Build Madness

Chapter 911 Boss Ge and Tiancheng Lawyers

So many listed companies have been emptied of their equipment, and Ge Lao Er blatantly said "I did it", and various news media rushed to report, and Tianrong International likes to take advantage of the fire, but never plays real financial operations , will only enter the game with a crap stick that affects the stock market with the real economy...

It directly leads to the roller coaster of the stock trend of the victimized company, which is exciting one after another.

In addition, apart from controlling Taiwan Provincial Plastics, Tiancheng has no shares in the other victimized companies, and now it has removed the equipment inexplicably...

Isn't this a robbery?

Therefore, the companies that suffered huge losses sued Tiancheng collectively in order to find someone to pay the bill.

But here comes the problem.

It was useless to sue Tiancheng in Taiwan Province, and invited an international arbitration institution to intervene, but the other party said that it was only responsible for coordinating civil affairs, while Tiancheng had an oil protection brigade, which was military.

Military sister!

The victimized enterprises had no choice but to try to submit a lawsuit to the Guangzhou High Court where Tianjiao and Tiansu are located.

Unexpectedly, the Guangzhou Higher Court not only accepted the case readily, but also issued a court notice to Tiancheng on the same day in the name of a domestic commercial dispute.

Due to the busy business of Boss Ge Da, the distance from Guangzhou to Dongshan is far away. Wei International, attended the first hearing.

Handsome and handsome Bo Laohei, it seems that he hasn't sobered up yet.

Look around the jury:

"To be honest, I'm new here, and I don't even know what's going on, so I just stand here in a daze."

"I very much suspect that I am a scapegoat..."

"Forget it, we've come this far, and I don't have any requirements, but the bars must be luxurious, at least not lower than the treatment of the chairman of KS Group..."

'You are thinking about farts, this is Huaxia! '

Seeing the 2001 and 2002 Tiancheng Najiajia actor crying bitterly, the high court staff quietly whispered to his ear: "Mr. Huang, all the equipment in your home was moved from overseas by your big boss, and they sued."

"What are you talking about?"

Hearing this sentence, Shuai Bo wiped away his tears and raised his voice to protest, "What moved here? My equipment is all new, brand new!"

Leader of the Supreme Court: "Quiet, does the defendant have any evidence?"

"There must be. From manufacturing to transportation, to installation, to commissioning, through the GIS system, the ins and outs of each component can be traced, and even the origin of iron ore can be found!"

"Submit it!"

Tiancheng's legal team hastily submitted a Shi Guangji notebook equipped with an industrial version of the GIS system.

The leader of the High Court squinted his eyes, showing an appearance of 'I understand this thing very well', skillfully rubbed the gossip shift key for ten minutes, and finally called up the 'Origin Traceable Form' prepared in the lower right corner...

"Well, it is true. This batch of rubber refining equipment and plastic product production equipment was basically produced by Tiancheng Electric Industry in October 2002, but the production date of the equipment submitted by the plaintiff was June 1995. Compared with the equipment use time And the aging degree of the equipment, it is obvious that the existing production equipment of Tianjiao Group and Tiansu Group is not lost by the plaintiff.”

The representative of Taiwan Plastics showed a skeptical look: "We ask the international arbitration institution and the temporary arbitration committee to inspect on site!"

"no problem!"

Three hours later.

The international arbitration institution and the ad hoc arbitration committee produced an inspection report: "We can prove that this batch of equipment was indeed manufactured by Tiancheng Electric Industry in October 2002."

Representatives of plastics from Taiwan Province and representatives of other victim enterprises looked at each other in blank dismay.

The international arbitration institution is composed of personnel from the international justice departments of Wajima, Dianrui, Switzerland, France, England and other countries, and is supervised by many similar institutions, so there is absolutely no possibility of partiality.

In other words, the identification results are very true.

The leader of the High Court picked up the small wooden hammer, and just about to speak, the leader of Tiancheng's lawyer team raised his hand.

"Leader, we are suing Taiwan Province Plastics and other companies in court. They slandered us as robbers, severely damaged Tiancheng's reputation, Tiancheng's image, and Tiancheng's international status, and forced us to cancel more than 50 large orders. , with a total loss of hundreds of billions of Franklin."

"Is there evidence?"

"Yes, when Taiwan Province Plastics slandered us, my big boss had already negotiated a special rubber supply agreement with the general manager of Nanyue Shoes. The total order was about 45 billion red notes. Because of the difference, the cooperation was canceled through the arbitration institution, and in the end, the special rubber raw materials worth 45 billion red notes prepared by us became waste products.”

The head of Tiancheng's legal team submitted evidence, "Here is the video of the signing of the contract, followed by the judgment of the arbitration institution, and the reasons for canceling the cooperation. These are enough to prove that it is malicious competition that Taiwan Plastics stabbed us in the back."

Taiwan Provincial Plastics: "???"

"In addition, we signed an order for plastic products with Cambodia...Because Taiwan Province Plastics slandered us, the general manager of Cambodia used the reputation of Tiancheng International Holdings..."

"We signed a rubber raw material supply agreement with Taimei Communication..."

"We signed a contract with Montenegro Odyssey to supply semi-finished rubber products..."

"We signed a contract with Ice Bear for the supply of plastic products..."

"We signed a contract with the French Accor Group..."

"We signed a contract with the African Union..."

"Our side and the North American Hordun Group..."

"Our side and Holden General Motors of Canada..."

"Our side and Nanbangzi KS Group..."

"Our side and Wajima Ninja Alliance..."

"Our side and Greece..."

"Our side and the five Nordic countries..."

"Our side and..."

"...We have enough evidence!"

"Leader, you have to be the master of China's leading company!"

King Xiaomi, who was in the ICU, witnessed the live broadcast of Gaofa, his lips trembled in anger, and he pointed to the screen for a long time, but he didn't say a word.

The secretary said worriedly: "Chairman, Mr. Ge called you and asked me to tell you that if you want to sell all the shares in hand now, he is willing to take them all at the market price."

"How much is the market price?"

"—26 Taiwan dollars."

"How many?"

"Minus twenty-six..."


King Xiaomi spat blood, patted the edge of the bed and roared angrily: "Wan Evil Ge Er Er, dare to be more outrageous, you can make me a negative number for the stock!!!"

In the past two years, there were indeed many stock prices that were negative, but that was the result of cash dividends. In the past two years, in order to check and balance Tiancheng's "large order control plan", Taiwan Plastics has been financing and issuing additional shares. There will be negative numbers.

In other words, someone has rounded up the stocks of Taiwan Plastics dozens of times, continuously increased and decreased positions, realized the negative cost of holding positions, and then continued to reduce their holdings...

Basically, this kind of situation will only appear in the bull market. If it appears in the ordinary stock market, it means that this stock has been hollowed out...


Qinggang Dongjiawan.


Ge Xiaotian pinched his waist with his left hand, held a cigarette with his right hand, and stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling glass window, looking at the rising sun, "Isn't it courting death to play finance with a giant who controls the industry?"

Taiwan Province Plastics is not as weak as it appears on the surface. During this period of time, while dealing with Tiancheng's rubber plan, at the same time, it used the internal information of Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce to secretly sneak into the gold market, which was constantly rising.

If King Xiaomi's plan is successful, even if Taiwan's plastics collapse, the other party can make a comeback with the help of gold profits.

Therefore, just now, with the momentum of thunder, Tiancheng used the supply of rubber raw materials and the Tianwei oil protection brigade to block the throat of Taishang Plastics. Before the other party cashed out the gold futures, it emptied the production equipment and suppressed the stock prices of Taishang Plastics and other companies.

This kind of play is similar to the many "oil wars" launched in North America, using force to stimulate the stock market, thereby controlling the stock price.

It's rogue, and it's effective.

Of course, the Tiancheng Lawyers Group could not win the lawsuit against those Taiwanese companies whose equipment had been evacuated, because the factors involved were very complicated across regions.

"This matter has come to an end for the time being. Next, we must fully deal with the 'East Jiaoxi Transport'."

Ge Xiaotian returned to his desk, opened Shi Guangji's notebook, and looked around at the Shacheng Engineering Department executives in the video conference through the "boss eyes":

"In the next six months, we will complete 20 Xingyue Bays to accommodate the first batch of 200,000 immigrants."

"Although the engineering volume is not the largest in Tiancheng's industrial chain, the difficulty is the highest ever."

"Because there is no cement or concrete there, all the steel used comes from Siberia, which is difficult to transport, inconvenient to process, harsh environment, and variable climate. Even if sand bricks are used for construction, the construction technology is extremely demanding."

"Also, the lifespan of a building made of sand bricks is only 30 years, which is far lower than that of conventional buildings."

"To solve these problems, the Architectural Design and Research Institute created a kind of 'rubber house' through GIS simulation."

"The house adopts anti-subsidence and anti-displacement frozen soil construction technology in the foundation and foundation links."

"Strictly speaking, there is no difference between frozen soil and sand layer in terms of landform characteristics. It is difficult to drive piles in frozen soil, but it is equally difficult to drive piles in sand layer. Thawing frozen soil can easily cause foundation subsidence, and loose sand layer can also easily cause foundation subsidence..."

"Therefore, if we want to achieve the natural speed of construction in Shacheng, we must abandon the existing building construction plan in Shacheng, and change it to the frozen soil construction standard of 'the foundation is connected into blocks, the blocks are connected to form a platform, and the foundation is also the foundation'."

"With the super-large foundation, the next step is the main construction of the rubber house."

"As early as when building the constant temperature room project, Tiancheng 101 Laboratory had launched a 'sea capacity module room' with an assembled structure."

"That is to use 'plastic boards' to nail out a floor that is higher than the quality of the board house."

"In the Shacheng immigration project, Tiancheng 101 Laboratory improved the technology and launched a steel frame frame outsourcing Hairong formwork, filling it with fine sand, and then pouring glue."

"In other words, build a steel structure on a super platform, use plastic slabs to support the formwork, fill the interior with fine sand, and then pour glue into it, wait for the fine sand to solidify, and the plastic slabs will not be removed, and finally form a building with quality (weight) that can develop into a High-rise buildings, rubber houses that can withstand wind and sand, and have a lifespan of 50 years."

Shacheng engineering executives downloaded the 'Shacheng sea capacity module construction technology' one after another, and then discussed the possible problems with the technicians next to them.

a long time.

A project supervisor: "Boss, the vanguard of the first batch of immigrants will arrive in three days. There are about 50,000 people. Now that the houses in all areas of Shacheng are full, how should we arrange them?"

"As early as the year before last, the Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce gradually increased the production of 'military camp tents' and 'disaster relief tents', and now the inventory, let alone 50,000 people, even 500,000 or 5 million people, is nothing thing."

Another engineering supervisor: "Boss, how to solve the basic necessities of desert immigrants?"

"It will be sent from Dongshan soon..."


May 1st.

Affected by the increasingly severe S-virus overseas, many primary and secondary schools have successively announced the suspension of classes.

at the same time.

Production enterprises in various parts of Dongshan, or upstream and downstream partners, have announced closed management, restarted the overtime system, and then provided the first batch of materials to the desert with the help of Tiancheng Logistics in a way of bursting production capacity.

Such as noodles, ham, eggs, toothpaste toothbrush, washbasin towel...

Such as fruits and vegetables, fish and seafood, all kinds of meat...

Countless people with money in their pockets, through the old-fashioned SG smart one card, or mate series smart one card, received the "group investment list", and under the influence of the "existing investment income" laid out in the early stage, they rushed to invest in desert projects.


Heavy-duty transport vehicles loaded with supplies converged from all parts of Dongshan to the intersection of the westward expressway, passed the toll booth, and rushed to the ALS in a long snake formation.

And in the following vehicles.

Clothing, shoes and hats, daily necessities, stationery, toys and comics...

The sound of the rumbling engine, mixed with the noise of tires rubbing against the asphalt, against the background of the huge ground-effect transport aircraft, outlines a magnificent scene of aiding the construction of the Great Northwest.

Regardless of the streets and alleys, or the bus stop signs, or the anti-aircraft billboards on both sides of the highway, all of them are replaced with: go, go to the desert!

The news network reported on this for two hours, which is also the longest record.

The international statistical agency launched a new round of GDP survey on the mother star, and was shocked to find that Dongshan's GDP has already ranked second, with a value as high as 1.8 trillion, which is only lower than the first place, California, which is 20 billion.

And the third-ranked Guangzhou District also abandoned Taiwan Province and went straight to fifth place, followed by Sujiang, Beihe, Neobras...

In addition, Taimei Tiancheng Port, Nanyue Tiancheng Port, and Non-District Alliance City are also among the top 30.

Ge Xiaotian didn't care much about this.

GDP only represents the construction sector. If you want to make life better, you still need to look at per capita income and consumption levels.

Therefore, Ge Xiaotian boarded the Harmony bus bound for ALS from Dongjiawan, Qinggang, all the way west, and every time he got off the road, he entered his own industrial park to have a look.

And the first destination is Weicheng Xingyue Bay.

It is May, which coincides with the kite flying season, and Weicheng is holding the International Kite Festival.

The kite square outside the urban area is crowded with people and it is extremely lively.

Driving away from the expressway, Ge Xiaotian looked up and saw "myself" with one hand pinching his waist and the other pointing far away, with "go, go to the desert" written on his body, wrapped around his neck by a thin rope, mounted high in the air and floating with the wind .

"It's a bit too much!"

"Boss, everyone thinks this is old Z."

"Is old Z so thin? The point is, as if he was worried that others would not recognize me, he even painted the word 'Ge' on his face?!"

Dao Shishi was worried that this guy was messing around, so he changed the subject, "Boss, do you think that centipede is handsome?"

"If you remove the character 'Ge' from the centipede's face, the kite will be perfect."

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