Build Madness

Chapter 915 Vocational University Board of Directors

"If you can't do it, leave it to Ge Xiaotian."

The old leader of the Ministry of Education recalled what the chairman had told him when he came here, that he would no longer retain the authorization of master's and doctoral degrees, and took out spare documents and signed them with a pen.

When he turned around, the mysterious young man next to him had put down his smart card and started eating the watermelon again.

"Is it so delicious?"

"Try it."

"Sucking... Hey, sweet and refreshing, delicious and juicy, sweet as honey."

"As expected of the leader of our Ministry of Education, an interjection actually contains the main advantages of our desert watermelon."

Ge Xiaotian signaled to the accompanying secretary, "Cut the monitoring and editing just now, as a desert watermelon promotional video, and put it on Huaxia TV, what time period...before the news broadcast."

"Good boss."

The old leader of the Ministry of Education did not stop, but shook his head cheerfully, "Do you dare to cut it, and do you dare to broadcast it on the radio?"

Although the superiors didn't stipulate that leaders should not engage in commercial endorsements, the broadcasting would not have a good impact after all, not to mention that it was such a high-ranking leader of the Ministry of Education.

After the editing is finished and passed on, I'm afraid it will be difficult to pass the review.

Ge Xiaotian took out a large No. 13 cigar and lighted it for the two of them, "Leader, you may not believe me if I tell you, this cigarette is the endorsement of Wan Lao."

After finishing speaking, he pointed to the five-star Moutai in the distance, "The wine invested by Tiancheng is the endorsement of the All People Hall."

"The extended business tua at the door is the endorsement of the former chairman."

"The plane you took when you came here was the endorsement of the current chairman."

"The VR two-way simulator next to it is the chief endorsement of Wajima, oh, and Xiaobu, Boss Ice Bear..."

"In addition, when the chairman was the deputy director, he helped me endorse drones for exploration. When Mr. Yu was the general manager of Dongshan, he endorsed the online shopping products for me... the sea has gone, and some old ladies in the courtyard of the capital also Helped me endorse Jiannaobukidney liquid. To be honest, you are nothing."


The leaders of the Ministry of Education were dumbfounded.

"You usually have nothing to do, watch more TV, SG TV is very good, and Weihua's new curved smart screen is also good."

"You want me to endorse TV for you again?"

"If you are willing, I am extremely honored. Of course, there is no endorsement fee. Besides, I will give it to you, but you dare not accept it."


"No, tomorrow there will be a meeting of Guan Tiancheng International Chamber of Commerce investing in the United Vocational University. It is so important, how can it be hosted without you?"

"I'm afraid of falling into the pit."

"Look at what you said, it seems like I am digging a hole professionally."


the next day.

May 16th.

The S virus gradually subsided, and most of the epidemic areas on the home planet were unblocked, and a plague of the new era seemed to be over.

On the same day, the Kela Isthmus Canal was officially dug through, but Tiancheng used AR technology to shield the entire line, and did not publicize this matter.

8 am.

Beihe Hengshui Great Wall Automobile Industrial Park.

Business jets from all directions parked in the park square one after another.

Not long.

Countless business tycoons, chatting, greeting, or swaggering, stepped onto the red carpet together, and walked into the car-shaped venue under the photographs of many reporters.

"Friends from the audience, welcome to China One Morning News. This is the live broadcast of China Great Wall Automobile Industrial Park. Today is a special day. Tiancheng International Holdings will hold a technical seminar here that will affect the future and determine the new direction of blue-collar employment. .”

"The main leaders who participated in this seminar include the general manager of commerce, the leaders of the Ministry of Education, the leaders of Beihe University, the leaders of Dongshan University, the leaders of Nanhe University...the western general manager."

“Domestic business people who participated in this seminar include:

Pang xx, Chairman of Sun International (Paper Industry),

Montblanc, Chairman of Wanshi International (Technology),

Wan xx, Chairman of Ruyi International (Textile),

Ding Yuanyang, Chairman of Sino-Ocean International (Transportation),

Chen Feng, Chairman of Shangpin International (Commerce and Trade),

Longtian International (Technology) Chairman Wang xx,

Qian xx, Chairman of CNOOC International (Petroleum),

Shen Zhipeng, chairman of Jifu Chamber of Commerce (Construction),

Ding Hao, Chairman of Tianhao Group (Comprehensive),

Zhu Changfa, Chairman of Tianbo Group (Comprehensive),

Shuai Bo, chairman of Tianjiao, Tiansu, Tiancheng Guangzhou..."

"Overseas important people who participated in this seminar include:

Chairman of Ice Bear Siberian Gas Company...

The head of the Ice Bear Komsomolsk-on-Amur shipyard...

Regional Director of Ice Bear Okhotsk...

Chairman of Ice Bear Yakut...

Deputy Director of Nanbangzi KS Group...

Chairman of Wajima Seiko Semiconductor Group...

Wajima Epson Semiconductor...

Wajima Sanyo Electric...

South Vietnam leather...

Yingla, chairman of Taimei AS Communications,

Mr. Zhuang, Chairman of Motherstar Development Bank,

Chairman of Cambodia Rubber Plantation Group...

Chairman of Sange Rubber Supply Group...

President of Accor Group...

Chairman of Danish Real Estate...


"In addition, more than 350 people, including the chairman of the board of directors and department heads of Tiancheng International Holdings, participated in this meeting."

During the admission ceremony.

The Black Mountain Odyssey Alliance was very dissatisfied with Tian Cheng for having such an important meeting, but did not invite him, and decided to cut off the live broadcast of the panda guards.

Ge was deflated for the first time, but he had no choice but to send meeting invitations to at least twenty departments such as Montenegro Odyssey Antivirus, Montenegro Odyssey Business, Montenegro Odyssey Industry, Montenegro Odyssey Football, etc.


England expressed dissatisfaction.

It's a pity that no one paid attention to...

10 o'clock in the morning.

The Montenegro Odyssey Alliance conducted a collective AR projection, and the meeting was held as scheduled.

Ge Xiaotian was wearing blue overalls, stepped on multi-functional rubber boots, and appeared on the rostrum with a majestic background.

"It is a great pleasure to gather with you here and discuss the next meeting that may change the destiny of all mankind."

"First of all, let's learn about several advanced science and technology."

"In July last year, Spanish researchers discovered the substance behind 'photographic memory', which can be used to produce a memory-enhancing medicinal liquid."

"In October last year, Italian and Swedish scientists developed the first artificial hand with sensation on the mother planet, which can be used for limb transplantation."

"Last December, North American retinal transplants helped restore sight to blind people."

"In January, the Texas Heart Institute developed a 'rotating' heart that has no pulse, no blockage, and no failure."

"In February this year, about seven countries and regions began to study 'blockchain' and 'Internet of Everything'..."

"Then the question is, do you have these technologies or industries?"

"Of course not!"

"But the mother planet's technology is changing with each passing day. The new technology produced last year alone exceeds the sum of the previous decades. If you don't have anything, what do you use to gain a foothold in the mother planet's business world? What do you even use to protect your country?"

"Now is the opportunity."

"The above technologies, including brand-new technologies that everyone has never heard of, have never seen, and surpass the current mainstream technology of the mother planet, Tiancheng has it!"


Applause from the audience.

No one doubts.

Because this is Tiancheng!

Ge Xiaotian pressed his palm in vain, and the venue was instantly quiet:

"My Lao Ge's character is obvious to all. In order to develop and make progress together, I can even transfer Tiancheng's unique technology to partners for free..."

hula la...

This time the applause was more intense.

Because this is a fact, no matter domestic enterprises or overseas enterprises, all have received technology or equipment from Tiancheng for free, so they have the ability to catch up with their peers and follow in Tiancheng's footsteps, otherwise they would have been squeezed out by other enterprises with high technology. collapse.

"However, as we collectively grow rapidly, we encounter more and more problems in terms of human resource coordination."

"for example……"

"Dong Pang, how many pulp technologists does Sun International (Paper Industry) need this year? Paper engineers? Paper R\u0026D personnel?"

Old Pang of the paper industry: "There are many. In addition, we also need a large number of electrical control personnel, instrument inspectors, workshop inspection personnel, etc., and there is a shortfall of about 30,000 people."

"Everything, how many car workers does Ruyi International (textile) need this year? Dyeing and finishing workers? Warping workers? Printing and dyeing workers?"

"A lot... look at my head and feel bald."


The venue burst into laughter.

"Xiao Wan, how much does Wanshi International (Technology) need this year..."

"KS chairman... oh, forgot, he is still squatting inside, KS deputy director, this year needs..."

"Siberiagas, this year needs..."

"AS communication...Yingla is beautiful again..."

"Third Brother Plastic..."

Ge Xiaotian asked the main companies in turn, and wrote down the total number of technician gaps in the projection equipment, "Two million!"

"That's a scary number."

"I believe that we can recruit employees for the corresponding positions. The reason why we don't recruit is mainly that the existing social employees cannot meet our high-efficiency requirements for production."

"In other words, they are clumsy and have low technical standards. Not only can they not help, but they will add to the chaos."

"I also know that most of our companies pin their recruitment hopes on Tiancheng Technical Secondary School, Tiancheng Online School, and Tiancheng Summer Camp training, hoping to snatch a group of outstanding graduates with high salaries."

"But I would like to say that technical secondary schools only train junior and mid-level professional technicians, and Tiancheng is also in short supply, let alone senior technical personnel."

"what to do?"

"I thought about it, carefully counted the companies that I have made friends with Lao Ge, and a flash of inspiration came to my mind..."

Ge Xiaotian took out a laser pointer, called up the map of the western desert, and drew a circle casually, "I will set up a Tiancheng Electric Industrial Branch here, equipped with all production equipment, all departments, and personnel in corresponding positions, capable of production and research and development."

"In May of this year, I arranged for 5,000 high school graduates who know nothing to gather in the classroom to study theory for a year, and then to work, let the post staff teach for a year, and then send them to other branches for a year's internship. In the end, I will focus on deepening technology in the classroom, so, will I be able to obtain 5,000 talents in the same position?"

"Don't think that this is the model of Tiancheng Technical Secondary School, because the fundamental difference between the two lies in the 'pass rate'. For example, the electrical welding students of the technical secondary school can only play with steel structures, ordinary steel pipes, and manual argon arc welding when they come out. Welding students are technical jobs with a high pass rate and intermediate professional titles based on the skills of electric welding students in technical secondary schools, and I can make them 'babies'."

"In the same way, Sun International (Paper Industry) will set up a branch here, Wanshi International (Technology) will set up a branch here, and KS Group will set up a branch here..."

"If all of us invest in an industry for training here, will we be able to harvest batches of excellent mid-to-high-level technical talents in the future?"

"What? Is there no technology that can be used?"

"I have it!"

"I can share it with you for free and help you train the talents you need. As long as the students you provide can learn the technology, you can use it as you like except that you need to pay part of the patent fee in business."


The voice fell, and the audience was dead silent.

Many bosses: I always feel that you have bad intentions!

In silence.

The AR projection of the chairman of Montenegro Odyssey jumped up first, "Does this mean that we invest in a lithography machine manufacturer in the school, and Tiancheng can help us train a group of people who can develop lithography machines, manufacture lithography machines, and operate photolithography machines?" A high-level talent engraving machine?"

"No, it's not one batch, it's countless batches. As long as the cooperation is not terminated, we will fulfill the agreement. And, including education and meeting!"

"We voted!"

Immediately afterwards.

Yingla, chairman of Taimei AS Communications, turned on the microphone, "If we invest in a Zigbee network operation center in the school, will Tiancheng teach the Zigbee technology to the overseas students we provide?"


"We voted!"

Chairman of Nanyang Chia Tai International: "We invest in the School of Traditional Chinese Medicine..."

"Learn Chinese medicine technology at will!"

"We voted!"

Chairman of the Siberian Gas Company: "Oil exploration technology?"

"As long as you invest, you will own it."

"We voted too!"

Longtian Technology Pharaoh: "We are competitors!"

"For China to take off, I will put aside my personal grievances."

"We voted!"

Seeing more and more companies participating in the investment, the old leader of the Ministry of Education who originally agreed to this matter suddenly felt that it was a loss.

Secretly contacted Ge Xiaotian who was standing on the rostrum: "Xiao Ge, they all learn..."

"Don't worry, as I said before, as long as we run fast, they will never be able to catch up. It's like getting a martial arts cheat book, you got the 'Book 1', you have to learn the 'Book 2' and 'Book 2' , I don't give you the 'Middle Volume' and 'Second Volume', do you still have to ask me? And I gave you the 'Middle Volume' and 'Second Volume', I also have the enhanced version of the martial arts cheats, the improved version of the martial arts cheats , the upgraded version of martial arts cheats, one star, two stars, three stars..."


The old leader of the Ministry of Education changed his eyes when he looked at someone, and motioned for the secretary to get up.

The latter was puzzled, "Leader, what's wrong?"

"Go, it's too late!"


"He will invite me to speak on stage later, this must be a big hole!"

The business general manager sitting next to him seemed to think of something, "Wait for me, let's go together."

on the stage.

Ge Xiaotian secretly counted the GIS planning map of the campus, and found that all the companies who came to the meeting had voted, and immediately smiled with satisfaction.

With the base, there is no need to spend money yourself.

this business...

Tut tut!

"Next, please..."

Some leaders of the Ministry of Education were asked to make important speeches.

In the middle of speaking, Ge Xiaotian looked around and saw the empty seats for the business general manager and the old leaders of the education department in the front row, and quickly swallowed the second half of the sentence.

What about people?


When I watched him finish speaking, I thought I didn't hear clearly, and I didn't care who was invited to the stage, so I just applauded enthusiastically anyway.

Ge Xiaotian stood on the rostrum with a dazed face, opened his mouth, feeling not indifferent, and quickly looked at the leader of Dongshan High Procuratorate...

The latter met his eyes, was slightly taken aback, and suddenly got up, clutching his stomach, and walked to the toilet.

The leaders of Nanhe University had discovered that the general manager of business and the old leader of the Ministry of Education had run away, and instantly understood the purpose of the guy on the stage for inviting everyone: to pay!

Immediately got up and supported the leader of Dongshan High Procuratorate, and went to the toilet together.

"The leaders of Beihe University..."

"Hello? Hello, Chairman? Hello, Chairman!"

Being called the name of the leader of Beihe University, he quickly took out his smart card, pretended to have an important call, stretched out his finger to say 'shh', and ran out of the venue...

It’s not that everyone doesn’t want to invest, it’s that they are all engaged in T-shaped giant rails. In the future, they will build a passage connecting the westward expressway, plus education, medical care, subsidies, and laying solar energy...

Tian Cheng acquired the land so cheaply, and the local enterprises couldn't make any money, so how could they have so much money for investment.

Seeing that the rich men had all run away, Ge Xiaotian took a deep breath, kept his head still, his eyes scanned left and right, and finally fixed on the western director.

It seems that I haven't cheated on this...

And the latter didn’t know why, thinking that he didn’t hear the second part of someone’s sentence clearly, thinking that he was invited just now, got up to confirm, saw Ge Xiaotian nodding, and walked up to the rostrum with his head held high...

At this time.

Someone's sinister voice over the hi-fi loudspeaker:

"Leader, how much do you plan to invest?"


"This year's cotton here is a big deal!"


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