Build Madness

Chapter 917 Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce Advantages of Tiancheng Industrial Chain

North America sanctioned ocean shipping, Tiancheng goods could not go to America.

And Holden was busy selling tickets, and the Holden consortium led the rich people who bought tickets to hoard minerals...

Therefore, Tiancheng International Chamber of Commerce launched ocean trade in 2003, and almost all participants came from the Asian region.

For these enterprises, technology, equipment, transportation and raw material supply are natural.

If Ge Xiaotian compels member companies to hand over their products to Tiancheng for consignment sales, the latter can only obediently obey.

Otherwise, Tiancheng will interrupt the supply of raw materials, the company will be shut down, and a large number of people will lose their jobs in the area...

At that time, all the chairman of the company will squat in, and then the national chairman, general manager, etc. in the region will negotiate with Tiancheng to re-launch the 'obedient' corporate spokesperson...

In the end, only the chairman of the company was unlucky.

Well, only the chairman.

There is no need to change employees, factory managers, finance, and deputy directors.

Knowing this, the member companies in the sub-region approve of Chen Feng's taking over of 'terminal sales' and 'customs public relations'.

Then it's easy.

Statistics of the total amount of goods.

Statistics of the total trade volume between member regions.

The total amount of goods minus the total amount of internal trade is used to formulate the scope of this ocean-going trade, including: Emirates, Petroleum Countries, West Asia, Greece, Montenegro, African Union, France, Germany, and Northern Europe.

Then, according to regional needs, a list of goods supply is formulated, such as: the main electronic products in the Emirates, the main living materials in West Asia, Greek sports goods, Montenegro seed fertilizers, French and German luxury goods, and Nordic knitwear. In addition, each region also has some tourist souvenirs, hand Handicrafts, oil, salt, rice vinegar, etc.

And then.

Tiancheng International Holdings supplemented the list of goods, including: frozen meat, agricultural and sideline products, polar seafood, rare metals, chemicals, machinery and equipment...

In general, this is a true 'voyage to the West'.

In addition, in terms of land transportation, Tiancheng also has a batch of steel products that go westward along the expressway, take the Huaxia-Baguo Highway, or take the Kazakh Expressway under construction, and then converge on the Asia-Europe Bridge, and transport them to Central Asia, West Asia and Europe. Glue, armaments, etc.

After finishing these tasks, the next step is to discuss follow-up production, raw material supply, the next round of trade, and so on.

Fortunately, the climate on the home planet is getting warmer. This year, the Heilong River and the Sea of ​​Okhotsk have entered the ice-free period ahead of schedule. In another month, the transport fleet there will be able to go south to provide services to those in Wadao, Dongshan, Modu, and Jianfu. , Guangzhou, Xiangjiang, Nanyue, Cambodia, and Taimei member companies, delivering fresh blood (raw materials)...


The meeting lasted three days.

Longtian Laowang, Jifu Shen Zhipeng, etc., the business tycoons of the non-natural system have long since left.

After seeing off the big bosses of the member companies, Ge Xiaotian returned to the temporary office of Director Ge of Great Wall Motors, while sipping the ball tea sent by the old village chief, while looking at the contracts signed in recent days, and talked with the person in charge of the trade zone Communicate the details of this ocean trade.

First up is Dubai.

Half a year later, Tiancheng has established a firm foothold there. Its properties include: Tiancheng Coast, the Chinese-style Longcheng business district, offshore submarine real estate, and after Dubai rich people moved to Tiancheng Properties, Tianrong International took the opportunity to buy cheap shops in the old city, office building.

Ge Xiaotian never ate alone, or in other words, did business overseas, and never went to battle in person.

Therefore, the Dubai business was handed over to the Prince of Dubai who is addicted to games, and the three brothers Monkey Sailei who are keen on live game broadcasting.

The goods arrive at the post, Dubai is free of duty, the goods are distributed, and everyone waits for dividends...

Ge Xiaotian asked the member companies for 30% of the total value of the goods for transportation, of which 2% went into the pockets of these four people.

As for the remaining 28%...

Of course it belongs to Boss Ge.

After talking with Dubai, Greece, France, Germany, and Northern Europe will follow...

What? West Asia? African Union?

Need to talk?

One sentence will solve it.

After a few phone calls.

Ge Xiaotian comfortably lit a nicotine-free tea cigarette, and was about to activate the AR two-way projection device to play some new tricks with Pangxiu.

Unexpectedly, out of the corner of my eye, I caught sight of the Panda Guard hotspot scrolling in the upper right corner of Shi Guangji...

"The college entrance examination is coming soon, and countless candidates have given up English and focused on the five compulsory subjects in vocational colleges."

"More than 500 English language training institutions have gone bankrupt..."

"XX English language expert criticized Tiancheng severely: This is a kind of regression in education!"

"More than 800 English scholars jointly proposed to the National Assembly to disqualify them from vocational colleges, but they were immediately rejected by the new National Representative, Boss Mei..."

"It is reported that the number of people taking the college entrance examination this year should have exceeded six million, but due to the impact of vocational universities, the number has dropped by one-third."

"Major news, vocational college admissions uniformly adopts the national test, with a total score of 50 points, 45 points for the admission line in the eastern region, but only 20 points for the admission line in the western sand city!"

"Admission scores caused great dissatisfaction among the parents of eastern candidates..."

"The first president of the Vocational University and Daoist Qingtian who became the dean of the School of Philosophy, Zhang Daoyi explained: If you don't accept it, you can also immigrate. As long as you come, the admission line is also 20 points!"

"Immigration to the west has exceeded 250,000 households, and the immigrant population is as high as 1.2 million. Shacheng will become the first super-large immigrant city in the history of human beings on the mother planet!"

A mess of information flooded his eyes.

Ge Xiaotian casually flipped through the pages, opened his personal account and said, "Practitioners who rely on English to survive, instead of complaining on the Internet and tripping me up in reality, and finally being sent to mining and fish farming, why don't you take the Putonghua test as soon as possible?" , I will help you arrange foreign teacher work overseas. Brothers from non-regions in the province open their mouths to be "beautiful" and shut their mouths to be "disgusting", especially the brothers in Montenegro. Jishi..."

Almost instantly, there were comments below.

"Listening to what you say is better than ten years of reading. Yes, I know English and can communicate with local people overseas. If I teach Chinese to the will definitely be more heartfelt than teaching English in China. Boss Ge, Apply for a job!"

"Damn it, can it still be like this? Father Ge, I can speak Japanese, flax, Yiku,... Look, can I go to Wa Island to be a foreign teacher of Huaxia?"

Seeing the second comment, Ge Xiaotian couldn't help taking a deep breath, "The first one is easy to say, but the second one is a bit difficult!"

Dao Shishi, who was sorting out the materials beside him, was shocked, "Boss, are you really going to arrange for him?"

"Why not arrange it? If you can teach Huaxia language, you can get on the job and go online. I'm afraid of being an egg."


In this way, a large number of "talented people" who can speak foreign languages ​​but cannot find jobs in Huaxia received a letter of employment to go overseas to serve as foreign teachers of Huaxia language that night.

Of course, in fact, most of them were sent to remote areas of Montenegro, war-torn areas in West Asia, remote tribes in non-regions, and Yakutia, which is ice and snow all year round...

On the Internet, the opposition caused by vocational colleges not taking the English language test disappeared in an instant.

"There is nothing in this world that I, Lao Ge, cannot solve."

Ge Xiaotian interacted with netizens until midnight, got up and walked to the floor-to-ceiling windows to stretch.

Through the dark night, I looked at the westward highway with lights in the distance.

After one month of trial operation, the number of traffic vehicles has increased significantly.

Resources from the west are transported to the east, materials from the east to the west, semi-finished products between industrial parks are dispatched to each other, and GDP soars...

"Strange, Eleven, has our car sales not been good in the past two years?"

"It's very popular, just like the Great Wall Automobile Industrial Park where we are located, there are six in Beihe alone."

"Then why aren't there many private cars on the highway? Could it be that... I'm charging too much?"

"No, the epidemic is over, schools are back to school, and businesses are back to work. The masses have been holding back for more than half a year, and they have no money in their pockets. Who still wants to go out?"

"If you don't run outside, so many products have been produced by the sudden production capacity, who will consume them?"

"This is what I am going to report. Since there is no May Day Golden Week this year, Daqingshan Ancient Cultural Center, Xuecheng Modern Film and Television City, Fengdu Difu, Damo AR Industry, etc., will postpone the "group appearance" to June."

"June? Are there any holidays?"

"Children's Day."

"You expect children to go to the underworld to spend? I'm afraid you will be scared to pee."

"It fits your style of doing things very well."

"Go! Go! Go!"

Ge Xiaotian returned to his desk with a smile and cursing, and changed his mind, "During the epidemic, the commercial sector was closed, and the white-collar workers and service personnel had no money in their pockets, but the industrial production sector closed the factory area, worked overtime, and blue-collar practitioners hid in the factory. I haven't come out for more than half a year, so my pockets are naturally full of money."

"what do you mean?"

"This ocean trade took away all the goods in stock, and the raw materials from Siberia will be delivered in a month, and there is no business in each factory area for the time being. Why don't you take advantage of this gap and give blue-collar workers a long vacation and let them come out to consume. In this way, white-collar workers and Service personnel have 'jobs', which in turn drive the business sector."

"Boss, you should know that after two rounds of enrollment expansion, Tiancheng alone has more than 500,000 blue-collar workers. If you add Wanshi Technology, Ruyi Textile, Sun Paper, Great Wall Motors, etc., let all blue-collar workers leave the factory area, It's tantamount to 'surviving the new year'."

"This is what I want. This year's Spring Festival is deserted. I have to find a chance to make up for the money I didn't earn. Just like the time and space I was in, businesses did everything possible to organize activities and even create festivals, such as Double 11, Double 12... ...Isn't it just to make a lot of money?"

"Then what kind of holiday shall we have?"

"What's the date today?"

"May 21."


"Boss, I'm a man."

"piss off!"

Ge Xiaotian rubbed his chin, "521 is too late, 522 seems meaningless, 523, 524, 525...525!"

"What is 525?"

"My birthday!"


Dao Shiyi was slightly taken aback, "Isn't your birthday October 17th in the Gregorian calendar and September 9th in the lunar calendar?"

"You must have misremembered, it's 525!"

"Absolutely remember correctly, last year on Double Ninth Festival, your mother reminded me to cook you a delicious meal."

"My mother also remembered wrongly, I was born on May 25."


Dao Shishi flipped through his notepad and said in a tangled up voice, "Boss, your eldest brother is May 25th, and you are..."

"I just want to find an excuse. What are you talking about? Hurry up and announce to the public that to celebrate his 23rd birthday, Boss Ge specially gives the hardworking blue-collar workers a one-month paid vacation!"

"You called 23 your birthday, not celebrating your birthday."

"Huh? You're still old, don't you know that birthday celebration is birthday celebration, that is, birthday celebration, and it has nothing to do with age?"


"Go and deal with it quickly..."

As Ge Xiaotian was talking, he suddenly remembered something, "By the way, when the industrial consumption in the eastern part is saturated, the blue-collar workers will be led to the desert for tourism consumption."

"Boss, the number of immigrants has exceeded one million. Although there are tents, eating and drinking is still a big problem. If you lead the blue collar over..."

"There are so many desert watermelons planted this year, instead of centralized transportation, it is better to break them up and sell them to blue-collar workers and let them take them back to their respective areas. This will not only make them more expensive, but also save a lot of transportation costs. "


Dao Shishi was dumbfounded.

"This is tourism, you don't understand."

Ge Xiaotian thought for a while, "You can continue to use the previous slogan."


"Go, go to the desert!"


"As long as you respond to the call, each person has a watermelon, a big round, refreshing and sweet!"



Boss Ge's network is full of infinite excitement.

"23 birthday?"

"This guy wants to laugh me to death!"

"One month off for blue-collar workers?"

"I suddenly discovered that white-collar and blue-collar workers are just like the equipment grades in the game, they are not of the same grade at all!"

"What's so sour? A white-collar worker sits in an office, with air conditioning in summer and heating in winter. Although he earns less, his life is comfortable. If you look at blue-collar workers, there is no need to say much about the construction site. If you don't pay attention to steelmaking, you will be burnt into a big hole..."

"Hahaha, brothers, I got a heavy transport vehicle driver's license, a bronze-level co-pilot, please carpool!"

"???, and this driver's license?"

"I can only drive a heavy-duty transport vehicle, and I can only run all the way to the west on the expressway. It's useless to pass the test."

"A monthly salary of three thousand, it's useless for you to tell me?"

"There is only one highway in the world that can run heavy transport vehicles. The market is there. If there are more people, the gold content will definitely be greatly reduced."

"Bullshit, go to the Kazakh plate and have a look. The highway leading to Central Siberia has been repaired halfway, and it will be opened at the end of the year. Heavy-duty trucks for transporting timber and tankers for bulk natural gas don't need drivers?"


"Niobras is high-speed all-weather, and it also uses this kind of transport vehicle to transport soybeans, potatoes, sorghum, and minerals..."


"According to Tiancheng's internal news, don't count where there is such a high speed, but count where Tiancheng's standards are implemented. In the future, all areas that implement Tiancheng's standards will have such high speeds and use this kind of heavy-duty transport vehicles. Therefore, Tiancheng's employees are trying to persuade Relatives and friends are going to test for a heavy-duty transport vehicle driver's license. Friendly reminder, there are two types of certificates, one is the main driver, and the other is the co-pilot."

"No wonder my elder brother asked for leave to go home, so he insisted on taking me to Hongtu Driving School to sign up. It turned out that he wanted me to take this test!"

"How much is the registration fee?"

"Twenty-five thousand."

"How many?"

"Twenty-five thousand, including employment, or in other words, twenty-five thousand for a driver's license test, and by the way, you can join Tiancheng and become an official transporter."

"Damn, I'll take a step first!"

"It's the old rule, if you're slow, you don't have one, but if you're fast, everyone knows that there is a limit on the number of people in Tiancheng's position!"

"Goutuo...ah, no, Brother Toto, can you disclose some information about the passenger driver's license?"

"I'm not a dog caregiver, but I know the requirements for a passenger driver's license. You must be a veteran in green clothes, and you must have Z-examination documents."

"Then I'd better take the heavy transport vehicle test."

"By the way, what were we talking about?"

"Second Ge is going to celebrate his 23rd's none of my business, let's do some research first, see you at Tianyun Group!"

"No, don't you guys travel to the desert?"

"What the hell, the forums are only white-collar workers or service practitioners. Blue-collar workers are either going to the workshop or deepening their skills. How can they have time for forums?"

"I'm a blue-collar worker, we're on vacation!"


"The forum is really fun."


At this point, the 'white' and 'blue' camps were born.

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