Build Madness

Chapter 931: Almighty Genius → Boss Ge

Ge Xiaotian sat idle in the car for a long time, and waited for Dao Shiyi to finish the follow-up arrangement of the kangaroo incident and the deployment of the space program, and the two walked out of tua together.

On the replica island construction site in the distance, a new round of construction has begun.

All kinds of steel, plates, wires, asphalt, desert glue, etc. from Siberia, processed by the high-speed industrial park assembly line mode, are continuously pulled by heavy-duty transport vehicles.

Under the leadership of teachers, the 2003 students of Western Tiancheng Technical Secondary School used a variety of equipment for unloading, sorting, transportation, on-site processing, assembly and welding, and completed the homework together with the blue-collar workers of Tiancheng Department.

in addition.

Nearly 300,000 laborers recruited from the millions of immigrants in the west spread out in a line, like harvesting wheat, on the super construction site, advancing from north to south, digging foundations, pouring glue, building pit edges, paving roads... for Tiancheng technical secondary school students and Tiancheng blue-collar workers build an AR basic equipment platform.

The reason why it is so complicated is because in the replica island plan, although Tiancheng uses AR technology to replace geographical information such as buildings, roads, vegetation, lakes, etc., AR technology is 'augmented reality' rather than complete virtuality.

Just like the airport in a desert town, if you want to achieve real ones, you need a main frame to support AR technology.

Moreover, green clothes training requires climbing stairs and occupying the commanding heights.

Therefore, low buildings such as houses.

The strip foundation was collectively built with desert glue, pilings were driven around it, four steel beams were placed, and planks were laid on the top.

Then enter the geographical coordinates into the server dedicated to the exercise, generate virtual walls, produce virtual compartments, and produce furniture and appliances in the house. In this way, a private house is completed.

And such as high-rise buildings, special structures.

It is a raft foundation poured with desert glue. The main body is still made of steel. The upper and lower floors are welded with steel beams, laid with wooden boards, set up anti-fall protection facilities, and then input the geographical coordinates into the server, and then generate all the things that the building should have.

In general, everything on this island is made of steel and wood panels without any concrete.



There is no permanent population here, and there is no valuable AR launch chamber. If there is a fire, the loss will only be wood planks, and firefighters can be trained by the way.

Even, maybe there will be Tianwei sneaking in to set fires later, otherwise where will the maintenance fee come from...

As the saying goes, more people are more powerful. At present, the whole project has advanced two kilometers to the south.

But within these two kilometers, there are many steels, but it is extremely empty, which looks very strange.

But if you observe the two kilometers with wide-area goggles, you will see a slightly bustling port.

There are people and cars passing by, and ships lined up in the distance, as if they have come to the Fuji fishing port in the north of Taiwan Province.

Well, it's exactly the same except for the dynamic stuff.

Of course, this is just the beginning.

As it advances northward, covering towns and large cities, the AR world will become wider and more exciting.

However, a group of servers obviously cannot support such a huge data world.

Therefore, in the east, south, west, north, northeast, southeast, southwest, northwest, eight corners of the simulated island, set up an exercise command to guard the server, and hand it over to the military headquarters corresponding to the location.

Based on this, the eight units in charge of the server can plan areas at any time for heads-up, 2v2, 3v3, 4v4, or melee.


Ge Xiaotian stood on the high ground, observed with a telescope for a long time, and came to the AR training base management office in charge of managing the eight exercise headquarters.

When the project is completed, Tian Cheng will use a light curtain to seal off the entire virtual island, and this is the only entrance.

The entrance connects the West United Vocational University, West Shacheng, and Tacheng in the border area to the west.

Once there is a war in the northwest, the green clothes in the training base can go out to support at any time.

Therefore, on the edge of the ear of the northern mother star, there are also factories of Daqin Bingfeng, Northern Weapons, and Southern Weapons.

In addition to the Tiancheng Aerospace Department in the southern part of the desert, and the Ninth Huaxia Aerospace Department...

The West is solid.

Ge Xiaotian walked into the hall of the AR training base.

Wan Lao, who ran away in anger, was familiarizing himself with the AR weapons specially used for exercises with the military directors.

The individual soldiers all use the active military equipment model, and the special intelligent micro-terminal for the exercise is installed inside. During the exercise, the micro-terminal will use the wide-area goggles and independent sensors to create the same effect as the real military equipment for the user.

For example, once you wear a full set of AR weapons, it can feed back the vibration and recoil, and then use the augmented reality of AR to simulate the ammunition, shell casings, gunpowder smoke, gunfire of real weapons...

If the green clothes want to meet the tactical requirements, they need to carry magazines, flame arresters, silencers, sights, infrared instruments, gas masks, etc. with them.

Another example is a grenade. According to the model and function, the model will present corresponding explosions, splashes and sonic booms in the sensor and wide-area goggles. The flash will affect the sight of the enemy and the enemy within the range. In addition to the sight, the smoke will also affect the sense of smell...

Medium-sized weapons, such as light vehicles, are based on real vehicles and undergo AR transformation to meet the transportation that virtual things cannot complete.

Large-scale armaments are more complicated, such as tanks, two legs, helicopters, bombers, ground-to-ground tricks, air-to-ground tricks, ground-to-air tricks, etc., all using virtual images.

But just like chugs and grenades have the effect of real weapons, these strategic weapons will also be fed back in the constant temperature suit.

Such as 'injury', 'deafness', 'coma', 'excessive blood loss', and even 'death'...

Therefore, 'battlefield first aid', 'medical supplies' and 'logistics supplies' are needed.

According to the time and place, the server will also create school, school, work, get off work, thunderstorm, blizzard, and some random events to test the adaptability of the green clothes.

There will even be ruthless gangs, hostage-taking, suicide attacks, and more.

In addition, the green clothes can also interact with virtual furniture, home appliances, branches, turf, gravel, animals, etc. in the exercise site, which is convenient for making camouflage, laying traps, and even making explosives by hand according to chemical formulas.

In short, this is an open AR world, and whatever the green clothes can do in reality, it can also be done here.

Therefore, the board of directors took the 70-year lease contract of 50,000 square kilometers of desert, plus 50 billion red notes, in exchange for an AR training base covering 36,000 square kilometers, which is worth the money.

Five billion red notes?

Well, for the military department, this number is not high.

This year's military expenditure is 700 billion. If AR training bases can be used to replace scattered, backward, and inconsistent training grounds, not only can we avoid miscellaneous expenses in the future, but we can also eliminate corruption and bribery, and ultimately save astronomical sums of money.

The most important thing is that this kind of training base, like a military academy, can centralize the power of the military department and facilitate the management of the board of directors.


After a while.

After getting acquainted with the AR armaments, Wan Lao and the military directors looked back at Ge Xiaotian:

"Come and try?"

"I am a commoner, how can I compare with the veteran general who has experienced many battles."

"That's even better!"

Obviously, being fooled by someone with mutant creatures, coupled with the fact that someone seems to really want to run a sweatshop, Wan Lao is still angry now.

Without waiting for Ge Xiaotian to answer, the old man put on the constant temperature suit directly, raised his head, "Swift, don't be a mother-in-law."

"I don't know how to play real weapons!"

"Oh, is it so?"

Not only Wan Lao laughed, but also the other directors in green clothes who participated in the event.

Tianwei's international reputation almost surpassed that of North American soldiers.

To be able to do this, one must have an advanced training program.

Ge is young and energetic, and he must like to play with guns.

It is said that as early as when the Daqingshan Shooting Club was established, this guy couldn't wait to pick up the Hanyang made and played for a whole afternoon.

Later, I ran to Siberia, and there was a Siberian training camp over there...

Plus it's number one among VR shooters...

It has long been rumored among the people that there is a soldier king in green clothes, and a heavenly king in Tianwei.

This Heavenly King naturally refers to Ge Laoer.

Now Ge Laoer admits that he doesn't know how to play with weapons...

Wan Lao suddenly remembered something, his face turned cold, "You kid is going to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger again!"

"I really don't know how to play."

In fact, in terms of armaments, Ge Xiaotian has only touched Qi Feifei's troll, and the second master Liu Hui's Hanyang.

Even if Tianwei helped him prepare weapons during the large-scale iron lump incident, it was a more advanced intelligent plasma biubiubiu.


Well, it's also called a plasma pulse.

Now that the plasma cutting machines have been manufactured, it is naturally no problem to manufacture a batch of plasma guns for short-range attacks.

As for the plasma cannon...

To Tian Cheng, it was still science fiction.

Wan Lao saw that it didn't seem to be a fake, and said suspiciously: "You can eliminate countless green clothes and security officers, and win the VR shooting championship, but you are not familiar with weapons... Can this kind of virtual training really improve combat capabilities?"

"To be honest, I have never played VR shooting games. I only like to play VR fighting with my family Xiuxiu."

"Huh? So, the champion used your name? Allowed by the background management?"

"It's machine number one."

"The smartest robot?"

"Well, when I let it idle, hang up the game for me, no matter what game, create an account, and then dominate the whole server."

"What kind of bad taste is this!"

"Leader, do you understand the game?"


"It can be said that no matter what game, even if I don't play it, as long as I have my ID, this district will definitely become popular.

Even being at the top of the leaderboard will make krypton gold players feel extra at ease, because I am still playing, which proves that the game will not be pornographic and will not be shut down.

And if you drive game characters to the main city during holidays, or on Saturdays and weekends, and randomly distribute small gifts, the World Channel will immediately flash the speakers, and each speaker costs one yuan...Have you ever experienced tens of millions in a second? "

Wan Lao rolled his eyes and became even angrier, "No."


Ge Xiaotian quickly stopped the topic, "This is the star effect."

"Understood, quickly change clothes, I want to know for myself whether this kind of training is really effective."

"I can't play!"

"You won't, we can have more fun!"


Ge Xiaotian was silent.

Wan Lao urged again, "Hurry up, let's go to the western Shacheng to have a look after the experience."

"Look, you are here with these grandpas, but I am alone. It's not fair. Why don't you ask me to help you, how about...I let the No. 1 machine on the moon go online?"

"Heh, in the digitalized world, robots are gods. Do you think I don't know what lying to win?"


"Guard, help Boss Ge get dressed."


hula la...

After a while.

Ge Xiaotian changed the anti-cheating constant temperature suit and goggles.

Just in case, Wan Lao used the highest command of the VR training base to lock Boss Ge's server administrator rights.

In this way, the two sides are at the 'same starting line'.

Then allocate armaments.

Such as magazines, grenades, first aid kits...

Ge Xiaotian took the opportunity to learn from the guards how to use the chug made by Daqin Bingfeng, how to use the melon grenade designed by anti-thinking, how to use the first aid kit...

Seeing his serious study, Wan Lao and the supervisors in green looked at each other, and they all smiled.

At this time.

Secretary Wan said loudly: "Leader, can we start?"

"Let Xiaoge get familiar with it again. By the way, I will turn off the monitoring system later."

"Leader, is your safety?"

"There are Tianwei guards around, and Ge Laoer is the only one inside. Could it be that you suspect him?"

"No, you are old, in case there is a bump... Besides, the doctor has also ordered you not to exercise vigorously."

"Haha, it's okay to play tennis, let alone small activities..."

Hearing the conversation between the two, Ge Xiaotian had no doubts about him.

Adjust the easy-to-use mechanical exoskeleton, mount the chug on the arm, run back and forth a few times, and gradually become familiar with the operation.

ten minutes later.

Wide-area goggles receive training ground information, or front-line intelligence.

Area name: Fuji Fishing Port.

Geographical area: 2460m x 1683m.

Humidity, temperature, wind, oxygen content, light intensity...

'Attention, this training does not include people and security personnel. There are only red and blue units in the field. Eliminate the opponent to win. The mission is limited to 35 minutes. '

'Cancel airborne, cancel vehicle transport...'

'The red and blue personnel are requested to walk to their respective strongholds, and the training countdown will start after 10 minutes. '

'Note: It is forbidden to take off the wide-area goggles during training, and offenders will be fined heavily. '

At the end of the voice prompt, the two-kilometer training ground that has been laid has been cut into two areas by AR, and covered by blue and red mosaics respectively to prevent the other party from spying on the other party's dynamics before the training begins.

Ge Xiaotian checked his equipment again, 50 magazines, 50 melons, two belts, two first aid kits, one emergency color bottle of genetic medicine...

so much?

The mechanical exoskeleton is still lightweight.

If it is replaced by heavy-duty, the estimated quantity is X10, and there are also models that are specially responsible for keeping ammunition.

After the inspection, Ge Xiaotian said hello to Wan Lao and the green-clothed supervisors who stood there whispering and seemed to be deploying tactics, and walked quickly into the area covered by the red mosaic.

Before the training started, the area around the stronghold was shrouded in 'fog'.

When the countdown reached zero, the smoke cleared away.

Ge Xiaotian had known for a long time that the stronghold was located on the west side of the pier, while Wan Lao and the others were located on the south side of the pier.

Diagonal lines interspersed, and then the cantaloupe was thrown wildly. Even if the old men can use mechanical exoskeletons, they probably won't roll over to avoid it.

This training, so easy...

'Dip, our own electronic department cracked the enemy's electronic fog, and through remote sensing technology, the number of enemies was ascertained: 262. '

'Dip, please note that 51 people are coming around from your 10 o'clock direction. '

'Dip, please note that there are 21 people ambushing you at three o'clock. '

'Warning, there is a sniper at 11 o'clock, and it is locking. '

"What the hell? Isn't it Wan Lao and the five green-clothed directors?"

Ge Xiaotian was full of question marks.

Unfortunately, the communication channel has been removed from the group chat, and only he is in it.

chug chug...

Suddenly, a flame flickered in the distance.

'Drip, the exoskeleton of the left arm is slightly worn, please avoid it. '

"Avoid yarn."

Ge Xiaotian directly opened the system map...

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