Build Madness

Chapter 918 The Mayflower Blooms for Three Weeks

In Tiancheng's industrial chain, Boss Ge is the last word of his name.

If you say it is a holiday, it is a holiday, no one dares to hesitate.

After the secretariat issued an order...

The Dongshan Cement Factory in Nanwa immediately posted an announcement: the products will be sold as usual, and the workshop will stop production. Except for the financial staff, the group will have a 31-day paid rest!

It doesn't stop there.

The factory director, who had a thorough understanding of Boss Ge’s spirit, went into battle with a loudspeaker in hand, “This year, the Nanwa Cement Plant successfully got the word “Dongshan” on it, and its products are also sold overseas. I believe that if we persevere, we will eventually Like Tianyu, Tianrong, Tianwei, Tianheng and other companies, put the word "international" and become "Tianhui"."


"But as the saying goes, there is a degree of relaxation and ease of retraction, and it is always a high-intensity operation. Even an iron man can't handle it. Therefore, Boss Ge took advantage of the occasion of his birthday and in line with the principle of universal celebration, specially for the 20,000 employees of the factory. We have prepared a "Three-Week Tour of Blooming May Flowers", free travel expenses, free three meals a day, you can bring N family members, and all benefits are favorable..."

An employee: "Can you not go?"

"Yes, you can stay on and off work normally, and your salary will remain the same."


"Okay, go home today, bring your family members to report tomorrow, and leave in the factory bus in the afternoon!"

Such a scene also happened in Nanwa Zoological and Botanical Garden, Xixiang Plastic Greenhouse, Zhanglou Cement Component Factory, Xiangxian Glove Factory, Daliuzhuang Machinery Factory...

Soon, it seemed to cause a chain reaction.

Sun Paper is on holiday, Wanshi Technology is on holiday, Ruyi Textile is on holiday, Tiancheng Electric Industry is on holiday...

Numerous people in blue uniforms walked out of the factory area and rushed into nearby supermarkets and shopping malls.


Didn't the factory manager say that the journey is long, so you have to prepare some snacks to save the road from being boring.

“Newly launched potato chips!”

“Mashed potatoes from Neobras!”

"Pure natural Jerusalem artichoke..."

"Polar caviar..."

"Canned jelly fruit and milk fruit, delicious and cheap with discount!"

"Desert special scarf!"

"New sunscreen..."

hula la...

Numerous supermarket snack areas were looted.

Surprisingly, Longtian Technology is also on holiday!

The purpose of Tiancheng's holiday is to celebrate Ge Laoer's birthday. As a deadly enemy, could it be possible that King Jackie Long also wished Ge Laoer's birthday?

The reporters squatted at the gate of Longtian Headquarters Building, which moved to Jinling, blocking Lao Wang who often went out to eat soup dumplings:

"Mr. Wang, why is Longtian Technology on holiday?"

"The market is sluggish, and idleness is idleness. It's better to go out and get some fresh air."


It's night, news broadcast.

"Today, the industrial system in Northland is on holiday, and the passenger traffic has increased sharply. Many train passenger stations have 'Spring Festival travel' scenes."

"It is reported that at 6 pm today alone, there were many traffic jams on the Beijing-Guangzhou line. I hope everyone pays attention to safety when traveling, and please prepare food in advance to avoid starvation on the road."

"my country's tourism industry is ushering in a period of rapid development..."

"Dongshan's promotion was changed to promote Daqingshan, East Lake, Modern Film and Television City, etc., and launched a tourism-themed promotional film. Next, please let us go to the scene to have a look..."

"Nanhefa changed to promote the Mother River Industrial Park, Mother River Forest Park, and Bianliang Ancient City, and launched a tourism-themed promotional video. Next, please let us..."

"Beihe's promotion was changed to promote Baishi Mountain, Baili Gorge, Langya Mountain..."

"Xishan hair changed to publicize Niangziguan..."

"Grassland development changed to propaganda..."

"Go, go to the desert!"

The next day, morning news.

"Today, there was an unprecedented grand occasion on the westward highway. Countless buses and Intersection Harmony were fully loaded with tourist groups and rushed to Daqingshan."

"According to statistics from relevant departments, Daqingshan Ancient Culture Center will welcome millions of tourists..."

"For this reason, Tianle Tourism spent a huge amount of money to open the AI ​​​​full scene layout to reproduce the "Origin of Humanity" of the Spring Festival Gala."

Day three, noon news.

"It's a bit of a Chinese New Year feeling..."


Panda Guardian Forum.

A blue-collar worker: "For the first time watering, post a selfie first, and then a photo of the scenic spot."

A blue-collar: "Wow, I didn't expect Daqingshan to be so beautiful, look at the picture."

A blue-collar worker: "If you don't reach the Great Wall, you are not a hero. If you go to the desert and pass Niangziguan, you can still climb the Great Wall!"

A white-collar worker didn't want to talk, so he smiled silently.

'You don't even know the ninth level of the Great Wall! '

A blue-collar: "The sky is blue, the wild is vast, the wind blows the grass and the cattle and sheep are low, and the countless windmills have to look up... The grassland is so beautiful, especially with the wind power towers everywhere, see the picture."

A white-collar worker wanted to say something, but was lost in the travel pictures.

Blue sky, white clouds, grassland, weeping willows, stewed goose in an iron pot, roasted whole lamb... May flowers bloom!

A white-collar worker: "Obviously I've been to the place where they took pictures, why don't I feel as happy as them?"

A white-collar worker: "There are many of them."

A blue-collar: "Has anyone tried driving an excavator in the grassland? Look at the picture."

A blue-collar: "No, but I don't think you have ever driven a forklift in the desert. Look at the picture."

A blue-collar: "I'm driving a crane under Mount Everest, laying steel rails, look at the picture!"

A blue-collar worker: "Are you guys on vacation?"

"Let's go, experience the same job in different places, more fun, more joy!"

A white-collar worker: "This place has been occupied by blue-collar workers, temporarily for a month!"


Xishan Yulin Expressway Industrial Park.

Zhang Yi is a reporter. As early as last month, he discovered a strange thing.

Heavy-duty transport vehicles have a minimum load of 100 tons, run on dedicated roads, and their speed is almost unrestricted.

But here comes the problem. The friction between the huge tire and the asphalt road far exceeds that of the tractor. The speed and quality cause the road and tire life to shrink severely.

This is the point that was criticized by various experts when Tiancheng Electric Industry launched the heavy-duty transport vehicle.

But Zhang Yi observed secretly for two months, and he found that Tiancheng's heavy-duty truck tires were as clean as new every day, and there were no traces of friction.

What's even more frightening is...

After running non-stop day and night for two months, the heavy-duty transport vehicle has never broken down, let alone a traffic accident.

It's not that Zhang Yi has bad intentions, but in the field of transportation, this is simply a miracle!

In order to explore the essence of the matter, Zhang Yi went deep into the heavy transport vehicle management office...


Different from the sound of gasoline engines and diesel engines, a heavy-duty transport vehicle full of steel unloaded its cargo and docked under the giant gantry crane.

The main and co-drivers jumped out of the car and went straight to the staff guest house to rest.

The gantry crane disassembles the carriage, and the hydraulic device jacks up the body.

Dozens of mechanics swarmed over to change tires, inspect components...

Two minutes later, the mechanic withdrew, the hydraulic device was retracted, and the gantry crane transported the brand-new compartment full of materials and placed it in the heavy-duty transport vehicle.

The guest house originally had two main and co-drivers who were clearly not the previous ones. They swiped their cards to board the car, turned on the spot with the help of hydraulic devices, and went straight to the high-speed toll booth...

"So it is!"

Witnessing a scene that looked like a racing car overhaul, Zhang Yi sorted out photos, edited manuscripts, and uploaded them to the Internet...

almost instantly.

A blue-collar: "In the second row on the left, that tire change is slow. If it were me, it would only take 16 seconds for 16 screw caps!"

A blue-collar: "Don't worry about the upstairs, the new multi-axis automatic lock, it only takes 2 seconds to install 16 screws!"

A blue-collar: "Are you still installing screws? Our desert machinery group has already started changing the chassis!"

Zhang Yi: "Hello? Is this the point? Shouldn't you pay attention to Tiancheng's transportation method?"

A blue-collar worker: "What's the concern? I assembled the driving wheels of this car."

A blue-collar: "I made the gantry crane electric hoist!"

A blue-collar worker: "I'm not talented, chief designer of hydraulic equipment!"

A blue-collar: "The upstairs must be Zhou xx, Zhou xx from the 12th factory of the electrical industry. Where are you? Let's talk about the self-unloading system tonight."

Zhou xx: "Just passed the Taihang Tunnel, who are you?"

"Dumping system research and development group 7, old Liu!"

"Hey, this online world is so small, you can meet acquaintances in every forum, arrive at the grassland at night, and eat sheep together!"

"No, we have already boarded the ground-effect transport plane, and after landing, we will roast grasshoppers in the desert!"

Zhang Yi: "Can you not digress? In the past, my post must be a hot post!"

A blue-collar: "Your post is just a few pictures, two or three sentences, no technical content, why is it popular? If you want to post something we don't understand, look at the post next door discussing broadcasting 7j7, it is all about double propeller fan turbine The brand-new idea of ​​the engine, the number of replies has exceeded millions, and it has even been followed and rewarded by the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, that is called a hot post.'”


"No matter how bad it is, if you send out some civil engineering construction, steelmaking and shaping, papermaking processes and so on, it will definitely be popular."

Zhang Yi: "I'm in closed-door training, and I'll be brand new for a month."


The blue-collar workers walked out of the factory, not only driving the tourism industry, stimulating the consumer industry, but also changing the Internet atmosphere.

Posts with blank content and shallow technology no longer receive attention or even clicks.

Some technical discussions that Ge Xiaotian couldn't understand began to appear on the forum.

Of course, the replacement of the photoelectric core's optical fiber matrix actively blocked some core technology-related content, and only disclosed the courses launched by the Western United Vocational University.

As a result, during certain extracurricular activities, students who log on to the forum, especially senior high school students, become addicted to it.

Until the time entered June, the Ministry of Education discovered a big problem.

According to previous statistics on the college entrance examination and the vocational examination (vocational university examination), the big data system gave the result that the number of college entrance examination candidates was reduced by one-third.

Due to the birth of the new education system, countless technical talents will indeed be needed in the future, and the Ministry of Education is very satisfied with the result.

But after half a month of deliberation, I am doing a big data analysis when the college entrance examination is approaching...

The number of college entrance examination candidates has dropped by four-fifths!

This is beyond the board's plan.

Because one-third of the college entrance examination candidates are used to fill the vacancies of technical personnel, which is beneficial to future development.

If four-fifths of the college entrance examination candidates are used to fill the vacancies of technical personnel, who will do research in the future?


Ge Xiaotian, who had wandered to the border of Beihe and stayed at a Limin activity center to inspect the wheat harvest and wheat production, met the old leader of the Ministry of Education again.

"Xiaoge, it's not okay to go on like this. Besides, there are as many as 6 million candidates this year, four out of five, and nearly 5 million are going to take the vocational college entrance examination. You can't accept so many!"

"Leader, don't worry."

Ge Xiaotian jumped off the combine harvester with a wheat ear in his mouth, and patted the dust on his body, "Did you forget the previous few years?"


"Students who study well are admitted to technical secondary schools, and those who study poorly are admitted to universities."

"Times have changed!"

"Yeah, the times have changed. Those who study well learn technology, and those who study poorly study theory. In other words, those who study well are admitted to vocational colleges, and those who study research are admitted to ordinary universities."

"In this way, who is still doing research?"

"What are you going to study? Photoelectric technology? Physical chemistry? Aerospace? Genetic virus?"


"Look, you know that we have all these technologies, but you keep your mouth shut for research and eat what we chew?"

"The problem is, you give it to me!"

"Eleventh, hand over the technology to the leader."


The old leaders of the Ministry of Education did not dare to pick it up, so they turned around and left.

Technology is a good thing, but if he accepts it, as long as he reveals one item, he will probably be imprisoned.

Anyway, Ge Heizi said that he wanted to take it out, so he might as well arrange for the relevant department to receive it.


Vocational universities now have more than 20,000 first-time students after recruiting freshmen and sophomores from ordinary colleges.

Subject to the 100,000 enrollment plan, no matter how many people take the vocational examination, the number of subsequent admissions will not exceed 80,000.

Therefore, whether to enroll in a vocational university or not has little effect on ordinary colleges and universities that expand their enrollment.

The old leaders of the Ministry of Education came this time mainly because they were worried that the influence of the "vocational examination" would overshadow the "college entrance examination", leading to top students entering vocational universities and ordinary colleges losing their excellent students.

But so far it seems...

There is no hope.


Watching the special plane of the old leaders of the Ministry of Education disappear into the sky.

Ge Xiaotian recruited Tao Eleven: "Let the network operation department release the 'virtual human' and increase the intensity of technical discussions, which will inevitably create a technological boom."

"Good boss."

The virtual human is an upgraded product of the 'dummy system'.

The dummy system is an NPC that pretends to be a player in the game. It is mainly used to accompany the player to play games, or to stimulate consumption, or to set off the popularity of the game.

Virtual people are 'forum players' made with AI technology.

They will post, reply, reward, water, etc. based on big data feedback in the forum.

They have no form of existence, just a piece of AI data, the same as the No. 1 machine, unable to give birth to the legendary 'self-awareness'.

But this thing works...

Like a marketing account, it can subtly destroy the beliefs and three views of a country or region, and continuously, even brainwashing.

Therefore, Ge Xiaotian will not easily use the 'virtual human'.

In Tiancheng's armament sequence, this thing far exceeds the 'peaceful world'.

ten minutes later.

The number of posts on the Panda Guardian forum began to climb.

It's just that as more factories are on holiday, more blue-collar workers embark on a journey and browse forums in the car. These extra posts are not only not noticed, but attract more blue-collar workers to reply.

Half a day later, the technical stickers doubled.

Wait until the white-collar workers and service personnel who have been busy for a day get off work and log in to the forum habitually...

"What the hell?"

"so many people?"

"What are they talking about?"

"Damn, so there are so many styles of elevators?"

"I suddenly wanted to quit my job and learn technology."

"Yeah, it's too tiring to be a vegetable passer. I want to learn an automatic vegetable passer."


"Did you notice that many overseas addresses suddenly appeared in the forum!"

"I found out that their scope of activity is mainly in the photovoltaic sector."

"Could it be a spy?"

"Our photovoltaics are so backward, what can they steal?"

"Upstairs, how unconfident are you? Read the news more when you have nothing to do. Our Huaxia photovoltaic technology, no, it is photovoltaic technology, and the mother star is the first!"

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