Build Madness

Chapter 913 Western United Vocational University

In 2003, affected by Tiancheng's industrial chain, although the first batch of graduates after the enrollment expansion of major colleges and universities had entered the society, academic qualifications did not become a stepping stone.

On the contrary, internship experience, training records, vocational skill level, and simulator learning records are the main basis for admission.

Such an employment environment caused Ge Xiaotian's previous feelings to become reality.

That is...

Some college students who managed to obtain a bachelor’s degree certificate could not find a corresponding job due to professional and technical iterations, or became a hotel waiter, or a product promoter, or an advertising promoter, or an insurance salesperson...

Among them, the worst is the BP machine maintenance.

Therefore, there are sayings in the society that "it is useless to go to college, it is better to learn technology", "one skill is in hand, and you can eat and drink without worrying about it".

The Ministry of Education is also very helpless.

On the one hand, it is the brand-new science and education to rejuvenate the country, and on the other hand, it is the employment problem caused by the replacement of old and new technologies.

When both of them have to be resolved, it will take a long transition period, but Tiancheng's industrial chain is rising rapidly, and there is no time for the Ministry of Education to implement the new education reform at all.


The old leader of the Ministry of Education has been grey-headed for half a year.

Jingle Bell……

The red phone on the desk in the distance rang, and the assistant picked up the receiver and talked a few words:

"Leader, Mr. Ge's call."

"Have you sent the approval letter for the enrollment expansion of Tiancheng Technical Secondary School?"

"Send it over, the regional group's technical secondary school has expanded its enrollment by 20,000, and the unified enrollment quota of Tiancheng Technical Secondary School Headquarters has increased to 15,000."

"Then why is this kid still calling?"

"I said I wanted to talk to you about something happy."


The old leader of the Ministry of Education answered the receiver suspiciously, "Hello?"

"Leader, I have an idea."


"We're going all out to develop the west, and we're short of all kinds of talents..."

"Don't mention talents to me. My brain is buzzing when I hear these two words. Yesterday, the chairman personally criticized me for being backward in thinking, saying that times have changed, and traditional education can no longer be used to measure current employment prospects."

"You chat with me a few words, and your thoughts will be avant-garde in an instant."

"Hey, what are you talking about... where are you?"

"I just arrived at Qihe in Decheng."

"What's the matter, let's talk?"

"That's kind, I'll help you arrange a business jet."

"No, the Ministry of Education has a special plane."

In the evening of the same day, the old leaders of the Ministry of Education parachuted into Qihe Watermelon Base.

When the two met, Ge Xiaotian didn't mention the issue of education, but took him for a few laps in the melon field with alkaline soil, and visited the breeding base by the way.

"Leader, have you found out?"

"I found out that the education levels are very low, and many people even have no diplomas."


Ge Xiaotian walked to the door of the plastic shed and called up the human resource management system from the small server, "They don't know English, don't know physical chemistry, they need smart card calculators for calculation, and they need to query databases for biology, but the planting technology they master , breeding technology, hybridization technology, and even surpassed the students of agricultural universities."

"No, some people are as talented as agricultural researchers."

"Tiancheng trained them for only one year, and this year, they will create tens of millions of economic value and tens of thousands of economic benefits per person. Leader, if we are in China, everyone is like this...Of course, not Saying that everyone learns to grow watermelons, but everyone has the skills for the corresponding position, do you think we still lack talents?"

"Xiaoge, if we do this, we won't have high-end talents for scientific research."

The old leader of the Ministry of Education lit a cigarette and sighed: "We have to admit that China is a developing country and lags behind developed countries in education. Exam-oriented education is screened layer by layer, and finally come to..."

"Leader, after hearing what you said, I suddenly thought of a joke. Take a small amount of students in a test tube, add enough homework to dissolve, and get top students and scumbags who don't dissolve in homework."


"Filtrate and wash, cool and crystallize to obtain saturated and pure Xueba crystals, remove the Xueba precipitation, add excess test paper to Xueba, there is no obvious phenomenon. Add excess test paper to Xueba, Xueba dissolves and foams in large quantities. The slag gas is collected and ignited, emitting a light blue flame of resentment. Immersing Xueba in the cold concentrated test will passivate its surface."


"Don't you think it's sad?"

"At least for now it works."

"Tiancheng is number one in China."


"Tiancheng is the largest private enterprise in China, as well as the largest enterprise in China, and it is also the top 20 parent star."


"Enterprises starting with the word Tian occupy 80 of the top 100 Chinese companies, and 45 of the top 500 home stars. Tiancheng's international partners are all top 100 home stars."


"With such a huge industrial chain, except for the Design and Research Institute, there are almost no graduate students or even undergraduates in other departments."

"Because you have a targeted training system."

"That's right. We insisted on using our own talent training mode, and it was only then that we created the current Tiancheng. Facts have proved that I was right."


"Leader, look ahead, if we have 5 million senior professional talents, 20 million mid-level professional talents, and 100 million junior professional talents, what will happen to Huaxia?"

"Little Ge, it's not so easy to cultivate high-level professional talents. It's just like the Zhuhui. After five years of accumulation, there are only 2,000 people."

"If we carry out targeted training for the betting club, believe it or not, I will create 100,000 members for you in a year?"

"Is it internationally recognized?"


Ge Xiaotian smiled slightly, and looked seriously at the old leader of the Ministry of Education, "I don't know which international you mean by the international?"


Tiancheng has its own international circle, the members include Ice Bear, Wajima, South Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Pakistan, West Asia, Greece, United Chiefs, Montenegro Odyssey Alliance, African Region Alliance, France, and five Nordic countries.

Because these countries recognize the Tiancheng standard.

But the world at the Chinese level is the entire mother planet.

"Leader, to be honest, we don't lack technology now, what we lack is people who can quickly absorb technology. In other words, if Tiancheng establishes an 'international economic organization', our Huaxia will be a talent incubator and a talent export base. All who join the international economic organization Countries or regions from all over the world will come to China to learn new technologies!"

The old leader's eyes lit up, "This is Tiancheng's standard!"

"Wrong, it's the Chinese standard!"

Ge Xiaotian picked up a big watermelon from the plastic greenhouse, and grinned like an old farmer, "I have a dream, to let the whole world learn Chinese!"


"Don't believe it..."

"I believe it, but you are too outrageous. Taimei's side is full of Sichuan flavor, Ice Bear's side is full of Northeast flavor, and West Asia's side is directly Shaanxi... Especially, some time ago, I went to Africa with my parent planet UNESCO. During the inspection of the district alliance, when the old blacks opened their mouths, there was a strong Nanhe martial arts style."

"Are you kind?"


"Look, they have all learned the Chinese language, and they will learn our Chinese technology in the future. Isn't this the international circle centered on our Huaxia?"

"It makes sense... what are you going to do?"

"The new education reform has been implemented, but the reform has not been thorough. Why don't we make a big reform without breaking it."

"I don't have that much energy...and neither does the chairman."


Ge Xiaotian nodded. Education is a century-old project, and it is not easy for one or two high-ranking people to change the regulations. "It's better to set up a new stove and rebuild the system, just like the Ministry of Education has colleges and universities, the board of directors has the Academy of Social Sciences, and the private sector has vocational colleges."

"You can pull it down. The coverage of Tiancheng's industrial chain is constantly expanding. All the employees of the company come from Tiancheng Technical Secondary School. You don't recruit college graduates. Why do you still go to college? Why don't you pay less money to enter Tiancheng Technical Secondary School, and you will not be able to get a job in the future." Don't worry about it."

"Look, you all have this idea. It seems that it is imperative to promote vocational colleges."

"For such an important matter, there must be a charter."

"What charter do you want? The training process continues in Tiancheng Technical Secondary School, three years from technical secondary school, five years from vocational university, graduates from technical secondary school can enter junior and intermediate positions, graduates from vocational university can enter intermediate and senior positions, and if there are vocational graduate students, they can enter senior positions, register positions, special positions."

"Do a trial first."


Ge Xiaotian thought for a while, "The west is too backward, and there is a serious shortage of teachers, but there is a vast area, which is conducive to the construction of a super campus. Why don't we first establish a vocational university there that includes the existing disciplines of Tiancheng Technical Secondary School? It is necessary to extend professional skills and even involve the field of scientific research.”

"Little Ge, we need to make sure of one thing."

"You say."

"The vocational university you are talking about is not a higher vocational college, not a junior college, nor a 'three colleges', but a vocational university with a bachelor's degree."

"Hey, yes, you actually understand?"

"I'm not old enough yet."

"Is that the deal?"

"What's the deal? What did you say? Describe a school model for me, and I'll authorize Tian Cheng with a bachelor's degree?"

"Otherwise? If you don't give it to me, do you want to do it yourself?"


The old leader of the Ministry of Education was silent for a moment, "The trouble is serious and has a far-reaching impact. This university cannot be run by the people."

"Then according to the model of Jinxiuchuan University Town, Tiancheng is responsible for building the school, publicity, and operation, while the Ministry of Education is responsible for management and education."

"Still free?"

"Leader, your hair is all white."


"You are still young, are you worried?"


"I have helped you solve such a big problem, and you will have to spend money on construction in the future. The desert is not Jinxiuchuan, and there is no real estate profit. Moreover, Tiancheng has its own directional training system, so there is no need to lose money and make money to build a vocational college. .”

"Ge Heizi, what do you mean?"

"Either authorize the undergraduate degree to Tian Cheng, and we lose money to build a vocational college, can play on your own."

"Is there no other choice?"

"Yes, I will fly directly to the capital and talk to the chairman, and put the vocational university on the board of directors, which has the same nature as the Academy of Social Sciences. From now on, your education department will have nothing to do."


The old leader of the Ministry of Education was laughed angrily, and wanted to say something, when he suddenly remembered that this is the second child Ge, who really has the ability to talk to the chairman, "What school name are you going to choose?"

"Use the Western United Vocational University first. For the time being, only 18-25 years old in Tiancheng's industrial chain will be recruited, with high school status or Tiancheng technical secondary school graduation certificate. In addition, we will set up adult off-the-job education, adult on-the-job education, adult continuing education and other colleges."

"School size?"

"It covers an area of ​​50,000 square kilometers."

"Fifty thousand square meters...isn't it a little small?"

"You heard it wrong, it's not meters, it's kilometers."

"Pfft..." The old leader spat out a mouthful of mineral water, "How much?"

"Fifty thousand square kilometers."

"Are you kidding me?"

"This is a vocational university. Do you know what a profession is? No wonder the chairman criticized you for being backward in thinking."


"Occupation, according to Tiancheng's standards, we divide occupations into four levels from rough to subdivided, namely 8 major categories, 83 subcategories, 284 subcategories, and 1506 occupational items."


"Take agriculture as an example. Wheat cultivation requires a large area of ​​wheat fields and corresponding greenhouses. It is used to grow different types of wheat and requires a teaching building to teach. Peanuts, corn, cotton, sugar cane, etc. are all like this. In the end, they share a Plant Breeding Center, Gene Seed Research Institute."

Ge Xiaotian scratched the ground twice, "Agriculture also includes agricultural machinery, which is linked to hardware, electric welding, agricultural machinery driving, and industrial manufacturing. When we plan the campus, we need to take these factors into consideration, and the land occupied by agriculture will not be less than 10,000 mu. "

"In the same way, fishery needs ponds, forestry needs woods, animal husbandry needs grasslands and livestock, machinery needs workshops, smelting needs steel mills, electricity needs power stations, soldiers need barracks, airplanes need airports, weather needs satellites, spaceflight needs space stations..."

The old leader of the Ministry of Education was still nodding his head, but he became more and more confused after hearing, "Wait, what are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about a vocational university!"

"Does the vocational college have barracks?"

"Our Tiancheng Technical High School provided the military with 500 elite tank pilots, 50 fighter pilots, and nearly 1,000 aircraft maintenance personnel for the military department last year. Do you have any questions?"

"I'm fine, but there must be something wrong with this school."

"What's the problem? In vocational colleges, soldiers are also a profession. Why can't we have this profession?"

"It makes sense..."

"In addition, agents, spies..."


The old leader of the Ministry of Education exploded again, "What are you talking about?"

"Isn't an agent a job? Isn't a spy a job?"


"Thiefs, robbers, gangsters, ruthless people...Hey, leader, don't go!"

"Can we still chat?"

"Just kidding, we are regular."

"Get rid of all that mess..."

"What's so messed up? As the saying goes, three hundred and sixty lines, every line will lead to a champion. This is the purpose of our Western Union University!"

"I'll go back and think about it, and you will submit the copy later."


Seeing that the old leader of the Ministry of Education could not make the decision, Ge Xiaotian was not in a hurry, and sent the other party to the special machine of the Ministry of Education.

Turning around, Dao Shixi said, "Boss, you have overplayed your head this time. How can we build a school of 50,000 square kilometers?"

"Shacheng covers an area of ​​50,000 square kilometers, copying the eastern island of Jianfu as a military training ground, covering an area of ​​50,000 square kilometers, and the Western Associated University covers an area of ​​50,000 square kilometers. In this way, one-third of Taklamakan will be taken."

"The key question is, how do you use tents to resettle migrants, how do you build schools?"

"Draw the desert-type town center to the desert and lay a complete base. Isn't this the 'Western United University'? There are farmlands, workshops, barracks, airports...everything is there."

"???" Dao Shishi was dumbfounded.

"After it is built, attribute it to the special glue for the desert, and then promote it. In this way, we not only have a super vocational university, but also a complete base, and can export glue... Smart as I am, smart Ge Xiaotian! "

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