihang Tunnel.

Also the same day.

The Iraq War officially broke out.

About forty-nine countries on the home planet declared war on Iraq, but they were also attacked by Ice Bear, France, Germany, Huaxia, Petroleum, Odili, Swiss, Langyi, African Union and many more countries and regions. criticism and condemnation.

In other words, this is the first illegal battle on the home planet since the new century.

in action.

At 5 a.m. Beijing time, North America bombed important cities in Iraq.

Subsequently, Montenegro Odyssey, as the main force on the ground, dispatched hundreds of thousands of church guards, and under the super firepower of fast armor, a large number of personnel carriers, fighter planes, helicopters, and rocket vehicles, they rushed into the target urban area with lightning speed.

At 7 a.m., England accused the Montenegrin Odyssey XI Corps of not carrying out their plan and specifically looking for bank vaults.

At 8 o'clock in the morning, Bo Lan accused the Montenegrin Odyssey Ninth Army of not implementing the plan and specifically looking for factories.

At 12:00 noon, Australia accused the Montenegro Odyssey Sixth Corps of not implementing the plan and specifically looking for shopping malls and office buildings.

At 1 p.m., the Netherlands accused the Montenegrin Odyssey First Army of looting their own tanks.

At 2 o'clock in the afternoon, Nan Bangzi accused the Montenegrin Odyssey Second Army of detaining all their belongings.

At 2:30 p.m., Wajima accused a certain team of the Montenegro Odyssey of bombing themselves as the Iraqi Army, causing heavy losses.

At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, the Black Bear Army surrendered to the Fifth Army of the Montenegro Odyssey.

At 4:00 p.m., North America suspended operations in Iraq.

Because the Montenegro Odyssey was like locusts crossing the border, evacuating several border cities.

The point is, this indiscriminate attack method is too brutal. If the attack continues, I am afraid that the whole of Iraq will become a flat ground with nothing.

Not to mention NATO, even the other countries on the home planet are seeing eyelids jumping...

Chairman Yila, whose name is similar to Monkey Sailei, complained about Montenegro Odyssey on TV:

"They are like returning to their own home. They are familiar with the road wherever they go. They never come into direct contact with us. Even if they do, it is to attract the attention of our legion, so that they can take the opportunity to go around and move things..."

"Look at the Mediterranean Sea. They are filled with dozens of ships. There are our TVs, radios, thermos bottles, bicycles, buses, safes, processing equipment... My Lord, and women and children!"


The Montenegrin Odyssey is the capital system, which is the basis for its acceptance by Western countries.

But Montenegro Odyssey is a private enterprise system.

That is to say, from top to bottom, all adopt the company system, which is obviously different from multi-D executive Z. The surrounding countries that have been incorporated into its system are branch companies, and the surrounding areas are subsidiary companies.

The unified enterprise management system has created the 'high efficiency' of Montenegro Odyssey.

Here, everyone is working hard, not wasting food, time, or property, and working hard to develop Montenegro...

If you don't work hard, join the Templar Guard.

The Guardians of the Sanctuary are two different things from the Sea Division of the Montenegro Odyssey.

The Montenegro Odyssey Sea Department is the only official military system of the Montenegro Odyssey. It is responsible for guarding Montenegro. It currently has five aircraft carriers, four fleets, and a total force of 30,000 troops.

But the guard of the temple is the criminal institution responsible for guarding the "prisoners" and "lazy people" of the temple security group, including rogues captured from refugees, and ruthless people captured in the war-torn areas of West Asia and Turkey.

Montenegro Odyssey is a very tolerant country. There is no death penalty here, only labor reform.

Therefore, during the period of serving the sentence, as long as the guards of the temple complete certain labor according to the regulations of the Montenegro Odyssey, they can be personally pardoned by the chairman of Montenegro and granted legal status.

And this labor is... to catch people.

In other words, like a 'water ghost', he must arrest someone to replace him in order to be free.

In the same way, if you can obtain property matching your worth from a war zone or a war-torn zone and submit it to the Montenegro Odyssey, you can also be pardoned.

This system has made the whole people of Montenegro good at fighting.

Because after working for a long time, everyone wants to be lazy, and being lazy is tantamount to making a mistake, and if you make a mistake, you will go to the battlefield, and the east, from Tuji to Ba, is a war zone.

In the past two years, all the people of Montenegro Odyssey have become soldiers, and the name of belligerence has surpassed that of the fighting nation Ice Bear.

North America was worried that this little brother would be out of control, so he made him the main ground attacker in the Iraq campaign.

The purpose is to consume.

But now, Montenegro broke into the capital of Iraq in just one day...

The problem is, this guy beats his own people harder than Iraq.

North America immediately ordered Montenegro Odyssey to withdraw from the Iraq operation.

Then found out...

The legions of other countries either lost their supplies or suffered heavy losses. Next, it seems that they can only go on their own.

Fortunately, the Montenegro Odyssey swept away a large number of people, and the follow-up battles did not need to worry about the masses and urban infrastructure.

And then……

When 20,000 North American soldiers followed tanks and personnel carriers into Baghdad, they immediately encountered the most brutal street fighting in history.

The intensity of the battle made Chairman Yila somewhat skeptical: Do I have such an awesome army? !

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