Build Madness

Chapter 930 I suspect that there is an inexplicable power in the dark...

Just like the surface of the parent star has deserts, plains, and mountains, the geology of the moon's surface is also divided into various types.

One is the mare basalt, which is rich in iron and titanium, and is distributed in the low-lying parts of the moon.

The second is the anorthosite on the lunar surface, which is rich in potassium, phosphorus and rare earths, and is distributed in the lunar highlands.

The third is lunar soil, which is the unique soil of the moon. It is composed of micron-sized particles, shaped like flour, and is rich in natural mineral powders such as iron, gold, silver, lead, zinc, copper, antimony, and rhenium.

Moreover, affected by the bombardment of meteorites in the system and outside the system, the composition of the lunar soil in different regions is different, and there are many rare elements that are not found in the parent star.

If a large amount of data is collected and conducted in-depth research, it will definitely promote the development of parent star technology, and even extend the "black technology" that is unimaginable.


China time, September 3rd.

The Moon Tiancheng No. 1 base completed the second mining and carried out a second orbital launch to the parent star.

After a week of deployment, Base No. 1 has completed the first phase of its mission.

That is, the space shuttle uses the materials dropped by the lunar module to build a launch site and install small launch vehicles.

So far, Tiancheng Aerospace Department originally conceived the plan of 'the space shuttle will always be parked in space, and the moon and the mother star will transport materials, all relying on the launch vehicle and orbit launch', which is initially determined.

In the future, the fastest, easiest, safest, most effective, and lowest-cost way for countries on the parent star to land on the moon is to use launch vehicles to bring materials to the low-Earth orbit of the parent star, and then dock with the space shuttle.

Afterwards, the space shuttle carried out the earth-moon orbit change, entered the lunar orbit, and dropped materials on the lunar surface. Tiancheng helped countries complete the construction of lunar bases and lay out remote control systems, thus completing the development of the moon.

Tiancheng only charges a small amount of transportation and construction fees.

In the future, when the Tiancheng Space Station is completed and an anti-gravity device and an ecosystem suitable for the moon are developed, countries on the home planet can also arrange astronauts and researchers to enter space and the moon.

Tiancheng still only charged a small amount of transportation fee and construction fee.

This is a space program that is beneficial to the development of the mother star and the common progress of all mankind. It is not only highly praised by Ice Bear, but also unanimously recognized by the African Union and the Yugoslav Federation (Montenegro).

As for the European Union and the NATO system...


The materials released this time include 500g of lunar soil and 300g of lunar sea basalt ordered by Ice Bear; 200g of lunar soil and 100g of lunar anorthosite ordered secretly by France; jointly ordered by the five Nordic countries...; ordered by the non-regional alliance... ;Thai girls order...;South Vietnam order...;Greece order...

After all, Tiancheng is an enterprise, and the transportation is difficult, so it is impossible to send it for free.

In short, the amount released this time is much more than the first 5 kilograms.

The size of the equipment is no longer the size of a rice cooker for the first time, but the size of a refrigerator.

so small?

There is no way, this is already the limit of Tiancheng Technology, the maximum release is 350 kg.

Of this, 320 kilograms are occupied by radiation-resistant, shock-resistant, high-temperature-resistant equipment, including parachutes and turbojet anti-gravity devices.

China time, September 3 at 13:15.

The space shuttle is in lunar orbit and docked with the miniature launch vehicle launched from the lunar surface.

This means that the cost of returning to space from the lunar surface in the future will be reduced to 100,000 red notes.


The space shuttle performs the orbit change of the earth and the moon.

This is the hardest part of going to the moon.

Because the parent star revolves around the sun, and the moon not only revolves around the parent star, but also revolves around the sun.

In people's eyes, this rotation is very slow, but in outer space, it is as high as 1km/s.

Of course, under the action of gravity, the technical problems faced by the spacecraft are not as exaggerated as the data. It just breaks free from the gravitational field of the moon and connects to the gravitational field of the parent star.


The space shuttle enters the distant earth orbit of the parent star.

Due to the long-term stay in outer space, the space shuttle has a periodic requirement for fuel replenishment, so it did not enter low-Earth orbit.


The space shuttle sets up the orbital release equipment.

This device resembles a super cannon. The internal device establishes a connection with the parent star Tiancheng 101 laboratory, calculates the landing point error caused by the parent star's rotation, and then directly sprays it...

Affected by gravity, the "refrigerator" loaded with materials on the lunar surface is like a billiard cue smashing billiard balls in outer space, heading straight to the parent star...


A satellite, so mortal, appeared in its orbit, so mortal, it bumped into the 'refrigerator' that was happily returning to its parent star.

The 'refrigerator' has rough skin and thick flesh, but satellites are different.

The solar sail was torn apart, and the main body was directly flattened.


Still affected by the gravitational force, they were pushed towards the mother star by the fierce 'refrigerator'.

As a result, the 'refrigerator' that should have landed in the south of the desert appeared above the 'Ear of the Mother Star' in the north of the desert.

When this UFO is captured, the peaceful test site in the Ear of the Mother Star area will launch an attack directly...

After all, it is the home of China Express.

However, when there was an accident in the launch, the Tiancheng Aerospace Department was also busy locking up the 'refrigerator' that deviated from the planned track, and did not have time to notify the Huaxia Aerospace Department and the big boss.

Moreover, the big boss once complained: Don't bother me with everything, otherwise what's the use of you monks? It is better to go to the polar regions to mine collectively.


Witnessing the super fireworks, Ge Xiaotian, who didn't know why, lighted a cigar comfortably and sighed again and again.

"It's spectacular!"

Wan Lao, who was standing next to him, originally thought that this guy was fooling himself, but when he came back to his senses, the sky was covered by UFOs all over the sky.

"Strange, who would attack here so foolishly?"

The nearby military bosses inquired about the news through the emergency communication channel, but the peace testing ground was also at a loss.

Of course, no one doubted that this was a transporter dropped by Tian Cheng from the distant earth orbit.

After all, the southern part of the desert and the northern part of the desert are almost thousands of miles across. The Tiancheng Aerospace Department launched it for the first time, and the error was only 100 kilometers, let alone the second time.

After a while.

England: "One of my satellites is missing!"

Montenegro: "I didn't do it!"

England: "..."

"Is it really a satellite?"

Ge Xiaotian was just talking nonsense just now, but now he is sure that it is a microsatellite, and immediately wondered: "No, if it is a satellite, it will be burned when it enters the atmosphere?"

"Maybe secretly used the fireproof material of your house."

Knowing that it was not an enemy attack, Wan Lao temporarily put down the satellite and crashed, and said in a bad mood:

"Don't try to change the subject."

"What? Chicken tonight?"


Wan Lao was amused, took off his sunglasses and threw them over.

Ge Xiaotian took it and put it on his face, "It's a gift from the elders, I dare not resign, the kid accepts it with a smile."

"Hey, I give you a peanut!"

"How can you be willing to give up a promising grandson like me."

As Ge Xiaotian said, his expression became solemn, he glanced around, and signaled Wan Lao to get in the car.

The latter didn't seem to be joking, so he put aside the question of foreign students for the time being, and boarded the diamond tua that replaced the rubber track chassis.

"What's wrong?"

"What do you think of the Australian incident?"

"Mutated kangaroo?"

Wan Lao lit a cigarette, "I don't understand."

"That is true."

"Because it's true, I don't understand it. Logically speaking, a group of beasts is nothing more than a group of beasts. No matter how evolved and smart they are, even after tens of millions of years, they are still beasts and will never be like humans. Civilization was born in just a million years. But look at them, they not only use the production tools of civilized society, but also have a perfect management order. Even if they attack humans, they just drive them away and then hold their territory. This becomes scary."

"I don't know what decision the mother star joint meeting made?"

"Someone suggested peace, but Australia rejected it. After all, it is their territory. In addition, many biologists on the mother planet also joined forces to prevent the destruction plan and suggested further investigation and research."

"I don't know what you think about this matter?"

"What's the meaning?"

"Kangaroos are not alone."

"did you mean?"

Ge Xiaotian didn't answer, but turned on the car's SG pad and played a documentary.

On screen:

In the ice and snow, countless wild wolves danced disco around the bonfire, no, they danced a sacrificial dance while screaming at the sky.

There are 'A Ke 47' and 'R Pi G' scattered around, and a few Katyusha off-road jeeps are parked in the distance...

far away.

Cannon Bear, Assault Jackal, Detective Crow...

Wan Lao: "???"

On such a serious occasion, you show me cartoons?

"Don't doubt it, it's true!"

Ge Xiaotian was also taken aback by the short film produced by Steampunk World.

To be honest, he just wanted the other party to make a short film about Siberian biological anomalies.

It's nothing more than how smart the wolves are and how humane the bears are.

Never imagined……

What the hell is this recording?

The corner of Wan Lao's mouth twitched, he glanced at the back of someone's head, and wanted to slap him.

"It's a mutation, you're a disguise, do you dare to be more fake?"

"This is real!"

Ge Xiaotian resisted the idea that he didn't believe it, and nodded fiercely.

"When I'm old and confused?"

"Actually, it's not just here."

The screen changed.

In the Gobi desert full of wasteland atmosphere, several lions are working as cows and horses, helping the black uncles to farm.

This video is pretty normal.

Work is rewarded, trade is fair, and beasts and humans live in peace.

But it also reveals the wisdom of the birth of beasts, which just corresponds to the kangaroo mutation of the Australian incident.


Wan Lao was silent.

Ge Xiaotian stretched out his right palm, slowly clenched his fist, and said solemnly: "I suspect that there is an inexplicable force secretly affecting the mother planet."

"Well, the spiritual energy has recovered!"

Wan Lao complained angrily, snatched the sunglasses from someone's face, got up and left.


Ge Xiaotian was stunned for a long time, then suddenly remembered something, quickly logged on to the Qidian website, and searched for keywords.

Immediately yelling, "Who the hell revived my spiritual energy so quickly?!"

Dao Shixi: "Boss, you wrote this in your autobiography to explain why Ah Huang is so smart."


"In response to the incident in Australia, this topic is very popular now."

"Does anyone believe it?"

"No, everyone is suspecting that there is a serious 'H leak' in Australia."

"Isn't that right? Australia is the only country in the developed world that doesn't have an 'H power station'."

"But you forgot? Last year Wadao invested in Australia, Australia and Wadao reached an agreement to build 25 'H Power Stations' projects. At present, half of the construction of the project has been completed, and most of them are located in the kangaroo variation area."

"H leaks, there must be radiation."

"Australia has sealed off the mutated kangaroo area, prohibiting any forces from entering, which further confirms the 'H leak' speculation.

In addition, the variation of animals in Siberia has long attracted the attention of Ice Bear. The other party also suspects that it is an 'H' problem. Some animals got into the abandoned experimental field and were irradiated, or ate some biochemical items, which eventually caused Siberian creatures to mutate.

The non-zone is better explained, but there are many natural reactors there. "

"That's fine!"

Ge Xiaotian's foolishness is nothing more than trying to make the board of directors, and even overseas, subconsciously distinguish between mutant kangaroos and yellow wolves through his own "spiritual recovery" and disguised "mutated creatures".

In other words, the mutated kangaroo is the product of radiation, and the yellow wolves are the catalyzed creatures of Laboratory 101.

Although the two are similar, they have completely different meanings.

Radiation products are biochemical pollution, uncontrollable, and unknown to humans.

Laboratory catalyzed organisms belong to scientific research and are controlled by humans. They can be sterilized, hunted and killed, and can destroy gene chains. If they are studied in depth, they can help humans achieve evolution, which is beneficial and harmless.

In addition, Ah Huang, wolves, bears, and big black-skinned wild boar have become the signs and star creatures of Tianle Tourism, and they have long been known to people. Distinguishing the two in advance can also prevent people from suspecting that Tiancheng caused the kangaroo to mutate.

Sitting in the car, Ge Xiaotian stretched out his right palm again, and slowly clenched his fist, "I suspect that there is an inexplicable force secretly affecting the mother planet!"


Dao Shixi nodded heavily, "Yes, boss, we must strengthen our confidentiality measures."

"give it to you."

Ge Xiaotian got up and got out of the car, just about to catch up with Wan Lao, when the communicator rang.

Press the answer button, Dao Yi's voice came.

"Boss, just now our orbital transporter landed in the ear area of ​​the parent star. Due to the impact on the satellite, after the latter burned in the atmosphere, some metals with high melting points melted and blocked the transporter's reverse thrust port and parachute ejection device , causing the orbiter to be treated as a UFO by the test site and attacked."

"Huh? The fireworks I just watched really hit me?"

" can say that, but don't worry, it's full of soil and rocks. No matter if it lands hard or is attacked, even if it falls to pieces, as long as the vacuum storage device is not damaged, there will be no problem. The key is, the track The transporter crashed a satellite, England's."

"Does the other party know that we did it?"

"Because it's a far-earth orbit launch, the other party can't use satellites to detect it. It's not known at the moment, and no one knows that we are launching an orbit launch today except the Huaxia Aerospace Department. However, everyone knows that satellites will burn up in the atmosphere. The second time it fell to the ground, and the Nine Institutes said that the orbital transporter belongs to us, and we need to wipe our own buttocks and give a reasonable explanation to the outside world."

"If there is anything to explain, let's say that England won the lottery and the satellite was hit by a meteorite. For research, we bought the meteorite from the Huaxia Aerospace Department."

"The probability of a meteorite hitting a satellite is too small to be reasonable."

"Probability is a good thing. Even one in a billion means it can be hit. What are you afraid of? At worst, let Montenegro come forward and say that they did it. Do you think England dare to beat Montenegro?"

"I guess I don't have the guts."

"A few grams, this matter is settled, and I will quietly send the lunar sea basalt, lunar surface anorthosite, etc. to the customer, after all, they have paid for it."


"By the way, how many moon bases can be built in a year?"

"One this year, the second unit will be delivered by the end of the year, and two will be built next year."

"Huaxia, North America, and Ice Bear are one family. In the next year, we will join Montenegro, the head of the European Union, and France, and the moon will be lively."

Ge Xiaotian suddenly remembered a funny movie, Space Force, "Contact Tianyu to make a funny collection of the moon, so that it can also stimulate other countries to invest in the space industry."

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