Build Madness

Chapter 933 You Are Losing Big

As early as on the way back to the management office, Ge Xiaotian wanted to understand the reason why Wan Lao made such a big fight.

foreign trade!

Before the turn of the millennium, the total volume of trade imports and exports was about three trillion yuan.

In the millennium, Zheng He’s Voyages to the West project was launched, and the total import and export volume was piled up to 4 trillion yuan, of which, the export value was 2.4 trillion yuan, and the import value was 1.6 trillion yuan, achieving a trade surplus of 0.8 trillion yuan for the first time.

In 2001, with Tiancheng International Holdings alone, the total import and export volume exceeded 6 trillion yuan, with a trade surplus of 1.2 trillion yuan.

In 2002, the agricultural trade war broke out, the Japanese version of SG products landed in North America, and Tianchuang hosts sold well in North America... The trade surplus exceeded 3 trillion.

This year, Tiancheng completed industrial innovation, completed technological innovation, expanded the coverage of the industrial chain, produced batches of hot-selling products, and started a new round of Zheng He's voyages... The trade surplus may exceed 5 trillion.

Here comes the key word, trade surplus.

In macroeconomics, a trade surplus is also called a trade surplus, which means that within a certain period of time, the export volume of the region is greater than the import volume, and foreign trade is in a favorable position.

To put it simply, their products are very popular overseas, they are sold at a high price, and they make crazy money.

In this case, there is no need to buy too many things from overseas, and there are fewer places to spend money, so there is foreign exchange reserves.

With foreign exchange reserves, you can continue to make money in the financial field.

For example, appreciation of the standard currency.

For example, a company owes 1 million Franklins to a North American company. In the past, it was converted into red notes and needed to be returned to others for 8.68 million. Now that the red notes have appreciated in value, you only need to pay 8.05 million.

Therefore, the great motherland has saved you 630,000 red notes invisibly.

You can use the saved money to buy a car, buy a house, marry a wife...

Living conditions have been greatly improved.

One person is like this, many people are like this, and then promote the gross national product, making the motherland more prosperous and stronger.


Wouldn't it be a loss to invest in North America?

Besides Ge Laoer, who else has the ability to invest in North America these days?

Even if there is, it is a loan.

Of course, if you want to develop soundly, you can't rely too much on the trade surplus. In case of overseas sanctions, the goods cannot be sold, and a large number of goods accumulate, the situation will be dangerous.

Wajima ten years ago is a good example.


If you make money, the other party must lose money.

So there is a trade deficit.

In macroeconomics, a trade deficit is also called a trade deficit, which means that within a certain period of time, the import volume of the region is greater than the export volume.

To put it simply, the goods of the other party are not easy to sell, and they have little competitiveness in the international arena. The masses of the other party also do not recognize the self-produced goods, and all like imported goods.

Under such circumstances, everything has to be bought from overseas, foreign exchange reserves are reduced, the other party’s funds are outflowing, and at the same time, the control over the international financial market has been greatly reduced, and even the other party’s resources have been swept away by you. It may lead to the dissolution of the current board of directors...

In order to reverse the situation, the other party decided to improve the competitiveness of its own products, so it devalued the standard currency, that is, set up a few more money printing machines and issued more standard currency.

As a result, the prices of export commodities have been lowered, and they have gradually become more competitive internationally.

You witness the operation of the other party, and seeing that the money you earn back will soon become waste paper, you quickly appreciate the other party's standard currency through the financial market, or short the other party's standard currency to earn more benefits.

But if the other party is very powerful and can't bear so much of your coquettish operations, they will use force to demand that you, who are in a trade surplus, stop making money, or they will beat you...

So there are 'trade friction' and 'trade war'.

In addition, if the standard currency of the other party is the common currency of the parent planet, you also need to use the other party’s currency for import and export settlements, and you have used the money to do some tricks in other areas, such as shorting the other party’s standard currency, shorting the other party’s technology stocks, Shorting the other party's oil stocks and cashing out the industry you invested in the other party's territory, such a round of operations will definitely make the other party scold their mothers in anger and start more intuitive practical actions.

For example, sanctions on Longtian Technology, Sanctions on Wanshi Technology, sanctions on Sino-Ocean Group, and even...

Learn from the words of the other party's intelligence chief: Ge Laoer must die!

However, the other party was only talking to himself, because even the chairman of the other party did not dare to say it blatantly.


Everyone is worried about waking up in the morning with a 'Galbes lollipop' in his mouth for no reason.

And Wan Lao made this exercise, probably because he heard the other party talking to himself, and decided to give a strong response.

in other words.

Between regions, just like people and people, the other party runs to your door to show off your power, and if you don't come out with a kitchen knife to pretend to be one, others will not know how awesome you are.


AR Training Ground Management Office.

Ge Xiaotian wanted to understand the reason for the military exercise, and took advantage of Dao Shishi's help in dismantling the mechanical exoskeleton to check his own intelligence.

In order to block its own foreign trade, North America closed the Malta-6 route as early as February on the grounds of 'repairing the river'.

Then wait for their own home to reconcile.

After all, Tiancheng's foreign trade this time was very dynamic, and it took only half a year for the three major links of cargo transportation, cargo distribution, and cargo loading.

And if the huge fleet goes to the European region, if it goes around, it will inevitably increase costs and risks.

The Maliu route has become the only choice.

According to the information, North America didn't intend to do anything wrong, but was just planning to ask Tian Cheng to take out one billion Franklin as the hard work of 'repairing the Maliu River Channel' when Tian Cheng came to propose a settlement.

Normally speaking, Tian Cheng is absolutely capable of spending one billion Franklins.

For the normal progress of the trade, Tian Cheng would definitely spend the money.

But North America led the three younger brothers from Nanyang, and spent the early spring and midsummer in the Straits of Malacca, until the beginning of autumn, but they couldn't wait for Tiancheng's ocean-going trading fleet.

Moreover, because the Five Eyes Alliance personnel were arranged to investigate the seaport leased by Tiancheng many times during the period, Tiancheng's intelligence department also destroyed the intelligence system installed by the Five Eyes Alliance in the sub-region.

After entering August.

Not only North America can't wait any longer, even Singapore, Malaysia, and Indonesia, which are sitting on the mountain and empty, can't afford to close the Malaysia-6 route.

As a last resort, Sifang mobilized some hidden intelligence personnel to visit the port leased by Tiancheng.

During that period of time, Tiancheng's blue-collar workers were on vacation, and they went out for travel together. There was no business at the port, and naturally there were no freighters, containers, or trailers. The entire port was empty.

Even the security personnel, because they were too busy, formed a group to go to the Internet cafe to play games.

After receiving these news, North America and the three younger brothers once suspected that Tian Cheng had canceled the ocean trade.

But it's approaching September.

On the same day, the ocean-going trading fleet appeared in Dubai...

North America was so angry that he kicked the table and sent troops north to Taimei Bay.

It's a pity that Tianwei of the rubber plantation had already prepared to block the waters leading to Taimei Bay to prevent the other party from discovering the Canal of the Kra Isthmus.

North America did not choose to confront, but entered the southern waters...

Seeing this, Ge Xiaotian finally understood why Wan Lao said that if he told himself the purpose of the exercise in advance, things would become more complicated.

There is an oil production platform in the southern waters, and it acts like a heavenly guard. Once an intruder is found, it will definitely fire with full force.

Ge Xiaotian looked at Wan Lao: "Look at what you said, it's as reckless as I am."


"However, old man, you may not believe me. If you tell me in advance, not only do you not need to pay for this exercise, but you can make a lot of money. And now... you have lost at least two hundred sets of mechanical exoskeletons!"

The military mechanical exoskeleton and Tiancheng's mechanical exoskeleton used in polar mining, in terms of technology and materials, can be called a heaven and an underground.

Moreover, affected by the production process, the output of both is not high.

So far, there are only 2,000 sets of industrial machinery exoskeletons, each costing 5 million red notes, and the external price is 20 million, but they are still out of stock.

The number of military mechanical exoskeletons is even smaller, except for 200 'trainer planes' and 100 medical planes, less than 1,000 can be put into the battlefield.

The cost of a single unit is 30 million red notes, and it is specially provided by the military. There is no price, but its value is comparable to that of an advanced fighter.

Because, as long as it is used well, one can determine the form of war.

The loss of 200 units now is equivalent to a loss of 6 billion. Even for the military, this is not a small amount of money.

Wan Lao was slightly taken aback, "What do you mean?"

"Look, there are so many military departments participating in the exercise, including battleship clusters, fighter jet clusters, tank clusters, and information arms... This scene, tsk tsk, if it is made into a movie, the box office will definitely beat the ancient war series at the box office."

"Hey, what am I thinking, making a movie? It's easy to think, what about keeping secrets?"

"Movies want grand scenes, and the plot is filmed separately. Even if some weapons are recorded in the clips, they will be processed later. In this way, no confidential content will be involved."

Ge Xiaotian took a sip from his teacup

"We just need to show off our muscles a little bit to show that we are not easy to mess with. If we really spread the word, it may have a negative impact on the current situation."

"Old man, I wonder if you have heard such a sentence before."


"If you can't beat them, join them."


"Look, this kid's fox tail is exposed!"

Wan Lao laughed loudly, "He is always making money!"

The green-clothed director of a two-legged machine worth hundreds of millions of red notes smiled the same way.

Immediately meditate

Wan Lao: "..."

"Not only can it save the cost of the exercise, but it can also install two hundred mechanical exoskeletons, which will ensure a steady profit."


The director of the air department who received fifty parallel twin-rotor transport aircraft based on the Mi-26 from Tiancheng for free, and was granted ten-year maintenance fee exemption, nodded solemnly and earnestly, "It makes sense!"


The director of the Haibu caught Wan Lao's dangerous eyes, "Well, I will avoid suspicion."

The informatization supervisor is relatively young, so he bowed his head and dared not speak.

The intelligence director has a higher status, bypassing Wan Lao, and looking at Ge Xiaotian: "Can I be on camera?"

"You want to piss me off!"

Mr. Wan patted the table and snorted angrily: "Even if you pat, you are an intelligence leader, what mirror do you have?"

"just kidding."

At this time.

Ge Xiaotian raised his hand, "The minority obeys the majority, that's what we've decided, come on, come on, let's start now, grandpas, sit down, let's take a photo together."

"Fuck! If you dare to put this scene in the movie, I will kill you tomorrow!"

"No, old man, don't get excited, we have face-changing technology, later you and a few grandpas can choose your favorite face from the 'fake face' database..."

"Overseas has recovery technology."

"Don't worry, they will never be able to restore the image processed by photoelectric technology, otherwise my family would have been discovered the first time they landed on the moon."

Ge Xiaotian cheerfully tidied up the meeting table, "Also, the momentum can be preserved in this way, and the resulting movie is truly amazing."

"You want to take the opportunity to win the big prize?"

"The big prizes are all awarded by my family. What kind of prize do I want? It's not a matter of a phone call. I am continuing the concept of Tianyu. If there is a real one, there is no need for a fake one!"

"Wait, we have to determine the profit share."

"Yo, you got into the mood so quickly?"

"Nonsense, who doesn't know Ge Laoer's blackness! Even the chairman said that to do business with you, you must be careful. If the business is too big, you must prepare a think tank."

"I'm not afraid to tell you that in terms of think tanks, I have never lost on the home planet. If you can form a think tank with more than 20,000 analysts, I will listen to you for the share of this cooperation."

"Stop shooting!"

Wan Lao got up and left.

"Don't, old man, I was wrong, I shouldn't show off, please sit down, let's continue talking."

"Tell me, what is the division method?"


Ge Xiaotian pretended to close his eyes and meditate for a moment, "We must first determine the area to participate in the exercise, otherwise, if we just make money, wouldn't people be working in vain?"

"Well, that's right, so, I'm going to invite..."

"The ones you invite are relatively large, so first count the ones I can invite."


"First, Kazakhstan."


"The Emirates, Greece, the five Nordic countries..."

"Wait, what are we doing in the western part of the exercise and inviting the five Nordic countries?"

"This is an anti-K exercise, and there are no restrictions."

"Alright, then we can take the opportunity to narrow the distance between the two parties."

"I'm done."


Wan Lao pondered for a moment, "I plan to invite Ice Bear and Montenegro Odyssey."


"Secondly, the African Union, the Emirates, the oil countries..."

"The lineup is luxurious."

"How did I find that the smile on your face became more and more obvious?"

"There are so many people and the scene of the movie is more grand, I am sure happy."



Ge Xiaotian picked up the teacup and took another sip, "Since we have decided which regions to invite to participate, let's call them and discuss the film's revenue sharing together, shall we?"

"Why do I feel that you are a little impatient?"

"You are dazzled."

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