Build Madness

Chapter 925 Interstellar version of GIS surge of international students

August 4th.

When the sky was bright in the east and dark in the west, more and more overseas astronomers found a certain coordinate on the moon surface on the sunny side, which immediately sparked a frenzy of doubts about Tiancheng's landing on the moon.

Because conventional astronomical telescopes can only observe large craters on the surface of the moon, even the large-scale equipment of the observatory and the astronomical telescope with the highest resolution of the parent star cannot observe things two meters in size through 380,000 kilometers.

Not to mention sunglasses, cigars, and smoky...


Although Tiancheng has promoted the development and innovation of many things in the past three years, the overseas resistance and deliberate distortion of oriental culture still make most overseas people's impression of Huaxia stay in the late Qing Dynasty.

Coupled with North American sanctions on Longtian Technology and Sino-Ocean Group, and various surveillance on Holden, the SG telescope series cannot log in to the Americas.

The "Sky Eye Clone" launched by Weihua Technology needs the support of Zigbee Network...

Under this kind of subconscious "look down" mentality, overseas astronomy enthusiasts who can only observe the lunar surface through ordinary astronomical telescopes, and finally get nothing, make various rebuttals to the screenshots of the lunar surface that appeared on the Panda Guardian forum.

Even many official bigwigs participated in it.

General Manager of Australia: "I'm afraid this is not a posing?"

Xiao Bu: "Fake news!"

Chief England: "I asked someone to take a picture of me swimming on Mars. Does that mean we've landed on Mars?"

General Manager of Yidali: "Such an obvious scam, but there are still people who place orders online, are you cheated?"

Chief Wajima originally planned to say a few words, but he thought of the newly repaired Ice Bear Aircraft Corps in the north, and the Tiancheng No. 1 and No. 2 oil protection brigades in the south, and silently deleted the edited text...

The chairman of Nan Bangzi also wanted to say a few words, but considering Bei Bangzi who had shown his kindness to Tiancheng in every possible way because of the "medical material aid", he was afraid of being suddenly rumbled at night, so he had to post two unrelated weblogs: Warm congratulations The Incheon Airport reconstruction project is completed, and the section from the airport to the Incheon Bridge will resume traffic tomorrow.

Xiao Bu was not happy: "Do you two dare to maintain formation?"

Wa Dao and Nan Bangzi: "Don't dare."


Just when the doubts reached their peak and almost damaged Tian Cheng's reputation.

Some Chinese netizens published popular science articles on the forum.

The SG series telescopes adopt spectral analysis and photography, and its performance is like the widely used analog signal. In theory, it can restore the target information 100%, and has infinite resolution. However, just like the analog signal, the anti-interference ability is extremely strong. Weak, spectral analysis camera has very strict requirements on the light source.

It must be at night, the sun-facing side of the planet must be observed, and the illumination of the surrounding stars must be stable and continuous.

However, the SG series of telescopes can already photograph microscopic things on the surface of planets in the solar system, and it is also one of the best astronomical equipment for the parent star.

The 'Sky Eye Clone' series of telescopes, which are different from conventional astronomical observation equipment, should be called 'Online Universe Map', and the official name is 'Interstellar GIS'.

As the name suggests, this is a GIS dedicated to Interstellar.

The equipment includes a Shiguangji notebook, the hardware requirements of Weihua standard configuration in 2003; a curved high-definition monitor, the hardware requirements are 3880x2560; a Zigbee network base station, the hardware requirements can be connected to the Zifeng satellite network; a Sky Eye clone, The hardware requires an intelligent control chip; a graphene memory not less than 1PB (1024T)...

After owning a complete set of equipment, the user can connect to the Zigbee satellite network, log in to the official website operated by Sky Eye of Huaxia University of Science and Technology, download the data of the planets to be observed, and then observe the planetary records left by the "real Sky Eye" at will.

Moreover, this information is updated every 24 hours. If there is any change, a reminder will be given in the user's smart control center to ensure that every astronomy enthusiast user can grasp the mysteries of the universe at the first time.


Netizens who popularized science on the forum not only gave images of the two series of astronomical equipment observations, but also listed detailed comparisons.

In short, each has its own advantages and disadvantages, which one you want to choose depends on your personal preference.


Longtian SG Astronomical Telescope online shopping link...

Weihua Sky Eye clone telescope online shopping link...

The two join group online shopping to connect...

Dealer promotional model connection...

Old Model Clearance Big Deal Connect...

Overseas netizens: "..."

Huaxia netizen: "Ge's routine!"

And then……

Quietly passed through the Kra Isthmus Canal, arrived at Dubai's ocean-going trade fleet, unloaded dozens of containers of astronomical telescopes, returned to the Arabian Sea with more cargo, and headed for the Mediterranean through the Red Sea occupied by islands...

Some astronomy enthusiasts from the Emirates, West Asia and Central Asia who got the SG series and SkyEye clone equipment and successfully connected to the Zifeng network soon confirmed that what the 'popular science article' said was true.

But the Western masses still scoffed at it.

First, who can guarantee that the designated observation equipment is not fake?

The second is, since landing on the moon, why didn't you wear a spacesuit?

In particular, the second question hits the nail on the head and is irrefutable.


Another netizen gave a popular science article.

Tiancheng's aerospace technology is completely different from the existing aerospace technology and theory of the mother planet.

Maybe it's technical limitations, maybe it's developing too fast, or maybe it's too cumbersome, Tiancheng doesn't pay attention to 'manned spaceflight', or even completely abandons 'manned spaceflight', but focuses on 'remote control'.

In the past two years, Tiancheng Electric Industry has launched many "unmanned equipment", such as unmanned exploration helicopters, intelligent driving transport vehicles, remote-controlled ground drilling machines, remote-controlled two legs, and the famous Super Panda fighter plane on the home planet.

It can be said that Tiancheng's achievements in the fields of intelligent micro-control, remote control, and unmanned driving have long been ranked first in the home planet.

Bringing these technologies to the aerospace field, coupled with Tiancheng's self-developed low-latency communication technology, to achieve ultra-long-distance, trans-planetary control, all that is missing is a 'vehicle'.

As for which type of vehicle Tiancheng used this time...

According to Ge xx's character, nine out of ten are space shuttles.

As soon as the post was published, a netizen on the second floor posted a screenshot of what he observed through the interstellar version of GIS: The original poster, Niu X, is indeed a space shuttle. I found it, as shown in the picture.

Third floor: Damn, isn't this the first space shuttle Enterprise in human history designed by the NASA space agency?

Fourth floor: What nonsense, the Enterprise is just an experimental platform and does not have the ability to fly. This is obviously the Endeavor used in North America.

Fifth floor: Don't worry, North America no longer has the ability to send astronauts to the space station. I just secretly bought five tickets from Ice Bear some time ago.

On the sixth floor, Ge Xiaotian: Wait, so Ice Bear is rich again?

Seventh floor: Huh? What about the sixth floor? Gone so soon?

Eighth floor: What did the sixth floor say?

Ninth Floor: In the terrifying online world, the God of Harmony appears from time to time.

Tenth floor: ...

Hot news: The Second Fleet of Montenegro Odyssey suddenly launched a surprise attack on the Ice Bear Black Sea Fleet, the reason is unknown.


When the Internet and news stations from all walks of life made polarized reports on the authenticity of Tiancheng's moon landing.

Ge Xiaotian is sitting in the office of the president of United Vocational University, admiring the beauty of the moon through the interstellar version of GIS.

Maybe time and space are really different.

The moon in this time and space rotates synchronously with the parent star, or in other words, there is always only one side facing the parent star.

This leads to...

Unit 1 discovered that the back of the moon is a huge crater!

Thus negating the 'moon hollow theory' that he had heard in another time and space.

No, this space-time also has the 'lunar hollow theory'.

Ge Xiaotian searched the database, feeling a little chill on his back, and ordered 101 Laboratory to contact the North American NASA Space Agency to exchange some astronomical data...

Then found out...

Before 1999, the observation data was fine.

After 2000, the moon's mass, gravity, and mode of operation have undergone major changes.

"Eleven, what consequences will this bring?"

"Abnormal tides, abnormal climate, and frequent crustal movement. If it continues, it will affect the magnetic field of the parent star and reflect solar particles...Perhaps, the 2012 you are talking about will really happen."


Ge Xiaotian scratched his numb scalp, "Could I have traveled to the world of 2012?"

"Theoretically... there is a great possibility. Of course, other worlds, such as Half-Life, Resident Evil, etc., are not ruled out. Anyway, it is not the original time and space."


"Boss, just kidding, look at your excitement, as if you want to start a war immediately."


"This is just a calculation result. Even the simulator only gives 5% confidence in the future. In fact, the moon in our time and space is similar to the moon in your past time and space. In the next hundreds of millions of years, it is almost impossible to change much, unless the sun goes out."

"All right."

"Boss, will this information be published?"

"Good for us?"

"It's definitely beneficial. Just like the result given by the simulator is exactly like 2012. If overseas scientific research institutions get this information, they will also infer 2012. By then, won't your prediction be fulfilled?"

"Will it cause panic?"

"It's none of our business to panic overseas?"


"Besides, as long as they believe it, your space building will definitely be sold at a high price. Subsequent ferry tickets, space equipment, space products... especially watermelons, are you worried about not being able to sell them?"


When it comes to watermelon, it comes to Ge Xiaotian's heart.

This year, so many were planted, even if a large number of them were taken away by tourists, the remaining amount would still be astronomical. If all of them rot in the melon fields, wouldn't it mean that he lost money?

When did Boss Ge fail in business?


August 5th.

After a day of deliberation, the voices that questioned Tian Cheng's moon landing gradually disappeared.


The first batch of lunar samples were dropped by the space shuttle near the "ear of the mother star" in the western desert by orbital bombing at 6 o'clock in the morning.

Two hours later, not only the Huaxia Aerospace Department announced that it had obtained the samples donated by Tiancheng, but even Ice Bear, Montenegro, France, Thai Girls, and the African Union also announced that they had obtained lunar rock and soil.

Immediately afterwards.

Bingxiong announced the list of government-sponsored overseas students in 2003. There are a total of 3,700 students. The annual tuition fee for each student is 2.5 million red notes, which will be paid in wood and minerals.

where to go

Western Union Vocational University!


France announced the list of government-sponsored international students in 2003, with a total of 2,300 students, 2,000 of whom signed up for various majors in the aerospace field, astronomy field, and remote control field. The annual tuition fee for a single person is 3 million red notes, and real estate is required to go through the admission procedures...

Taimei announced in 2003...a total of 1,800 people, 1.8 million red notes per person per year...

Why is it so low?

Rent-free for Tiancheng port, rent-free for rubber plantations, and lease for Tianwei base...

My own people will definitely get a 50% discount.

Nanyue announced in 2003...a total of 2,300 people, 1 million red notes per person per year...

Why is it lower again?

What people learn is rubber and shoemaking technology.

Montenegro Odyssey announces 2003...

Dubai and other emirates announced in 2003...

Greece announced in 2003...

The five Nordic countries announced...

The African District Confederation announces...

Wajima announces...

Ge Xiaotian rubbed the gossip shift key with one hand, seeing that the number of foreign students is about to exceed 50,000, he caught a glimpse of Wa Island...

"Wait, what's the matter with them?"

"Arranged by the Ninja League, learning beauty salons, housekeeping services, etc., a total of 20,000 people."

"Can North America allow it?"

"I haven't got relevant information yet, but Holden has recruited more than 6,000 people as early as yesterday, all of them are your NT fans."


"Boss, do you accept it?"

"Come on, raise the fee a little bit, and then set the threshold for buying real estate, starting at 120 square meters."

"We don't have so many houses in the desert."

"We don't have any? Build as many as you want...Of course, set up an overseas college and manage it separately from the domestic college."

"Learning Content?"

"There is no need to make a fuss about this, you must convince people with virtue."


"By the way, why didn't Nan Bangzi arrange for foreign students?"

"Estimated concern about the convenient response in North America."

"Let the chairman of KS Group send a group, otherwise how will KS engage in natural gas in the future?"


"In addition, take advantage of this astronomical enthusiasm, and promote more watermelon-flavored aerospace food capsules and watermelon-flavored aerospace-specific nutrient solutions, 20% off promotion!"

"Boss, it used to be 30% off."

"You don't care how much discount it used to be, but now it's 20% off for events and new products are on the market."


Watching Dao Shiyi deal with the above matters, Ge Xiaotian sat back at his desk and continued to appreciate the elegance of the moon.

a long time.

"Eleventh, there is only No. 1 machine on it, how long will it take to build the base of Jiusuo?"

"At least three months."

"so long?"

"The main reason is that... our family does not have manned spaceflight technology. Even if we have the detailed data of life forms in space given in the previous nine, there is no relevant information about life forms on the moon. Everything needs to be tested, and this experiment is a long-term experiment. Nature, or in other words, if there is no problem in sending people up today, it means that there will be no problem in the future. We must collect and analyze the lunar magnetic field, lunar gravity, lunar gas microbes, etc., to ensure that after creating a living environment, human beings will follow in it. There is no difference in the mother star, and even live more comfortably, after all... the higher the position, the longer the life."

"Your last sentence, is it true?"

"Really, the same living body can live ten years longer in outer space than in the parent star."

"How big is the gap?"


"Bring the shark airship over here."

"What's the matter, boss?"

"I will live there permanently from now on."


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