Build Madness

Chapter 945 Those Things in the Vocational University City

After the five little pink pigs resigned from Tiancheng, they followed Li Xiuxiu to start a business.

Later, "Splendid Huaxia" was established, and they were sent to Beihe, Dongshan, Nanhe, Jianfu, and Nanyun respectively to be in charge of stores.

Although he is young, under the influence of Tiancheng's corporate culture, he has done well.

Now that three years have passed, the five of them have faded from their innocence, exuding a youthful and fashionable atmosphere all over their bodies, which made Ge Xiaotian suddenly feel like "a family with children who are just growing up".

Watching the other party walk into the office, he couldn't help but smile like an old father.

"It's not easy for the five of you to get together, why are you still here?"

The little girls also didn’t come out, watching the secretary who was reporting work leave, some serving tea and pouring water, some watching the bookshelves, some admiring the potted plants, some experiencing the AR two-way projection device, one of them waved his fist, serious with a small face Said: "Come to the vocational college for training and study. The most important thing is that we bear the heavy responsibility given by the boss lady, check the post!"

"Hey, let's check it out. I still have something to do, so I'll go first."

"Don't, Uncle Ge, we're actually here to treat you to dinner."

Ge Xiaotian didn't care about Uncle Ge's title, and said with a smile: "Eat? Three meals a day, every meal is delicious, what can I invite?"

"We sisters invite, the meaning must be different."

"Oh? Let's hear it."

"It's to thank you for your kindness in cultivating us."

"Hey, you've really grown up, and you've even learned the ways of the world."

"Where is it... are you going?"

"Where are you going?"

"We have prepared a big meal at the newly opened Splendid Huaxia branch in the East District."

"Hehe, I suspect that you are using me to gain popularity!"

"Don't be so scheming, our store has already been on the right track."

"Then... let's go!"


Seeing that Ge Xiaotian agreed, the little girls scrambled to help get the coat, tidy up the shoes, chatter, discuss the texture of the clothes, the size of the shoes...

This scene is like returning to the sales office of Crescent Landmark in Xiangxian County.

Ge Xiaotian asked consciously: "Are you all doing well at work?"


"Are you still kidding me?"

"Hey, it's impossible to be successful in sales. However, we encourage each other and exchange experiences with each other. Now we can handle most of the problems encountered by the store with ease."

"Since this is the case, then you all should go back to Tiancheng and become the person in charge of the county-level sales office."

"County-level sales office? Doesn't it mean that we have been downgraded?"

"Where is the downgrade? Let me ask you a question. Take Beihe's Splendid Huaxia as an example. What was the sales volume last year?"

"Twenty-three million."

"Are there a lot? Do you know how much the sales of a county-level Xingyue Bay in Tiancheng are?"


The little girls had all worked in sales offices before, so they didn't know how much a real estate could sell for, and fell silent when they heard the words.

"The purpose of sending you to Splendid Huaxia is for training. Now that you have finished your studies, return to the headquarters and start at the grassroots level. With the experience you have accumulated, I believe that you will soon be among the middle and high-level managers of Tiancheng Real Estate Group.

Besides, selling ancient clothes is the same as selling a house. If you don’t try it, how can you prove your sales ability? The most important thing is that the salary of the person in charge of the sales office is dozens of times that of yours now. "

"A car and a house?"

The little girls who were a little bit excited at first turned green with fright when they heard this sentence, and shook their heads in unison, "No, no, let's stay in Jinxiu Huaxia to sell ancient costumes."


Seeing that he messed up the matter, Ge Xiaotian took a deep breath, "Let's go, let's eat."


Western United Vocational University has nearly 500,000 teachers and students. In order to provide food, clothing, housing and transportation, Western Tiancheng Group has set up many consumption places in the dormitory area in addition to the school cafeteria.

Including restaurants, barber shops, pedicure shops, hardware stores, small commodity supermarkets, 24-hour convenience stores...

These industries are all given to the students.

For example, the dean is the boss, the tutor is the store manager, and the students conduct sales, replenishment, market research, etc.

It can be said that every dormitory area is a mature 'community'.

And such as electricity, water conservancy, elevator maintenance, repair, etc., are all taken care of by students.

Therefore, there are also "house committees" similar to neighborhood committees, and iron rice bowls for internships arranged by superiors.

In short, this is the 'vocational university'.

As long as you graduate, you are not afraid of not being able to find a job.


Considering career promotion and post change, Western Tiancheng Group introduced many large companies with different operation models and types of operation to the university town.

Among them, in the catering category, there are Guyue Hotel, Sports Holiday Hotel, Sofitel Hotel of Accor Group, North American West Chain Hotel, Nanyang Taimei Bangkok Hotel, German Kempinski Hotel...


Ge Xiaotian rushed to 'Western Splendid Huaxia', and witnessed the 'Dark Cuisine' made by five little pink pigs, as well as several clerks with dark lips and drips, and turned around to lead them to the dining area.

"Uncle Ge, this is too much!"

"If you can't bear to look at it, how can you eat it?"


"Let's go, I invite you today."

"What to eat?"

"Seventy-two residences of famous springs."

'Famous Spring Seventy-two Houses' is an industry that Lao Yao invested in the Western United Vocational University after the four-star Huangtai of Jifu was promoted to five-star.

It is also a hotel chain.

Walking into the hall, you will be greeted by the jingle of spring water and the profound ancient Chinese culture.

If placed in summer, in this boundless desert, the senses are particularly strong.

"Hello, Mr. Ge!"

Although there are not many customers in the university town now, after the subsequent opening, it will definitely serve as a habitat for tourist groups.

Therefore, interns are already on the job.

As Ge Xiaotian walked, he ordered: "Find a room at random, and tell the back kitchen to cook some special dishes, especially those that girls like to eat."

"Okay, this way please."

Famous Spring Seventy-Two Houses, as the name suggests, the rooms inside all use the names of Jifu springs.

Of course, there are also many artistic conception rooms created with ancient poems and paintings.

The reception arrangement is: 'The lonely smoke in the desert is straight, and the sun is setting in the long river'.

The time and the occasion.

The five little girls have experienced well in Splendid Huaxia, and they are completely suitable for such high-end occasions.

No need for a waiter, do it yourself.

Organize the tableware, unpack the napkins, sober up the wine...

"Why? We're here for dinner, sit down."

"Uncle Ge, this is a way for us to thank you."


Before, Ge Xiaotian didn't feel any better, recalling "dark cuisine" and thinking about this sentence, he suddenly became uneasy, "Will you take me to climb the mountain later?"

"Huh? How do you know? There is Crescent Lake in the south, which is located on the sand hill. It is a famous natural wonder in the west. We thought we would go and see it together after dinner."

'I'm afraid you're going to push me down...'

Ge Xiaotian waved his hands, "Sit down and tell me about the interesting things you have encountered in the past few years."


After a meal until the evening, the host and guest had a good time.

After sending the little girls back to the dormitory, Ge Xiaotian strolled downstairs in the girls' dormitory, and happened to see the ambulance of Qingshan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

It was originally just an exercise, but the iron rice bowl of the official internship seemed to have quarreled with the teachers and students of the academy.

One of the representatives of the iron rice bowl said angrily: "Rescue belongs to rescue, but we can't be divorced from reality. Let alone the speed of the ambulance, there is a big problem in making an emergency call. You think everyone will Do you want to call 120? No, in fact, when many people are seriously ill, the first thing they think of is going to the hospital instead of calling an ambulance. In addition, in towns and villages, people dare not call 120, especially when the siren is sounded. Eight villages from ten miles came to watch, in other words, the sick people are afraid of shame."

"What's there to be ashamed of? Seeing a doctor when you're sick, first aid for a serious illness, it's a matter of course."

"You don't understand the world at all... What about the instructor, I request that the content of the first aid drill be based on actual cases!"

"The tutor is having a meeting in the central hall, so I can't make it for the time being."

see this.

Ge Xiaotian stepped forward, "According to the director of the district committee, start the exercise again, what's wrong with 'sick number'?"

"Perforation of the appendix due to acute appendicitis."

"The area?"

"Niujiagou next to Damiao Town in Beihe."

Ge Xiaotian took out the smart card and locked the location through the map, "The ambulance of Damiao Town Hospital?"

"No, there is only one clinic in Damiao Town."

"Then... the patient is dead."


"Our ambulance really can't make it through. Even if we use the nearest rescue helicopter, it will take an hour, and an hour... the appendix is ​​perforated, and the patient can't last that long."


"Besides, that area is very backward. There is no telephone in Niujiagou. According to the running speed of the villagers, it will take an hour and a half to reach Damiao Town. That is to say, such cases will never occur. Funeral news."


"The director of the district committee is right, the exercise must be in line with reality. Of course, in fact, Niujiagou has collectively migrated to Shacheng in the west, this natural village has completely disappeared, and Damiao Town, due to the shrinking population, has been merged into Chengde Expressway Industry Park, and therefore, there are problems in this case.”

Ge Xiaotian put down his smart card, "Besides, township residents are indeed afraid to make emergency calls, as the director of the district committee said, because they are afraid of spending money, and they are afraid of losing face.

And what we have to do now is to tell everyone that from this year onwards, first aid will be free for all major and sudden diseases, and we will let residents dare to call for emergency services. "


After leaving the dormitory area.

Ge Xiaotian returned to the office, passed the highest authority, and entered the large database controlled by the Nine Institutes.

In fact, reality is harsher than the students' drills.

Among the death cases, about 78% of the patients died on the way to the hospital.

Or the treatment was delayed, or the condition was aggravated by the bumps, or the wrong displacement occurred during the period...

"We still have a lot to do."

Dao Shishi replied: "Boss, don't have to do this. From the standpoint of human ethics and morality, if you are sick, you really should be treated, otherwise it will cause a family to be torn apart.

But if you look at it from another aspect... It's hard to say. For example, in a certain family, there are three brothers and the old mother is seriously ill. This is a rare incurable disease, but if it is sent to the emergency care unit, it can Sustained by medical equipment for half a year.

The three brothers are farming at home, and they are helped by the people in the town center. Compared with before, their lives have improved slightly, and each family has about 20,000 yuan in savings.

But the old mother is seriously ill, and the intensive care unit needs 2,000 yuan a day for half a year, plus some special drugs, the total cost is 360,000 yuan.

Importantly, townships do not have medical insurance.

That is to say, if it cannot be cured in the end, the three brothers will be burdened with debts.

Moreover, affected by the epidemic, the three brothers were prohibited from entering the intensive care unit, unable to see their old mother, and even at the end of their lives, they could not say goodbye.

This is the result of advanced medical treatment.

If the medical facilities were not advanced and the old mother had no treatment plan, she would not have spent so much money, and the three brothers would not be burdened with debts.

Then comes the most important question, we have an advanced medical system, if you are one of their brothers, should you save or not? "


"This is a real case. In the end, the old mother drank dichlorvos, but the rescue failed and she died."


"Boss, the reality is cruel. What we can do is not first aid, nor to obtain higher medical technology, but to guarantee that everyone can afford medical care."

"I see."

Ge Xiaotian nodded, "But this matter cannot be settled overnight, and Tian Cheng... Well, our strength is still very weak."

"That's why the superiors will spare no effort to support vocational universities."


Ge Xiaotian looked through the cases in the large database again, "How many domestic students have the medical school enrolled this year?"

"About six thousand five hundred."

"Where's Tiancheng Technical High School?"

"About 127,000."

"Now in October... there are still two months to get the enrollment target, but if we offer correspondence undergraduate medicine, can we expand the enrollment?"

"tuition fee?"

"It's the same as Tiancheng Technical Secondary School, 1200 per semester, and there will be various rewards for completing the internship tasks during the school. In general, you can earn about 600 per month."

"The problem is that there are not so many internship tasks in Tiancheng High School in the west."


Ge Xiaotian thought about it carefully, "If the Tiancheng Technical Secondary School Internship Medical Assistance Station is established based on the Limin Activity Center, will things have a great turnaround?"

"It is reasonable to say that with the reduction of operating costs, medical expenses will also be greatly reduced. Things will indeed turn around, but... you will touch the interests of many people. Now we promote the Tiancheng Standard, which has offended many people. There are Wan Lao, the director They didn't dare to stand up for a long time. To put it bluntly, Wan Lao is already eighty-six. If there is no brain-tonifying and kidney-tonifying liquid, the flag may be lowered to half-mast soon, and the chairman is not like Mr. Yu, who can do everything. It’s a word of speech. In addition, this exercise, only four military directors came, and the other six have a lot of relationship with Zhao’s old boss.”

"Boss Yu played chess with Father Zhao, where did he go?"

"Immediately 'general', and even forced the person who instructed Zhao's father to play chess, to attack the general directly."

"As expected of being older than..."

Ge Xiaotian pondered for a moment, "The completion of the Hanzhong Expressway, Teddy has nothing to do, why not add troops to the Datai Road Bridge and let Teddy take over the new canal project, so as to speed up the progress of the entire project."

"what do you mean?"

"Teddy invited Lao Yu to participate in the trial opening of the Hanzhong Expressway, and the latter readily accepted. The two of them are already familiar with each other. If the Datai Road Bridge is in charge of the new canal, then invite Lao Yu to participate at that time, isn't that equal to Lao Yu's achievements? ?”

"not enough."

"I imagined a conceptual bridge for Fengdu before. Now that I have advanced to the first level of cosmic civilization, it should be able to be built, right? In addition to the Tianfu Group's Fengdu Xingyue Bay and the role of the new canal, it can completely form the Southwest Economic Circle, and all of these , are all old."

"Boss, to be honest, Mr. Yu doesn't want to be a 'general' right away, or rather, he doesn't want to start a confrontation with Zhao's father at this stage. The reason why he bites Zhao's father and doesn't let go is entirely because he wants to protect the property you have set up in Fengdu. Now, You gave Yu Zong a loss of grades, which is tantamount to adding fuel to the fire, Yu Zong... may not be happy."

"Thinking about what his daughter did, I'm happy."


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