Build Madness

Chapter 912 This is Tiancheng

In addition to Centipede Ge, there are Cucurbit Ge, Bao Gong Ge, Donkey Ge, Wheelchair Ge, Brain and Kidney Liquid Ge, Funny Face Ge, Niu Tau Ge, Gou Zi Ge, Panda Ge, Black Pi Ge, Dwarf Ge, Cannon Ge, Hang Mu Ge...

This year's International Kite Festival seems to be themed with Laoge.

"Boss, don't be angry, we have income from copyright and portrait rights."

"Am I short of this money? This is not dead yet, so hang me so high!"

With a dark face and simple makeup, Ge Xiaotian came to the entrance of Kite Square.

Show the smart card health code, check personal information, find out the route of coming and going, and ensure that you are not a carrier of S virus, and then listen carefully to the oral training of the staff: you must wear a mask, wash your hands frequently, prohibit spitting, and keep social distance at all times. The penalty is 20 points of Tiancheng Credit.

Tiancheng does not have the right to impose fines on external parties, so it cannot stipulate that violators will be fined xx red notes, but Tiancheng's credit has shined in the past few years, and it is more important than money in the eyes of the masses.

For example, an old lady who likes to do good deeds suddenly becomes seriously ill, but her family is not very rich, and there is no township medical insurance these days, and she is about to face the desperate situation of having no money for medical treatment.

However, Qingshan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine inquired that the old lady's accumulative points in the Tiancheng credit system exceeded xx million. According to Tiancheng's standard, Tianrong International will provide the old lady with free medical assistance services, and give the old lady a monthly deduction of living expenses corresponding to the points.

For example, a super-rich man who often defaults on employee salaries and bank repayments suddenly suffers from a serious illness, which can only be cured by Qingshan Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital.

Qingshan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine has found out that the super rich have accumulative points of minus xx million in Tiancheng's credit system. According to Tiancheng's standard, Qingshan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine will charge xx times the number of points in advance, otherwise they will refuse to provide treatment.

In addition, there is gossip that credit points are related to character. The higher the credit points, the higher one's own luck, and the easier it is to encounter certain good things, such as winning prizes and being admitted...

If it is outside the Tiancheng industrial chain, this matter is a bit mysterious, but within the Tiancheng industrial chain, everything is related to information, data, and the Internet. The gossip must be true, and some people have personally verified it.

Therefore, once Tiancheng posted the deduction of credit points in certain areas, it would be more effective than fines.

It's a pity that Tiancheng's strength is limited, and the credit system is only effective within Tiancheng's industrial chain, and cannot be widely promoted. Even if the board of directors wants to acquire, financial capabilities must be considered.

In other words, if you want to promote it in an all-round way, it will be difficult to achieve without tens of trillions.

"step by step."

Ge Xiaotian didn't even think about using his own strength to achieve everything he wanted. After all, Tiancheng was still insignificant in front of the big machine of the country, and everything still depended on the N five-year plans of the board of directors.

Thinking about it, the two came to the kite stand.

The boss is a chubby aunt. There are all kinds of handicrafts in front of her. There are handmade kites made of paper, plastic kites cut by machinery, and palm-sized kites that seem to be handmade but are actually mass-produced by machinery. One is in exquisite cartons, there are single and double.

There are many bamboo crafts outside the booth, such as windmills, waterwheels, frogs, dragonflies...

Ge Xiaotian picked up the 'Little Swallow' kite, looked up and down, "How to sell it?"

"Five dollars and five."

"With the rope, can I sell it for three yuan?"

"You can go to other places to have a look."

"Five dollars and rope."


The fat aunt didn't speak, picked up the SG smart card, and showed the payment page.

Ge Xiaotian took out his pocket and took out the cash he had prepared long ago.

Seeing this, the fat aunt waved her hand: "It takes five yuan in cash, and five yuan in credit cards."

"Isn't it all paid for, the difference is a full fifty cents?"

"Isn't that right? If you give me cash, I have to go to the card issuing center to deposit it into the smart card account. If there are too many people and there will be a long queue and delay my business, fifty cents will be used as a handling fee."

“Swiping cards is fine.”

Ge Xiaotian smiled slightly, picked up Mate and swiped the card to pay.

Immediately handed the kite to the little boy beside him who was full of eager eyes but had no money to buy a kite.

The latter blinked, "Are you a trafficker?"


Didi Didi...

Almost instantly, the sirens sounded throughout the audience.

In just two or three seconds, several Heavenly Guards rushed over...


Taiwan Plastics.

Ge Xiaotian thought that the matter of evacuating the equipment would come to an end, but the victim company didn't think so.

The equipment was lost, the stock market crashed, and the person who sued the instigator was counter-sued...

The king of millet thought about it, "Is it strange if you think it is strange? In this world, there are only a few companies that can manufacture rubber refining and plastic processing equipment. Where did the new equipment of Tianjiao Tiansu come from?"

"Yes, Chairman, Tiancheng Electric Industry is really awesome, but it hasn't been so awesome that it can develop and manufacture equipment exactly like ours in a short period of time."

"But the information of the industrial version of GIS does show... Wait, industrial version of GIS! What the hell, GIS is natural. If they want to change the system parameters, isn't it as simple as moving their fingers?"

"But the international arbitration institution..."

"The oil protection brigade blocked the outer seas, not the southern waters, but the entire sub-region. Ge Laoer is planning to invest in the mines in West Asia, and Tianwei will definitely gather there. Tell me, the personnel of the international arbitration institution, who doesn't want to return home alive ?”


"Besides, Shuai Bo, the chairman of Tiancheng in Guangzhou District, is the film king. He just had a reception banquet with the leaders of the Guangzhou District. On behalf of the two sides, they negotiated a new round of construction in the Guangzhou District. , how to choose high law?"

"In other words?"

"The previous court session was just a play on the occasion. Do you think Ge Laohei shouted for nothing?"

"Then what shall we do next?"

"Hire international detectives, find out where the equipment is, get enough evidence, and submit another lawsuit."


Ge Xiaotian, who was almost regarded as a human trafficker by Tianwei, after proving his identity, wandered around Kite Square with Dao Shiyi for a long time, and went to the production company invested by Weicheng Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce to take a look, and then got on the seat to go to Decheng Qihe alkaline soil The bus at the watermelon breeding base, and the whole story of what happened inside Taiwan Plastics were also presented in graphic form by the Tiancheng Intelligence Department

"International detective?"

"It is a holding service company under Huo Dun Security, which is mainly engaged in tracking, investigation and other businesses."

"Then let the king of Xiaomi check it out, the equipment that was brought in has been refurbished, who knows where the old equipment went.

After Ge Xiaotian finished speaking, his eyes turned, "Don't always make people despair, give them some hope, and make them feel hopeless again, isn't it more fun?"


While chatting, the Harmony bus drove out of the expressway all the way to the west and stopped at the Daokou Passenger Station under the alkaline soil watermelon base.

The flight attendant prompts the arrival station, some passengers get off the train, and some passengers get on the train...

Ge Xiaotian stepped into the transfer area, looked left and right at the hall that was changed by the system workshop, went to the ticket office to learn about the operation method, and saw that the passengers were all orderly, whether they bought tickets, boarded the train, or passed the security check. Nodding in satisfaction.

Leaving the section station, the outside is even more lively.

The square in front of the station is filled with cars and people, surrounded by residential areas, production areas, and logistics areas...

The melon farmers who come and go pass through the station, or buy some food at the snack street on the edge of the square, or help the logistics and passenger transport deal with scattered affairs according to the task-style living allowance, or sit in the middle of the square to enjoy the entertainment programs held by the manufacturers.

Jingle Bell……

At 11:30, there was a crisp metal impact sound in the distance.

Countless blue and white figures, wearing yellow caps and holding high the red team flag, lined up neatly, singing positive energy songs, walking in all directions.

Later, several Jiefang brand school buses drove slowly onto the main road...

When the hustle and bustle died down, the streets and alleys gradually calmed down.

Jingle Bell……

The sound of crisp metal impact came again, and figures in various uniforms walked out of many high-rise buildings.

They ride away by bicycle, or walk to the snack street, or gather outside various buildings, and choose the box lunch they want through the vending machine.

Ge Xiaotian carried the box lunch he had bought in advance, walked to the rest area of ​​the park, sat down on a random step, unpacked the recyclable ceramic lunch box, picked up recyclable metal chopsticks and spoons, ate two bites of potato and beef rice, and ate a bite of the gifted banana , glanced at the strange young man next to him picking up food, and suddenly sighed.

The latter looked up, "Brother, are you thinking?"

"Yeah, when will this day be a head!"

"What's the matter? What's your dissatisfaction on such a good day?"


"It's like me. After graduating from university, I was running around. I finally found a job that was not suitable for me. When the internship period was about to end, I was dismissed by HR with any excuse. I only got 1,000 yuan in three months. Now, after training in the online school and smart All-in-one card for human resources scheduling, job matching, the company is near my hometown, the monthly salary is as high as 1,500, the house is not worrying, and I even talked about a girlfriend."

The strange youth gave Ge Xiaotian an egg, "Brother, come on!"

After finishing speaking, I finished eating in two or three bites, "I'm going back to work overtime, don't be downcast, as long as you work hard, life will get better eventually!"


Ge Xiaotian looked at the back of the other party, and finally looked at a thin girl on the left.

The latter smiled slightly, raised his fist, and swung down fiercely, "Come on!"

After finishing speaking, he grabbed two mouthfuls of food, picked up the lunch box and ran to the office building, "As long as you settle in the industrial park, I can consider falling in love with you!"


Seeing the white-collar workers dining in the rest area leaving one after another, Ge Xiaotian notified the regional supervisor to report.

"I'm asking you something."

"Boss, tell me."

"Did you attract talents to settle down, did you use beauty tricks?"

"Uh... To be honest, a little bit."


"We can't do anything about it. Although the overall human resources are coordinated, the industrial park is developing rapidly and requires various types of work. The Tiancheng industrial chain is different from outside companies. Even graduates from undergraduate colleges cannot adapt to our technical standards. At present, most of the talents needed by the industrial park come from Tiancheng technical secondary school, online school training, or summer camp training. There are tens of thousands of graduates every year, but there are hundreds of industrial parks, plus immigrants from Shacheng... We don't want to find a way to grab them If you attract talents, you will fall behind in development, and you will be criticized if you fall behind, and I will be dismissed by you."

"The expansion of enrollment this year may greatly improve the situation."

"Boss, I feel that your thinking is simple."


"Shacheng has millions of immigrants, and will eventually form a large city. However, the immigrants are all unemployed in the eastern region, which shows that they do not have strong skills, and it is impossible to meet Tiancheng's production requirements. If training is carried out, it will take at least half a year. If there are enough Teacher, this is of course no problem, the key is...the industrial park is short of talents, where can we find so many teachers?"

"It makes sense!"

Ge Xiaotian nodded, fully agreeing with this statement, "Is there a solution?"

"Boss, this year, our Tiancheng Technical Secondary School released a batch of new courses, and the employment problem prompted many colleges and universities to introduce them one after another. However, there is a two-level gap between the technical secondary school and the colleges and universities in terms of academic qualifications, technical secondary school, junior college, undergraduate..."

The regional supervisor said, scratching the ground, "You may not know that in order to prepare for future employment, many college entrance examination freshmen have learned to avoid science and turn to liberal arts, because liberal arts can understand Tiancheng's training and are easier to find employment, while science is due to the teaching materials. Falling behind is tantamount to learning in vain, even if you participate in Tiancheng training after graduation, the old and new technologies conflict, and it is difficult to understand Tiancheng courses."

"Wait, that's not right. Colleges and universities introduce new courses, and freshmen learn new textbooks. It's almost impossible for this to happen."

"You are in a high position, and the leaders who implement the new educational reform are also in high positions, but the leaders in the middle and low positions need to consider cost issues, such as updating textbooks. If you delay updating textbooks for a year and use last year's old textbooks, you know that a school can save money. How much does it cost? How much more benefits can each in-service teacher get?"


"So, the new education reform will not make real progress until at least...five years later. As for our industrial park, let alone five years later, I can't wait this year. I even want to take people to Tiancheng Technical Secondary School and block it at the gate to snatch it. Students."

"If you don't come down, I really don't know the situation is so serious."

Ge Xiaotian looked at Dao Shishi.

The latter explained: "Boss, it's not that I deliberately concealed from you, but the problem is really difficult to solve. It takes ten years to cultivate a tree and a hundred years to cultivate a person. It is not an easy task to cultivate talents.

Tiancheng Technical Secondary School is very strong, and even used the power of the 'server' (system), but the era determines the upper limit of thought, just like the founding of New China, there are only a few martyrs who dare to devote themselves to the revolution and accept new ideas, otherwise our China would have become a giant in the East. dragon.

It's the same now, the 'server' (system) cramming education helps us put new knowledge into the minds of students, but how to understand it and how to apply it proficiently still needs a slow process, or it takes time. Just enough, three and a half years of vinegar, four years of understanding, five years of entry.

Tiancheng Technical Secondary School has a three-year program, and the level of students is only half a bottle of vinegar, so they can't get a real graduation certificate.

Putting it outside, four years of undergraduate course without server (system) support, it is equivalent to one year of training for Tiancheng technical secondary school students, and it is impossible to complete the job requirements of Tiancheng's industrial chain. "

"I just want to know if there is a better solution."

"Yes, set up vocational colleges, lay 'servers' (system buildings)."

"Vocational University!"

Ge Xiaotian got up, looked into the distance, pondered for a moment, and took out the special communicator...

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