Build Madness

Chapter 910 Counting what's missing in my house!

Although Tiancheng Plastics is 51% owned by Tiancheng, in fact, even if Tiancheng holds 99%, it is impossible to remove Taiwan Plastics, because the local area does not allow it.

Moreover, the processing of rubber raw materials requires internal mixers, extruders, calenders, rubber cutters, strip cutters, preformers, and kneaders.

With rubber, what do you want to make, such as making tires, you need tire building machines, tire bead machines, tire shaping vulcanizing machines, bladder vulcanizing machines, pad vulcanizing machines, inner tube splicing machines and inner tube vulcanizing machines, as well as wheel tire machinery, Tire retreading machinery and reclaimed rubber production machinery.

If you want to produce other plastic products, you need a variety of equipment...

And every piece of rubber production or plastic processing equipment is huge. If there is no large crane or large transport vehicle, it will never be moved away quietly.

Most importantly, the outer sea was blocked by Tiancheng's three oil protection brigades and three engineering islands, so no cargo ships left or entered the customs.

Therefore, when the news came that the factory was evacuated, not to mention the overseas journalists who went to Qinggang to follow Mr. Ge to inspect the goods, even the person involved, the actual controller and former chairman of Taiwan Plastics, Mr. Xiaomi, did not believe it.

"What the hell is this Ge Heizi planning to do?"

"Chairman, before Tiancheng secretly instructed a small company in Taiwan Province to take advantage of Tianrong International to short us, take away 51% of the shares in the name of saving the market, and then give it to Tiancheng. I suspect that they will repeat the old trick this time and suppress the stock price. So as to control more equity.”

"It makes sense...but I've always been flustered recently."

King Xiaomi picked up the black paper, "In particular, Ge Laoer likes to play business wars, and the layout is one after another, just like rubber supply. Who would have thought that he would dare to drive the oil protection brigade into the inland sea, and even approach the port. , directly block all routes and flights, and force the superiors to put pressure on us."

"This is called jumping over the wall in a hurry."

"No, this is 'showing off your might'... Wait, what the hell, how did you forget about this!"

King Xiaomi stood up abruptly and ran out of the office in a hurry.


"Other freighters can't come in or get out, but Ge Laoer can use Hangmur to pull equipment! It's all a cover to suppress and sell short, and to take advantage of the opportunity to buy. Ge Heizi's purpose is to take away the equipment in the chaos!"


"Quickly, quickly, contact the factory directors from all over the place and report the situation of the factory area."


"Back to the chairman and the phone calls of the factory directors, all of which indicated that they were not in the service area."

"Where is the workshop director?"

"Shut down."

"Then contact the district manager."

"Also...lost contact."

"Prepare the vehicle and go to the nearest factory!"


The elongated top business tua stopped at the gate of the Hsinchu Plastic Refinery with a gust of wind.

The secretary was the first to get out of the car. Seeing no one around, he ran into the security room angrily, and found that there were no tables, chairs, doors and windows, not to mention people inside.

King Xiaomi waved his hand, and the accompanying secretary and full-time driver pushed open the electric door with all their might, and went straight to the factory building in no particular order.

Walking halfway, seeing the surrounding situation, everyone's hearts were cold for a while.

"Too ruthless!"

King Millet looked around the empty green belt, the new soil dug out three feet from the ground, and the utility poles whose torso had been cut open. It doesn't matter, even the steel bars in the concrete poles were taken away by me!"

click click click...

The reporters who rushed to hear the news pressed the shutter one after another to take pictures of the devastated, sad and tearful scene, and then edited the title as quickly as possible and sent it to the Panda Guardian Forum.

And the millet king who walked to the entrance of the factory saw a hall without window lattices, rolling door frames, steel structure roofs, and equipment...

A certain reporter was stunned, and murmured: "Perhaps, this is called a family's desolation."

King Xiaomi rolled his eyes...

"Chairman? Call an ambulance!"


That night.

A short video with clear picture quality appeared on the Panda Guardian Forum.

In the video:

Dozens of black-clothed strong men in fat costumes, wide-area goggles, and pig-nose masks, carrying a very sci-fi-colored chug, rushed into the factory at the speed of absolutely killing the 100-meter champion, and then quickly assembled a Square box equipment.

In just two seconds, an 'invisible high wall' about 20 meters high enveloped the entire factory area.

But the employees in the factory didn't seem to notice the 'wall', and fled in all directions facing the sudden black-clothed man.

A security guard approached the 'light wall' two meters away, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he wanted to stop, but he couldn't stop his charge.

The security guard was one meter away from the 'light wall', his beard and hair were reduced to ashes at the same time, and even the clothes around him were quickly wrinkled and shrunk like baked foil.

The colleague next to him rushed even faster and directly broke into the 'light wall'.

In just a second, the other party's clothes disappeared, the skin on his body was as red as roast, and he collapsed to the ground with two trembling...

The first security guard grabbed his colleague's ankle and dragged him out of the 'light wall'. The latter woke up. The two looked at each other in horror, and then crawled away from this dangerous area...


The workshop director took out his mobile phone and was shocked to find that there was no signal at all...

Among the burly men in black, one was the tallest, his arms surpassed the thighs of ordinary people, and the top of his head was at the same level as the 2.5-meter-high security booth. No matter how you looked at it, he didn't look like a human leader. He picked up the 'Tiancheng Electric Industry Brand' loudspeaker:

"We have conquered the entire city. As long as everyone actively cooperates, we can guarantee that you can reunite with your family tomorrow and return to a peaceful life soon. If you resist, it will be regarded as a rebellion, and you will be killed on the spot, and your relatives and friends will be implicated."

"Come, listen to the order, assemble, dismantle the machinery, sort and pack..."

"very good!"

While talking, several strong men in black lifted the heavy steel components one after another, or lifted the bearing together, walked like flying, and disappeared into the 'light wall'.

Not long.

A large group of men in coarse linen, who are stronger than black-clothed men, are just a little shorter, like ants moving, rushing into the factory building, or rushing into the factory building...

In a short while, even the roof was lifted away.

Comment below:

"Looking at the style of clothing, it looks a bit like the third-generation thermostatic clothing, but the third-generation thermostatic clothing is not so fat."

"I found it. This is the concept map of the fourth-generation mechanical exoskeleton constant temperature suit disclosed by Tiancheng Electric Industry last year."

"No wonder it looks so tall. It turns out that there are mechanical frames and electric drives inside..."

"I understand that ordinary people can't move such heavy rubber refining equipment. Now that there is a mechanical exoskeleton, as long as the factory personnel disassemble the equipment, there is no need for a crane..."

"Doesn't this mean that the strong man in black is xxx?"

"Do you think everyone doesn't know? I just don't want to say it. If I say it, I will definitely be blocked."


The video continues.

The leader in black and other strong men in sackcloth evacuated the factory building, summoned the factory personnel, and encouraged them: "Everyone is doing very well, come on, line up and get on the bus in an orderly manner..."

Comment below:

"Sure enough, the old habit of picking the corner of the wall has happened again."

"Nonsense, move the equipment, and install it again when it reaches the ground. Without the original factory personnel, who knows how to install it? Moreover, after the equipment is installed, personnel are needed to resume production. Aren't these all ready-made?"

"This style is very similar to Ge Xx."

"It's obviously him!"

Just when netizens lamented that a certain person was so bold that he dared to attack others, used stocks as a feint, used holdings to attract attention from the outside world, created momentum for the overseas blockade, and secretly evacuated plastic factories in Taiwan Province. Go to the homepage of the Panda Guardian Forum.

The largest electronics foundry company in Taiwan Province and the second largest electronics foundry service provider in Mother Planet, Honghai Precision Group, emptied three factories overnight.

The largest motherboard manufacturer in Taiwan, MSI, disappeared overnight.

Chimei Electronics, the largest LCD panel manufacturer in Taiwan Province and the fourth largest LCD panel supplier in the mother planet, disappeared overnight.

Yongfeng Paper, the largest in Taiwan Province and the second largest in its home planet, is second only to Sun Paper in size. Overnight... it seems that there has never been such a company in this world.

Taiwan's largest...

One after another news, like a tornado, swept across the mother planet.

A netizen joked: "Everyone is counting what is missing at home!"


Integrated circuits: "My lithography machine is gone!"

Suohua Computer: "My optical storage department is gone!"

Keehong Computer: "My family..."

Ge Laoer: "A Tianwei in my family swam across the strait at night and disappeared!"

Everyone: "???"

Are we talking about the same thing?

No, why are you jumping out?

That's not right, you hurry up and return the things!


Qinggang Dongjiawan.

Ge Xiaotian stood on the top of the desert glue packaging box, looking around more and more reporters from all walks of life, the number of which was almost over a thousand, "My family lost a Tianwei. I suspect that he swam into the Japanese Sea accidentally with too much force..."

Didi Didi...

The dedicated SG communicator rang.

The moment the connection was made, the new chief of Wajima said seriously: "Mr. Ge, we just organized mathematicians and physicists to conduct reasonable analysis and carefully calculate according to the climate type. To swim to the Bohai Sea, you need at least 645 knots per hour, which is not so fast for deep-sea troublemakers, let alone human beings.”

"Oh? Maybe I'm mistaken."

Ge Xiaotian hung up the communication embarrassingly, and muttered to himself: "It may be blown to the Philippines by the sea breeze..."

The voice did not fall.

Didi Didi...

General Manager of the Philippines: "Mr. Ge, it is winter now, and the southeast monsoon is blowing. Your Tianwei will never be blown to us by the sea breeze."


The reporters below saw someone getting more and more embarrassed, and an old acquaintance helped him out:

"Mr. Ge, are those strong men in black wearing fourth-generation constant temperature suits? That is, combat uniforms using mechanical exoskeletons?"

"It looks a bit similar in appearance, but everyone should know that Tiancheng's constant temperature clothing series products are never sold outside."

"Mr. Ge, does this mean that you admit that these men in black are Tianwei?"

"Is there? No, I didn't admit it. I just said that my home's constant temperature clothes are not for sale. Don't misunderstand or distort my meaning... To make a digression, I just invested in a few coal mines in West Asia. Very short of people."


You play 'There is no silver three hundred taels here' everywhere, and we are not allowed to talk about it?

The reporters didn't want to mine, and changed the subject one after another.

"Mr. Ge, if you use a heavy-duty transport vehicle to transport the 'Desert Special Glue' to the desert, and you need to replace the ground-effect transport aircraft midway, have you considered the cost issue?"

"There are many types of glue. Liquid glue is used to build hub cities, and semi-finished powder glue is only used for deserts."

As Ge Xiaotian said, he took out a bag of powder the size of a palm, "500g, combined with a special liquid, can produce a thousand sand bricks and stabilize two hundred square meters of sandy land. Compared with the effect of sand control, the cost is very low... The important thing is, I can afford it."

"Mr. Ge, the trial opening of the expressway all the way to the west means that this expressway has been put into use?"

"Yes, so to speak!"

Ge Xiaotian waved his hand, and the staff showed the planning map of the Westward Expressway, "The reason for the trial operation is to allow our operation department to find problems in humanized management in the next three months, and then improve them to make the whole project more perfect. .And in the next six months, we will gradually increase the traffic volume, passenger volume, and freight volume, and the expressway will be saturated at any time, so as to create greater economic benefits.”

"Mr. Ge, where do you transport the equipment of Taiwan Plastics to Guangzhou?"


Ge Xiaotian didn't seem to notice the change in the problem, and said excitedly: "That's a good place, with Dongsha in the south, Xiangjiang in the west, and the sea route to the east. After that, rubber raw materials and plastic products will be produced, which can lead to various ports on the mother planet without transshipment. "Wait, did I just slip up?"

The reporters didn't answer, and quickly rubbed the gossip shift key, swish, swish, and passed the news to the 'Panda Guardian Forum' before Tianwei snatched the equipment.


"Damn, this session of reporters is amazing!"

"Can you get something out of Ge xx's mouth?"


"Shanwei? It seems that natural rubber, natural plastic, and the soon-to-be-established 'Huaxia Rubber Raw Material Supply Group' are all there."

"It seems that Ge xx really slipped up!"

"Didn't you find out?"


"Although the Panda Guardian Forum has harmonized the last two characters of Ge xx, there is no harmony, and it has not even revoked the news of Ge xx's leak!"

"Nonsense, Panda Guard is the antivirus product of Montenegro Odyssey, and it has nothing to do with Tian Cheng."

"This is called fairness and justice!"

"However, Ge Laoer's slip of the tongue shows that this guy admits that he has evacuated so many companies, and then he will be in trouble."

"What's the trouble?"

"Those countries and regions will definitely make trouble for Tian Cheng."

"North America is in a difficult situation against Harden, and now it has suffered heavy losses against Iraq. It is said that Montenegro Odyssey reorganized the Southern League, and the non-regional league developed independently...Without North America taking the lead, and Tiancheng's industry is all in the Asian region, who do you think would dare to come here? Trouble with Ge xx?"

"I suspect that this guy deliberately slipped the tongue."

"Nonsense, if a few reporters can fool him, Tian Cheng would be finished long ago."

"Then what did he mean by slipping his tongue?"

"I did it, what can you do with me?"

Another netizen: "No, you guys forgot Ge Lao Er's favorite thing to do."

"Back to the east and west?"


"A fox pretending to be a tiger?"


"Iron chain boat?"


"What's that?"

"I just like the way you can't understand me, and you can't beat me."


Countless netizens typed the ellipsis, and suddenly one person went wrong:

"Damn it, this guy really posted a talk and synchronized the web! The content is exactly the same as what you said, but there is an extra sentence at the end: just ask if you are angry?!"

Ge Feng: "I'm really underwhelmed!"

Countless netizens: "???"

"Damn, authenticated username!"

"Uncle Ge, is the belt strong?"

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