Build Madness

Chapter 927: The Kangaroo Incident, Freshman Report

The rise of Tianmao has changed the trade pattern in Asia.

Like Wajima.

It was originally a leader in the electronics industry and a major exporter of high-tech electronic products.

However, with the competition between Longtian Technology and the Technology Alliance, a series of SG products were exposed, and then there was a fierce competition with Weihua Technology, and a price war...

In the end, Sega went bankrupt, Nintendo was short-sold, Panasonic, Hitachi, Sanyo and other businesses shrank, and eventually triggered the Great Depression, wages fell, and unemployment rose. In order to survive, many semiconductor companies had to transform into Longtian or Weihua exclusive Foundries.

Wajima has also changed from a major electronic exporter to an electronic processing and electronic importing country.

Moreover, not only electronics, but also building materials, steel, daily necessities, and agricultural and sideline products such as fruits and vegetables.

Last year, after the Wakai exercise, in order to find a new development path, Wajima followed the advice of the representative of the Ninja Alliance and took advantage of North America's sanction on Sino-Ocean Group to learn from Chen Feng to start a second-hand dealer business.

That is to say, Tiancheng products are relabeled, shipped back to North America by ocean freighter, and then exported to Australia.

In order to open the door to Australia's trade, Wajima invested in mines, farms, and livestock farms in Australia.

These businesses are invested and operated by the Ninja Alliance.

The Ninja Alliance runs level 5 mines, level 5 farms, and level 5 stables in Australia...

Australian kangaroos are already overrun.

In the past two years, the climate has become warmer, the weather has been dry, and there has been less rainfall in Australia. The kangaroos can't find habitats, so they gather on a large scale around the industries invested by Wadao.

Aspiring young people from Wajima have no resistance to this kind of cute animals, and they either keep them as pets, or bring them into fifth-grade stables to raise them...

But the kangaroo family, especially the kangaroo, is not as 'cute' as it is advertised in tourism.

In other words, the juvenile kangaroo is cute, and the mature kangaroo is like a real-life King Kong Barbie.

At the mature stage, kangaroos are 1.6 to 2.2 meters high, weigh 100 to 150 kilograms, and have a speed of about 65 to 80 kilometers per hour. They have 18 to 30 cm long claws.

Its forelimbs are exceptionally quick and agile, comparable to a professional boxer, its hind limbs are strong and powerful, it is the uncrowned champion of high jump and long jump, and its tail is thick and leathery, capable of killing adults.

And the kangaroo that entered the stable...

Look at Ah Huang, the pack of wolves, the pack of bears, the black wild boar...

When the aspiring young people in Wajima couldn't bear the pressure of work and took out the mutated kangaroo, a terrifying rat plague broke out.

The angry kangaroo king led the kangaroo army to destroy the mines, occupy the farms, use the stables as his base camp, and attack the whole of Australia...


Kangaroo King: When we can't hide?

According to statistics, even if you count the heat, the Australian people have to face 20 kangaroos alone.

What's even more frightening is that the mutant kangaroo has super reproductive ability, no longer one litter, but two litters, leave the pouch in 40 days, pass the juvenile stage in half a year, and enter the growth stage in a year...

And the long-term mutant kangaroo already has the force to crush ordinary humans.

In addition, it produces wisdom, like Ah Huang, who can imitate human beings to use tools...

This 'rat disaster' is far more terrifying than the real 'rat disaster'.


The Australian fire turned into an Australian incident, which stunned people all over the world.

However, the shit-stirring stick Montenegro Odyssey took the opportunity to build on the popularity and launched Montenegro's first 3Dmax movie "The Rise of the Ratball", which was released simultaneously around the world.

The promotional poster is extremely exaggerated, the background is a monstrous fire, the surrounding area is fiercely fought, and a fully armed kangaroo shows fierce eyes...

At the same time, novels, comics, and toys from the Ratball Rise series swept across Europe.

(The ocean-going trade fleet is about to arrive in Europe)

"This is a conspiracy!!!"

"No, it's just a coincidence!"

Montenegro Odyssey and Australia are in dispute.

The parent star joint meeting also launched an assessment of the climate damage caused by the fires in Australia.

After rigorous calculations, if the fire continues to burn for half a year, it will release 500 million tons of carbon dioxide. Australia's green area is already poor, which will lead to unpredictable and abnormal weather in the southern hemisphere and near the equator.

For this reason, the parent star joint meeting applied for the use of the Tiancheng 101 laboratory super simulator.

And the result...

The greenhouse effect caused the melting of the Antarctic ice sheet, resulting in an extremely active undercurrent in the Pacific Ocean, which then squeezed the southern plate edge of the subregion, resulting in a thrust earthquake. It is expected that a super tsunami will occur in Southeast Asia in the second half of next year. The number of victims is unknown, and the preliminary estimate is 50 Ten thousand.

Southeast Asian countries, especially Indonesia, were shocked on the spot.

Of course, the only ones who believed that Tiancheng had the ability to predict natural disasters were Taimei, Nanyue, and Myanmar.

Other countries only protested that Australia did not extinguish the fire, but set it on fire.


the other side.

Western United Vocational University officially opened.

International students from various regions of the Eurasian continent took Tiancheng's special plane and arrived in North China.

Tens of thousands of students, normally speaking, passenger transport work is a big problem.


In 2001, the independent group established by Tiancheng in North China began to make profits.

During the Spring Festival of 2002, Ge Xiaotian encouraged Hao Ge, the chairman of the independent group with high confidence and good money in his pocket, to invest in the civil aviation industry where the company is located.

In late 2002, Brother Hao and others suffered serious losses due to civil aviation. Not only did they lose their entire family, but they were also burdened with debts.

In the Spring Festival of 2003, Boss Ge Da, who was sympathetic to his subordinates, was finally willing to give out real money as a year-end bonus.

Therefore, Brother Hao and others have the ability to repay the debt.

Later, Brother Hao and others were worried about continuing to lose money, so they transferred their shares in the civil aviation industry to Tiancheng headquarters at a friendly price of 1 yuan.

As of mid-2003, Tiancheng International Holdings has more than 300 4C-level airports in Beidi that can take off and land small and medium-sized flights such as Boeing 737, and nearly 100 4D-level airports that can take off and land heavy-duty Boeing 747 and other medium-sized flights. There are 4E-class international airports that can take off and land all-heavy Boeing 747 and other four-engine long-range wide-body flights, six 4F-class international airports that can take off and land all-type flights on the parent star, and three Tiancheng-class airports that can take off and land super aircraft.

Tiancheng-level airports are comprehensively built using AR technology, steel structure technology, and steel-concrete structure technology, which are:

Qinggang Golden Beach International Airport has its own air routes covering Dongshan Fifteen Cities, Wa Island, Nanbangzi, and Southeast Asian countries.

ALS ground effect transportation transfer station, its own routes cover the grasslands, the three northeastern provinces, Beihe, Xishan, and the Far East region of Bingxiong.

Western Shacheng International Airport, with its own routes covering West Asia, Kazastan and other regions.

There are also three Tiancheng-level airports under construction, namely Montenegro Odyssey Capital Airport, South Africa Airport of the Non-regional Union, and Viking Airport of the five Nordic countries.

These airports, except the Tiancheng class, which is handed over to the host country's board of directors, are all leased to local airlines.

That is to say, Tiancheng provides the transport plane, Tiancheng provides the airport, Tiancheng is responsible for maintenance, Tiancheng is responsible for training pilots and flight attendants, and companies such as Dongshan Airlines, Nanhe Airlines, and Beihe Airlines are responsible for operations.

In the first half of this year, affected by the epidemic, air transport was still in a state of negative profitability.

But from the middle of the year, thanks to the tourism boom and the "short-distance transportation model" suggested by Ge Xiaotian before, the profitability of airlines around the world has skyrocketed.

In order to coordinate the overall situation, Huaxia's board of directors canceled the "three major airline merger plans" that were being implemented, and instead united with airlines from all over the world to form a "China United Aviation Committee" based on the Shiguangji server.

So far, the civil aviation industry has ushered in a new development, and domestic routes are basically fixed. It is no longer as before, where you need to apply for a route for takeoff, a terminal for landing, and a venue for parking.

Instead, it becomes...'public transport'.

With the support of smart card, passengers only need to make an appointment online, queue up at the airport and swipe the card, and then they can board the plane quickly, and then take the airport bus to leave after landing...

Fast, convenient, safe, efficient, low-cost, high-yield.

The airline earns money, not only improves the treatment of flight attendants, but also has the ability to cooperate with Tianle Travel to carry out various flight attendant activities.

For example, changing the painting, changing the chair cover, changing the drink according to the requirements of the naming company...

For example, according to the requirements of the sponsoring company, launch food, sell products, promote insurance and car insurance...

Some airlines with advanced concepts are even planning to introduce shark airships to create ocean tourism, introduce ground-effect transport aircraft to create desert tourism, and introduce heavy helicopters to create inland tourist area tourism and other projects.

And the revitalized Huaxia Civil Aviation has the ability to transport tens of thousands of international students from vocational colleges.


September 1st.

All the way to the west, the high-speed traffic flow exceeded 50% of the designed total for three consecutive days.

It's not crowded, it can only be said that there is an endless stream.

There are two-way four-lanes in the middle, and only heavy transport vehicles are still galloping.

In the two-way six-lane lanes on both sides, on the bus heading to the ALS ground effect transportation transfer station, a group of young and beautiful girls with different skin colors stared at everything outside the window with wide eyes.

"What a cool guy!"

"It reminds me of a star minecart!"

"My God, is this Huaxia?"

"Look, there's a big windmill over there! It's huge!"

"That is called a wind power tower, the model should be TC-V164-8.0MW, the height is about 220 meters, the diameter of the wind rotor is about 164 meters, and the swept area is 21,000 square meters. When the wind force is 11 meters per second, the speed is 4.8-12.1rpm In between, the power output can reach 8 million watts per hour, and the power of this wind power generation group can meet the power needs of 7,500 households."

"Wow, that's amazing! But, you know?"

"I am a student dispatched by the Nanyue Wind Energy Group. I will study this and build this... In other words, it is indeed really big!"

"Yeah...Look, there are many more on the other side of the mountain!"

At this time, the voice prompt in the car said: "Passengers and friends, please pay attention. The Helan Bridge invested by Tiancheng, built by Tiancheng, and built by rocket bridge technology is about to arrive. We will stay at the management office for an hour and want to appreciate the bridge. Scenery, passengers who take pictures, please hurry up and get off."

Outside the car, in the open space under the bridge head.

Herdsmen from ALSZQ have already set up gorgeous booths, displaying bridge models, rocket models, wind power tower models, bridge-building comics, Helan Bridge souvenirs, grass potted plants, grass weaving, grass snacks, etc. made by ALS Tiancheng. Grassland food...

At the main entrance of the bridge management office, two express logistics companies posted a list of international mail and international consignment fees.

"I want to buy a model wind power tower!"

"Is your budget good enough?"

"Hmm... I bought a transport plane model, a transport car model, two boxes of brain-tonifying liquid, one box of Laotan sauerkraut instant noodles, and two boxes of coconut milk code. It seems that it is not enough."

"Save some money. When you get to school, you probably want to buy more."

"It doesn't matter, Tianrong International has newly launched a credit loan business for overseas students."

"But you are required to deduct the capital and interest from your salary after you graduate!"

"Four years later, the salary has already gone up, so what is this loan?"

"Makes sense."

far away.

Dozens of buses left the expressway, carrying curious international students, and entered the bridge management office.

It happened to be a sunny day with no clouds in the sky.

Under the northern sky, the Yinshan Mountains hundreds of miles away are looming, and a super bridge across the mountains appears in the eyes of tourists, causing bursts of heartfelt wonder.

"Is that the legendary Yinshan Bridge?"

"It should be the first chain cable-stayed bridge across the address fault zone on the mother planet."

"It's spectacular!"


On the dedicated road to the ALS ground effect transport transfer station.

Nearly a thousand buses lined up in a long snake formation, slowly passed the checkpoint guarded by green clothes, and then entered the checkpoint guarded by Tianwei.

The bus that got the pass accelerated away and went straight to the buildings in the distance that were distorted by the heat.

The dry yellow boundless desert and the increasingly hot and dry air made the overseas students in the car feel uneasy.

Not long.

The bus went underground and stopped in front of a super 'changing room'.

Flight attendant: "Get off the bus and line up, enter the gate in an orderly manner, and wait until you get the temperature-controlled clothing. Turn left and there will be a robot to assist you in wearing it. You have ten minutes to adapt, and continue to set off after fifteen minutes. Violators will be detained here and will be voluntarily expelled later. deal with."

hula la...

The foreign students in the car heard the words and got out of the car as quickly as possible.

Yoshida Makoto is one of them.

He is from Wodao, and he belongs to the government-sponsored overseas student. He shoulders the mission of learning Tiancheng intelligent micro-control and returning to China to revive Wadao's technology.

Yoshida Makoto lined up to enter the gate, and soon found that there were many monitoring and scanning devices around him aimed at him.

On the side screen, the height, weight, waist circumference, shoulder width, arm length, leg length, shoe size popped up one after another...

"Really sci-fi!"

As soon as the idea came up, a thick mechanical arm dragged a suitcase and leaned in front of him.

"Hello, this is your thermostatic suit. After wearing it, please insert the smart card to activate it."

As early as at the airport, Yoshida Makoto got the student version of the smart card, so he took the suitcase, followed the instructions of the previous flight attendant, and turned left into the dressing area.

The dressing area is like an assembly line workshop. Walking into the only small door that is open, the room seems to be moving.

Suddenly, a virtual robot appeared in the mirror, beckoning to open the suitcase...

Makoto Yoshida dressed neatly according to the prompts, and found that this thermostatic suit was only the third generation, not the latest fourth-generation mechanical exoskeleton.

After a while.

The locker room door opened, and there was a bus in front of him.

And the ground in the distance is like a Rubik's cube, with a three-dimensional cabinet raised from time to time, and the three-dimensional cabinet is hidden underground from time to time.

Yoshida Makoto understands that this is the locker room.

Fifteen minutes later.

The international students who put on the constant temperature clothes took the bus and continued to the ALS ground effect transportation transfer station.

This time, there was no such uncomfortable hot feeling before. (The light curtain is at work)

after an hour.

The bus stopped in front of a giant flying machine in the style of a big stupid duck.

An international student who was also from Wajima next to him suddenly said, "When I learn this ground-effect transportation technology, our Wajima will also realize the integrated transportation mode of sea, land and air, and we will be able to dominate the mother planet's technological world by then!"


Yoshida Makoto was silent.

The technology system cannot be learned and taken away.

Just like silicon-based electronics, which were initiated by Europe and the United States, no matter how others learn from them, they will only follow the old ways of Europe and the United States. With various sanctions, blocking, and making things difficult, it is difficult to catch up.

Unless another technology system is developed, which is the carbon-based electronics and photoelectric technology that Tiancheng is currently promoting.

Wajima, on the other hand, just departed from the old ways of Europe and America, and followed the old ways of Tiancheng.

Want to achieve overtake...

In the intelligent world, it does not exist at all.

For example, Ge Heizi inputs an instruction to the smart micro-end background, and the technology learned by Wajima will be invalid.

not to mention……

Makoto Yoshida glanced at the wide-area goggles.

This thing is real-time monitoring, brother, you are shouting such a domineering slogan now, how can you mess around in the future?

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