Build Madness

Chapter 924 The So-Called 'External Civilization'

Since the "UFO" crashed in the Great Lakes of North America in February this year, and the NASA Space Agency admitted that it had acquired alien technology, the parent star has triggered an astronomical upsurge.

Just in time for Longtian Technology to launch SG Optical Telescope, SG Optical Starfinder, SG Infrared Telescope, SG Optical Fiber Spectrum Intelligent Astronomical Mirror, SG Synthetic Aperture Radio Telescope...

Weihua Technology, which is fighting against it, also launched the "Sky Eye Clone", that is, through the network telescope, with the help of Zigbee to connect to the giant telescope database of the University of Science and Technology, obtain the latter's real-time simulated "high-definition astronomical map", and further observe more detailed celestial bodies Health.

In general, today's astronomy enthusiasts, no matter new entrants or old players, can buy astronomical equipment with extremely superior performance at a relatively low price, so as to discover more unsigned planets and stars.

In other words, the threshold for joining this group is extremely low.

The official astronomical institutions cooperate with Longtian Technology and Weihua Technology respectively to purchase equipment with more advanced performance and more complete functions, and obtain more astronomical information.

As a result, in the first ten days of 2003 alone, more than 20,000 unnamed planets and five quasi-habitable planets were unearthed in the field of parent star astronomy.

It can also be seen that there is a huge base of astronomy enthusiasts.

On the morning of August 4th.

When people gathered on the astronomy section of the Panda Guardian Forum to discuss how many habitable planets there are in the Andromeda galaxy group, a post about the surface of the moon suddenly attracted a large number of netizens to watch.

The content of the post is very brief.

'I doubt there is life on the moon! '

If there is only this sentence, the host will definitely be warned by the moderator.

But the screenshots uploaded later made all astronomy enthusiasts gasp.

The first pair: In the pitted crater, an unheard of, unseen device similar to a multi-arm excavator is loading soil to the weird transport vehicle parked next to it.

The second picture: In front of the 'excavator' and the 'transportation vehicle', a creature that resembles a human being, but is obviously not human, holds a laser device and seems to be measuring something.

The reason why it is determined that the other party is not human is because the other party is not wearing a space suit, but can survive in space.

The third picture: Sitting under a sun umbrella, wearing sunglasses, smoking a thick cigar, a figure similar to that of a human being, but obviously not human, he seems to be supervising work.

The strange thing is that the moon has no oxygen. Not only can the cigar be lit, but the smoke is so cloudy and misty that it seems to be swaying with the wind...



"Forgive me for my poor eyesight, I can't see the traces of the P picture."

"It turned out to be the original picture?!"

"Fuck, turn on the astronomical telescope, the coordinates of the lunar surface are x1301, y445."

"I X!"

"I rely on it!"

"Moon creature?"

"Alien civilization?"

"Wait, why the more I look at it, the more I feel that this alien sitting slumped on the beach chair looks so much like Ge Er Er? Especially this expression of beating up and the attitude of the big villain?"

"Listening to you, I feel the same too!"

"What do you mean by resemblance? Obviously it is!"

"But... Ge Lao Er can land on the moon?"

"Maybe it's an AR projection!"

"Just kidding, the excavation equipment next to it is obviously real, otherwise how to fill it with soil, and when another creature walks around, it leaves many footprints on the ground, which is also not AR technology."

"It makes sense!"

"By the way, can anyone tell me what happened?"

"Don't ask, we don't know either."


Just when netizens were talking about it.

Through more advanced astronomical equipment, the countries, regions, and various groups of the home planet that have obtained more detailed information have collectively fallen silent at this moment.

without it.

Everyone receives a 'quote'.

The catalog is almost the same as the space launch published by Tiancheng in March, including the ticket price, which is also very close.

But the problem is...

"When did you go up there?"

Not only the bigwigs from overseas thought so, even the Nine Institutes also opened the communication to ask this question.

"Master, I just arrived too."



Ge Xiaotian sat in the AR two-way delivery equipment cabin and picked up a stack of documents. Astronomers on the home planet, including many official astronomical institutions and aerospace agencies on the home planet, also saw someone on the surface of the moon take out a piece of paper: "I have a moon here." The base, it’s useless to keep it in your hands, do you want it?”

The Jiu Institute had no time to think about when Tiancheng would complete the moon landing plan, and hurriedly agreed: "Definitely!"

"Ok, send someone to receive it."

"No, how do we go up?"

"Buy a boat ticket!"

As Ge Xiaotian said, he sent the 2003 Tiancheng Quotation Form, which was previously disclosed to the public, to the Nine Institutes again, muttering in his mouth: "Space Station Seats: Astronauts are guaranteed to be sent to their destinations, full refund if failed, 300 million red notes per person , or 40 million Franklin/person... No standing tickets, breakfast and dinner not included.

By the way, don’t forget to buy the supporting spacesuit, which is made of a new generation of nanofiber materials, resistant to radiation, high and low temperature, and has a built-in smart micro terminal...

And the supporting living cabin, which is made of a new generation of nano-ceramic materials, is resistant to radiation, high and low temperature...

In addition, there are lunar landers, interstellar minecarts...

Otherwise, what are you doing here? "

Nine Institutes: "..."

"Of course, space capsules are also indispensable. This is a must-have food for astronauts. It can satisfy hunger, replenish water and nutrition, and can also be used as snacks. It has 15 flavors to choose from, including strawberry, papaya, cucumber, and orange. flavor, watermelon flavor, beef flavor, mutton flavor, donkey meat flavor, crayfish flavor, African lung fish flavor... 200 red notes/piece, shelf life of five years, 250 grams per piece, no postage, no door-to-door delivery, It needs to be purchased together with the manned rocket.

If you want to improve your living conditions, we also have an aerospace gym, an aerospace concert hall, an aerospace swimming pool, and an aerospace indoor arena..."

"Beep beep..."

"Hello? Hello! Why did you hang up?"

Ge Xiaotian called back, but no one answered at the Ninth Institute, "Strange, do you want to fly over?"

Dao Shixi: "Boss, why don't I tell the Jiu Institute that you have gone to the moon and ask him to go to the moon to find you?"

"When he returns from the moon, he might beat me up and call me grandpa."


Jiusuo came very quickly.

Take the special business jet of Huaxia Aerospace Department, and directly airborne the Western United Vocational University, which has no runway.

When I got off the plane, I saw someone and asked directly:

"When did it start?"

"On New Year's Eve, fail once."

"Successful the second time?"



The Nine Institutes did not show much surprise at Tian Cheng's ability to land on the moon.

After all, Tiancheng is going too fast, and the aerospace project has been laid out since three years ago, including some remote control personnel of the Huaxia Aerospace Department, who are all recruited by Tiancheng technical secondary school students.

"Manned to the moon?"

"Is that right?"

"What do you mean?"

"I replaced the torso of the No. 1 machine with a more mature silicone simulator. With the help of the biological cabin, I can recuperate 12 hours a month and can live for about five years."

"Are you sure you didn't use a clone?"

"Tiancheng has this technique?"

"Don't fool me. If the calculation is strict, Ah Huang should not live this year, but he is still leading wolf cubs around Siberia to grab territory."

" even investigated my dog ​​in such detail?"

"Is that an ordinary dog? A dog that can drive a car, a dog that can live to be sixteen years old and is still alive and kicking. How many times are there on the home planet?"


Ge Xiaotian grinned, "However, we really don't have cloning technology, at least in terms of biology. Ah Huang's survival depends entirely on the 'Brain and Kidney Liquid'."


"You should drink more later. When you feel that you can't hold on anymore, I will help you complete the non-destructive freezing. When we research 'immortality', I will help you unfreeze."

"Stop talking about these messy things with me."

The Ninth Institute walked into the office and took out a quotation, "One ticket is 300 million red notes, including space suits, living cabins, living supplies, and the most important bases and scientific research equipment, can't you get it for 10 billion?"

"As expected of an expert."

Ge Xiaotian took out the big 13 cigars that had been cut long ago, and lit them respectively, "As the saying goes, one step faster..."

"Don't play that trick on me, tell me, who else contacted you besides me?"

"The Montenegro Odyssey anti-software is going to ask for one, and I have paid the full amount, 17 billion red notes."

The Jiu Institute was slightly stunned, and asked in surprise, "Where did they get so much money?"

"Selling resources, deductions, including Panda Guardian shares."


Jiusuo opened his mouth and almost spat out obscenities, "That's how you got the Panda Guard shares?"

"Yeah, 30%. After I'm done with this, I'll fool them into building a space launch site and a space station. Maybe the Panda Guardian will be mine."

"Bull! You are worthy of being the worst capitalist on the home planet."

"What did you say?"

Ge Xiaotian added a 0 to the quotation amount.

Jiusuo's face darkened, "I mean, I am indeed the best entrepreneur in China."

"That's what I love to hear."

"Besides the Montenegro Odyssey, what else?"

"The non-regional union wants one, and the money has already arrived."

"So fast?"

"I have business over there. Gold, diamonds, minerals, land, etc., all of them are handed over to me. Isn't this money?"


"In addition, NA in North America, Accor in France, and the emirates who are not short of money have also sent purchase intentions just now, but construction will take time. Considering that you have to prepare at least three at present, the amount of work is a bit large, so, not yet. agree."

"No, there are so many 'customers' in such a short period of time?"

"Don't doubt the authenticity, you are an expert, you should understand the value of the moon base."


The Jiu Institute fell into deep thought for a long time, "North America won't trouble you?"

"If you know me, you should know that Tianwei has never neglected the desire for super power. Although we don't have a peaceful world, we have the strongest defense system of the home planet - the light curtain, plus the number of two legs up to 20,000 units , 3,000 Super Pandas, and... the warship with the largest tonnage on the home planet."

"Wait, the parent star has the largest tonnage?"

"As of August 1st, the total tonnage of Tiancheng's ships has exceeded 12 million tons, which is four times that of North America."

"Don't tell me, you count the freighter?"

"Aren't Tiancheng's freighters all warships?"


"I have the most powerful Haibu on my home planet!"

Ge Xiaotian stood up, opened his hands, embraced the sky, and silently counted the Black Mountain Sea, the Bipolar Sea, and many pirates...

He couldn't help taking a deep breath.

After three years of violence, the total tonnage of the ship is twice that of the parent planet's "all players" combined!

Jiusuo was stunned for a moment, then burst out laughing, thinking that the guy in front of him was joking, and also let go of his worries about Tian Cheng's level of force, "Be careful sailing for ten thousand years."

"Don't worry, Tiancheng will have the most powerful spacefleet on the home planet soon."

"Stop talking nonsense, by the way, what type of launch vehicle did you use for this moon landing?"

"Using a space shuttle."


"A lot of money, burn it."


The cost of landing a launch vehicle on the moon and landing a space shuttle on the moon is about 50 times different.

In other words, the former consumes 10 billion red notes, and the latter will consume 500 billion red notes.

These are two completely different aerospace technologies. The former is disposable and the latter is reusable.

If there is no system, Ge Xiaotian will definitely choose the launch vehicle, but with the recovery function, the space shuttle becomes the best choice.

Moreover, space ports, planetary transport hubs, and space transfer stations will be developed in the future...

Without space shuttles, or spaceships, it is impossible to rely on launch vehicles.

Of course, the space shuttle that Tiancheng will use in the future is definitely not a 'space vehicle' that will be launched from planets and go to and from various planets through orbit changing technology, this speed is too slow.

Instead, stay in outer space forever.

For example, set up a logistics space station in the low-earth orbit of the parent star, and then set up a logistics space station in the low-earth orbit of Mars.

The transportation of Mars resources to the Mars space station is completed by a special transport vehicle.

Afterwards, the space shuttle loaded cargo from the Mars space station, went directly to the parent star space station, and unloaded the cargo.

In this way, the space shuttle ends one round of operation and continues to the next round.

The cargo from the space station on the parent star is transported to the surface of the parent star, still using special transport vehicles, such as installing parachutes, and throwing them directly into the desert.

Save time, effort, energy consumption...

Ge Xiaotian took a pen and paper, and described the above information to the Nine Institutes.

The latter was noncommittal, "It's too long to talk about this, let's talk about the moon base."

"What's there to talk about? The quotation is here. If you want anything, you can just tick it off. Once the money is in place, work can start right away."


"Priority is given to our own projects. Don't worry about my work, Lao Ge."

"Is there any discount?"

"Why don't you go shopping online?"

"Can you still shop online?"

"I said yes, it has it, 9.99% off!"


half an hour later.

The forum has gathered billions of netizens, all of whom are discussing the appearance of 'aliens' on the moon, much like Lao Ge's question.


Hot news popped up the news that the Tiancheng online shopping system was born with the largest single order in history.

Up to 27 billion red notes!

Immediately afterwards, various media from Sky Entertainment revealed that Montenegro and the African Union were planning to invest in the lunar base...

Not to mention the impatient overseas forces.

After sending away the nine schools, Ge Xiaotian returned to the office of the principal of the United Vocational University.

Dao Shishi helped change a cup of hot water, "Boss, there is only one machine on the moon at present, and the remote operation needs to be connected to the Internet. If three bases are built at the same time, it may be very busy."

"Three? Why build so many?"

"You said to build three, one in Montenegro, one in Feiqu, and one in Nine Institutes."

"Aren't you stupid? The only ones who pay are the nine families. It is enough to let the No. 1 machine build one. After the busy work is over, it is estimated that North America and Ice Bear will rush to ask for it. At that time, the Montenegro and African regions that have not actually paid will be sent to China." Push it back, and then sell it to third brother and France... Isn’t business just a lot of money?”

"Third brother?"

"It's better to change the base from rubber... let them grow rubber in an all-round way, otherwise how will our instant noodles be sold?"


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