Build Madness

Chapter 914 Vocational University Charter

Ge Xiaotian ate watermelon in the plastic greenhouse for two days, and did not wait for approval from the Ministry of Education. He felt that the establishment of a joint vocational university might be more complicated than imagined. After thinking about it, he did not continue westward, but took his team to visit other local industries.

Tiancheng's deployment in Dongshan Decheng includes not only the cultivation of watermelons in alkaline soil, but also the production of photovoltaic materials, the research and development of graphene batteries, and the manufacture of wind power towers.

In order to achieve a balanced development, these factories are distributed in the surrounding counties of Decheng, rather than concentrated in Qihe.

So, come full circle, it's mid-May.

During this period, Taiwan Plastics hired quite a few private investigators to investigate the stolen equipment covering most of the sub-region.

Due to the huge size of the equipment, there will always be some traces left after loading and unloading. With the help of security officers, private detectives quickly found some clues.


While asking for fees, the detectives followed the clues, starting from Guangzhou, passing through Jianfu, Modu, Dongshan, Liao Province, Nanbangzi, Wadao, and then went south to Nanyang, traveled all over South Vietnam, Cambodia, and Taimei, and walked on land Go straight to the third brother, and then cross the war-torn zone in West Asia...

"Where are they?"

"I just entered the native chicken, and I will go to Greece next week for a tour, and then go to the five Nordic countries for consumption."

"Don't patronize and play, but also help others to find it."

"Find two shaping machines, you said, you have to give some hope."

"No, all the equipment has been refurbished. Where did they find the molding machine? Can all the parameters be the same?"

"It was the same batch of equipment that was produced in 1996. It happened that the third brother had a small factory, so he brought it out and handed it over to Taiwan Plastics, which was greatly encouraged."

"Let's find it. Such a big international case, how can it be easily solved within three to five years?"

Ge Xiaotian took a bite of the watermelon, "Besides, after three to five years, even if this batch of refurbished equipment from Tianjiao Tiansu can be refurbished again, the manufacturing process is already behind. Throwing the refurbished equipment to the private detectives can close the case without damaging the brand name of Huo Dun Security Group."

"High (black)! Really high (black)!"

"Eleventh, I finally understand why you have been able to stay with me for so long. This flattery is...comfortable!"


Among the accompanying secretaries, the Secretary of International Affairs stepped forward with a copy:

"The boss, the Siberian Gas Company, has successfully acquired the Far East Petroleum Group, and once again controls the oil pipeline projects of Bingxiong and Nanbangzi."

"Remember that when the pipeline was laid, Ice Bear used the construction team from Wadao, but later he had no money to pay, and Wadao wanted to take down the four southern islands of the Thousand Islands controlled by Ice Bear?"

"Yes, Ice Bear paid for the two islands later, but during the conflict in the Wakai Sea, Ice Bear took advantage of the pressure to share the pressure for us and snatched the island back again."

"In other words, Ice Bear won a natural gas pipeline of thousands of kilometers for nothing?"

"You can say that."

"That can't be done, we have done our best in this transaction, we have to give some benefits..."

Ge Xiaotian wiped his watermelon juice-stained hands, picked up the paper and flipped through it, "Now that the high-speed industrial park is on the right track, and hundreds of residential communities have not yet laid natural gas, this project is handed over to the Siberian Gas Company. ruble."

"They certainly wouldn't agree."

"Then Ice Bear will fully withdraw its capital, and by the way, cancel the business of helping them repair aircraft and battleships... By the way, let Montenegro Odyssey work harder, and it is best to blow up Ice Bear's Black Sea Fleet. I see them Find someone to fix it."


The Secretary of International Affairs sighed and contacted the Siberian Gas Company on the spot.

The latter itself has Tiancheng’s technical support. For example, the oil production equipment in Yakutia comes from Tiancheng Electric Industry, and the Okhotsk deep-sea oil production platform comes from Tiancheng’s overseas projects. For example, the deep forest in the Central Siberia oil production area includes Tiancheng International Holdings...

In addition to repairing the aircraft carrier and more important investments, Siberian Gas Company agreed to help Tiancheng International Holdings build a natural gas pipeline all the way to the west industrial park without the pressure of the ice bear.

As for the follow-up operation, one watch, one account, this is CNOOC's business.

Therefore, Ge Xiaotian personally gave the old money who was already the chairman of Shanghai Oil, and chatted about the "friendship price".

The laying of natural gas benefits the country and the people, and now that Tiancheng has provided so many users and natural gas market, how can CNOOC not pay?

What money?

Laying pipelines, one meter and one household, always requires a construction team.

In this respect, Tiancheng is a professional!

After taking over the entire project, Ge Xiaotian contacted the former iron construction leader who was the chairman of Huaxia Energy Construction again, and contracted this project to the other party.

Tian Cheng was busy building the desert project, and the extra strong men went to Huaneng Construction, so there was no manpower for laying gas pipelines.

It is normal to subcontract the project, not to mention one package and two packages, three packages and four packages.

Of course, Tiancheng and Huaneng pay attention to construction technology and project quality, and Ge Xiaotian only takes 10% of the 'project transfer fee' for just one subcontracting.

"Isn't that how the money comes from doing projects?"

Dao Shiyi flattered again: "Boss, you are getting more and more proficient at playing left-handed and right-handed."

"I don't want to make money either, but education... I can't do without money."

Ge Xiaotian took out a blank piece of paper, "The profit from this business is used to develop teaching materials and prepare teaching facilities."

The voice did not fall.

Another secretary stepped forward, "Boss, the old leader of the Ministry of Education is here."

"Please come quickly."


Watermelon Cultivation Center Office.

The senior leaders of the Ministry of Education brought a lot of materials and equipment on this trip, and more than a dozen staff members of the Ministry of Education helped to arrange them.

for a long time.

"Xiao Ge, after returning home, the superiors made statistics and analysis on the current situation of human resources through the large database. The problems we are facing are indeed very serious. In the northern industrial system alone, there are hundreds of thousands of gaps in middle and senior technical personnel. If we add The number of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, fishery, and financial technology is beyond imagination... According to the decision of the superior, the transformation of optoelectronic technology will start this year, and the gap will become larger and larger in the future. It is indeed imperative to strengthen the learning and training of professional and technical personnel."

"In that case, let's get started."

"The question is, both the board of directors and the Ministry of Education want to know, does Tian Cheng still have money?"

"There is no money, but Tiancheng has resources."


"Tian Cheng has grown to the point where money is like dung..."

"Oh, so there is no need to allocate funds?"

"Wait, appropriation?"

"Yeah, education funding, otherwise why would it take so long?"

"How many?"

"Didn't you just say that money is like dung?"

"Yeah, money is like dung, but red notes are my religion."


The leader of the Ministry of Education couldn't help laughing, and then said seriously: "Education is the foundation of a country. Since the founding of New China, the Ministry of Education has made many attempts, just like the previous emphasis on technical secondary schools. Unfortunately, due to social influence, the results are not satisfactory. This time Establishing a vocational university is actually an attempt.”

"No, leader, this is a trend. Believe me, after 30 years, ordinary colleges and universities will only be responsible for superficial knowledge and science, and the schools that are really useful to society will still be vocational universities and technological universities. Even when the gold content of diplomas shrinks, the streets will be filled with They are all undergraduate graduate students, and general junior colleges and universities will be cancelled.”

"If someone else said that, I would definitely scoff, but who told you to be Ge Xiaotian... I can only say that times have changed."

"Yes, so reducing the burden on students has become the top priority at the moment. It is the foundation of education to remove some unnecessary subjects and add social subjects so that students can apply what they have learned and use what they have learned."

"Easier said than done."

"Vocational universities can solve this problem, and even develop into a lifelong professional training system."

After Ge Xiaotian finished speaking, his voice changed, and he asked curiously, "How much education funding have you applied for?"

"Wait until we finish talking about the charter."

The old leader of the Ministry of Education turned on the projection equipment, "The education system in the west is indeed backward. Since the decision to establish the Western United Vocational University is decided, the superiors hope to incorporate some universities that cannot develop into it."

"Who is in charge of these colleges? If it's still the Ministry of Education, I'm afraid there will be conflicts with Tian Cheng in terms of management later on."

"Don't worry, Tiancheng's salary is so good, once the vocational colleges are established, I'm afraid the teachers of these colleges will be poached by you in an instant."

"Don't be kidding, how dare we poach the corner of the Ministry of Education."

"Hey, where are the teachers and technicians from the old Beidi secondary school? And the backbone of the agricultural machinery department?"


"After being merged into these colleges and universities, the Western United Vocational University will continue to use the title of the Ministry of Education."

"Leader, only Tiancheng's standards can measure Tiancheng's technical level. If you continue to use the title of the Ministry of Education, the questions are wrong and the skills are different. What level are you evaluating?"

"In this way, you have to give us a complete set of technical teaching materials."

"So that's what you came up with."

Ge Xiaotian pondered for a moment, then nodded slightly, "Yes!"

In the past, Tiancheng would disclose a batch of high-tech every year. The first was to promote Tiancheng's standards, the second was to commit crimes, the third was to refuse to eat alone, and the fourth was to consolidate the relationship between enterprises.

The number of companies using these technologies is increasing year by year, and the Ministry of Education has gradually incorporated these technologies into textbooks in consideration of employment issues.

But the high-tech that Tiancheng opened up is not the core technology, or in other words, only the students of Tiancheng technical secondary school can get in touch with the core technology.

Like confidential technology, except for the aerospace department of the nine institutes, outsiders have never heard of it.

The top-secret technology and non-recording technology are exclusive to system personnel.

The higher authorities must know that Tian Cheng has something, otherwise they wouldn't be able to create the strongest private enterprise now.

In other words, Tiancheng set up a vocational university, and his superiors approved it, authorized a bachelor's degree, and also allocated education funds, so Tiancheng had to come up with something useful.

As for what these technologies are for?

Huaxia-level enterprises need to make money, and local government-owned enterprises need to make money. Otherwise, how can such a large country be supported.

Ge Xiaotian thought about it, opened the time machine notebook, logged into the database of Tiancheng Technical Secondary School, called up the textbook catalog of vocational colleges prepared by the science and education team during this period, and inserted several subjects that were not planned to be made public:

"Gene seeds, genetic recombination, cloned food..."

"Plastic Fuel, Plastic Rumble, Super Strong Plastic..."

"Heavy metal smelting, graphene purification, artificial diamond synthesis..."

"Special cement, defect-free concrete..."

"3D printing, AR technology, VR technology..."

"Spectroscopy, photolithography, EUV technology, DUV technology..."

With the increase of high-tech subjects, the smiles of the old leaders of the Ministry of Education became more and more obvious, and suddenly thought of something, "Wait, Xiao Ge, you seem to have said before that you will recruit students from the areas where Tiancheng International Holdings' partners are located. , these technologies have been learned overseas!"

"That's right, but if we don't let them learn, how can we have international cooperation? Without cooperation, how can we have international status?"

"But... it's all precious technology."

"As long as we run fast, they will never catch up, no, they will always chase us, and no one dares to fall behind, because once we fall behind, technology will iterate, without high-tech, the whole will fall behind, lag behind will be beaten."


"Don't worry, I have a sense of proportion, this is the bond to strengthen the relationship between the two parties, just like Tiancheng's commercial deployment, if we don't build docks in South Vietnam and Taimei to drive their economy, how can they follow Tiancheng and North America to play farm trade with all their hearts war?"

"Makes sense."

The old leader of the Ministry of Education is not "keep your ears off the window, and only read the books of sages", otherwise you would not be able to sit in your current position. After a little thought, you understand everything, "How many exchange students are you going to recruit?"

"No, they are not exchange students, they are international students. They are divided into public funds and self-funded. Fees are set according to the region. For example, if Taimei can export xx tons of rubber to Tiancheng next year, we will recruit xx public-funded international students from Taimei, and at their own expense On the one hand, no matter what... a thousand or eight hundred catties of gold."


The old leader of the Ministry of Education was a little confused, "Why is studying abroad linked to business? Gold?"

"Tiancheng is an enterprise, we don't pay attention to other aspects, only the profit."

"Can you still play like this?"

"What do you think?"

Ge Xiaotian clicked on the laser blackboard, "In addition to overseas students, Tiancheng has become the future of all mankind, and will also send outstanding students from other regions, including North America, Wajima, England, Italy, etc., including but not limited to high school students and college students. Invitation letter for studying abroad, if you have excellent grades, you are expected to stay in school, and select the best as regular employees of Tiancheng International Holdings."

"This trick is amazing!"

The leaders of the Ministry of Education nodded deeply, "What about in China?"

"One is to give priority to the admission of students from Tiancheng Technical Secondary School. All students are welcome to have a diploma or not, but if they don't get a diploma from a technical secondary school, they won't be able to get a university diploma."


"The second is unified recruitment. Because it is a vocational and technical university, we do not take the college entrance examination, but conduct a vocational and technical examination. It is held after the college entrance examination and the high school entrance examination every year. It lasts for five days. The subjects are ideology and morality, sports competition, Chinese expression, mathematical logic, and social science. .”

"It's all about the content of the new education reform, but aren't there too few subjects?"

"Do you think it's useful to take the biology test for those who study auto repair? Maybe after two or three years of practice, they forget 100% of English, mathematics, geography, etc. 90%."


"Leader, we must always insist that vocational colleges are to quickly replenish practitioners with new technologies in various industries, and if we want them to quickly absorb new technologies, we must simplify the complexity and not make the subjects too complicated, otherwise Studying for ten or eight years is still not as good as studying for one or two years in a technical secondary school."

"Well, it's still the old thinking that imprisoned the thinking, so do as you said."

"The third is to recruit normal students and cultivate teachers in vocational universities."

"Think far-reaching."

"Fourth is... You see, it is so perfect, why don't you authorize me with a master's degree and a doctorate degree."

"No matter how high your education is, if it is not recognized internationally..."

Halfway through the speech, the old leader remembered that Tiancheng's small world is not Huaxia's global world. Moreover, Tiancheng's series of research laboratories and cultivation centers have long held a high status in the global world, and were even recognized by the North American NA aerospace department, " You are tantamount to pulling an education system alone!"

"Then we're done!"

As Ge Xiaotian said, he took out the communicator and sent a message to the communication group customized by Tiancheng International Chamber of Commerce, "Everyone is ready for funds, come to Dongshan for a meeting tomorrow!"

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