Build Madness

Chapter 921 Vocational University City Planning

There must be secret agents and spies behind the rumors spread by overseas media.

As for the reason...

Tiancheng promotes the economic construction of the Asian region, cooperates with the European Union to build the ocean trade system, and independently initiates the "Ark Project" to save all mankind...

Most importantly, Tiancheng is a Huaxia enterprise.

Except for Huaxia's board of directors, no one wants a company of this level to exist on the home planet.

Therefore, people overseas who want to kill him, Lao Ge, can almost form a super-large city now.

That's why Ge Xiaotian had no psychological pressure to use ten fingernail-sized diamonds to kill Cardorona, the chief intelligence officer of the Australian region, in a 'divisive measure'.

He even cheerfully and secretly instructed the Dubai regional intelligence chief controlled by his own side to recommend "one of his own people" to the Australian intelligence headquarters to fill the vacancy.

With sparkling diamonds leading the way and black lacquered gun barrels escorting, the matter went extremely smoothly.

Of course, all the credit should go to the No. 1 machine who went to the south to catch the 'rumour-monger'.

"Reward it for its merits, give it a high-end body, and add an optical core!"

"Good boss!"

Dao Shiyi hastily agreed, and reminded: "Boss, we need to make some preparations in advance."


Ge Xiaotian stood in the office of the chairman of the Western United Vocational University, looking at the boundless desert in the distance.

The Five Eyes Alliance has decided to sanction Tian Cheng on behalf of certain core members in North America.

This is impossible.

Tian Cheng is getting stronger and stronger, no matter how he conceals it, no matter how Horton adjusts it, Tian Cheng has the ability to influence the situation of the mother planet, and will eventually become a thorn in the side of overseas forces.

"Let the storm come more violently!"


In an instant, the sky was covered with dark clouds, thunder snakes criss-crossed the sky, and strong winds mixed with torrential rain poured down majesticly.

"I can call the wind and call the rain?"


You are thinking about farting!

Dao Shixi grinned and walked away silently.

Seeing that no one was flattering around, Ge Xiaotian felt a little dull, walked to his desk, and opened the campus planning map.

The biggest difference between vocational colleges and universities is the 'training base'.

Including farmland, ponds, pastures, forest farms, mines, manufacturing plants, electronics factories, financial centers, R\u0026D centers...

Moreover, each category contains more than one kind.

For example, farmland, there are wheat fields, rice fields, peanut fields, corn fields, sorghum fields, potato fields...

Corresponding to it are flour mills, rice flour mills, crushing plants, oil refineries, food processing plants...

Then set up the 'supply and demand management department', 'logistics freight department', 'secondary sales department', 'end retail department', and the consumer groups of students in the university town.

In this way, a complete industrial chain is formed.

And in the education system.

After the freshmen have finished learning the theory, they go directly to the practical training.

Sophomores have primary skills, and then enter juniors to deepen vocational skills.

In the senior year, vocational college students with intermediate technical level will decide whether to formally take up the job or to further obtain advanced vocational certification, that is, "professional graduate students" based on their scores during the school period.

in addition.

Due to the complete industrial chain, there is no need to set up additional canteens, gymnasiums, bathing pools, foot massage, and beauty salons in the campus.

Because these are all occupations, the operation is left to the sophomores.

At that time, it will be possible to set up a work-study program without arranging staff, and it will also be able to train batch after batch of professionals with professional skills.

"I was a genius to come up with the idea of ​​a 'vocational university'."

Ge Xiaotian sighed alone for a long time, and opened the system operation page.

Up to now, the family has not yet established a complete main base.

One is that the non-area is far away, and Ge Xiaotian can't visit it in person. The system infrastructure laid there is all handed over to the strong man, and the system authority is granted up to four levels.

That is to say, it is one level lower than the main base.

The second is that when Neobras was built, the system was still at level four. Although it was the main base there, after the system was promoted to level five, Ge Xiaotian never went there again.

The third is that the Daqingshan underground laboratory has limited space and cannot accommodate a huge fifth-level building.

Therefore, it is very feasible and imperative to build a university town in the desert.

Ge Xiaotian dragged out the building list, and dragged out a phantom from it.

"Hey, do you want to build a first-class farmland?"

"Drip, do you want to raise the farmland to level 2?"

"Hey, do you want to raise the farmland to level 3?"



"Hey, do you want to build a first-class residential building?"

"Hey, do you want to upgrade the folk house to a courtyard house?"


"Hey, do you want to build a first-class stable?"


"Drip, whether to build a first-level blacksmith shop..."


Up to 999...99+ system resources, comparable to playing a strategy game with a modifier.

And the huge site after leveling, no matter where the phantom of the system building is dragged, it can meet the construction conditions, which can be called arbitrary.

The more Ge Xiaotian played, the more he enjoyed himself, so he simply threw away the campus planning map and set up a "Bagua City" in the huge desert.

Of course, these are just 'virtual frameworks' that only he and the system personnel can see, and a corresponding number of strong men need to be arranged to start the construction.


"What kind of plan do you want, this is the perfect design!"

Ge Xiaotian got on the helicopter, looked down at the phantom of the building that he spent a week placing below from a high altitude, and nodded very satisfied.

Dao eleven and other monks are busy making up for someone's omissions, so as to avoid being criticized for the unreasonable design of the Bagua City after it lands.

"Just follow this plan and let's do it."

Although the Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce has ramped up its production capacity and hoarded tents since last year, it is impossible to use all of the five million units in the Taklamakan project.

Other consumption areas include Africa with greater needs, Yakutia with worse conditions, and West Asia with countless refugees.

Moreover, during the S virus period, Boss Ge also took out a large amount for charity.

Therefore, considering that the immigrants in the desert need tents, the western campus of Tiancheng Technical Secondary School needs tents, and the people traveling in the desert need tents to experience camping, Ge Xiaotian decided to fix the basic buildings of the campus before the start of the vocational university, and the vocational college students in the province should also live in tents.

Decided to implement the plan, the next step is to arrange labor.

There is definitely no shortage of strong men.

The west immigration plan is actually to cover up the new batch of strong men who have been summoned.

The equipment is also very complete.

One is that there is a machinery manufacturing factory in Shacheng, and the other is that all the way to the west is open to traffic.

There are people, equipment, and resources, and the construction speed will definitely not be too slow.

The next day, the strong man from Shacheng arrived, and the equipment was airlifted from Shacheng by transport plane.

Boss Ge simply said a few words, the foundation laying was over, and the work started on the spot.

After three days of busy work, one hundred thousand strong men built the foundation and foundation with the help of system capabilities.

After five days of busy work, a hundred thousand strong men rolled out the prototype of the campus with their bare hands...


Residential houses rose up one after another, and then turned into courtyards, and then upgraded to small villas, six-story residential buildings, small high-rises or super high-rises.

Immediately afterwards, farmland, mills, blacksmith shops... Animal and plant breeding bases, a space launch center, biological genetic research laboratories, and photovoltaic power plants.

In order not to scare the outside world, the surrounding area of ​​the campus was completely blocked by Tianwei on the grounds of safety management, and the satellites exploring the area were also blinded by the 'normal desert' AR projection.


Half a month later.

Tiancheng 101 Laboratory announced to the outside world that it has successfully developed a new generation of desert-specific masonry glue and applied it in the campus construction project of Western United Vocational University.

Compared with the previous generation, this glue has a full 50% improvement in adhesion and service life, and is comparable to conventional concrete in desert climates.

The most important thing is that the transportation is convenient, and materials can be obtained anywhere in the desert, and the price is only two-thirds of the previous generation!

Tianjiao Group then announced that it is adjusting the production workshop and is expected to fully commercialize 'Shajiao No. 2' before August, and expressed its expectation to carry out patent licensing or joint production cooperation with more rubber manufacturers.

a month later.

The Engineering Department of Western United Vocational University announced to the public that after the construction of the campus adopts 'Shajiao No. 2', the construction speed will double, and the entire project is expected to be completed before September.

When the news came out, not only the construction industry was stunned, but also the science and technology industry of the home planet.


Not to mention 'Shajiao No. 2', even 'Shajiao No. 1', no one in the industry understands its ingredients and properties.

However, if you calm down and think about it carefully, the sand glue series seems to be useless for infrastructure construction in non-desert areas.

Because sand glue powder is more expensive than concrete, the fine sand required in the proportion of building materials far exceeds that of concrete.

Although the transportation of sand rubber powder is convenient, the cost of transporting sand from the desert is far higher than that of digging river sand.

All in all, the sand glue series is only suitable for desert areas.


Someone gets a communication from the Prince of Dubai.

"Ge, I feel cheated by you!"


Ge Xiaotian didn't play any commercial tricks in Dubai. Countless Franklins invested in it to drive the local economic development, and only took a small amount of real money. In terms of benefits, it can be said that he cares about his heart.

"Ge, we introduced special cement processing and defect-free concrete production chains last year."

"Yes, I guarantee that the technology and equipment Tiancheng gave you are absolutely the latest."

"I believe it, but our place is a desert!"


"We managed to produce special cement and defect-free concrete. Instead of contacting customers in a hurry, we first processed a batch of products that Tiancheng needs in Dubai for free."

"Yes, I am very grateful for that."

"But now you suddenly launched Tianjiao No. 2, which caused us to lose customers!"


Ge Xiaotian finally figured out the reason why the other party called.

If I were myself, I would definitely feel cheated.

It's like selling old technology in North America. When you learn it, the other party is showing you a new technology and asking you if you want to learn it. When you learn the new technology, the other party will come up with the so-called current mainstream technology...

"Ge, we need an explanation."

"His Royal Highness, to be honest, I didn't expect this to happen. However, it's not too late to make up for it. Why don't you introduce another sand glue series production line?"

"Then, after we build the sand glue factory, you will launch another product that can replace the sand glue?"

"No, no, definitely not, you have to trust my character, so you know, I never deceive my own people."

"I believe this."

"Don't worry, as long as you buy the sand glue production chain, I will notify Dubai Tiancheng to evaluate your company's existing special cement and defect-free concrete production equipment, and then give you a satisfactory price and buy back the production chain... …In this way, the authorization fee for cement products and concrete products will be waived this year.”

"Ge, I suddenly realized that you are as generous as ever!"

"Thank you Prince for your approval!"

Ge Xiaotian put down the communicator, contacted Tianjiao Shuaibo, and Xu Ling, the temporary supervisor of Dubai Tiancheng, to complete the matter together.

Wait for the communicator to be put down.

Dao Shishi gave a thumbs up, "Boss, this trick is amazing!"


"That batch of special cement and defect-free concrete production equipment cost tens of millions to transport from Huaxia Dongshan to Dubai. We bought it back from Dubai, which is equivalent to exempting the transportation cost. Moreover, the other party has used these equipment to produce a large number of products. When evaluating The 'depreciation fee' will definitely be calculated, so that we can buy it back at a low price, and then use the mastermind to 'renew' it... After a while, I've even found my next home, Greece!"


Ge Xiaotian was taken aback for a moment, and instantly understood the meaning of Dao Shiyi, "Don't talk nonsense, I have a heart for my partners in Dubai, and I have no intention of deceiving them."

"But your heart is already dark."


Ge Xiaotian didn't give Dao Shishi any room to redeem, and motioned to the Tianwei at the door, "Strip off, give him a 'sun and sand bath'."

"Boss, I have thin skin and tender flesh, and I can't withstand the sun."

"No, my heart is dark, but you are darker than me!"


When Tianwei took away Dao Shishi who didn't dare to struggle, Ge Xiaotian recalled what he said before, and stroked it in his mind.

"If this news gets out, if it is said that I didn't cheat others, I probably won't believe it... But I really don't want to cheat others."

With a mutter, contact Dao Yi, who is nominally the dean of the School of Philosophy at the Western United Vocational University.

"Old man, do we have any materials in our laboratory that can ban the sand glue series in three to five years?"

"There must be. The microscopic molecular structure of the material determines its physical properties. Although we currently only make a new type of thermoplastic polyurethane with a two-dimensional structure, the technology is advancing. In the future, we will have the opportunity to come up with cheaper and more suitable for deserts. glue'."

"That's broken!"

"What's the matter, boss?"

"I really didn't want to cheat others."


Dao Yi at the other end of the communicator is unknown.

But Ge Xiaotian hung up the communication and thought for a long time, but finally couldn't bear the charm of "money", and wrote a feasibility analysis of banning sand glue on the last page of the notepad.

After finishing these tasks, open the system map.

Covered by Shajiao 2, the brawny guys are almost letting go of the build now.

A month has passed, and the campus has the size of a big city.

It's a pity that no one has moved in yet, and the whole is like a 'ghost town'.

Ge Xiaotian played with the signature pen, and looked at the secretary group, "It's already August, and the vocational college admission letter has been issued, how many people came to sign up?"

"Boss, this year's vocational exam... has eliminated 95% of the college entrance examination candidates."

"Is the topic that difficult?"

"It can't be considered difficult, but in the whole of China, only 20 people have reached the admission score."

"Is it that bad?"

"Actually, compared to this year's college entrance examination, our admission to vocational colleges is relatively good. It is said that the questions on the mathematics paper of this year's college entrance examination are difficult to reach a new level. The average score in a certain province is only 37."

"Are you kidding me? As for the answer sheet, I can get this score by stepping on it."


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