Build Madness

Chapter 934 Coincidentally, everyone is here...

When it comes to business, especially when it comes to the division of income, Wan Lao obviously doesn't trust Ge Xiaotian.

But quietly communicate with the directors of the military department in private...

Isn't it just an exercise or a movie? If Ge Lao Er is black again, it's nothing more than a monster in terms of sharing.

As long as we bite 50% to death, otherwise we won't shoot, what other tricks can he play?

With this in mind, Mr. Wan drew up an invitation letter himself. On the grounds that the number of ruthless gangs has increased in recent years and the security risks of the home planet have become more and more serious, he invited many countries and regions to participate in the event named '03-United Countermeasures' on September 10th. K' big drill.

Seeing that the plan had succeeded, Ge Xiaotian was unambiguous.

In the name of the chairman of Tiancheng International Holdings and the chairman of Tiancheng International Chamber of Commerce, the regions participating in the exercise are called on to jointly shoot an "Anti-K Documentary Film", which will be released simultaneously in their respective regions, and the proceeds will be shared... According to Wan Lao's insistence, five to five open!

As long as any area that maintains a cooperative relationship with Tiancheng or has trade ties, let alone exercises, even acting, or even defrauding people, they will unconditionally participate.

Because following Boss Ge, there is money to be made!

The most important thing is that China has risen in the past two years. Participating in the exercise this time can not only learn advanced military technology, but also take the opportunity to make friends, narrow the distance between the two sides, and strengthen the relationship between neighboring countries.


Groups of five such as Taimei, Nanyue, Cambodia, Laowo, Myanmar, and Nanyang, sent the numbers of the military units participating in the exercise and the number of personnel as soon as they received the invitation, and arranged for powerful figures to lead the team.

Immediately afterwards.

Pakistan, Kazakhstan, Tajistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, and the "Stan Five" which is close to the war-torn zone in West Asia also sent a list of participants in the exercise.

the next day.

On the part of Ice Bear Mokos, the director of the Ice Bear Far East Military Department, that is, the old man who drove Ge Xiaotian to experience the Russian landing with a gray machine, was authorized to be in charge of the exercise.

On the same day, Ice Bear, Far East Frontier Defense, and Far East Green Clothes, together with the Far East Tianwei Group who played the role of the big villain, rushed to the Far East training camp - the Siberia training camp.

This year Ice Bear made money.

Under the guidance of Bingxiong Tiancheng, the real estate industry is booming, all walks of life are flourishing, and the economic situation has greatly improved compared to the previous few years.

Xiao Huang and others even made a plan to "cut leeks" for Ice Bear.

In other words, the two parties joined forces to kill European and American developers.

Now that I have spare money in my pocket, there will be more in the future, so I have to 'make' it!

Mechanized companies, the most advanced fighter planes, informationized arms...

hula la...

The scene is extremely spectacular.

And the white-bearded old man is not the master of peace. He took the head of the Far East Tianwei, Lao Hong, as a staff officer, and commanded the newly repaired Far East Aircraft Corps to go to Qiandao. There is no money for the pipeline.

The Prairie Country, which also received the invitation for the exercise, saw that the big brothers on both sides were playing so big, raising soldiers from all over the country...

"where are we going?"

Faced with this problem, Wan Lao felt that the matter was a little out of control.

After all, it was just an anti-K exercise, and everyone was so enthusiastic and sent so many people...

The Ge Da Goutou army division took out the map on the spot, pretended to examine it for a moment, and set the location of the grassland exercise as 'North of Yinshan Mountain'.

Construction of the Yinshan Bridge and the Helan Bridge started at the same time, but the construction volume of the Yinshan Bridge is dozens of times that of the Helan Bridge, and it will take at least two years to complete.

In addition, the valley-type ground-effect transportation project leading to Daxinganling, the land transportation project leading to Yinchuan, and the transportation project leading to the grassland country...

The project is estimated to take eight to ten years.

In order to ensure the logistics supply of Huaxia Energy Construction Group, Tiancheng built a staff town in the northern part of Yinshan Mountain that integrates anti-epidemic and production. Now the infrastructure is complete, and it is fully capable of "exchanging cattle and sheep for commodities"...

After determining the location of the grassland exercise, the high-speed all the way to the west started moving again.

Beverages and juices, dried fruits and vegetables, daily necessities, electronic products...

"By the way, remember to ask them to bring more cattle and sheep, otherwise how do you buy things?"

After Ge Xiaotian ordered to go to the grassland country and take up the post of ALS Tiancheng director of Tiancheng in the grassland country, before he put down the phone, he looked at Wan Lao with a look of enlightenment.

"It turns out that this is what your kid thought!"

"It was discovered by you."


Wan Lao understood Ge's intentions, immediately put down his doubts, and calmly dealt with the follow-up exercise list.

Montenegro Odyssey!

Montenegro Odyssey is no longer playing with North America. Although the opponent is still fighting the ice bear in the Black Sea, the two sides are in the same situation, but the location of the exercise, the Black Mountain Odyssey Sea and the Montenegro Odyssey Sanctuary, will pass through the Black Sea and cross the war zone in West Asia , and the Stan Five, carried out this exercise in the Tacheng area.

Wan Lao was a little worried: "The distance is nearly a thousand kilometers, and there are war-torn areas along the way, so I'm afraid that something will happen during the period."

"You always don't believe in the strength of Montenegro Odyssey. They can dominate the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea, and the Holy Church is as famous as the Heavenly Guard. How can you not have real skills."


The third day, September 5th.

France, Greece, the Emirates, the five Nordic countries...

fourth day.

The supreme chief of the non-regional alliance, leading two thousand black uncles, took the special flight from non-regional Tiancheng to the ALS ground effect transportation transfer station, and arrived in Huaxia.

Wan Lao gave a very high standard of hospitality to this 'great talent', the chief who ruled the non-region, and came to ALS to meet in person.

Ge Xiaotian must have come too.

Afterwards, everyone took a ground-effect transport plane to the desert town airport, and then changed to a desert bus to settle in the Western Tianwei Group resident.

The French, Greek and other exercise teams that arrived later also settled here.

The Nanyang Five-member group is practicing in Nanyun.

When the film and television are officially filmed, everyone has also allocated the military tents and related supplies that Tiancheng commissioned by Tianyu to distribute free of charge, and the production crew is all in place. Then everyone will do what they want...

On the way to the western Tianwei station.

Wan Lao couldn't help being puzzled in his heart, and quietly boarded Ge Xiaotian's special tua.


"What's the matter, old man?"

"Have you noticed that the skin color of this chief and those green clothes is the same as that of normal black people... It can't be said that it is not dark enough, it just feels weird."


Ge Xiaotian called out the on-board monitoring, switched to the follow-up bus, and carefully observed the burly supreme chief for a long time...

"No, they are all so dark, and when they smile, their teeth are so white, their hairstyles are the same, their language is authentic... You don't think they are fake, do you?"

"That's not the case. After all, there are official documents from the non-regional league."

"Yeah, such a big team, and they all bring real guys, who dares to drop the bag?"

"Okay, maybe I'm old, I've been tired recently, and I can't bear it."

"Then you have to take a good rest. Come, drink a bottle of brain-tonifying and kidney-tonifying liquid."

"If you dare to make this scene into an advertisement..."

"Look at what you said, how can I be so bad..."

Just when the grandfather and grandson were having fun.

The supervisor in green also boarded the Tua dedicated to Boss Ge.

"Leader, Xiaoge, have you noticed that these black people are a little strange?"

Wan Lao: "No, they are all so dark, when they smile, their teeth are so white, their hairstyles are the same, their language is authentic... you don't think they are fake, do you?"

"It's not that..."

After a while.

Three people, each with a bottle of brain and kidney invigorating liquid...


September 7th.

After the non-regional team settled down, personnel from France and other regions also arrived one after another by Tiancheng's special plane.

On the same day, the Ninja Alliance, which monopolizes Washima's security field, put pressure on Washima's board of directors in the name of worrying that the security industry would be monopolized by Tianwei Group in the future, and proposed to pay a fee to carry out exercises with the North American Huodun Security Group. In order to publicize the security forces of both sides.

Huo Dun Security Group saw that the two security giants were united and worried that their international business would be squeezed, so they readily agreed.

Wajima Board of Directors has no choice but to allocate funds...

When they heard that Tianyu was going to make a movie, the Ninja Alliance called on several major entertainment companies in Wajima to invest in this exercise, threatening to compete with Tianyu to the end.

This move was strongly supported by North American entertainment companies.

That night.

"Boss, is this money?"

"If someone invests, you have to do practical things, otherwise, what is the difference between cheating and abducting?"

"Ask the boss for instructions."

"What instructions can I give?"

"..." "How about setting up a studio, finding a crew, and arranging a famous director in that area..."

"Hey? This is fine, remember to call me back for review."

"Good boss!"

"Remember, don't smash your own signboard."

"For sure, the exercise is an exercise, and the filming is filming. The former is completed by us and Huo Dun's security guards, and the latter is completed by North American soldiers."



September 8th.

Teams participating in '03 - Joint Anti-K' arrived at the designated place one after another.

Including the lower reaches of the Nanyun Lancang River, the western AR training base, the western Tacheng area, Neobras, the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, and the northern waters of the Pacific Ocean.

This exercise continued the script written by Wan Lao: Boss Ge, the helm of NT, was hijacked by a gang of ruthless people, and was interrogated by advanced equipment to find out the enterprise key. He immediately issued an order to rescue Tianwei at all costs, with the intention of destroying the stability of the mother planet.

The plot is simple, but the exercises are not. It completely covers the three major areas of sea, land and air, and various tactics and strategies will be presented one by one.

They will even switch to outer space to conduct satellite confrontation warfare and moon base information warfare...


"Look, when it comes to the critical moment, you will lose the chain. Now you need a moon base, but you don't have one. You can't replace our red flag with your national flag, right?"

AR Training Base Management Office.

Facing the executives from all parties who came to the meeting, Ge Xiaotian was not stage-frightened, he cadenced, and knocked on the table in great disappointment, "However, after receiving the supplies tomorrow, I need to get used to it for a week, and now there is still time to book the moon base. In this way, on-site registration, I Give everyone a 10% discount, if you just plant a flag, a 50% discount..."

At this time.

Wearing neat green clothes, Wan Lao led several big men who shouldered the stars, very formally and seriously, entered the venue from the back door.

Seeing someone standing on the rostrum, vigorously promoting the moon base to overseas friends...

His face darkened.

"Why did this kid go up early?"

Host: "Leader, Mr. Ge said that you are unwell, and he will take care of the meeting... But now, I suddenly remembered the experience of the old stockholder who went to the capital to collect donations."

Wan Lao was also there at the time, so he didn't understand that someone was repeating the old trick and using it on himself.

"No wonder this kid suggested that several regions participate. It turns out that the bigger intention is here."

Supervisor in green: "Leader, I browsed the forum this morning, but I still don't understand what Mr. Ge's blog post means. Now I understand."

"Oh? What did he say?"

"When doing business, you must learn to use your network. For example, I have a group of friends who like to buy my things, but my friends' friends don't know that I am selling things. If you find an opportunity, let my friends invite my friends' friends , come out and sit together, the two sides become friends, and then let my friend of a friend of a friend invite my friend of a friend... In this way, when starting a business, there is a foundation of trust, and it can become bigger and stronger. And get the first batch of friends to help with the sales.”

"Isn't this fucking 'wearing'?"



Ge Xiaotian didn't know where to take out a water bottle of a suitable size, "Okay, let's talk about the construction of the moon base later. Today, it happens that everyone is here, so why don't you get to know it first, Tiancheng 101 Laboratory prepared the 04 New Armament of the Year."

The overseas bigwigs below heard the words and subconsciously sat upright.

Produced by 101 Lab, it must be a high-quality product.

Although the price is expensive, the design is advanced and the uses are wide. Even if you don't crack it, just simply imitate the function, you can still rank among the first-class military equipment on the mother planet.

"This is a military kettle, although it looks ugly, but its function..." Ge Xiaotian said, playing the projection.

on screen.

In the ice and snow, several Tianwei wearing constant temperature suits sat in the tent, holding water bottles to drink water.

Three days later, the water resource ran out.

A Tianwei grabbed snow and stuffed it into the kettle from the bottom...

The screen switches to the inside of the kettle.

Melt, filter, sterilize, filter, heat...

Steaming hot pure water was poured into the cup.

The screen switches again.

In the towering old forest, several Tianwei are marching.

Three days later, the water resource ran out.

A Tianwei took out a coin-sized object, turned it into a transparent bag while breathing, put a few handfuls of grass into it, and then connected it to the bottom of the kettle.

The next moment, dense drops of water appeared in the bag, turned the bag upside down, and the water drops entered the kettle, filtered, sterilized, filtered, heated...

The screen switches again.

In the swamp, Tianwei put the stinky water into the kettle. After a while, black waste was spit out from the bottom, dumped the kettle, and got a cup of pure water...

In the desert, Tianwei put the desert creatures into the kettle, and after a while, the bottom spit out the waste residue, dumped the kettle, and got a glass of pure water...

In the ocean, Tianwei filled the kettle with seawater...

In space, Tianwei poured urine into a kettle...

"What a mighty military jug!"

Ge Xiaotian held up the things in his hand, "The first batch of 50,000 sets, 500 red notes per set, will start to increase in price next year, so hurry up if you want to buy now."

Everyone below looked at each other in blank dismay.


Admiral Montenegro Odyssey raised his hand, "We want them all."

"Very good, we are all friends, no bidding, this batch of water bottles belongs to Montenegro Odyssey, and the money is paid for."

Ge Xiaotian put down the kettle, and somehow made out a curved metal rod, about five fingers long, but after rubbing it twice, the metal rod spread to both sides like a folding fan, and when the two sections were connected together, it immediately Form a container that resembles a wide funnel.

Ge Xiaotian clasped the edge of the funnel with both hands, pulled it outward, and the funnel deformed into an oval bowl.

"We all know that the battlefield is changing rapidly, and we may be cut off by the enemy at any time. Although we have food capsules...what? Some people don't even know what food capsules are? It's too backward, you can ask everyone sitting here , How many of them have not yet been equipped with food capsules? This is the main thing in the home planet's armament reform in 2003, especially the watermelon flavor."

"Okay, let's continue the topic just now."

"If the enemy cuts off the logistics and loses food, then..."

Ge Xiaotian took off the military boots he specially put on, cut off the heel with a military dagger, threw it into an oval metal bowl, poured some pure water from the military kettle, and stuck the bottom of the metal bowl on top of the kettle.

"Water vapor has the potential to give away where we are, so use a helmet to cover kettles and metal bowls."

five minutes later.

Ge Xiaotian held the metal bowl and walked down the rostrum. The general used a dagger as a clip, took out the heel of the cooked military boots, and ate it while saying: "Pure cowhide, the taste is set as early as the production, and it is cooked. Finally, it’s like eating tofu, one piece can last for a day.”

Everyone: "..."

"The main thing is this metal bowl. It can not only cook heels, but also cook all organic matter and turn them into food to solve hunger. Of course, this is just an emergency, so you can't eat more. If you are not eating cowhide for weapons, it is recommended to get out of danger After that, a full-body examination will be performed."

Ge Xiaotian put down his things, "The first batch of two million notes, 50 red notes per note, first come, first served."

"Mr. Ge, does this metal bowl have to be used with a military kettle?"


"But we don't have a kettle."

"Buy it back and put it away for now. The price will definitely increase next year. If you buy it now, isn't it the same as making money?"

"Are you afraid that we won't buy the kettle?"

"Ahem, don't make me so cunning, I'm doing it for everyone's benefit, after all, the price of steel is skyrocketing.

For example, a metal bowl sells for 50 red notes this year. If the price of steel doubles next year, the metal bowl will sell for at least 100 red notes.

I advise everyone to buy it now, isn't it equivalent to helping everyone save 50 red notes? "

Everyone: "..."

"No one buys it? Then sell it for 200 next year, buy it now, and save 150 red notes!"

Everyone: "..."

How the hell can you show your face again?

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