Build Madness

Chapter 926 Combustible ice

Seeing that Boss Ge Da was packing up his belongings and preparing to move into the Shark Airship for permanent residence, Dao Shishi resisted the idea of ​​fooling him to move to the moon, and explained:

"Boss, in fact, no matter where you are, your own life span will not change much. The reason why you say 'the higher you stand, the longer you live' is only relatively speaking, um, relative, special relativity, you can understand Learn about the 'clock-slow effect', or 'time dilation'."

"Am I full and free?"

Ge Xiaotian rolled his eyes and stopped what he was doing.

Since deciding to skip the sixth-level town center last year and jumping the fifth-level town center to the first-level cosmic civilization, this group of monks has reported a few unheard of, unseen, and unintelligible data from time to time.

Including various physical truths, physical laws, physical hypotheses, physical assumptions, and many physical formulas that have been overthrown and may be applicable to the universe in the future.

According to the statistics of the mother body of the optical machine installed with the photoelectric core, if these things are listed on a sixteen-carat white paper, the mother star can be wrapped in at least three layers.

This was originally a good thing, which shows that the monks are practical and capable, and have gained a lot, and they will soon let themselves rush out of their home planet and go to the universe.

But every time I let the big boss review it, the key point is still unclear...

Is it a mockery of my low education, or is it deliberately showing off?

Ge Xiaotian glanced at Dao Shishi, who seemed to be aware of it, and sat upright, handling affairs meticulously.

"Eleventh, Unit One sings 'Lonely Northern Hemisphere' all day long on the moon..."

Before he finished speaking, a connection request prompt came from the AR two-way projection device next to him.

The accompanying secretary operated, "Boss, it's the chief of Wajima."

Dao Shishi took the opportunity to change the subject, "I just remembered, there are three batches of international students in Wajima, including other countries and regions, one batch is government-sponsored, the second batch is self-funded, and the third batch is dispatched by enterprises. The registration deadline for public-sent international students is August 10th. The registration deadline for self-financed international students is August 20, and the deadline for corporate dispatch is August 30. The list announced by the Ninja League before belongs to corporate dispatch, and Washima officials have not yet submitted the list of public-sponsored international students. It is estimated that the other party wants to negotiate with you.”

"One side spends money to study, and the other side teaches seriously. It is fair and just. Those who wish to take the bait and don't want to be dragged down. What is there to discuss?"

"According to the internal news from over there, someone proposed to expand the scope of tax exemption for the products exported to Tianmao on the board of directors of Wadao, including heavy machinery, aerospace equipment, and precision instruments that were not opened before. It is estimated that the other party wants to use this to lower the government. student fees."

"That's it!"

Ge Xiaotian was lying in the rocking chair, rubbing his chin with his left hand, and flicking the armrest with five fingers of his right hand. After thinking for a moment, he answered an unexpected question: "Did the first and second oil protection brigades docked in the southern waters of Wa Island find the resources hidden in the deep sea of ​​Wa Island?"

"I found it. The timber storage area was locked in May, and the coal storage area was locked in June. At the same time, an unexplored rare earth mine was discovered in the North Pacific in the southwest, with a storage capacity of about 16 million tons. In July, even the other party was locked. 'flammable ice'."

"Combustible ice?"

"Well, it is the solid matter that combines methane and water. According to the exploration information from the oil protection brigade, there are tens of trillions of cubic meters of combustible ice around Wa Island and the North Pacific Ocean. It is the parent planet's oil and coal. Twice the total storage capacity.

If Wajima discovers and conducts research and mining, and then develops the corresponding new energy technology, it will leap to the ranks of the parent star resource powers.

However, combustible ice is buried in the deep sea and is difficult to mine, and once exposed to the air, it will cause serious damage to the environment of the parent star. "

"Can our family mine?"

"We are groping, but based on deep sea oil recovery technology, with the help of master brain equipment, quantitative recovery will definitely be achieved within three years."

"Is it useful to us?"

"Yes, it's not only useful, it's a match made in heaven."


"Our heavy machinery uses pure ethanol + liquid oxygen gas turbines uniformly, and some commercial cars also use this engine.

For the production of pure ethanol, except for a small part brewed with aged grains, most of them use ethylene and concentrated sulfuric acid to add sulfoethane or diethyl sulfate, and then hydrolyze to obtain ethanol...

In general, the production of pure ethanol fuel requires several processing links, and the overall output is not high, resulting in high costs. Although the price is lower than that of oil, the profitability is lower than expected.

However, thawing 1 cubic meter of combustible ice can produce 164 cubic meters of methane gas, and almost no residue will be produced after combustion, which is much less polluting than coal, oil, and natural gas.

It can be said that it is the "energy block" in the Transformers movie. It is small in size and high in energy. It can make Optimus Prime and Bumblebee feel better after eating. It is also a substitute for oil, coal mines, natural gas, etc. The best new energy source.

If we obtain inexhaustible combustible ice, there is no need to adjust the structure of pure ethanol + liquid oxygen gas turbine, just change the ethanol tank and oxygen tank into combustible ice storage devices, and then add some catalysts during the combustion process, directly can be used. "


Ge Xiaotian was not excited, but turned on the Shiguang machine and checked the 'natural gas database', "I remember that the 101 laboratory had developed a natural gas vehicle before, and the driving energy was compressed liquefied natural gas...

I found it. Under the pressure of 20MP, the volume per cubic meter is five liters, the tank body is 65-70 liters, and the battery life is 150-180 kilometers. In conversion...LNG can release about 625 cubic meters of natural gas per cubic meter, and the battery life is 1,000 kilometers.

If one cubic meter of combustible ice releases 164 cubic meters of methane, the range is only 250 kilometers, which is more than twice the difference.

Most importantly, combustible ice cannot be compressed and requires refrigeration.

Could it be that you plan to let the combustible ice truck pull four or five cubic meters of combustible ice around every day?

Also, how big is this car? "

"That's not what it means, Boss, your thinking has solidified."


"No, I'm not mocking you."


"Hey, listen to me."

Dao Shiyi shrank his neck and drew a map of the Dongshan subway line on the small blackboard at the back, "Look, the tram we designed at the beginning adopts the driving method of charging as you go.

That is to set up a 'gas turbine generator set' at each subway station, and then lay cables along the subway track, during which photovoltaic power generation and wind power generation are also assisted.

The tram is charging while running, or in other words, has been charging and running. Therefore, the speed of our subway is far faster than that of the conventional subway.

As of August this year, the main construction link of the subway project is coming to an end, and the follow-up is to lay the hardware and software facilities of the subway station and install the generator set.

If we change the pure ethanol + liquid oxygen gas turbine generator set to a combustible ice generator set in three years, the cost and operating expenses will be reduced by three-fifths. After all, the combustible ice is our own, the only one in the world.

In addition, the heavy-duty rail cars used on the T-shaped giant rail can also use this drive method, and the transportation cost will be greatly reduced again by then.

The most important thing is that in the westward expressway project, our heavy-duty transport vehicles use dedicated lanes or two-way ultra-wide four-lane lanes. If two of them are rebuilt in three years and transformed into electric rail transportation, all the way to the west in the future It is also equivalent to having a railway line.

Of course, this is only expected to be completed in three years. If the mastermind advances to the first level of cosmic civilization, we will get a new technology tree, which may be used next year. "

"Makes sense."

Ge Xiaotian nodded.

In the original design of the expressway heading west, the reason why a two-way ultra-wide four-lane dedicated to heavy-duty transport vehicles was set up in the middle was to consider the future "high-speed rail".

At that time, without additional land acquisition, a railway line can be set up, with cars running on both sides, photovoltaic panels on the road surface, and high-speed rail running in the middle, wired and electric, plus on and off crossings, passenger stations, freight stations, and industrial parks arranged in sections , comprehensive operation, and advanced design will definitely shock the whole world.

And get combustible ice, take it out after three years, and replace the future high-speed rail...

It's not like disrupting the original plan.

"Let's study it first, but the mining and transportation of combustible ice must be kept secret, after all, what is dug is other people's resources."

"I know, don't worry, we are professionals in doing this kind of thing."


Made, a good military cheat, why does it become more and more obscene?

Ge Xiaotian stared at Dao Shishi who was smiling like a teacher Chen in the sketch world, couldn't help but light a cigar, and returned to the topic:

"Since you want to talk about tax exemption over there, let him come over."

Since the Wakai exercise, Wajima has changed four chiefs.

The first one died suddenly in the bedroom, the second one fell to his death when he fell downstairs, the third one was electrocuted by an electric leak in the shower, and the fourth one was the one projected over.

However, considering frequent accidents, Wajima directly selected a powerful second generation from the Ninja Alliance as the chief accompanying minister.

The other party is over forty years old and full of aura.

Even the photos are sharp, like a sharp sword drawn from its sheath.

It belongs to the backbone of the newly emerging 'Radical Society' in Wajima.

Radical clubs include the Ninja Alliance, "black lists" in various places, many technology companies, some construction companies, and universities and primary schools in the southern region. The largest club in Wajima, it has a decisive say in the board of directors of Wajima.

But in Washima, it doesn't mean that you have the right to speak, but you have the right to make decisions.

The reasons inside are very complicated, unless there is an uprising and some military ports will be recovered.

Ge Xiaotian doesn't pay much attention to these matters, after all, it is other people's housekeeping, his own is just a business, the relationship between the two parties depends on the trade relationship.

Not long.

Chief Wajima appeared in the AR equipment cabin.

The two sides greeted each other politely, and then...

"Mr. Ge, if we open the import duty-free restrictions on heavy machinery, aerospace equipment, precision instruments and other items, can we remove the requirement that students must purchase real estate in western China?"

"You need to understand that it is you who purchase our high-tech equipment, not our insistence on exporting high-tech equipment to your country.

In other words, whether you are tax-free or not has nothing to do with us. Instead, we will apply for higher export taxes.

This is like the West, in order to prevent aerospace technology from being lost to China, the official regulations increase the price, and even prohibit the supply of aerospace technology to China. Now we are just retaliation. "

"Mr. Ge, your remarks are very unfriendly."

"Then let me see your sincerity first."

"5,000 government-sponsored international students, the registered majors include remote control, intelligent micro-control, GIS systems..."

"Well enough."

Ge Xiaotian thought for a while, "In this way, you will add 5,000 government-sponsored overseas students, and we will allow you to import heavy machinery, aerospace equipment, and precision instruments."


"Don't show an unbelievable expression, you can go back and count, do you have a member of Tiancheng International Chamber of Commerce?"


The Ninja Alliance, Ninja Online Shopping, Ninja Express, many semiconductor companies, and several construction companies seem to have a close relationship with Tiancheng, but in fact they are just business contacts and have not joined Tiancheng International Chamber of Commerce.

"Western United Vocational University was founded by Tiancheng International Chamber of Commerce. As the president and the first chairman, I must guarantee the interests of members.

What benefits? A large group of us giants who play business suddenly invest in education, it must be for profit, how to make profit? Naturally, it is to collect tuition fees, sell real estate, and sell daily necessities.

Of course, if you consume, there will naturally be rewards, and these rewards are the skills you want to learn. "

Ge Xiaotian took a sip of his cigar, expressing his intentions, "Also, put yourself in the right position, I'm not begging you to buy it now, it's you begging me to sell it."


Chief Wajima was silent for a long time, nodded, and disappeared into the AR equipment cabin.

Not long.

The list of 10,000 public-sponsored international students was sent to the Admissions Office of Western United Vocational University, and at the same time, 2 billion Franklin's tuition fees for the first semester were remitted.

As for real estate...

Learn the introductory knowledge for a semester first, let the other party understand the power of Tiancheng Technology, and then there is no need to force the other party to buy it, just a 'Notice of Exiting School', and the other party will scramble to buy it.

Doing business is always hard, which affects reputation.


August 10th.

The Admissions Office of Western United Vocational University has closed the registration channel for foreign students sponsored by the government and opened the registration site for self-financed international students.

Self-financing is higher than that of the public school. The annual tuition fee starts at 5 million yuan. You must purchase a commercial house of more than 120 square meters in the west, but there are no professional restrictions. What do you want to study and what to apply for?

In addition, Western United Vocational University also distributes "free admission" invitations to outstanding students from all over the home planet.

Influenced by Tiancheng's moon landing, the Western United Vocational University has become one of the top universities in the mother planet's science and technology industry. With countless top scientists and mysterious 1-109 laboratories, countless people are excited.

August 20th.

The registration channel for self-financed international students is closed, and member companies of Tiancheng International Chamber of Commerce have submitted lists of overseas students sent by companies.

These students are different from domestic transfer students, domestic unified enrollment, government-sponsored overseas students, and self-funded overseas students. Most of these students are the backbone of enterprises or old employees of enterprises. They are of different ages.

Therefore, the campus planning of Western United Vocational University was formally determined.

Regular vocational colleges and departments in the Western District.

Departments of government-sponsored and self-financed study abroad schools in the North District.

Eastern District Enterprise Dispatch Faculty.

The Department of Combined Master's and Doctoral Programs in the Southern District.

Intermediate living area.

The whole is a gossip plate, with a reasonable layout and convenient transportation. There are shared bicycles and shared electric vehicles inside, and buses and rail transport vehicles are set outside.

It covers a total area of ​​50,000 square kilometers, less than one-tenth of the actual area, and a construction area of ​​about 70 million square kilometers.

The main buildings include: residential buildings, teaching buildings, large shopping malls, large parking lots, large office buildings, large sports centers, various large factories with production capacity, AR airport with Tiancheng international airlines, and various laboratories with scientific research capabilities , a space center with launch capabilities...

The main structures include: large canals, large hydropower stations, wind power tower clusters, photovoltaic power generation system clusters, super tap water towers, super septic tanks, super biogas digesters, super domestic waste treatment plants, super filtration tanks, super clarifiers...

The main operating sites include: farmland, forest farms, pastures, fish farms, salt fields, simulated mines, simulated gravity fields, ocean-type shipyards, interstellar-type shipyards...

The main valuable equipment includes: Super Zigbee base station, GIS system server, light curtain system host, Shiguangji 10G network center, dozens of large centrifuges, remote control comprehensive laboratory, intelligent micro-control base...

August 25th.

The enterprise dispatch registration has not yet ended, and the first promotional video of Western United Vocational University quietly landed on the homepage of Panda Guardian, instantly causing a sensation on the home planet.

on screen.

Against the backdrop of the vicissitudes of life and drum music, a vast building complex suddenly appeared in the hinterland of the boundless desert.

Many figures were wearing the new blue-collar uniforms, traveling between various buildings.

Or research and development, or experiment, or study, or teach...

The whole is like a bustling 'interstellar city'.

When night fell, the Zigbee base station fired a laser that pierced the starry sky and reached the lunar surface base.

The 'No. 1 machine', who was lazily listening to music in a corner, suddenly sat up, picked up the tablet solemnly, and reported on today's workload.

On the periphery of the lunar surface base, heavy transport vehicles loaded minerals into the space shuttle...

In the remote control base of the Vocational University, hundreds of students are meticulously controlling these machines on the moon through beyond-the-horizon operations to complete one task after another...


Suddenly, dozens of spaceships flew in from the deep darkness and launched an attack on the base on the lunar surface.

Machine No. 1 dropped the tablet and floated in the air like a god. With a snap of its fingers, the gate of the base opened, revealing tens of thousands of two-legged devices...

"War is very close to us, but we have nothing to fear!"

The screen changed.

In the vocational university, tens of thousands of students rushed into the smart micro-control base in an orderly manner, swiped their cards, sat down, put on their equipment, and connected to the smart micro-control system.

The next moment, the student switched to the two-legged equipment perspective in the wide-area goggles.

The screen changes again.

Countless mechanical legs, either rushing, or speeding, fearlessly rushed towards the alien spaceship attacking the base. In an instant, clusters of brilliant fireworks lit up in the universe...

The scene is so magnificent that it makes the viewer's scalp tingle.

Not long after, the war was over.

One's own side uses 'crowd tactics' to win with an overwhelming advantage and without loss.

But here comes the problem...

"This is the promotional video of Western United Vocational University?"

"My blood was boiling with excitement, and I suddenly remembered, this is so real!"

"Is there really an alien spaceship?"

"It's just an imaginary enemy, to show the power of science and technology."

Xiao Bu: "Fake news!"

England: "Interesting, but dare you have some real stuff?"

Australia maintains its formation: "There is not even a base, so how can there be so many mechanical legs?"

Ge Xiaotian: "I've always been curious. Australian kangaroos are infested, almost destroying the ecological circle of New Zealand. If these kangaroos give birth to rat kings and attack some coastal cities in Australia in an organized way, can Australia resist it? Lose ten, I bet I can't stop it!"

Huaxia netizen: "..."

Australia: "???"

August 30th.

Western United Vocational University officially opened.

On the same day, Australia set fire to the urban forest to stop the crazy kangaroo army.

This monstrous fire burned across the entire continent.

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