Build Madness

Chapter 909: Trial Opening of the All-West Expressway

North River.

Shijiazhuang Special Economic Development Zone.

In the evening, the two-way eight-lane traffic is endless, and the bright green belt is colorful. Tiancheng Plaza, Ginza Mall, Splendid Huaxia, three landmark buildings compete for beauty, Xingyue Bay, Ginza Community, Tiancheng Smart Home, Ginza Smart Life, Dozens of communities, such as Tiancheng Rental House, Ginza Apartment, Tiancheng Constant Temperature House, Ginza Constant Temperature House, etc., show the prosperity of this place.

Compared with the blizzard of the previous year, there have been earth-shaking changes here.


Beihe Tianbo headquarters building.

More than a dozen business-type Dongba cars were parked in a neat line at the gate of the front hall of the podium.

The leaders of Beihe University led the supervisors from all over the place, and stormed into the building angrily.

The general manager of Tianbo Group personally led the capable generals to line up to welcome:

"Welcome the leaders to come..."

"Where's Huang Dong?"

"Go back to the leader, Huang Dong will go back to his hometown to visit his relatives."

"Don't fool me, let him come out, or I will fly directly to the desert tonight and talk to Boss Ge."

"Leader, don't worry, let's have a cup of tea to warm up first... Hey, leader, the elevator is broken... Hurry up and stop the leader, the stairs are overhauled."


The leaders of Beihe University are familiar with the road, leading the supervisors from all over the place to go straight upstairs...

26th floor.

Tianbo Group Chairman's Office.

Shuai Bo stood in front of the monitor, looking at the 'Development-for-Population Program' with a sad face.

Logically speaking, it seems appropriate to encourage some underdeveloped regions to exchange idle labor for the infrastructure needed for development.

But the problem is that if underdeveloped areas have infrastructure and want to produce, they need a lot of labor, and idle labor has long been exchanged for infrastructure...

A bit around.

That is to say, there was no glove factory in County A, and the idle labor force was about 5,000 people. The employment problem urgently needed to be solved.

Boss Ge Da waved the banknotes and said to the county leaders, give me 5,000 immigrants, and I will help you build a glove factory for free.

County leaders readily agreed.

Then, the glove factory is established, and the next problem is the difficulty of recruiting workers, because the 5,000 workers who are waiting to be employed have left...

Of course, this is just a metaphor.

But there are so many immigrants in one county, two counties, three counties, N prefectures...

When a large number of industrial infrastructures are laid, there will be a shortage of people in these places.

Moreover, Beihe, the only area that implements "population for development", will immigrate 500,000 people in accordance with the "Olympic spirit" of the superior...

This is simply impossible!

In addition, there are official population requirements for the city size, such as the population of a large city must be more than 10,000, and the population of a mega city must be more than 10,000...

With so many labors removed in one go, the large cities become medium-sized, and the super-large cities become larger. Why don't the leaders of Beihe University roll up their sleeves and do it directly?

After all, he is Lao Huang, not Lao Ge.

Didi Didi...

"Chairman, Chief Beihe led people to rush up!"


Shuai Bo grinned, turned his head and went straight to the roof, "The helicopter is full..."

Before he finished speaking, he looked up and saw the old acquaintance, the leader of Beihe University, leading a large group of white shirts blocking the way out of breath.

"Huang Dong."

"Leader, you have mistaken the person, I am Zhu Changfa."

"Old Zhu is as handsome as you?"

The leader of Beihe University waved his hand, and two regional leaders held Shuai Bo's arms respectively, "Two million!"

"No, absolutely not! 1.97 million!"

"Then do you know what this means? You threw out a few buildings, and I just lost a prefecture-level city!"

"Leader, I was also forced. I have no choice. I don't want to go to the polar regions to raise fish."

"Ge Lao Er put pressure on you, you just sold me?"

"I don't have the guts."

Shuai Bo withdrew his hands from the hands of the two leaders, walked to the leader of Beihe University, handed him a cigarette, and whispered: "Didn't I give you a ski resort?"

"not enough."

"Add another ice hockey hall!"

"I lost a prefecture level..."

"Great Wall Motors introduced electric systems, increased capital and expanded production, opened three branch factories, and launched new models."

"Ok, deal."

"What about today?"

"I have to give an explanation to some leaders who disagree with the immigration plan. By the way, cooperate with me to say a few words..."



Taihang Tunnel Engineering Headquarters.

Dao Shishi held the encrypted communication sent by Bei He, and said in surprise: "Boss, Shuai Bo has really settled this matter!"

"As expected."

Ge Xiaotian sat in front of the floor-to-ceiling glass window, sipping the 'ball tea' sent by someone from the old village head, shaking his head and saying: "The board of directors has all nodded, and it is impossible for the leaders of Beihe University to refuse. In addition, the leaders of Beihe University I also want to develop, and my plan is indeed conducive to increasing the GDP of Beihe. At least he will not have to worry about construction and development in the next four years. The reason why the other party pushes three obstacles and four is nothing more than worrying that the four-year term will end, and no one will be available for the latecomers. If you scold him for investing in Beihe's labor force, the economy will not keep up, so the superficial article should be beautiful to save people from scolding him later, after all, he brought people to block Shuaibo, and the board of directors probably knows it by now."

"It's complicated."

"This is the human heart, there is no right or wrong."

Ge Xiaotian stretched his waist, looked at the westward highway that disappeared under the southern sky, "The things promised must be in place."

"Beihe Tianbo Group will use two years of proceeds to lay buildings and industrial facilities in the 'Development for Population Program'. In addition, Tianrong International will use half a year's proceeds to build Olympic projects."

"That's good...Shuai Bo has been in Beihe for almost two years. Give him another place to practice in Guangzhou. He will be in charge of the rubber industry first, and then gradually transition to construction projects."

"The little star Tong Ying is transferred to Fengdu from afar. After Shuai Bo leaves, who will take over?"

"Old Zhu, I have been with me for so long. I can't stay in the earth and stone department of the regional group all the time. This time I will bring it up for practice. If possible, I will become the chairman of the board. By the way, I agreed to propose marriage to him last time, and later I forgot in a hurry."

"It happened the year before last. Professor Hu of the Architectural Design and Research Institute, and Chief Engineer Liang of the Bridge Design and Research Institute, mixed with Lao Zhu, the earthworker, every day. When they heard about the blind date, they took Lao Zhu directly to the woman's house. It happened that the woman's My father is a student of Professor Hu..."

"This circle..."

"A big fat boy was born."


Ge Xiaotian was slightly stunned, "So fast?"

"It's been two years."


"By the way, boss, Lao Zhu has been transferred, who will be in charge of Tiancheng's earthwork from now on?"

"Leave it to Heihu. Calculate the time. The Kela Isthmus Canal is about to pass. This kid has a cleverness. I can rest assured that I will leave it to him."

"Then... who is against the black tiger?"

"I've made all the arrangements, why should I keep the personnel department in the future? I'll go up one level at a time."

"They are all high-ranking positions. If you don't nod your head, how can the HR department dare to make random adjustments?"



At this time, bursts of firecrackers suddenly sounded in the distance.

Hundreds of Tiancheng construction engineers waved colorful flags and showed a banner: All the way to the West Expressway is open for trial operation!

Ge Xiaotian did not attend the ceremony, but handed over the hosting to Brother Hao.

Shuai Bo transferred from Beihe Tiancheng to Guangqu Tiancheng. It seemed to be a flat transfer, but there was an extra category of rubber in charge of the project.

This category is different from the automobile industry. It is a truly transnational category, which requires an overall vision and the ability to control the market.

It can be said that the ratio of the rights of the rubber industry in Tiancheng's industrial chain is higher than that of the chairman of Tiancheng in Guangzhou.

In other words, Shuai Bo has been promoted.

And as brother Hao who also made great contributions to winning the Nanhe market for Tiancheng International Holdings, it is natural to mention it.

That is to say: the person in charge of the All the Way West project.

All the way to the west is not only the Huaxia region, but also includes the Kazakh Expressway, the Pakistani Highway, the Asia-Europe Bridge, and the Siberia Railway...

As for Boss Xishanmei...

Ge Xiaotian waved his hand, and Boss Mei, who came from Jinyang Mansion, left two subordinates who were holding oversized SG pads, and walked quickly.



"No outsiders."

"Old Mei, don't get me wrong, I have always regarded you as a brother."

"But I've always wanted to be your employee."

"Look what you said!"

Ge Xiaotian laughed and patted his shoulder, "The world is so big, it's not good to stay in Xishan all the time, why don't you go out and have a look?"

"I listen to the boss!"

"That's right. In the middle of last year, Tiancheng Exploration Department discovered a huge coal mine in West Asia."

"Storage capacity?"

"More than Xishan."


"I plan to hand over the mining project to you. When the mine is out, the West Asia Expressway leading to the Asia-Europe Bridge will be opened all the way west. At that time, the coal mine will be transported to Tacheng, and then the ground effect transport plane will be used to transport it to the east of China. ..."

"Wait a minute, West Asia is a war-torn zone."

"Afraid of a ball, we have plenty of people over there."

"how many?"

"I guarantee you won't die."


"Don't worry, I can still cheat my own people?"

"Let me try."

"At least twenty mines in the early stage."

"How many?"

"Twenty seats, I will give you an oil business in the future."


"Ann, the decisions made by the superiors benefit the country and the people. Maybe you, a representative of the whole people, will soon become a member of the whole people..."

Before Ge Xiaotian finished speaking, Boss Mei's communicator rang.

The leaders of Xishan University informed him to come to Beijing for a meeting, saying that they wanted to reward him for his dedication to Xishan in the past two years.

Waiting for Boss Mei to leave with disbelieving eyes.

Ge Xiaotian also mentioned the female DJ who tuned the Wuzhou Avenue in the magic capital to the chairman of Tiancheng, the magic capital, Tong Ying, the starlet who tuned in Fengdu, to the chairman of Tiancheng in Fengdu, and Lao Hong, who was in charge of Tiancheng Aviation Machinery, to Tiancheng Civil Aviation Engineering Construction Group Chairman...

Afterwards, Professor Hu, Chief Engineer Liang and other high-end talents were awarded Tiancheng honorary certificates, and professional skill awards were distributed...

Then, with the help of AR projection, first encourage Xu Ling and others who are in charge of non-regional projects, and then encourage the five brothers 'Hong Zeng Huang Lulan' who are in charge of projects such as Nordic and Mokos...

After being busy with work, Tiancheng International Holdings has completely entered a "battle state", and various regions have formulated "rush work plans" to cooperate with the headquarters to complete the big plan for 2003.

That is: to develop the Great Northwest.


The trial opening ceremony of the Westward Expressway all the way presided over by Brother Hao came to an end amid warm applause.

Tiancheng Electric Industry announced the expansion of production of heavy-duty transport vehicles last month. They were loaded with goods in Qinggang, Decheng, Shijiazhuang, Yulin and other places, and drove on the expressway to their respective destinations.

Numerous Hexie buses traveling to and from the high-speed industrial park also carried residents and employees of the industrial park, and started an exchange meeting between the industrial parks.

In order to feel the charm of the super high speed, or to take advantage of the free run, countless private cars also gather at hundreds of toll gates at crossings.

This day, this scene, not only appeared on the news network, but also helped someone to appear on the cover of Time Magazine again.

Pinch the waist with the left hand, and point high with the right hand: Let's go to the desert!

Unfortunately, someone does not admit that this is himself.

at the same time.

Beihe Million Immigrant Program officially started.

This is not the largest immigration project in China's history.

There have been more than ten times in the past hundred years alone, including the Great Pagoda Tree in Shaanxi, Chuangguan East, the Western Xinjiang Construction Army, and the Great Northern Wilderness...

All in all, it was better.

In order to ensure the smooth implementation of the desert immigration plan, Tiancheng International Holdings plans to expand 20 Xingyue Bays around Shacheng within one year to resettle the first batch of 200,000 people.

The second batch of immigrants will settle in another city to be built next year, which is 'Hotian'.

The remaining immigrants went to Dunhuang to build a hub city.

Of course, the promises will not change: free housing allocation, employment placement, sufficient food, extra points for children's college entrance examination...

April 20th.

The new job arrangement of Tiancheng International Holdings Independent Group was published in major news media.

It is not surprising that Shuai Bo is the chairman of "Huaxia Plastics", and it is not surprising that Hao Ge is the person in charge of the "All the Way Westward Project". Following Ge Laoer all the way, he is considered a senior figure, and it is normal for him to be promoted.

But what the hell are Hong xx and Yang xx?

In the midst of doubts and discussions, Ge Xiaotian landed in Qinggang. The inspection had been arranged long ago, and only recently announced that Tianjiao, Tiansu and other companies provided the first batch of desert glue by sea.

They are all self-owned companies, and the quality is definitely not good. The inspection is just a process to show the outside world. The overseas media in the province misunderstood that Tiancheng had plotted against Taiwan Plastics early on.

Therefore, Ge Xiaotian specially invited hundreds of media from Taiwan Province, Xiangjiang, Nanyang, Wadao, Nanbangzi, and even North America to do special interviews.

"Mr. Ge, I have been to Taiwan Plastics, and I have also seen the special glue they produce for deserts. Looking at the goods provided by Tianjiao, how do I feel that the two sides are exactly the same in terms of color, packaging, or inspection methods?"

"Isn't this nonsense? It's also used to coagulate fine sand, and it also uses the technology authorized by Tiancheng. Could it be possible to create tricks?"

"No, Mr. Ge, look at this logo, it seems to be the seal of Taiwan Provincial Plastics?"

"You are dazzled!"

"Mr. Ge, the production workshop is also Taiwan Plastics."

"You read it wrong."

"Mr. Ge, your batch of goods is not from Taiwan Plastics, is it?"

"How is it possible? Although Tiancheng International Holdings has a controlling stake in Taiwan Plastics, it will take half a year to integrate the business. It is impossible for us to adopt the production line of Taiwan Plastics."

"Then why is there a Taiwan Provincial Plastic brand?"

"You must be mistaken."

"Mr. Ge, you must have moved Taiwan Plastics to Guangzhou, right?"

"What nonsense are you talking about!"


"You heard me wrong, what am I talking nonsense!"

However, shocking news has been exposed in Taiwan Province. Plastics in Taiwan Province are empty. Any factory area currently has only empty factories...

In other words, Ge Lao Er secretly emptied the plastics in Taiwan Province!

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