Build Madness

Chapter 935 Rest assured, we are professionals!

Although Ge Lao Er is not a person when he is black, he will not deceive people when doing business.

Just like last year, Daqin Bingfeng, under the instruction of the big boss, sold a large number of protective armor made of aerospace-grade ceramic materials that did not meet the experimental expectations, bound to agricultural machinery, and sold them to the "Nanyang Five" at a high price.

The latter was already very dependent on Tian Cheng financially, so he had no choice but to pinch his nose and admit it.

But then the Iraq war broke out...

Well, there are a few other factors to talk about.

In terms of arms procurement, North America has always liked to choose military enterprises with low quotations.

At the beginning of the establishment of North American soldiers, there was a clear regulation that each person can get a certain amount of "installation fee" every year, and it has continued to this day.

In other words, in addition to the standard weapons that must be issued by the government, if you want other auxiliary supplies, you can use the money to buy tactical equipment such as sights and cut-resistant gloves at the officially designated weapons store.

Of course, you can also buy underwear, snacks and so on.

After the outbreak of the Iraq War, North American soldiers suffered heavy losses.

When summing up the reasons, many grassroots soldiers found that the official bulletproof vests were completely useless in the confrontation with the Iraqi militia.

Later, it was discovered that an occasional piece of ceramic armor, which looked like fish scales and was rough in workmanship, but extremely thick, could effectively resist the firepower of the Iraqi militia.

Even after discovering a grenade, you can wear this armor and jump on it to avoid casualties of teammates with slight concussion injuries.

The grassroots soldier supervisor hurriedly contacted the mysterious arms dealer through the small advertisement posted on the scrapped telephone pole, and then learned that this armor was called the 'Dragon Scale Armor', and it was expensive to make. A single piece cost at least 100,000 Franklins, not including the shipping fee.

Originally, the grassroots soldier supervisors were very reluctant to buy. After all, the installation cost was only tens of thousands of yuan. Now they have to spend hundreds of thousands of yuan in one go, which is equivalent to two or three months of their own salary.

However, with the escalation of the war in Iraq, all logistics and transportation have been cut off, and it is about to be 'The end'...

hula la...

Dragon scale armor is on sale.

The Nanyang Five made a lot of money through Tiancheng transportation, and then they took the initiative to ask for goods...

Now on the battlefield in Iraq, if you don't have a piece of dragon scale armor, you will be headshot if you expose it for a second.

But wearing the dragon scale armor, not to mention being attacked, even if they swaggered to fetch water, the Iraqi militiamen would flee in terror as if they saw the "krypton gold boss" in the game...

A senior green-clothed director in North America even suspected that this thing had the hidden attribute 'Longwei'...

The North American officials also acquiesced to this matter after discovering that the 'prohibited purchase order' was invalid.

Of course, the above information was all provided by war reporters, and its authenticity is unknown.

But the 'Nanyang Five' did make a lot of money.

Thinking of this, the 'Stan Five', who are closest to the war-torn zone in West Asia and live a tight life, feel that they can sell metal bowls to North American soldiers trapped in West Asia.

Immediately realized again.

No wonder Montenegro Odyssey took down the military kettle without saying a word, and originally wanted to be a second-hand dealer.

Yes, using a kettle to get water from turf, and using a metal bowl to cook cowhide, won’t the trapped North American soldiers solve the material problem?

But here comes the problem.

With the ability to send over jugs and metal bowls, why not some food?

Before he had time to think about it, the highest African chief had already made an offer: "We want it all!"

Tajistan: "Brother, why do you want this?"

"Don't you know? The European Alliance and NATO have already intervened in the African Civil War, and we sold them!"


Seeing that the deal was concluded, Ge Xiaotian took out a walkie-talkie, "This is a 'jammer' with top-level encryption protocol and throat call function. Note that this interference is not an interference signal, but an interference with the magnetic field within a radius of two kilometers. Units that are disturbed will suffer from insomnia and become irritable, and if it goes on for a long time, they will be directly trapped to death."


Not only did the overseas bigwig below gasp, but even Wan Lao and the others, who were worried about delaying Boss Ge's business, changed their expressions.

"However, this device is in the experimental stage, and we don't have any defensive equipment to resist it. The normal way of use should be: I will sleep first during the day, and I will turn it on when you sleep at night. In this way, I will have more defenses than you." I slept for 12 hours, and then turned on the whole process to see who can't stand it first..."

Everyone: "..."

"Ahem, the price is 5000 red notes..."

Wan Lao stood with a little back pain: "Have you finished selling?"

"No, you will wait a moment."

As Ge Xiaotian said, he took out a stack of papers from his document bag, "This is a Tianwei security contract. After signing, pay the funds corresponding to the contract. In case of danger, no matter where you are, Tianwei will definitely protect you within three days. , to take you to a safe area.

Some people may say that this contract existed before.

But this year, due to the impact of wars in various places, we have made major adjustments to the content of the agreement.

Except for the evil ones, as long as you have money and can pay the rescue fee, Heaven's Guardian will surely reach! "

French military leader: "Mr. Ge, I wonder what this has to do with us?"

"Oh, you may be thinking, I have a gun, a cannon, and a powder machine, who would dare to trouble me?"

Ge Xiaotian lit a cigar, and Dao Shiyi hurriedly moved a chair, "But you have to see the situation clearly. Even if North America is mired in two major quagmire, how can you guarantee that you will not capsize in the gutter? Especially in the non-regional battlefield."

"What? You mean..."

"Well, if you lose the battle, we can bail you out."


In silence.

The 'Stan Five' who failed to grab the good stuff immediately stood up collectively, "Mr. Ge, we need a lot of blank contracts, and only 5% agency fee!"


When Ge Xiaotian was selling products...

the other side.

Western Tianwei Group resident.


In the desert, the most indispensable thing is land.

Therefore, the resident of the Western Tianwei Group covers a very vast area.

But the planning here is different from the AR training ground. Most of the buildings use concrete with high cost in the desert, and only a few use steel structures and desert glue.

The reason for this is mainly because of Tianwei's business needs.

That is fire and security.

There are training grounds corresponding to conventional residential buildings, office buildings, office buildings, large shopping malls, underground garages, bus stations, railway stations, and airports.

It can simulate 99% of the fires in the living area, and simulate all emergencies that the employer can encounter in any environment.

In addition, it is also equipped with electric boards, electric vehicles, motorcycles, fire trucks, various types of cars, helicopters, transport planes, two-legged equipment, and many construction machinery corresponding to rescue methods.

In addition to the standard equipment that can easily win the championship even if it is placed in the military equipment sequence, the Western Tianwei Group is like the row of red letters on the top of the tallest building, announcing to everyone at all times: Boss, don't worry, we are professionals!

In August, in order to cater to the tourism boom in the west, the national firefighting competition, shooting competition, ironman pentathlon, extreme rescue sponsored by Tianwei International were held here...

In the future, when the western region is fully opened up, practitioners in the field of fire protection and security in Huaxia can also come here to study, train, compete, promote their professional level, and improve their professional quality.

In order to accommodate more foreigners, Tianwei Group built a very large-scale dormitory building in the resident.

Most of these buildings adopt a one-bedroom, one-bathroom, six-person layout, or two-bedroom, one-living, one-bathroom, eight-person layout.

It can accommodate up to 100,000 people at the same time.

Recently, Tianwei Group is training the 20,000 security firefighters needed by Huo Dun Group to open up the South American arms market.

When receiving the task of entertaining the overseas exercisers of '03-Joint Anti-K', the general manager of Tianwei Group immediately ordered to stop the training camp, and embraced the distinguished guests who came from afar with the most enthusiastic service.

In the first two days, it was nothing more than a physical examination, and then I was brought to familiarize myself with the living environment.

But this morning...

When the French drillers rushed out of the dormitory building to prepare for the training camp, they were instantly stunned by the scene outside that was different from yesterday.


"Hmph, breathe out, use the nunchuck quickly..."

A brawny shirtless man almost danced two rubber sticks connected together, singing and shouting loudly: "It's cheap, good quality and cheap, functional, convenient and easy to carry nunchucks , On-site teaching, serious and responsible, special price 998 red notes, free full set of cheats!"



At the booth next to him, another muscular man was holding an iron object connected by nine metal bars, and it was crackling, "Nine-section whip, flexible and changeable, can be retracted and put away, on-site one-on-one teaching, serious and responsible , special price 2880..."

far away.

"The tiger is full of power, the red-tasseled spear..."

"Killing is invisible, Willow Leaf Dart..."

"Flying over the eaves and walls, a little light work..."

"Open the stele with bare hands, Iron Sand Palm..."

"Necessary for underwater use, turtle breath method..."

further afield.

The same scene was happening downstairs in the Green Clothes Dormitory in Greece.


Tianwei Group Office.

"General manager, if we do this, will the boss send us to the polar regions to catch fish?"

"I want to go, catch enough fish, and then I can hide under the covers and play games."


"Just kidding, we promote Chinese martial arts, which is equivalent to spreading Chinese culture. How can the boss punish us? Besides, this is a big deal. How much you come, how much you teach, how much you earn, is much easier than running to the battlefield to save people." gone."

"Can they learn?"

"We are professionals. We have real materials, and we are not cheating. As long as you teach carefully, if you can't learn it, it's poor comprehension. What does it have to do with us? I didn't say that it is a teaching or a meeting."


"By the way, all those who sign up and study hard will be awarded a non-classic martial arts certificate certified by Tiancheng's standard if they can perform one move and two moves at the end of the exercise... Don't write that they are not a classy martial arts certificate, but a junior martial arts certificate."

"Our family doesn't have this level, they are all black iron, bronze, silver..."

"That's right, so I write juniors. When they retire, they won't be able to find a job. With a green background and a strong physique, maybe they can use this kind of certificate to open a local martial arts gym for a living."

The general manager of Tianwei said and sighed, "Our boss really understands righteousness."

"Yes, serve every customer to the end."

"Let's learn from the boss... well, stop flattering, the boss is closed, the grandson of the No. 1 machine, even if he is sent to the moon, he will not live."

"It's sending the moon, so it spends its time making small reports every day!"



September 9th.

There is only one day left until the exercise begins.

Numerous supplies and military tents have arrived at various exercise locations one after another.

Like the Siberia training camp, the logistical supplies are handled by Neo Farm, most of the food is potatoes, and most of the drinks are kvass.

For the venues in the lower reaches of the Lancang River in Nanyun, Commodity International is responsible for logistics and supplies. Most of the food is rice, and most of the drinks are orange-flavored codes.

For the Tacheng-Hasa venue, Tacheng Tiancheng is responsible for the logistics and supplies. Most of the food is multi-grain bread, and most of the drinks are cantaloupe-flavored code.

Like the AR training ground in the west, Western Shacheng is responsible for the logistics supply. Most of the food is mass-produced lunch boxes, and most of the drinks are watermelon-flavored code and mineral water.

The reason for adding mineral water is because there is a lack of water here, such as washing, bathing, and washing clothes, mineral water will be used.

The provider must be a farmer who has grown bigger and stronger with Tiancheng, found endless water sources in the polar regions, and used Tiancheng's fleet to carry them.

For this reason, the farmer not only did not ask for payment for the goods, but also paid 200 million in advertising fees.

After all, this is an exercise that has caused a sensation in the world. After it starts, it will definitely be reported extensively by news media all over the world.

In addition, the mineral water is provided by the military, and the exercise will be made into an epic movie, two hundred million...

"It's a little less!"

After Ge Xiaotian sold the products, he stayed in the office opened by Tianwei in the AR training ground to handle the company's business. He was very dissatisfied with the advertising fee remitted by the farmer.

"Boss, they didn't know that it was going to be made into a movie."

"Oh? So, 200 million is quite a lot. Add a few shots to them, and try not to take pictures of bathing and washing clothes. The public officials in the province say that we are wasting water resources."


Dao Shishi sent a few messages, took the folder from the accompanying secretary, and flipped through it casually, "Boss, the Stan Five sold 50 contracts last night."

"The opponent is a North American soldier?"


"As expected, I have been sleepy for nearly three years. If I continue, I'm afraid they will all become crazy."

"I'm worried that if the Stan Five sold 2,000 copies, we will rescue 2,000 people. By then, there will be no trapped people in North America, and there will be no worries in the war-torn areas of West Asia."

"No, this means that the war in West Asia is over and ushers in a period of peaceful development. We will announce investment in West Asia to extend and consolidate the Westward Project... By the way, can we prevent a peaceful world?"

"It can prevent the opponent from using it, but it can't prevent it. If you want to defend it, you need to advance to the second-level cosmic civilization at least and obtain the 'phase field' technology, that is, use certain particles to attach to the surface of the vehicle. When attacked, the unit will activate Particles leave the current time and space, leaving a phantom to withstand the attack. When the attack is over, the unit uses the attack wave absorbed by the phantom to activate the particles again, leaving the unknown time and space, and returning to the original time and space.

This is a conventional defense technology of the second-level cosmic civilization. It can switch in milliseconds. Once it fails, it will be destroyed. But with this technology, there is no need for armor or anything, making the vehicle lighter.

Of course, the driver needs to have a strong physical fitness to resist the pulling force generated by the space switch, otherwise he will be pulled into powder. However, we are studying the energyization of AR projection. In the future, we can use remote control technology to achieve perfect driving. Phase field' tactics, every second, every second, unifies the real estate of the universe. "

"Wait, why do you know so much? I'm afraid Daoyi doesn't even know?"

"With you, my bragging skills are at full level."


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