Build Madness

Chapter 920

Dao Shishi's thought made Ge Xiaotian's heart skip a beat.

Filtering the entire Taklimakan is a bit whimsical, but in front of Tian Cheng, who is open to cheating, it is nothing more than a problem of the number of mines. If one is not enough, then two mines, if two are not enough, then ten mines...


The new batch of students from Tiancheng Technical Secondary School gathered in the desert to learn excavator operation, bulldozer technology, and transport plane driving. They could completely entrust the project to them without paying salary.

In addition, Western Union Vocational University is about to start school.

Vocational colleges, of course, military training can no longer be done in the same old way, why not play with excavators, bulldozers, transport vehicles...

"They sure would!"

Ge Xiaotian pouted and nodded fiercely.

Dao Shishi didn't understand, so he thought this guy was thinking about how to arrange himself, and subconsciously replied: "Boss, I'm a pig."


Ge Xiaotian's head was full of black lines, and he was just about to complain, when suddenly a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, "Say, if we build a mine comparable to the mother planet, set it in the orbit of 'Venus', and when Venus flies over, it will automatically Drilling into the mine, can we recycle it? Can we get a planet-quality gold?"

Dao Shishi showed an expression of "It's terrible to be uneducated", but thinking that he was not out of danger, he quickly hid his thoughts, "Boss, the color of Venus is not due to gold, but because the atmosphere of Venus contains a lot of sulfur dioxide and sulfur vapor. The scattered outgoing light is golden yellow."

"I know."


Dao Shixi didn't dare to answer, and hesitated for a moment, "Your thinking is very advanced and correct, because cosmic civilizations above level 4 can indeed capture stars to supplement energy, but we are only a cosmic civilization of level 0.8 now, and we can't do it at all. Ignoring gravity and forcibly capturing stars, even... you can't even land on a planet."

"Then filter the desert first."


The next day, July 1st.

Ge Xiaotian arrived at the ALS ground effect transfer station again.

One year later, the seaweed cultivation project, light pollution reuse project, light and chemical project, bioenergy conversion project, and underground loading and unloading system have all entered the right track.

The temperature emitted by the ground effect transportation transfer station also climbed to a terrifying 130 degrees.

As a result, there is no grass for several miles, the city is surrounded by scorched earth, and the inner streets look particularly sci-fi.

Ge Xiaotian was wearing the fourth-generation constant temperature suit, watching all this through the wide-area goggles:

"If this form of technology is promoted, wouldn't it be necessary to turn the parent planet into Venus?"

"If you think too much, 70% of the mother star's oxygen comes from deep-sea algae. With this system, even if the mother star's continent becomes scorched earth, it will only cause various types of natural disasters, without changing the overall environment of the mother star, let alone Will become other planets, after all . . . when you can operate the system as you please, we already have a complete weather controller."

"how long it takes?"

"Level 2 cosmic civilization."


Ge Xiaotian ran out to greet the research team who wanted to introduce the project, waved his hands, turned around and boarded the Tiancheng No. 1 business jet, then controlled the loudspeaker at the airport with the highest authority, and encouraged him: "Still work hard!"


With the help of the desert ground effect transport aircraft, the business jet soars into the blue sky and flies directly to the desert.

This power boosting method is somewhat similar to that of a carrier-based aircraft.

That is to place the fighter plane on the back of the ground-effect transport aircraft, and wait for the ground-effect aircraft to meet the take-off speed, and the fighter jet will disengage...

In this way, it can not only reduce the requirements of carrier-based aircraft on the carrier deck, but also reduce the fuel consumption of fighter jets during take-off.

And in the desert.

Since the ground-effect transport aircraft does not need a standard runway, it can even make a forced landing in the desert. If it assists the fighter, it can make the fighter 'ignore' the take-off conditions.

As for how to land...

Tiancheng is a fighting unit that never thinks about how to come back.

Of course, the 'Russian landing' is actually used, and then the complete machine overhaul is carried out through the system workshop.


Not long.

Tiancheng No. 1 business plane flew over Dunhuang and arrived at the temporary western campus of Tiancheng Technical Secondary School located in the east of Shacheng.

Back in March, the campus finalized its enrollment plan.

150,000 new students, driven by graduates of the 2000 normal school and patchwork of teachers, skipped the military training process and directly operated various mechanical equipment, either proficient, clumsy, or knowing nothing about leveling the desert.

Excavators are densely packed like a forest, pushers come and go like waves, loaders are like a net, and special heavy-duty transport vehicles head west at high speed, rushing in all directions like having fun.

The scene is spectacular and mighty.

This is the three links and one leveling project to resettle the 'Jianfu Eastern Islands'.

It's just that now it's aimlessly digging sand and dumping sand everywhere, just to level the site, and when the golden plan for filtering fine sand is started, the next step is to concentrate sand transportation and dump sand, making the entire learning area more comfortable. in Apple pie order.

With such thoughts in mind, Ge Xiaotian came to the temporary office in the western campus of Tiancheng Technical Secondary School.

The school administrators arrived quickly.

"Under the premise of not disturbing the current progress, is there a way to notify the equipment personnel in the work site that the fine sand will be reloaded to certain fixed points..."

After understanding the needs of the big boss, the temporary principal raised his hand and said: "Boss, this is simple. Students have smart one-card signs, and machinery and equipment have positioning functions. We only need to load these information into the Western GIS system, and we can obtain dynamic geographic information maps. Then you put 'fixed points' in there, and we can divide the personnel equipment, distribute the data nearby, and then go straight to work."

"So simple?"

"In Tiancheng, it's as simple as that. The key is... how do you arrange the 'mine'?"

"This is very simple."

Ge Xiaotian contacted the director of Shacheng and ordered him to transport a batch of Siberian logs by air.

Three hours later.

Wooden sheds appeared in the practice area of ​​the technical secondary school students at a speed visible to the naked eye.

When countless teachers and students received instructions to transport the fine sand, pour it in, and pull it back...

Faculty and students: "???"

Are you sick, or are we sick?

Ge Xiaotian: "We must firmly believe that every practice we practice is an actual combat. Don't treat it as a joke, and don't treat it as a play. The purpose of setting up a wooden shed is to create a more realistic homework for everyone. At the scene, we urged everyone to cheer up and operate carefully."

Faculty and students: "???"

It's just a few wooden sheds, how realistic is it?

Ge Xiaotian: "Come on (_), Ollie!"

Faculty and students: "..."


the other side.

Affected by Tiancheng's big moves in the past two months, the home planet's news media also increased their attention to Ge.

"Thousands of acres of desert watermelon will be fully launched soon. Let's look at the following analysis for how the market is... In short, there are few melons and the sales are not good. In any case, a compensation is inseparable. Ge xx has arrived in the desert to deal with it."

"Last night, a super-large sandstorm raided the 1216 area on the north side of Shacheng, causing hundreds of desert Populus euphratica to break in the middle, and many fields and grasslands were buried. Although the maintenance team cleared the sand in the disaster area immediately, Tiancheng Sand Control Whether it is really effective or not has become the hottest topic of discussion at present... Ge xx has been parachuted into the desert for emergency treatment."

"The three-week tour of Mayflowers has officially ended, and the economic benefits generated during the period are obvious to all. However, there are still graffiti and graffiti in some historic sites, and some tourists litter, throw melon seeds and other behaviors, which not only increase the workload of sanitation , and some 'unmanaged' tourist areas may face a 'sky-high fine'..."

"Since the operation of heavy-duty transport vehicles, whether the displacement exceeds the standard has always been the focus of the general public. At present, the higher authorities have sent a professional investigation team..."

"Recently, housing ownership disputes occurred in some high-speed industrial parks, which triggered collective rights protection incidents among industrial park residents. For follow-up reports, please continue to pay attention to this station."

"According to unofficial statistics, Tiancheng International Holdings has more than one trillion negative assets, many industrial chains are in a state of serious losses, and many international banks have decided to liquidate 'NT'..."

When Ge Xiaotian arranged the "practical drill" on the western campus of Tiancheng Technical Secondary School and decided to go to the Western United Vocational University to take a look, the overseas news media, including many domestic radio stations, suddenly began to "black Ge".

However, when Tiancheng No. 1 plane arrived at the desert town airport, before the travel group got off the plane, countless domestic and foreign reporters came to interview them in the name of tourism.

"Mr. Ge, I heard that Mayflower's three-week tour did not make trillions of profits as rumored by the outside world, but a loss beyond people's imagination. Can you explain this?"

"My family knows about my family affairs, Tiancheng's family has a great career, so what if I lose trillions?"

The next moment, many news media revealed the big news that 'Tiancheng is losing trillions and is about to go bankrupt'.

Ge Xiaotian: "???"

Dao Shishi hurriedly stepped forward and said quietly: "Boss, don't talk too much. The current news media is no longer the same group as before. They used to speak with facts, but now they mainly focus on spreading rumors to attract attention."

Before Ge Xiaotian could give a response, several reporters scrambled forward.

"Mr. Ge, how is your desert watermelon production?"

"It's very good, every mu mu has a huge yield."

"What about sales?"

"Sold out."

"Mr. Ge, why did we get news that most of your watermelons are rotten in the ground?"

"Just kidding, there are many kinds of watermelon products, and all of them need melon juice and flesh. Otherwise, how can you drink nutrient solution, brain-tonifying and kidney-tonifying liquid?"

The next moment, a number of news media exposed the news that 'watermelon products are unsalable, and millions of acres of ripe melons are exhausted'.

Ge Xiaotian: "???"

Do you have an idea?

However, the interview continued.

"Mr. Ge, the superior has decided to strictly investigate the displacement of heavy-duty transport vehicles. How are you going to respond?"

"Mr. Ge, many international banks have decided to liquidate NT, how are you going to solve it?"

"Mr. Ge..."

"Mr. Ge..."

Ge Xiaotian: "Lock up everyone at the scene and send them to Yakutia to mine together."

A reporter: "Are you kidding, Mr. Ge, we are international media!"

Before the words were finished, the airport guards followed dozens of two machines and rushed towards them...

"Mr. Ge, you can't do this! We are international journalists and we enjoy special protection!"

"Mr. Ge, I am the special correspondent of country xx..."

"Mr. Ge..."

ten minutes later.

The airport was silent.

Ge Xiaotian lit a large No. 13 cigar, looked around at the reporters who were not involved in the containment, and were standing outside waiting for passive interviews: "The world is finally quiet."

the latter:"……"

"Let's talk, do you have any questions?"

"Mr. Ge, according to official statistics, Mayflower has made a profit of trillions in travel for three weeks. I wonder what you plan to do with this money?"

"It is natural to expand the desert industry. In addition to the sand city, we will also set up a vocational university town, a simulation island, and a technical secondary school campus."

"Mr. Ge, the yield of desert watermelons is astonishing and the sales are booming. Will you continue to expand the planting volume next year?"

"For sure, it is necessary. Next year's main planting area will not only include Taklamakan, we will also lay desert watermelon planting areas in the TLF Basin, Gobi Grassland, and Sahara Desert, and strive to increase the planting volume to 100 million mu as soon as possible!"

"Mr. Ge, in what ways will Tiancheng's industrial chain use watermelons?"

"Medicines, health care products, and daily chemical products, such as watermelon-flavored toothpaste, watermelon-flavored shampoo, watermelon-flavored shower gel... In addition, bread, biscuits, juices, dairy products, etc. will also be released in watermelon flavor."

Reporters: "..."

Doesn't this mean that all over China is full of watermelon flavor?

But we dare not ask!


Several positive reports on Tiancheng made headlines in domestic news.

And overseas.

The news of Ge Heizi's detention of hundreds of reporters also caused an uproar in the news circle of the mother planet, and then, more and more news organizations launched their denunciations against Tian Cheng.

Ge Xiaotian snapped his fingers on the way to Western United Vocational University by car.

Tiancheng International Holdings Publicity Department, Da Mao's wife Xuanxuan, held a press conference:

"Our company has a large number of world-leading production technology and planting technology, and has also attracted many evil groups who intend to get involved."

"Our company has never stopped attacking secret agents and spies. Therefore, the Aviation Academy incident occurred."

"But after a few months, some gangs with short memories are about to move..."

"Today, Tianwei International received definite news that several organizations are planning to steal Tiancheng's core technology and launch an assassination operation against our chairman, Mr. Ge."

"Fortunately, we were prepared to capture them at the airport in the desert town."

"Our chairman is very grateful to the 'Five Eyes Alliance' who provided the information, and extended his cordial greetings to Mr. Cardorona, the intelligence chief of the Australian region, and presented a gift of tens of millions."

Cardorona: "???"

What the hell?

How did I not know about this?

Also, what about money?

The company of the arrested reporter: "???"

Did we get it wrong, or did you get it wrong?

An old employee who has worked hard in the company for decades turned out to be a spy?

What are you kidding?


Western United Vocational University is located in the south of Shacheng, near the 'Hotian' area.

Covers an area of ​​50,000 square kilometers.

Of course, affected by the desert terrain, isolation belts, square fields, and desert industries need to be laid in the follow-up to meet the needs of life in the university town and for on-campus training.

Therefore, the actual land area of ​​the university city is not large, at most equivalent to a 'city-level' city.

But to complete it, the workload is still beyond imagination.

Fortunately, after the students from the western campus of Tiancheng Technical Secondary School can perform proficient operations, they can be dispatched in batches to participate in the construction and speed up the progress of the project.

Currently, campus planning is underway here, and everyone lives in tents.

Ge Xiaotian drove a desert tram for a stroll...

"Boss, the supervisor in the Australian region was dealt with by them."

"It's just a divorce plan, do they really believe it?"

"I guess they don't know what a divorce is."


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