Build Madness

Chapter 932: Tiancheng Parade in 2003

Tiancheng has three major technology systems.

One is to form the Tiancheng Aerospace Department on the basis of the parent planet's technology tree with the help of system things, supplemented by monks and top scientists of the parent planet.

Including Polar 1-99, 1-100 laboratories, Daqingshan 101 laboratory, Western 102 laboratory and so on.

Scientific research achievements are mainly photoelectric technology, carbon-based technology, rubber technology, smart micro-end, remote control.

The scientific research projects in charge include GLONASS navigation system, GLONASS ground monitoring stations distributed in Asia, Europe and Africa, polar NT weather monitoring stations, Neobras agricultural system, Huaxia Northland economic circle, Nanwa biological Gene Research Base, Huatiancheng Electric Industry, Beidahuang Tiancheng Aviation Manufacturing Group, Western Tiancheng Aerospace Manufacturing Factory, Beihe Daqin Bingfeng, Non-regional H Fusion or H Fission Research Center, Tiancheng International Holdings Tianwei Security Group...

These are things that are put on the bright side and used to demonstrate the power of 'NT' internationally.

It can be said that NT eventually became the "protective umbrella of the mother star" that Ge Xiaotian had imagined before, or "Umbrella".

Even in North America, if they wanted to impose sanctions, they had to consider Tiancheng's anti-sanction capabilities.

The second is based on the Montenegro Odyssey, supplemented by monks and some ice bear scientists, West Asia scientists, and third brother scientists, based on the hairy bear technology tree, the 'ternary' digital world extended.

Including Montenegro Odyssey Antivirus, Montenegro Odyssey Industry, Montenegro Odyssey Chemical and so on.

Scientific research achievements mainly include intelligent software, large database in Montenegro, medium and long-distance mischief, intercontinental rumbling, orbital bombing, super panda series (Tiancheng is a modification of super panda)...

The projects in charge include Panda Guardian, Panda Burning Incense, Montenegro Odyssey Sea Department, Montenegro Odyssey Aerospace Industry, European Temple Security Group, Red Sea Passage, Nordic Seas, Bering Strait...

Some of these are public and some are hidden, but they develop independently and have nothing to do with Tian Cheng.

The third is the system technology system.

All the technological foundations come from the technology tree of the mother star, but after the restoration of the first-level town center, the cracking of the second-level town center, the optimization of the third-level town center, the innovation of the fourth-level town center, and the qualitative change of the fifth-level town center, the current system The height of the technology tree has surpassed the parent star technology tree by 0.26 units.

In other words, if the parent star is a 0.6-level civilization, the system is 0.86.

Scientific research achievements mainly include heat engine system and optical quantum technology.

The heat engine system not only contains the first type of perpetual motion machine that was denied, the second type of perpetual motion machine that was denied, the third type of perpetual motion machine that was perjured, and the last life-saving straw of human heat engine, which is based on the idea of ​​"heat pump" The fourth type of perpetual motion machine.

If the fourth category is also denied, human beings may never develop perpetual motion machines.

Of course, this 'perpetual motion machine' is based on the setting of planetary ecology. If it is in the universe, there will be the first type of perpetual motion machine in the civilization series.

After all, the laws of physics established on the parent star may not apply in the outer universe.

Heat engines include steam engines, steam turbines, gas turbines, internal combustion engines, jet engines...

This is a very broad and huge technological system, like an industrial system, but only a small branch of it.

As for the light quantum system...

This is even bigger, from atoms, molecules, protons, neutrons, electrons, to six types of quarks, microns, photons, and bosons, up to hundreds of types, either appearing in the periodic table of elements, or not publicly elements, and then rely on the large hadron collider, super particle collider to create the 'particle collision' effect...

Anyway, that's science.

Tiancheng's three major technological systems do not interfere with each other, and each has its own mode of operation.

But just like Tiancheng Aerospace Department has the GLONASS system, Montenegro Odyssey plans to entrust Tiancheng Aerospace Department to build the Panda Starlink. More advanced system technology must also have its own satellites and networks.

This is a necessary condition for a fourth-level town center to be promoted to a fifth-level town center. Otherwise, the sub-bases located in the polar regions, non-regions, and Montenegro will experience lagging and delays because they are too far away from the main base.

Therefore, a long time ago, Tiancheng used the Ice Bear Space Agency to launch satellites belonging to the system into space.

Also known as the 'Glonass Signal Booster Satellite'.

There are currently 26 satellites in total, running together with the GLONASS Starlink, supporting the Zigbee network, also known as the Zifeng satellite network.

However, in the system, the satellite system has an extraordinary role.

First, every system personnel can be located.

Unlike the previous plane positioning, where red and blue dots were used to represent system units, now with the support of satellites, the map is in a three-dimensional form, and the system units are the name and its own image.

Moreover, with the resolution of the system satellite, you can see things in the house through the window.

This is how the full version of the GIS system came about.

Secondly, Ge Xiaotian can zoom in and observe things around the system personnel like a god.

very powerful.

Otherwise, how do you call it open?

Of course, apart from building a vocational university campus, Ge Xiaotian hadn’t opened it for a long time.

First, the entire planet knows that he can speak sixty-four languages, and there is no need to install X anymore, and the translator is getting more and more powerful, and there is no need to use other languages ​​for external communication.

This is the main reason for the cancellation of English test papers in vocational examinations.

The second is that the comprehensive large database of Shiguangji's parent body can provide similar system functions in smart glasses or wide-area goggles.

This is the convenience brought by advanced permissions.

For example, when walking on the street, Ge Xiaotian can check the life history of every passerby at any time.

Of course, he didn't have such bad taste.

Based on the above various...

Ge Xiaotian opened the system map, found Dao Eleven, and zoomed in.

Then I found that Mr. Wan and the military executives were sitting in the management hall of the AR training base, smoking cigarettes, sipping tea, and observing the scene surrounded by them in all directions through large-scale display equipment.

Obviously, the monitoring system has been fully opened.

Recalling the loud conversation between Secretary Wan and Mr. Wan, Ge Xiaotian instantly knew that the old men were planning to revenge and complain.

"Strange, I didn't offend this group of people!"

Ge Xiaotian thought about it, quickly called up the gossip shift key dedicated to the mechanical exoskeleton, unlocked the settings, secretly bypassed the ban set by Wan Lao, logged in to the administrator account from the background, and connected to the No. 1 machine database.

Although Unit 1 is on the moon, to put it bluntly, it is just an intelligent program integrating hardware and software.

In order to avoid the failure of the moon landing and to conduct experiments on the moon, the Ministry of Aeronautics and Space made a silicone body for it.

Therefore, the original fuselage still remains on the mother planet.

In the transfer program, the Lunar No. 1 unit was paralyzed, and the Mother Star No. 1 unit was revived.


"Come and help me fight."

"Okay... wait, are you stupid? You are using a mechanical exoskeleton, not two legs, how do I get there?"


Ge Xiaotian narrowed his eyes, rubbed the gossip shift key, and input the destroy command, "Go to the moon and wait for you!"

The mother star No. 1 machine was scrapped, and the Lunar No. 1 machine shivered and revived again.

The revived No. 1 machine squatted at the door of the tent with a sad face, scratched its scalp vigorously, looked up to the sky and sighed, "You mouth!"

At this time.

On the south side of the practice field, next to a certain container, a loudspeaker suddenly popped out:

"I've abused players thousands of times, and players treat me like the first time I've seen you. Boss Ge, we meet again!"

"Who are you?"

"The second place in VR shooting, the sniper who was killed by you 66,000 times, you can call me Dapeng, from the Southwest Military Headquarters. I have no advantages or disadvantages. The only thing I can do is mentality. Very strong and never collapsed."


Ge Xiaotian wanted to start the culprit, the No. 1 super power leveling machine.

"Well, brother, you are a sniper, so you need to practice your mentality. I am treating you well."

"Well, thank you, Boss Ge. However, let me help you practice your mentality today."


"You're welcome."




Ge Xiaotian was shot in the knee.

Fortunately, there is mechanical exoskeleton protection, coupled with real system prompts, the moment it is locked, it subconsciously tilts to the left, avoiding the exercise system's judgment of 'mechanical bone joint deformation'.

'Dip, find a solution to the crisis, refer to the 131st simulation result, you need to jump into the sea, the result is valid for 10 seconds, and the second round of simulation will start after 10 seconds. '

The military smart micro-terminal also pops up a prompt.

"It's too long-winded, we must simplify the prompt in the future."

Ge Xiaotian muttered and raised his hands, "I surrender!"

Even a sniper is so awesome, the remaining 261 people must also be very skilled.

When I think back, I heard from a green-clothed supervisor that a group of elites were specially selected from various military departments to familiarize themselves with the AR training ground and make training plans.

Now it seems that it should be them.

Is this still playing like this?

Even if it was changed to No. 1 machine, it would still be abused.

After all, this is not the data world.

"Boss Ge, in this exercise, we are the blue team, and we belong to the ruthless gang. If you are caught by us, you will suffer inhuman treatment. Are you sure you will surrender?"


Although Ge Xiaotian knew it was a drill, and the other party was his own, so he would not do anything to him, but considering that he was tortured and killed by the No. 1 machine 66,000 times, and the green clothes around him who didn't know how they were abused by the No. 1 machine...

Ge Xiaotian quickly jumped into the sea.

But after a delay, the military simulation results changed again.

"The first round of simulation was cancelled, and a hostile unit appeared at 12 o'clock."

The prompt fell, and a green-clothed man also wearing a mechanical exoskeleton walked out in front of him.

"True gold is not afraid of fire, and good steel is not afraid of tempering. Mr. Ge, we meet again."

"Who are you?"

"You don't even remember me?"


"I am the third runner-up in VR hand-to-hand combat who was beaten to death 35,000 times by you with your fist."


"Please enlighten me!"


Ge Xiaotian turned around and left.

But just look back.

Another green suit wearing a mechanical exoskeleton blocked the way.

In his hand is a virtual sawtooth dagger.

"Mr. Ge, do you remember being torn out by you tens of thousands of times..."

"Sorry, you have the wrong person."

The next moment, a large group of green clothes came around.

"It's time to thank Boss Ge, brothers, let Boss Ge experience our enthusiasm, come on!"

"Come on!"

ten minutes later.

AR Training Base Management Office.

Seeing Mr. Ge being captured alive, Mr. Wan got up and walked to the big screen, looking around at the five green-clothed executives:

"Mr. Ge was hijacked by a group of crazy men in green clothes disguised as ruthless people. The board of directors asked us to rescue him at all costs. Attention, we must live, because we cannot afford the price of Mr. Ge's death."

The supervisor in green obviously didn't expect this result, he was slightly taken aback, and instantly understood that this is the real drill, and it takes time to recruit drillers. "

"Yes, it is a test of our transportation capacity, but our current transportation system has already surpassed the past, and it is time to use it."

After finishing speaking, Wan Lao sighed, "It should be noted that Tianwei Security Group is rushing here after hearing that its big boss was kidnapped by Green Yi.

In order to avoid further escalation of the incident, or to avoid the failure of the rescue of Mr. Ge, causing Tianwei to go berserk.

The Ministry of the Sea needs to stop Tiancheng's No. 1, No. 2, and No. 3 oil protection brigades, and allow the deployment of Dongshan, Liaosheng, Jianfu, Xiangjiang, and Nanhaiyu aircraft carrier groups. "


The director of the Haibu gasped, feeling suspicious in his heart, and said quietly: "Leader, is it really a drill?"

"Don't think about it, the 11th National Day is coming."

"OK, got it!"

The director of Haibu breathed a sigh of relief, saluted solemnly, walked quickly to the operation desk next to him, and contacted the subordinates in each area.

Wan Lao continued to order: "The Siberian Tianwei Group is going to enter the country to rescue its big boss. They... have controlled Neobras, including some ice bears and green clothes. The number of personnel is as high as 70,000. They have complete information weapons, including tan Gram, rumbling, medium and long-range mischief, various types of aircraft.

Their strength has already been demonstrated in the Wahai exercise, the war-torn zone in West Asia, and various rescue incidents. The grasslands and the Northeast Army should do a good job of responding. "

"Yes, leader!"

"in this way……"

Looking back at the map, Wan Lao denied the idea of ​​inviting the Okhotsk Tianwei, West Asia Tianwei, Nanyang Rubber Plantation Tianwei, and Nanyue Seaport Tianwei to join the exercise. start!"

Didi Didi...

for a moment.

A series of prompts popped up on Nuoda's monitor.

Ministry of Intelligence: The reason has been found out. This is a plan to "cut the sky" planned by overseas forces, with the ultimate goal of destroying Tiancheng. (drill data)

Information Corps: We turned on the light curtain, successfully blocked the transmission of information in the surrounding area, and delayed the other party's overseas transmission of information, but we don't know whether Boss Ge can withstand the other party's interrogation and hand over the key representing the highest authority of Tiancheng International Holdings. Therefore, we only had 11 hours to carry out the rescue. After 11 hours, Mr. Ge 'died' and the incident escalated. (drill data)

Air Ministry exercise platform: We successfully controlled the Daqingshan radar matrix, but found that the non-area radar matrix locked the area where Mr. Ge was located through satellites. At present, there are six unknown satellites in the sky above our side, which need to be shielded. (drill data)

Haibu exercise platform: our side...

Green clothes exercise platform: Our side...

Smart micro-terminal A: There have been public opinions on the domestic Internet that Mr. Ge was kidnapped, and guidance is needed. (drill data)

Smart micro-terminal B: This incident gradually affects the economic situation, the price of steel and wood increases... (exercise data)

Smart micro-terminal C: ...

for a long time.

Ge Xiaotian dragged the mechanical exoskeleton that had lost power, and slowly moved into the hall of the AR training base.

"Old man, you play so big, you didn't say anything in advance."

"I told you in advance, if you take the opportunity to pretend to be a tiger, grab a territory overseas, or even send Tianwei directly to fight there, it will be more troublesome then."


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