Build Madness

Chapter 944 Set up a virtual machine for the system

In fact, Ge Xiaotian didn't believe in the 'Nuwa's Origin Theory', 'System Origin' and so on that Daoyi advocated.

Because the system personnel's existing world view is completely based on the system's reference to the human geography of this time and space, plus the things he, the system owner, knows in another time and space, and after synthesis, endow them with the 'memory'.

In addition to the template similar to the age of empires, the system is completed by him and monks from the database to the technology tree.

It can be said that everything in the system comes from this time and space, there is no real alien information, and there is nothing beyond human cognition.

Just like the "high-tech products" that can be exchanged in the building list, they are just optimized products based on the technology tree of the mother star.

In this way, it is not difficult to explain why the system will give the prompts of "star domain map 160 million years ago" and "the next level is the first level of cosmic civilization".

Because Dao made up the "Nuwa Origin Theory" and entered it into the system database.

Otherwise, why does the "star domain map 160 million years ago" given by the system be exactly the same as the background map of the fictional "Nuwa Origin Theory" in the 101 laboratory?

Ge Xiaotian also thought about the reason why Daoyi was so keen on exploring the universe that he even fabricated the 'Nuwa Origin Theory' based on his own speculation.

'Our goal is: the sea of ​​stars! '

As the number one boy of the scientific research team, under the influence of the system, Dao Yi must subconsciously think that the big boss wants to go to 'Stars and Seas'.

Of course, Ge Xiaotian never denied the existence of a higher level of civilization.

But the system didn't find any 'players' other than the countries on the home planet...

in addition.

With the development of his own technology, Ge Xiaotian gradually understood that the system is just a micro-end supercomputer that can perform AI calculations, comprehensive information processing, and simulated evolution of results.

At least the stone light machine matrix has these functions.

What's more, if the No. 1 machine can achieve "energy realization" and bind the user himself, it can also become a so-called "golden finger".

As for how the system came about...

Maybe it was when he traveled through a certain future time and space, he picked up a high-tech watch that can realize the energyization of AR phantom, and then it was strengthened by the space-time attribute and turned into a system.

Digital watch?

Well, that is, the black digital watch on his wrist that can crow.

As early as the beginning of time travel, Ge Xiaotian found it a little strange.

Because in his memory, he didn't have this thing at all.

Of course, it is also possible that the 'Ge Xiaotian' in this time and space was bought in advance.

But the problem is, from the analysis of the tape measure, to the analysis of the mixer, to the analysis of the triangular engine, to the analysis of the radio, the ternary computer, and the analysis of the current optoelectronic technology.

The system seems to be omnipotent, but it can't analyze this electronic watch, and it keeps saying 'insufficient technology'.

Obviously, this watch does not belong to the current time and space.

Ge Xiaotian also wanted to pick it off, but all methods failed.

Later, until he remembered that the town center could be rebuilt indefinitely, he realized that this was the basis of the system.

As for why Dao was allowed to do whatever he wanted.

As a scientific researcher, monks have to find a goal for them, and then work hard, so that they can learn the Dao 2 collectively, look for excitement when they have nothing to do, and drag the strong men to grab the territory.

It's really not easy being the boss.

Ge Xiaotian took the analyzed paper and sighed secretly. Although he knew that this upgrade was like connecting a stand-alone game to the Internet, it would inevitably fail, but he still pretended to think for a moment:

"Connect to the server? It's probably like you guessed before. This means linking to the universe network and proceeding as planned."

"Good boss!"

Daoyi led the way and called on the monks to activate the specially prepared VR world and the signal feedback device accompanying the server.

Ge Xiaotian returned to the town center very cooperatively, and selected the 'home star' in the system star field map again.

next moment.

A beam of light emerges from the center of the town, and is immediately captured by a pulsed laser array...

When the signal feedback device shoots out the light beam in the reverse direction and is received by the town center, the system immediately gives a prompt.

"Drip, connection failed, error code: 403.16."

Daoyi saw a prompt through the console of the town center, "Boss, I understand. The 'virtual machine' we created does not have a protocol certificate approved by the mastermind. This is easy to solve."

Hearing this sentence, Ge Xiaotian finally knew what the monks were doing.


Daoyi and the others also understand that it is impossible for the main brain to be connected to the 'cosmic network' they imagined.

But just like playing an online game, if a player owns a client and server, and possesses certain technologies, and successfully cracks the game source code, then he can use a 'virtual machine' to transform the game into a 'Network stand-alone version'.

This is the so-called 'private server'.

If it is done in reverse, adding a virtual machine to the stand-alone game can constitute a 'local area network game'.

Of course, Daoyi and others cannot get the highest authority of the system, they just make the 'system' mistakenly think that they are connected to the server.

"So, if we succeed, we will be able to make mods for the main brain later."

Mod, in simple terms, is to change the texture of the game, add weapons, extend the map, and even write a new plot to improve the gameplay and playability.

In another time and space, there are countless games where the original game is not popular, but the mod makes it popular.

Daoyi heard the words and put down the work at hand, "Boss, the mastermind is in reality. If you make a mod, let alone the architectural changes caused, if there is a deviation in that place, maybe everything about the mastermind will disappear."

"got it!"

Ge Xiaotian nodded, knowing in his heart that Daoyi was talking about the crash of the game, "Then you all work hard!"


the next day.

October 14th.

After the monks adjusted the server parameters, Ge Xiaotian determined the position of the home planet again.

This time is different from before.

A blue beam shoots out and the server responds.

"Drip, connect to the alien network, start scanning..."

"No players found..."

"Hey, you have reached the promotion conditions, the system is updated..."

When the reminder fell, the VR world constructed by Daoyi and the others appeared in Ge Xiaotian's vision.


"Drip, failed to obtain information, please complete the information and technology tree required by the first-level cosmic civilization as soon as possible."

"The upgrade is successful, and the fourth anniversary reward will be issued in 18 hours."

"Building list update..."

"Energy List Update..."

After the system prompt is over, Ge Xiaotian opens the main page.

In the top box, the seven types of resources remain unchanged: food, wood, stone, iron ore, special metals, electricity, and photoelectric cores.

In the lower right corner of the field of view, there is an additional card slot, which is called: the storage capacity of the energy block, which is currently zero.

In the building list, the previous functional buildings remain unchanged, but in the photoelectric technology category, two additional columns of gray icons are added.

Plasma Technology: Plasma Generating Devices, Plasma Launching Devices, Plasma Engines, Plasma Shields, Plasma Concentrating Devices, Plasma Research Centers...

Photon Technology: Particle Accelerator Tube, Photon Kinetic Energy Laboratory, Photon Collider, Photon Radiation Device...

In the exchange list, only a set of powered mechanical exoskeleton equipped with plasma technology requires the price of a space shuttle.

Of course, if it is replaced with energy blocks, only 500 pieces are needed.

But now even photoelectric cores can't reach mass production, let alone energy blocks that have no clue.

Ge Xiaotian felt that his steps were too big, and he was a little bit involved with his younger brother.

Fortunately, these things are hardly needed now.


After the upgrade was successful, Daoyi and the others were extremely excited even though they knew that all the new technologies had been frozen by the system.

They put on VR helmets one after another and entered the other world.

Before Ge Xiaotian could ask, the system prompt sounded again.

"Drip, you activated the particle accelerator tube..."

"Hey, you activated the photon collider..."

"Drip, you have figured out how to make energy blocks..."

"Drip, you activated the plasma generator..."



Seeing that the gray list gradually turned into color and more new units popped up, Ge Xiaotian was startled.

As soon as Dao exited the world in VR, he couldn't wait to hear: "What's going on?"

"In the VR world, we are gods. As long as the theory is correct, we can construct corresponding things in the virtual world, and then through the false cosmic network, let the master brain scan products that cannot be created in reality. Once successful, the master brain can Activate the corresponding technology tree.

The main brain has the functions of correction, optimization, and improvement. In this way, we save the "development" process and directly obtain the corresponding technology. "

"Can you still play like this?"

Ge Xiaotian blinked, "So, if I construct a flying saucer in the other world, the main brain can also build it for me?"

"Do you have the correct UFO theory?"


"It's just a trick. For example, the 'anti-gravity device', 'H fusion technology', etc., whose authenticity cannot even be confirmed theoretically, are almost impossible to be included by the mastermind."

"All right."

Ge Xiaotian flipped through the brand new exchange list, "By the way, what are energy blocks?"

"These three words seem bluffing, but they are actually just devices that can store a large amount of energy. They need to match our technology tree to be recognized by the mastermind.

We plan to use photoelectric technology to make 'radioisotope battery', also called 'decay energy-light energy-electric energy' energy block.

At present, both North America and our country have developed the 'plutonium-238 isotope battery'. Based on this, it is only a matter of time before we use radioactive photons to produce 'decay energy-light energy-electric energy' energy blocks. "

"what is the benefit?"

"An energy block the size of a can can provide the fourth-generation mechanical exoskeleton constant temperature suit with the power to work continuously for a year."


"This is not the point. If there are enough energy blocks, the space shuttle's power plant in outer space will be reduced by hundreds of times, and the extra space can be used to carry cargo."

"So, the size of the launch vehicle will also be greatly reduced?"

"The theory is yes. The jet speed of ion electric propulsion is hundreds or even thousands of times higher than that of chemical rockets. Therefore, the specific impulse of plasma engines is extremely high, which can reach more than 30000S. For chemical rockets, it is completely crushing level, but The thrust of this type of engine is extremely small, chemical rockets are measured in kilonewtons, and ion engines are measured in millinewtons. Therefore, at present, ion thrusters are only suitable for outer space, and the more common ones are Hall thrusters."

"You are busy, I will withdraw first."

Seeing that the content of the chat was getting more and more profound, Ge Xiaotian hastily resigned.


After working for half a month, the company affairs piled up.

Ge Xiaotian returned to the office of the chairman of the Vocational University, and dozens of secretaries waited in line.

"Boss, the Siberian Gas Company has already laid the main gas pipeline to Tacheng. Should we do the follow-up work ourselves, or leave it to Huaxia Energy Construction?"

"Has the VR training ground project been completed?"

"No, it will take another two months."

"Then hand over the project to Huaneng."

"170 billion budget?"

"Let CNOOC come out, after all, they are the operator."

"But CNOOC doesn't have so much money."

"CNOOC doesn't have it, but Huaxia Head Office has it. The old money will definitely get a loan... In this way, let Tianrong try to see if it can win this loan project. If it can, when CNOOC still doesn't pay the loan, we will Get the energy supply station back."


The reporter left, and another secretary stepped forward: "Boss, the Hanzhong Expressway project under the charge of Datai Road and Bridge is about to be completed. Chairman Teddy invites you to attend the commissioning ceremony on the 11th of next month. Mr. Yu will also attend."

"Old Yu is going too? Then I won't go."


"You can't steal the boss's limelight. By the way, what is the progress of the Shuangjiang Parallel Project over there, that is, the new canal project?"

"Just sorted out Hanshui, the completion rate is 12%."

"It's too slow, send Black Tiger to support."

"Boss, Mr. Zhu was arranged by you to Beihe, and now Heihu is in charge of earthwork."

"Then urge the person in charge of the new canal project to increase the progress to 25% by the end of the year, or... let him see if the moon is round."

"Uh... ok."

The third secretary: "Boss, the mines in Nyoblas, Okhotsk, Yakutia, and Magadan Forest have been hit by a cold current and have decided to close early this year."

"Have they completed their tasks this year?"

"Overfulfilled, the volume of wood delivery is 260% of last year, the volume of ore delivery is 510% of last year, potatoes..."

"Let's take a vacation, remember to settle the salary, the province's Mokos said we are not authentic."

"Year-end awards?"

"Each person has a VR glasses. It's freezing cold over there. Instead of going out to suffer, it's better to play VR games at home."

"The smart card Maozi uses doesn't support VR."


"However, a large number of domestic users have replaced the mate series of smart cards, and returned a large number of SG smart cards, which support VR. If they are refurbished and shipped over, they can also be used as year-end bonuses."

"Ok, deal."

The fourth secretary: "Boss, the VR virtual industry is getting cold, and the players in the world are losing rapidly."

"Normally, now is not a good time to promote VR. We can attract so many consumers during the 11.11 Golden Week. It is entirely due to the unfounded alien civilization and cheap VR glasses. When VR consumers find out that this is actually a game , everything is fiction, and he will definitely scold me and leave angrily."

"But if this continues, it will be equal to the client resources of Tianyu International."

"No, the skyrocketing number of VR users, the moisture is too high, evaporates and evaporates, leaving loyal users, which can be regarded as laying the foundation for the virtual industry, and when the next generation of VR hardware makes breakthroughs, the lost VR users are still Will be back, otherwise who would buy a new VR device?"

Ge Xiaotian dealt with a few urgent matters, and signaled that Eleven would take care of the rest. He was just about to go back to his room to rest, and by the way, he could appreciate the sci-fi weapons of the first-level cosmic civilization. Through the office window, he suddenly saw several familiar figures from far and near. .

Can't help rubbing my eyes:

"My darling, my five little pink pigs have grown so big!"

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