Build Madness

Chapter 906 To be honest, I'm really not black

Now that Boss Ge's identity and status are there, no one will take his words and promises as bragging.

No, it never blew.

From Canal Development Zone, Dongshan Water Conservancy Project, Jinxiuchuan University City, to Zaoshi New Town, Zaoshi Modern Film and Television Base, Daqingshan Ancient Cultural Center, Wanzuo Limin Activity Center, Qianzuo Xingyuewan Community, and then all the way to the west High-speed development, desert development, and many overseas projects have all been realized one by one.

Therefore, this is not bragging, but imagining the future!

And this imagination, in terms of style and level, is obviously higher than blasting the Himalayas and filling the xx Strait.

Because of the different meanings, if it succeeds, Ge Lao Er will definitely be recorded in the annals of history.

But here comes the problem.

The island covers an area of ​​about 37,000 square kilometers, equivalent to a quarter of Dongshan, or half of Jiaozhou Peninsula.

In addition to the dense buildings, there are mountains on the east side, and there are rivers and lakes inside, how can this project be done?

How much do you need to invest?

How much manpower and material resources are needed?

Once it is made public, will it be said to be a waste of money?

The new chairman was silent.

Because it's not in the plan at all.

And the leader of the mission opened his mouth, not daring to express his opinion...

"In fact, it doesn't cost much. First construct the outline, make the land as high as possible, and as low as possible. There are lakes to dig pits, and mountains to pile up sand to form complete geographic information, and then put AR buildings to simulate the surface things there. Even if this project is done.”

Ge Xiaotian didn't dare to foolishly copy the buildings spread over 37,000 square kilometers.

The amount of work done in that way, even if the entire team is pulled over, even if it is accumulated with system buildings, it will not be able to handle it in less than ten years.

The point is that this project is built for actual combat exercises. No matter how good it is, it cannot withstand artillery fire, let alone live in people.

Therefore, just like the desert town and the desert town airport, building a frame, even without a frame, and directly throwing the "inner world" into the desert can form a perfect training ground.

"Leader, I have a suggestion, I don't know if I should say it or not."


"There is no need for investment from the board of directors. As long as you give me the 50,000 square kilometers of desert, I will ensure that the project will be completed within one year. Then, for each green-clothes training, we will charge based on the number of people and the time used."

"You think well."

The 37,000-square-kilometer training ground, if two tanks and a regiment of green clothes ran in for a week according to the Fairview City golf course fee standard, I'm afraid they would have to compensate Tiancheng for the 08 Olympic venues they are planning.

The chairman sighed.

Ge Lao Er is good at everything, has good morals, and works for the country and the people, but he is very criticized in terms of business.

Without it, black!

A moment of silence...

"Little Ge, as far as I know, AR infrastructure is not cheap, even if we don't build buildings, this investment is indispensable."

"Starting at 50 billion."


"But if we have this training ground, we don't need a regular venue anymore, and we can completely let all the trained green clothes compete against each other around the clock, which can save more money. The most important thing is, as long as the AR infrastructure is not blown up, one After the field training is over, the system data is temporarily stored, the simulation field is restored, and then the second field can be carried out, which is extremely efficient. Also, if we build one in the Everest area, we can not only simulate islands, but also simulate mountains, Snow, jungle..."

"It's all money."

"Don't you just want to use up the funds as soon as possible?"


"In this way, the desert area will be handed over to Tiancheng, the Everest area will be handed over to Huaneng Construction, and I will give the construction technology and AR equipment installation technology to Huaneng for free."

"Okay! That's it!" The chairman's voice changed, and he replied firmly.


Ge Xiaotian faced the leader of the special mission, squeezed out a look of astonishment, and looked at the communicator: "You agreed too soon, didn't you?

"I'll make an application later, I'm very busy here, so I'll be here first today."

beep beep...

Hearing the busy voice, the special mission leader breathed a sigh of relief as if he had completed the task, stood up and said, "Xiaoge, the Helan Bridge is very good, exceeding the standard, high quality... Well, the Yinshan Bridge is still waiting for me to preside over the work." , I won’t bother you anymore.”


Ge Xiaotian squeezed out a routine expression...

The staff operated the shark airship to land, and the leader of the mission secretly glanced at someone, and strode away refreshed.

With that appearance, it seems that he has already figured out how to report to the board of directors to make everyone happy.

After all, this is the first time someone has been deflated...

And wait for the figure of the special mission leader to disappear.

Seeing that his boss was 'difficult', Dao Shixi explained: "Since we set up several experimental AR training grounds in Dongbei, Dongshan, and Nanyun last year, the combat power of the trained green clothes has gradually increased, and with the addition of VR Fighting, AR tactical auxiliary system, AR strategic deployment system, castrated version of the light curtain system, the green clothes in the three areas have entered the sequence of informationized soldiers. In terms of actual combat, the conventional green clothes are not opponents at all. This makes other areas The directors in green clothes complained to the board of directors one after another. Therefore, the purpose of this leader should be the AR training ground, but you proposed to copy the island to the east of Jianfu, which is a bit shocking and beyond the board's plan. And during the call, It is estimated that the chairman has secretly contacted the board of directors, negotiated quickly, and then pretended to be distressed about funds to cheat you."

"I know."

"Then you still have this constipated expression?"

"What did you say?"

"No, I said I've been constipated recently..."

"Tianwei, bring him two bottles of ketone."

"I don't want to use..."

"Then you pack up and go to the moon. I heard that the second round of moon landing is about to start. This time we will use manned spaceflight technology."

"I'd better have a bottle of corkscrew."

"It's two bottles."


"just kidding."

Ge Xiaotian walked to the desk and took out the 2003 enrollment plan of Tiancheng Technical Secondary School.

Although the 00th class has graduated, only the 01st and 02nd students are left at the school. However, with the repeated expansion of enrollment in Tiancheng Technical Secondary School, and the evening school students need to study for half a year in the final exam, and the online school students also need to study in the school for half a year. After completing the training in the Xincheng summer camp, they also have to go to the Tiancheng Technical Secondary School in Splendid City for the exam.

This made Tiancheng Technical Secondary School, which could originally accommodate 50,000 students, become overcrowded. There was even a period of time when the number of students in the school exceeded 110,000.

As for the ancient architectural complex, only when there are few people can there be artistic conception.

in addition.

The Jinxiu District 1 of Jinxiuchuan University City has been formed. If you want to expand, you have to bypass the Jinxiu District 2 and the Jinxiuchuan Reservoir to go to the Crouching Tiger Mountain Campus.

According to the simulation results of Tiancheng Planning Department, the current Jinxiuchuan University City is enough to drive Jinxiuchuan real estate, and there is no need to lay 'value-added projects'.

Therefore, Ge Xiaotian said that last year's military training exercise was the last Jinxiuchuan exercise he participated in. Next time, everyone will see the brand new Tiancheng Technical Secondary Exercise.

Where is the new one?

You must first understand the enrollment plan of Tiancheng Technical Secondary School in 2003.


There are still 2,000 freshmen who have a student status and can obtain a diploma officially recognized by Huaxia.

Tiancheng students, that is, those who voluntarily give up their student status, or who do not have a student status, sign a targeted training agreement with Tiancheng, and can pass the Tiancheng standard technical secondary school diploma. This year, the number has increased to 15,000.

Group students, that is, voluntarily give up their student status, or do not have a student status, sign a targeted training agreement with Tiancheng independent groups, such as Tianhao, Tianbo, etc., and go through the enrollment procedures at Tiancheng Technical Secondary School where the independent group is located, and can also obtain the Tiancheng standard middle school. There are 130,000 freshmen with college diplomas.

(Tiancheng Independent Group acquired the old technical secondary schools in various regions in 2002, and the old technical secondary schools that were not acquired were either turned into secondary vocational schools or higher vocational schools. Strictly speaking, except for Tiancheng Technical Secondary School, a private school, other Secondary schools and junior colleges have become history.)

In addition to the above three types of freshmen, in 2003, Tiancheng added "technical trainees".

That is to say, freshmen who do not have a student status, do not sign a targeted training agreement with Tiancheng, just want to learn technology, pass the 'Tiancheng Standard Technical Certification', such as Bronze and Silver, and then go out to find a job by themselves.

Don't think that this kind of freshmen are stupid to go out to find a job without paying any salary due to Tiancheng technical certification, but they are actually very popular.

Because Tiancheng is not the only real estate company in Beidi, and Tiancheng is not the only construction company in Huaxia, there are too many companies outside that need skilled workers.

Moreover, under the influence of the official in-depth implementation of Tiancheng standards, various enterprises are in urgent need of Tiancheng talents, and the salaries offered can even match Tiancheng International Holdings.

Otherwise, Ge Xiaotian would not have said that 2003 was the starting point of the blue-collar era when planning Huaneng Construction Group.

What is blue collar?

Work types that wear blue clothes, such as construction workers, technicians, workshop workers, electric welders...

In 2003, the headquarter of Tiancheng Technical Secondary School recruited 500,000 technical students.

They do not participate in military training, and start learning directly.

Among them, excavator drivers accounted for one-third, heavy transport vehicle drivers accounted for one-third, bulldozer drivers accounted for about 50,000, crane operators about 10,000, forklift drivers about 5,000, and gantry crane operators about 3,000. Thirty thousand new students in electric welding...

The new school site is located in Shacheng, and the training site has not yet been prepared.

And this training ground...

When communicating with the chairman, Ge Xiaotian's eyes lit up, saying that he copied the giant island to the east of Jianfu, but in fact he found a perfect training place for technical students.

If the board of directors agrees to the project, level the land, build sand into mountains, dig sand into lakes, lay cables, transport AR devices...

It can be handed over to technical students for practice.

The place is so empty, just toss around.

Too much fuel consumption?

There is a tuition deduction!

In other words, not only did Tian Cheng not need to spend the labor and fuel costs given by the board of directors, but he could also earn some tuition fees.

"To be honest, it's really not my old Ge Hei."

Dao Eleven: "..."


April 1st.

The board of directors issued confidential documents to Tiancheng International Holdings headquarters.

As soon as Ge Xiaotian received it, 50 engineering departments were independently established from Tiancheng International Holdings, with a total of 25,000 people, and Tiancheng Special Engineering Construction Co., Ltd. was established, which was endowed with complete special-level construction qualifications and supporting AR equipment construction technology. Hanging Huaxia word, abbreviation: Huaxia Cheng.

The first project that Hua Xiacheng got was a difficult task assigned by Boss Ge himself. It was to build a giant island of 37,000 square kilometers in the desert one by one, and install AR equipment on it to simulate all the buildings.


Tiancheng's logistics department placed an order for "fine sand coagulation glue" worth 20 billion red notes and an order for "weather-resistant glue" worth 10 billion to Taiwan Plastics.

Tiancheng Electric Industry is drawing up the second batch of production plans for a total of 2,000 heavy-duty transport vehicles.

Although the specifications of this vehicle are far superior to ordinary vehicles, it can only be driven on the dedicated transportation lane of the westward expressway, but when the westward expressway is opened, the glue can be transported by sea from Taiwan to Qinggang, and then transported by land all the way west...

in addition.

In order to solve the food, clothing, housing and transportation of technical students, Tianwei Catering established the canteen department of Shacheng Tiancheng Technical Secondary School.

In order to meet the entertainment needs of technical students, the game department of Tianyu International has optimized the mechanical driving simulator and added interesting gameplay.

Other companies have also adjusted their operating plans for this year.

In short, Tian Cheng, move!


the same day.

Tiancheng International Holdings held a test opening ceremony for the northern section of the Yiyi West Expressway in Yulin, Shaanxi Province.

The shark airship is in the sky, countless hot air balloons are floating, and many white pigeons are flying high...

Standing on the roof of the toll station covered with red firecracker debris, Ge Xiaotian grandly introduced the construction purpose, economic value, and operation plan of the Westward Expressway, and thanked the construction companies in various places, the support of leaders in various places, and the trust given by the board of directors.

Wait till it's over.

Tens of thousands of people from Yulin, Shaanxi Province and the nearby high-speed industrial park applauded like thunder.

This is the excitement and joy from the heart.

Because I have a house, a job, and a career...

The high-speed opening means that tomorrow will be better!

Boom boom boom...

Suddenly, there were continuous gun salutes from the periphery of the scene.

Not long.

Fifty heavy-duty transport vehicles trial-produced by Shaanxi Tiancheng Electric Industry Co., Ltd. lined up neatly, hung red ribbons with red flowers, and drove slowly.

After many experiments and trials, the specifications of the transport vehicle were finally determined as follows: five-line ten-axle semi-trailer, 6.8 meters wide, 26 meters long, 3.6 meters high, self-unloading in different areas, and the front can be replaced.

The vehicle uses a pure ethanol + liquid oxygen gas turbine as the drive system, and is also equipped with a 'cable tram' drive system.

That is to say, on each of the four one-way ten-meter-wide dedicated transportation lanes, there is a cable, which can drive heavy-duty transport vehicles like driving trams.

The cable power supply system includes: high-speed photovoltaic power generation system, wind power generation system near the highway, photovoltaic power generation system in the industrial park, wind power generation system in the grassland section...

This is all the way to the West Expressway.

The speed limit of heavy-duty transport vehicles is different from 120km/h for ordinary cars, but 140km/h, and 160km/h is allowed on some road sections. play.

Because this is a dedicated lane, other vehicles are not allowed to pass together.

And such a huge vehicle is also different from ordinary transport vehicles in terms of driving and operation.

First of all, if there is no intelligent driving assistance system, two drivers must be set.

One is responsible for direction, acceleration, deceleration, and whistle.

One is responsible for road conditions, navigation, vehicle information, and cargo information.

The former is located in the main driver's seat in the middle of the cab, and there are no other seats on both sides, which resembles a fighter plane...

The latter is located in the co-pilot's seat in the middle of the cab. There are no other seats on both sides, and the front window cannot be seen because there is a 180-degree curved monitor in front of you.

The two sides display the two sides of the transport vehicle, and the middle displays road conditions, navigation, engine parameters, and vehicle operating status.

Both drivers must wear wide-area goggles, helmets and headphones.

What about the rear horn?

This is a dedicated lane, and only heavy-duty transport vehicles can drive. If there is something wrong with the vehicles in the rear, including the vehicles in front, they can directly yell on the communication channel or send a reminder.

For example: the vehicle in front is preparing to slow down, the vehicle behind requests intelligent follow-up, the vehicle on the left is preparing to turn right, the transportation management office asks your own vehicle to keep a safe driving distance, the transportation management office warns you that you are speeding...

in addition.

In the rear of the cab is a small lounge with a dining area and bunk beds for two drivers to rest at the same time.

This is to ensure that it takes about 11 hours to run from Qinggang to ALS, a total of 1500km, and people stop and stop.


Can you run without substitutions?

That's called fatigue driving.

What's more, this is a special vehicle, and strictly speaking, there is no speed limit for a heavy-duty transport vehicle, so you must be more careful.

Ge Xiaotian was so excited that he climbed into the cab from the front of the car, put on the driving equipment, and was about to start the car when he saw the high-speed safety officer wearing a yellow vest in front of him, shaking his hand, and quickly climbed out again.

Netizens who watched the live broadcast were extremely disappointed to cancel the recording and gave up the plan to call the police on the spot.

"Grass, why didn't it start!"


"Almost succeeded!"

Unknown netizen: "Why?"

"He doesn't have a driver's license, let alone a special vehicle driver's license."


Lv Yuexiong: "Mmp, you guys are not mean enough, right? It's fine if you don't remind me, and you want to call the police?"

Countless netizens: "???"

"Fuck, this is actually Ge Laoer's trumpet?!"

"Isn't it? Combined, it happens to be 'Ge'!"

Ge Xiaotian: "It's broken. I was in a hurry and forgot to change my number."



The trial operation is not only to try to run heavy-duty transport vehicles, but also includes the "high-speed shuttle bus, Harmony bus" that has been put into use in the Dongshan and Beihe sections.

Unlike before, after the trial operation here, the bus can also use the dedicated lane cable to supply power to ensure its own battery life.

In addition, like the new generation of Great Wall, the new generation of Sancha Wuling, and the new generation of imported vehicles Holden GM, you can also borrow cables, but you need to pay usage fees.

When all vehicles pass through the tollbooth...

Ge Xiaotian began to announce the toll standards for the Westward Expressway.

Since the Taihang Tunnel has not been opened, the northern section is billed according to the inter-industrial park.

If you get on the expressway from Yulin and get off the expressway from Yinchuan ALS, the fee is free.

If you get on the expressway from Yulin and get off the expressway from any expressway industrial park, the fee is free.

If you get on the expressway from Yulin and get off the expressway at any city-like crossing, the toll will be charged according to the itinerary and the time you stay on the expressway, which is 2.5 times that of the ordinary expressway.


private highway.

Of course, if you buy Daliuzhuang Sancha Wuling, Beihe Great Wall, Jiefang buses, Sinotruk trucks equipped with intelligent driving systems, and Holden General Motors, you can get free passes for a limited time when you buy them.

In addition, participating in any industrial activities under Tiancheng International Holdings will also have the opportunity to obtain free passes for a limited time.

In short, participate in more activities, buy more, buy more, and some have the opportunity to get free passes.

Countless netizens: "***"

"Damn it, why was it blocked?"

"You must have said ****."


"Zi hei ge, haha, this way you won't be blocked."

Panda Guardian: You have been muted.

"I'm curious, how much did Montenegro Odyssey charge Lao Ge?"

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