Build Madness

Chapter 905 The mother star is changing rapidly, but Laoge is as stable as Mount Tai

The rapid development of the Internet has greatly shortened people's social distance, allowing people to form countless communication circles around local servers on forums, web and other platforms based on countries and regions.

Cheap and massive SG equipment, as well as computers and smart phones that have been lowered in price, have given more people who could not afford to have access to the Internet and joined the communication circle, so as to broaden their horizons and increase their knowledge.

Countless intercontinental optical cables, submarine optical cables, and network satellites have closely connected the communication circles in various regions, thereby allowing Internet users to understand more foreign cultures and get in touch with more exotic styles.

This is the information age.

However, the rapid deployment of equipment has led to a shortage of entertainment resources on the Internet, so that whenever there is something new in a certain place, it can instantly attract netizens who are new to the Internet or who do not like to play games.

In recent years, the focus of news on the mother star network has been the spread of war-torn areas throughout West Asia.

The news content includes the composition of various forces, the military equipment of each force, the areas controlled by each force, the friction and collision between various forces, the number of refugees and the resettlement status...

According to incomplete statistics, as of March 2003, the number of Internet users on Motherstar exceeded 2.5 billion.

That's right, 2.5 billion!

'Even non-regions have access to the Internet, why don't you buy SG? '

This is the slogan of Longtian Technology this year.

The 2.5 billion netizens will almost always check news from West Asia at any time.

Such a huge "news market", or such a large demand, prompted the profession of "war correspondent" to usher in an explosive period after World War II.

They include not only ordinary reporters, joint conference reporters, official reporters from various countries, but also representatives of various forces in West Asia.

These representatives signed the West Asia war correspondent agreement and never participated in the battle. They were only responsible for filming and collecting materials, editing news, and making news without news...

As well as the official website responsible for operating their respective forces, the official Panda Guardian forum account, the official online shopping and shipping platform...

The professionalization of war reporters makes local war reporters in West Asia possess extremely high professionalism and ethics. They will always take eye-catching photos and videos from tricky angles, and they will always go out of their way to save people who are in danger. They even dared to stop hostile attacks alone to protect tourists from other countries who strayed into the area.

Therefore, the West Asian battlefield reporters left countless legends on the home planet, and also created a large number of excellent reporters who are famous on the home planet.

They are not afraid of death, not afraid of war, rich in philosophy, have independent thinking, can create their own national theories, and have a very high level of culture, providing hundreds of millions of netizens with conversation before and after meals.

Today, their figures appear in the Iraqi battlefield and upload every detail of the local area to the Internet.

Including the militia of the attacking side, the soldiers of the defensive side, the armaments of both sides, and the tactics of both sides...

This led to the people of the whole mother planet witnessing the street fighting in Iraq.

The cruelty of the street fighting in Iraq also surpassed everyone's understanding of war. It was not a contest between people, nor a collision between weapons, but a feast of flesh and blood and explosions.

According to incomplete statistics, on the first day alone, the offensive team lost one-fifth, and the defensive team...unknown.

Because the defenders couldn't figure out why they had such awesome militias.

This also led to the fact that the mother planet was completely shrouded in the shadow of war throughout the end of March, and it also caused anti-war demonstrations to break out overseas, especially in the country where the attacker was the most.

By the beginning of April, several cities in the war zone were blasted, no, the attackers were razed to the ground by the war and suffered heavy losses. They had to order Montenegro Odyssey, which was in charge of the ground offensive before, to return to action and take this opportunity to withdraw their own forces.

However, as the most loyal little brother of the offensive side, Montenegro Odyssey turned to the anti-war coalition headed by France and publicly accused the former big brother...

Big Brother was almost blown up, but he couldn't do anything about the Montenegro Odyssey for the time being.

What's even more infuriating is that Montenegro Odyssey blocked the entire Mediterranean Sea with its powerful sea department, and collected tolls from former teammates, namely Bolan and Austrian, to support the Iraq campaign. acquiescence to this behavior.

This makes the big brother who can walk sideways on the home planet very uncomfortable.

The situation on the mother star also undergoes a major change at this moment...

In other words, from now on, the European region will be the European region, and North America will be North America. The Montenegro Odyssey Alliance will regain its former glory and become the successor of the 'Southern Alliance', and submit an application to the Mother Planet United Conference.

(The Southern League used to be very strong, so it could be free from birds and bears, and not afraid of North America. At that time, it belonged to a developed area, with sports as the most important thing. After the disintegration, the football team is still the top few in the world. Unfortunately... use a strategy game to describe it , the geographical location is too poor to be conducive to development.)


The situation on the mother planet is changing rapidly, and our Boss Ge is standing on the Helan Bridge at the moment, accompanying the superiors to inspect the quality of the project.

After all, everything outside has nothing to do with Tian Cheng, what he needs to do is infrastructure construction.


The leader who came from the board of directors obviously had other tasks.

But on the surface, check the project first.

Helan Bridge is invested by Tiancheng, designed by Tiancheng Bridge Design and Research Institute, constructed by Tiancheng Construction Engineering Company, and supervised by Huaxia Architectural Design and Research Institute.

The total length is 2.7km, and the width is equal to that of the westward expressway. It has four one-way 9-meter-wide special transportation lanes, four one-way 3.75-meter-wide ordinary high-speed lanes, and two 3.5-meter-wide emergency lanes. Fall into the net bag.

The bridge as a whole adopts a suspension bridge structure, which can resist typhoons of magnitude 12 and earthquakes of magnitude 9. It is equipped with photovoltaic intelligent lighting systems, digital monitoring systems, and information management systems...

The design life is 70 years, the actual life is 100 years, and the theoretical life is 150 years.

Tiancheng actually invested 1.5 billion red notes, and the public cost was 6.5 billion.

The completion of the Helan Bridge means that the westward expressway exits from the north side of the Taihang Tunnel, passes through Yulin, ends at Yinchuan, and reaches the ALS.

Therefore, the investor and contractor of the Xishan section of the Westward Expressway, the coal boss of Xishan Jinyang Coal Mine Group;

The investor and contractor of the Shaanxi Yulin section of the Westward Expressway, Shandi Tianwang Group Ge Wangwang;

The investor and contractor of the Grassland Etuoke section of the Westward Expressway, and the regional supervisor of Grassland Tiancheng International Holdings;

Seng Yi, general manager of Tiancheng International Holdings, the investor and contractor of the Yinchuan section of the Westward Expressway and the ALS ground effect transfer station;

All the way to the West Expressway operator, the chairman of Huaxia Tianyun Group, a veteran in green clothes;

All the way to the west expressway post-project maintenance party...

All the way to the West Expressway emergency response party...

Gathering project acceptance.

In this acceptance inspection, tanks will definitely not be used, it is only Tiancheng's first overseas project and a way to prove himself.

Instead, the engineering monitoring equipment provided by Tiancheng Electric Industry was used to scan the entire bridge, enter it into the GIS system, compare the engineering structure drawing, then enter the physical data, compare the building material data, and then enter the construction drawing, and compare the engineering standards.

If there is no problem, start to use GIS system to simulate various disasters.

This acceptance method, if the data is true, can determine the quality of the project 100%, but in the process of scanning or entering data, if someone fakes it, all the work will be in vain.

Therefore, Tiancheng Electric Industry signed a "responsibility letter" with the superior department to ensure that the testing equipment will not be tampered with.

The Helan Bridge acceptance project lasted only two hours.

This is the high efficiency brought by optoelectronic technology.

The quality of the project must be fine, otherwise it would not be Tiancheng Urban Construction.

after the end.

The special leader who came from the board of directors invited Ge Xiaotian to find a secluded place and have a brief talk.

Ge Xiaotian greeted the shark airship that was temporarily unusable due to the rectification of Daqingshan, and came here specially to support the big boss.

Not long.

The two appeared in No. N office of the chairman of Tiancheng International Holdings.

Very secluded.

Dao Shishi helped make a pot of Dahongpao, the mother tree.

The leader took out a map of the northwest desert.

"Mr. Ge, the place is so big, do you have any ideas?"

"No, I don't even think about it. I'm very patriotic."


The leader was a little suffocated, and laughed dumbly, "No, what I mean is, in such a large and vast area, we can definitely do some good projects."

"Scared me, I thought I was invited to tea."

"It was you who invited me to drink tea."

"Good project..."

Ge Xiaotian spread out the map completely.

This is different from Tiancheng's commercial map, and also different from the satellite map, but a confidential map with many special marks.

Like the Peace Proving Grounds...

In fact, these places are not far from Shacheng, and the Tiancheng Space Department is also aware of it, and specially built isolation zones in certain areas.

Ge Xiaotian picked up a pencil and drew out the 50,000-square-kilometer Shacheng industrial chain, leaving one-sixth of Taklimakan.

In addition, there is also 50,000 square kilometers of desert. The superior said it was leased to Tiancheng, but it has not been delivered yet. This is the reward for helping to form the Huaneng Group.

"Leader, Sand City is already big enough. If Tian Cheng wants to perfect it, he still needs a five-year plan. Another 50,000 square kilometers of desert needs another five-year plan. In this way, if the first five-year plan fails to make money When it comes to money, Tiancheng has no funds to work on the second five-year plan."

"So, I actually sent money here."


"As long as you have a good project, the board of directors will definitely invest."


Ge Xiaotian was slightly taken aback, but immediately understood.

Nine also made a fortune in technology stocks.

But this money also cannot be remitted to the country.

In other words, in another time and space, Huaxia needs foreign exchange to purchase equipment, purchase technology, and introduce talents, including last year.

But with Tiancheng's explosive development, and Xiangjiu providing more and more technologies, there will be more optoelectronic technologies in the future...

The board of directors will definitely not buy technology from overseas again.

If you don't buy it, you can save money in your hands.

Poverty alleviation, education reform, road construction, subway construction, airport construction, and aircraft construction...

Therefore, this year is a critical year.

But Hulala threw in a lot of money, and then the board of directors found out that someone’s iron ore is cheap, wood is cheap, airplanes are cheaper, there are ready-made projects for poverty alleviation, and there is a student-version smart card for education reform. Except for the appointment of the person in charge, basically no use How much.

And the Nine Institutes followed Tiancheng to become a big player overseas, and more funds poured in...

"That's it."

Ge Xiaotian wanted to understand the reason, and nodded slightly, "Let's do this, transfer the excess foreign exchange to Tianrong International Account through Mr. Zhuang's home star development bank, and deduct 5/10,000 storage fee every year. You can use it whenever you want."

"Huh? No, if I deposit the money with you, it's fine if I don't pay interest, but also a storage fee?"

"You think too much. Franklin is depreciating greatly. The storage fee of five ten-thousandths is to ensure that the money deposited by the board of directors will not be affected by the depreciation. During this process, we must have a foolproof investment plan. It requires manpower and material resources to operate. It is very troublesome, and the storage fee of five ten thousandths is a friendly price."

"Then I might as well put it in the Huaxia Headquarters."

"You can do whatever you want."


The purpose of the leader's visit was seen through, so he was silent for a moment, "How much can Tian Cheng help with?"

"No more than 100 billion Franklin. After all, we are also being targeted there. To tell you the truth, offshore companies are useless and we can only follow the formal process."

"Too little."


Ge Xiaotian sat upright suddenly, "How many do you have?"

"800 billion on the bright side, all add up to 1.3 trillion."

"Are you planning to throw away all your foreign exchange reserves?"

"Yes or no, the situation is changing too fast. If these funds are not handled well, there may be big losses. I heard that you transferred most of the NT shares in your hand, and the board of directors is also anxious, but we really have nothing to buy overseas. Even if there are things like this, they won’t sell them.”

"Then vote for non-zone."


"Invest these funds in Africa for infrastructure construction... Well, throw them to a part of the European region, so that they can taste the sweetness of cooperating with us first."

"The board of directors does think so, but it still wants to use steel wisely and solve domestic development first."


Tian Cheng deployed in the country, leaving only the south.

The plan has been implemented, that is, Lao Wang took Chen Donghai, Mr. Zhao and the others to play big games a few times, and they died at the loss, and then Tian Cheng went south.

Other areas...

There is Chen Feng in Nanyun, and that guy will use Tiancheng's resources to develop into the Mount Everest area, which can be regarded as the fame and golden body that Ge Xiaotian gave him as a friend.

The desert has itself, the northeast has Gefeng, and the grassland is left to Shen Zhipeng...

nothing more.

Just waiting for the sea of ​​stars...


Ge Xiaotian suddenly remembered a very important thing.

Sipping tea, looking at the leader with burning eyes:

"Are you sure you want to invest in China?"


"Then transfer the foreign exchange to Ice Bear, rent the mountain, and exchange it for stone mines"


The mission leader sprayed directly.

"Even if the filling is uneven, we will build a toll station at sea."

"Don't make trouble."

"I am serious."


The leader was silent for a moment, took out the communicator, and directly contacted the chairman without avoiding suspicion.

At present, North America is still as horrible as it is, and this suggestion must be rejected.

Ge Xiaotian was just bragging, not disappointed, holding the blueprint brought by the leader, listening to the other party talking to the chairman, looking at the "Ear of the Mother Star" on the northeast side of the Taklimakan, his heart moved.



The mission leader and the chairman at the other end of the communicator asked at the same time.

Ge Xiaotian drew a circle near Jianfu, "Copy this island to the desert one by one, and then install AR equipment, so that all the green clothes will take turns to fight the actual battle."


The leader was stunned on the spot.

There is no sound on the other side of the communicator...

No, it was the sound of conscious breathing.

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