Build Madness

Chapter 929 Campus Visit Logistics Supply

Western United Vocational University is different from a large city, nor is it composed of many departments.

Instead, each area is interlocking, according to the professional type, from the inside to the outside, layer by layer.

If you have visited Tiancheng International Holdings and appreciated Tiancheng's industrial structure map, it is not difficult to find that the two can match perfectly, and you can even use the gossip-style industrial structure map as the plane map of a vocational university.

It's amazing.

What's even more amazing is that the entire campus has only one giant octagonal foundation constructed of steel and desert glue.

If using a simulator, turning the desert into an ocean, the complex would be a 'super ark'.

It can be said that the campus of Western United Vocational University is the highest achievement of Tiancheng International Holdings in the field of construction, and it was designed by Mr. Ge himself.

"Well, the last sentence is the key point, and I will definitely pass the test."

The instructors who act as tour guides lead their respective classes, walk in the streets and alleys, and introduce while visiting.

"This huge factory building is our professional training base. After finishing the cultural courses in the freshman year, we will practice skills, deepen technology, and promote professional level here in the next three years.

Looking at these equipments, they are all the latest and most advanced from the home planet. Therefore, during the school period, we should not be afraid of hardships and tiredness, work overtime, learn more and practice more, and try to understand them as soon as possible, so that we can afford the tuition we pay. "

far away.

Another instructor said similar words to the class next to him: "The so-called geniuses are all falsehoods, and the truth lies in practicing diligently! Don't worry about the wear and tear of the machine during the training. After all, we have paid the tuition fees, and don't worry about damaging the equipment. If there is a problem, I will pay the bill!"

On the street next door: "Only by firmly grasping technology in our own hands can we become masters of the future! How to master it? Study hard..."

"Accumulate growth with sweat, harvest success with hard work..."

The instructors who are interested in international students are quickly recognized by the international students, and they also quickly get along with each other, just like the HR who greets new employees.

The morale of the foreign students who were forcibly instilled with chicken soup texts is high, and they can't wait to go to work immediately...


Vocational University Logistics Department.

Daoyi: "Boss, Tianmao has already placed orders with its partners, including logs, raw ore, crude oil, rare earth, and broken diamonds... It is expected to be in place on New Year's Day."

"So fast?"

"You give orders in person, how can member companies dare to delay?"

"However, international students need to wait until their sophomore year for practical training."

"It's only half a year in advance. It's not a big deal. After all, I am the principal and have the right to change the teaching plan. At most, I will announce to the public at that time: the first batch of international students are extremely outstanding, and they will finish the one-year course in half a year. Therefore, we will enter the next stage ahead of schedule."

"Huh? Makes sense!"

Ge Xiaotian clapped his hands, "That's it!"

"Boss, how many people will be recruited next year?"

"What is the expected utilization rate of campus facilities this year?"


"Four years, four sessions, 4x15%, 60%, counting combined master's and Ph.D. programs, 70%, and the enrollment will be expanded by one third next year."


"Daoyi, with so many unpaid laborers, you have to manage them well for me, such as sweatshops, black-hearted geeks and other public opinion..."

"Don't worry, there will never be any negative news, and I will regularly organize masters to provide psychological counseling to international students..."

"Fuck off, don't train hundreds of thousands of Buddhist disciples by then."

"Certainly not. I'm still a commoner. At most, I'm more Buddha-nature."

"Buddha-nature? Buddha-nature is good, otherwise Buddhism would not have become the ruling tool of all dynasties."

Ge Xiaotian nodded, and looked at the heavy transport vehicles unloading containers in the distance.

Western United Vocational University officially opened, which means that the basic construction and supporting facilities of the campus can already meet the needs of the students.

However, this special industrial chain, which is independent from the world, needs a year to adjust and improve if it wants to be self-sufficient.

No, it has just been discussed and advanced, and now it will take half a year.

In the past six months, all living supplies, textbooks, test papers, etc., were provided by Shacheng, two hundred kilometers away to the west.

Therefore, the Vocational University City and the western Shacheng opened a ground-effect transportation line.

Therefore, vocational colleges have ground-effect transport transfer stations.

In addition, according to the plan, in the spring of next year, a special line for Tianle tourism will be opened here, and services such as three-day tour and seven-day tour of vocational colleges will be launched here.

In short, if you want to develop and make money, you must make reasonable and effective use of all resources at hand.

The ground effect transportation transfer station of the Vocational University is located in the south of the campus, with bus stops, tram stations, and large maintenance workshops nearby, and then connected to the Vocational University campus by using the Ring Expressway.

At present, the main goods transported are teaching materials first, followed by food.

The content of the teaching material was compiled by the scientific research team of Tiancheng Technical Secondary School, and it was released to the public as early as last year.

Textbook materials are produced by Shacheng Sun Paper, using Siberian wood. At the same time, Shacheng Sun Paper Printing Company and Sun Paper Culture Company are set up for proofreading, printing and packaging.

It can be said that the professional old Pang has become bigger and stronger again.

Food sources are a bit more complicated.

The fish comes from Lao Shen's African lungfish breeding base.

The high-protein ones come from the locust breeding base invested by Tianmao, the Jerusalem artichoke planting base invested by immigrants, the sandy dates invested by Tiancheng itself, and the desert ginseng-Cistanche invested by Chia Tai Pharmaceutical...

Vegetables, in addition to plastic greenhouse products, the most is 'melon skin'.

Mmm, watermelon rind.

Watermelon rind is a good thing.

Take fresh melon rind, wash it, mash it, apply it on the body for 5-6 minutes, it can prevent prickly heat, eliminate itching, treat sunburn, whiten and remove acne, and moisturize the skin.

Burning the melon rind, grinding it, and putting it in the mouth can also treat sores on the mouth and tongue, such as the watermelon cream containing nitrate, which is how it came about.

In addition, peeled and boiled, adding an appropriate amount of rock sugar, can also clear away heat and detoxify, and prevent heatstroke.

In the desert, it is a 'divine thing'.

Such a treasure, after further research in Tiancheng Canteen, a series of dishes made by stir-frying, deep-frying, distillation, stewing, fumigation and other methods were invented.

As for whether the storage capacity of melon rinds can meet the needs of a university town with nearly 200,000 students...

Absolutely no problem.

According to the operations manager of the watermelon series, the melon rind produced this year alone can feed the entire western region for three years!

Not to mention a small vocational university town.



Have you ever eaten winter melon?

Pretty much that.

"If you can't consume it, send 1,800 tons to the east."

Dao Eleven: "Boss, in fact, it is most suitable to transport to West Asia. There have been years of wars, lack of clothing and food, and now there are so many melon skins, just enough to fill their stomachs. In addition, Kazastan's high-speed construction has been completed, and transportation is also convenient. "

After finishing speaking, Dao Shiyi said in a low voice: "The most important thing is that it is a war-torn area, and it is impossible to open up farmland. In order to feed the strong men, we have been transporting potatoes there from Neobras. Now they are all vomiting, and some are even clamoring to go on strike, why not take this opportunity to change their taste?"


Ge Xiaotian was very concerned about the strong man's strike, and quickly added: "Bring them some Jerusalem artichoke, and this stuff won't sell."

Dao Yi standing aside: "..."

The good thing about Tiancheng's industrial chain is that things that cannot be sold can be digested internally.

Just like the Spring Festival in the non-region last year, the black uncles learned to eat potatoes, and fell in love with potatoes, and then... this year, Neo Farm had to expand the amount of potatoes planted.

This triggered a wave of Dongshan enterprises going to Siberia to plant potatoes, and then led the people of the three northeastern provinces to go to Siberia to dig potatoes.


Tiancheng does not value profit now, only values ​​'productivity'.

In other words, the realm of the enterprise has improved.

This is also a necessary condition for the five-level system, skipping the sixth level, and advancing to the first level of cosmic civilization.

Ge Xiaotian sat at the gate of the logistics department, thinking for a long time, "Did you find the lunar module?"

"The approximate location has been determined, Tianwei and the military are searching."

Tiancheng does not have the manned spaceflight technology, nor does it have the space shuttle technology to return to the parent planet. If they want to transport the 'air' and 'soil' they got from the moon back, they can only choose orbital launch.

Orbital launch, and the orbital bombing learned by Montenegro when a blind cat met a dead mouse, are two technologies.

The latter directly accelerates, accelerates, and accelerates again with the help of the aiming system until it touches the target.

However, the orbit launch uses reverse thrust, parachute and other equipment to decelerate, decelerate, and decelerate again. During this period, high temperature must be avoided to avoid hitting the surface buildings. Therefore, it becomes "floating".

Wherever it floats, it is limited to a very wide range at most.

Fortunately, there is a positioning system that allows surface personnel to determine where it is in the first place.

However, the desert is difficult to navigate, sandstorms occur frequently, and ground-effect transport aircraft cannot fly anywhere. Tianwei and the military can only use two legs, armed with arms, while guarding against spies and agents, while looking for the lunar module according to the location.

However, this moon landing did not help Tiancheng's technology tree much.

The main reason is that it takes time to study the air and soil of the moon, but after getting the results, what to do next, such as developing a fifth-generation constant temperature suit that is suitable for human survival, convenient for daily activities, and equipped with anti-gravity devices.

Even with the help of the existing ALS ground-effect transportation transfer station to study lunar architecture, a long experimental period is required.

Therefore, at present, it seems that the biggest benefit brought by the moon landing should be to promote Tiancheng Technology and help Western United Vocational University to complete its first enrollment.

As for the impact of Tiancheng's moon landing on the outside world...

It's a bit complicated.

There was a frenzy of doubts about the moon landing in North America. They believed that the Apollo moon landing in the 1970s was exactly the same as Tiancheng's current method of landing on the moon, that is, equipment to the moon.

At least, with the current technological strength, it is still impossible to transport three people to the lunar surface, at most one.

Therefore, it is true that North America got the lunar soil, but is it true that the moon landing...

Ice Bear never believed it, and insisted that North America was just trying to bring down Mao Xiong at that time. After all, I climbed up to three people. If you want to surpass me, you have to go up to four. Therefore, Mao Xiong never climbed up, and then disintegrated in anger .

In addition, Tiancheng's landing on the moon prompted the European Union to increase the amount of investment in the Galileo project and plan to establish a new aerospace research center.

The business department of Tiancheng International Holdings is in contact with the other party. It is hard to say whether it will succeed or not.



After all, there are only a few who can afford spaceflight.

Even Wajima can't afford it now.


Ge Xiaotian had lunch at the logistics department of the vocational university, left the campus by car, and went straight to the construction site of the "Replication Island Project" on the east side.

The seven connections and one leveling are over, and AR equipment will be laid today.

The military chiefs of the board of directors have arrived ahead of time and observed the whole morning.

Seeing Ge Xiaotian get out of the car, Wan Lao, who doesn't care about the military department but has an important say in the military department, took off his sunglasses to say hello.

"Didn't you say yesterday that you won't come?"

"You are here, I have to come to say hello no matter what."

"Stop the sweet talk... Hey, what kind of tea is this? Judging by the appearance and smell, it is not inferior to the mother tree Dahongpao."

"Synthetic fibers, which look like tea leaves, contain a lot of life-sustaining nutrients. Drinking for a long time, the effect is far better than that of a diamond bottle."

"nice one!"

Wan Lao smiled and handed over the tea box to the secretary for safekeeping.

Since Tiancheng handed over the optoelectronic technology to the Huaxia Aerospace Department, the Nine Institutes immediately started analyzing the puzzling 'mother tree Dahongpao'.

Then found out...

That thing is a holly leaf modified by a spectrochemical reaction.

The reason why it has the taste and effect of the mother tree Dahongpao is nothing more than the addition of trace elements.

Drinking that stuff is better than drinking the Brain-Invigorating and Kidney-Invigorating Liquid.

Therefore, the bosses of the board of directors collectively gave Ge Laoer two boxes from time to time, which were used to wear the close-knit mother tree Dahongpao, and passed on to close subordinates. Usually, when there is nothing to do, they open a bottle of brain-invigorating and kidney-tonifying liquid to refresh themselves.

Of course, it's all to win over feelings, and no one said that the 'mother tree Dahongpao' is fake.

(Ge Xiaotian still doesn't know.)

"Little Ge, how long does it take to install AR equipment?"

"This 'island' is not small. If you want to take care of all the details, even with the help of teachers and students from Western Tiancheng Technical Secondary School, it will take at least two months."

"Fortunately, it's already very fast."

Wan Lao nodded, put on his sunglasses, and looked at the Western United Vocational University on the west side.

"I don't understand why you have to arrange the military exercise base here."

"I'm afraid that the foreign students will escape..."


"No, you listen to me."

After Ge Xiaotian took off his constant temperature suit, sweat dripped from his forehead, "Look, the surrounding area is barren for thousands of miles, and the exercise base is full of AR. Hundreds of thousands of green clothes fight here every year. There must be a logistics department to solve the problems of food, clothing, housing and transportation." .And the vocational university city has a complete industrial chain, which can produce daily necessities and cook all kinds of delicacies..."

"Wait, you mean, Lvyi uses the vocational college as a back office?"

"Otherwise? Dig a well here for you, equip you with enough chefs, where do you go to find ingredients? Even if you find them, what about the transportation fee?"

"What if the foreign students tamper with the daily necessities?"

"Collectively wear constant temperature suits with smart micro-terminals, and with the mother body of the Shiguang machine, let alone daily activities, I can measure them even if they have dreams."


"What's more, living materials have an advanced testing process, which is not a problem at all."


Wan Lao was silent for a moment, and suddenly thought, "Is the 'Ear of the Mother Star' to the north of University City?"


"'The Ear of the Mother Star' is a peaceful testing ground, and it can be regarded as a natural barrier for the University City."

"You can imagine this?"

"The east side is an important place for exercises. The replicated island runs north-south and spans thousands of miles. It will definitely be blocked in the future, and it is also a natural barrier for the university city."

"That... makes sense."

Ge Xiaotian took a deep breath, feeling a little bad.

"To the west... two hundred kilometers away is Shacheng, where there is a sand control isolation zone and the training center of Tianwei Security Group."

"Don't think about it."

"The south is more important. There are the Tiancheng Aerospace Department and the Ninth China Aerospace Department. There are not only Tianwei patrols every day, but also a large number of green and plainclothes guards on duty."

"Old man, I have something to do at home, so I'm leaving first."

"You are afraid that the foreign students will escape! I sent you a message yesterday, what are you talking about?"

"You're overthinking it. I'm just running a school here. How can it be so complicated... Hey? Look over there, damn it, whose satellite fell down?"


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