Build Madness

Chapter 947 The Fourth Anniversary Gift Package

When the outside world was talking about Tiancheng's Sixth Announcement, Ge Xiaotian was also busy making up his homework in his office.

No way, he couldn't understand the list of brand-new technologies defined by monks as 'first-level cosmic civilization'.

Although I understand what is electricity, what is light, and what is magnetism, when these things are combined...

God knows what it is.

So, Dao Yi came to be the teacher.

"In physics, all particles with electric charges are called charged particles. It can be negatively charged, positively charged, or uncharged. Uncharged is called 'neutral'. It can also be subatomic particles, or ions. .”

"Based on the above, a cloud of charged particles, or a gas with a certain proportion of charged particles, would be called a plasma."

"If you can control the trajectory of the gas, or accelerate it, or add physical properties to it, it becomes a plasma weapon."

"Based on the above, when the sun's surface is active, especially during the sunspot maximum period, the number of flares on the sun's surface will also increase, and the flares will radiate X-rays, ultraviolet rays, visible light and high-energy protons and electron beams. Among them, the current formed by charged particles (protons, electrons) impacts the magnetic field of the parent star, triggering short-wave communication, which is called a magnetic storm.”

"If we use plasma weapons to impact the magnetic field in a certain area of ​​the mother star, it can destroy the communication system and power system in the area, and even affect the attitude of the satellite, disturbing the animals that navigate through the geomagnetic field, such as pigeons. In this way, the enemy's power is paralyzed, The flying pigeons make the aircraft that ignore the magnetic explosion dare not voice control, this is the 'magnetic explosion armament'."

"When the magnetic explosion is brewing to a certain extent, it will form the same frequency resonance with the biological organs, causing the biological organs to deform, displace, and rupture, and then cause mass destruction. H Armed."

"Let's go back to charged particles again."

"If we can control the speed of charge movement through insulators and superconductors, so that it can be stabilized in a specific area, this forms an 'electrostatic field'."

"When a charged object, or conductor, enters this area, the electric field strength in this area will instantly exceed the value set by us, and the charges bound by us will be forced to flow, eventually causing the dielectric breakdown effect, which can be Allowing individuals to carry out small-scale passive attacks or small-scale active defenses of 'static field armament' can achieve the effect of 'physical attack immunity' for 1 to 3 seconds."

"Similarly, to excite charged particles in the 'topological insulator'... Oh, topological insulator is the reward given by the system when you are in the center of the fifth-level town, and it is also the main application material of the first-level cosmic civilization. We have mastered it now."

"'Topological insulators are insulated internally and conductive on the surface. If we excite charged particles and make them dissociate rapidly around the periphery of things constructed by 'topological insulators', such as mechanical legs, mechanical exoskeletons, super pandas, etc., they can form 'electric shields' ', however, we prefer to call it an 'energy shield', because it takes energy to excite charged particles, and as long as the energy is sufficient, we can achieve 'invincibility'."

"But it's a pity that even an 'energy block' that can make the mechanical exoskeleton last for a year can only support a unit of the same size. When the energy shield is activated for 300 seconds, that is five minutes."

"Of course, in air combat, with the characteristics of the Super Panda Kai, we can implement 'impact' tactics."

"The above are the main technologies of the first-level cosmic civilization...Boss, wake up."


Ge Xiaotian wiped the corner of his mouth, "Finished?"

"How much have you heard?"

"I've been listening."


"Then, here comes the problem. In addition to using the same frequency resonance, these things can intercept magnetic particles from the earth's core and internal magnetic particles, so as to stabilize the geomagnetism, disperse the ionosphere, and resist infrasonic waves, thereby weakening the magnitude of earthquakes and avoiding Our property is destroyed once, what else is there to help our company?"

"Boss, this alone can make projects that we were unable to construct before, such as the Fengdu Bridge, which is easily torn apart by geological disasters, and the Yinshan Bridge under construction, as stable as Mount Tai. What else are you going to tear down and install construction machinery?"

"That plasma generator, can it drive piles?"


"Don't go, let's talk a little more."

Ge Xiaotian watched Dao push the door and leave, chattering, "Actually, I'm very interested in that 'photon shaping' technology. Light guns and lightsabers are all tricks. If we can use it in excavator buckets On the other hand, the mining speed will increase by N times!

Moreover, although we don’t need to repair the bucket, we can just renew it directly, but the refurbishment needs to be transported to the repair factory, and transportation costs will be incurred during the period, and the bucket, rotary knife, cutting knife, grinding knife, etc. are all large items, and every year The transportation costs are in the hundreds of millions.

And if your research and development is successful, the money saved will be the scientific research funding of your aerospace department. "

"You're thinking about shit."


You are awesome!

Ge Xiaotian watched as Daoyi took the initiative to get into the 'super centrifuge', and turned his head to look at Daoxi.

The latter shivered, "Boss, it's time to take medicine."


"No, it's time."

"Wait for me to come back!"

Ge Xiaotian boarded the special tua and went straight to the center of the town.

Not long.

Jump out of the system virtual box in front of you, and start to make statistics that have not been done for two years after leaving the novice period.

The list is almost the same as before, except that the numbers are all 99+.

"Hey, congratulations on surviving two years in the non-protection period."


"The reward is being drawn... Congratulations, you have won the optical core manufacturing plant."

"nice one!"

Ge Xiaotian sighed consciously.

Since being promoted to the fifth-level town center, most of Daoyi's time was wasted on making optical cores by hand.

Now there is a manufacturing plant, which not only means that the scientific research force has been liberated, but also means that more industries of the company have realized intelligent automation.

Ge Xiaotian was content to close the system page, but he didn't think about it, and the prompt popped up again.

"Fourth anniversary gift package, choose one of four."

"One, the USS Thor aerospace warship, which can realize the function of aerosol in the air, and has a powerful protection system, worth about 25 million special metals."

"Second, the C-class Scarlet Star Destroyer, the first-class cosmic civilization flagship aircraft and command center, can realize orbital attack and orbital counterattack... worth about 30 million rare metals."

"Three, the Raging Flame C-class assault ship, marching into the main unit on the surface of the alien planet, has a powerful attack system, and is worth about 28 million special metals."

"Fourth, the gravitational wave conversion device, a defective product, the technology tree is not complete, only 25% of the functions are left, and the total value is 32 million special metals."

"System, you know my temper, you either don't want it, or you want it all."

"Do you want to give up the four-year anniversary gift package?"


Ge Xiaotian was silent for a moment, and contacted Daoyi who got into the super centrifuge.

The other party is not stupid, and the boss is not here, so he will definitely not suffer in it.

The video was connected, and Dao Yi was sitting in the chairman's office, tasting the 'ball tea' sent by the old village head.

Ge Xiaotian didn't hesitate, and reported the four black technology products one by one.

Dao Yi replied without hesitation: "Boss, space battleships are useless. If they run out of energy, they are just targets in the air. And the speed of the Class C Star Destroyer of the first-level cosmic civilization has not reached the third cosmic speed. Even The aircraft heading to Ceres is not comparable. We can build it if we want, and we don’t have to choose. As for the assault ship... In fact, its two legs are its foundation. As long as we have money and enough rare metals, we can do the same. Made. So..."

"Choose a defective product?"

"What's a defective product? That's a gravitational wave conversion device. Another name is 'gravitational wave anti-gravity device'. It is a real anti-gravity device that is different from a propulsion-type anti-gravity machine. If we can crack, improve, and imitate it, two legs You can have your upper body, and the 'mecha' you spent billions of dollars to build two years ago can also run!"

"No, logically speaking, the mastermind actually doesn't have alien technology, and all the technology trees come from the parent planet, and then they are optimized and improved. If there are defective products, it means...there are also such things overseas?"

"Certainly, Einstein predicted in 1916 that accelerated masses might have gravitational waves.

In 1956, Pirani proposed a definition of gravitational waves that has nothing to do with the selection of the coordinate system.

In 1957, Bundy went on to theoretically prove the existence of plane gravitational waves that have nothing to do with the selection of the coordinate system.

In 1959, Bundy, Pirani and Robinson further proved that stationary objects would move under the action of gravitational wave pulses, thus indirectly proving that gravitational waves carry energy and can be detected.

In 1992, the Boeing Group hired Podkretnov, an ice bear material expert, who invented a device that could shield the impact of gravity.

In the same year, Podkretnov of the Tampere University of Technology in Finland published a paper proving that a superconductor placed in high-speed rotation (lost resistance at extremely low temperature), an object on it will lose nearly 2% of its energy. weight.

So far, the weight of the gravitational wave antigravity device has been offset, reaching 2%.

In 1999, the NA Space Agency of North America paid US$600,000 to Superconducting Components Co., Ltd. of Columbus, Ohio, to manufacture the device used by Podkletnov, and hired the ice bear man as a technical consultant.

In 2002, we incorporated this technology into the main brain.

Although the final gravity offset ratio is only 5%, but the mastermind can achieve optimization, it is entirely possible to make the technology reach 25%... In other words, it is worth 32 million special metals, nearly 500 billion red notes, how expensive it is! "

"How much revenue does it generate?"

"See how you operate. If we sell this thing to North America, we can double the profit in an instant. After the other party's research is thorough, we will take the technology back and enter this gravitational wave technology with a 25% offset rate into the main brain again. The main brain Optimize and strengthen, maybe we will have a gravitational wave anti-gravity technology with a cancellation rate of up to 50%."


Around that time, Ge Xiaotian was called "Ge Heizi" by the hostile outside world, and he was also stunned by Daoyi's brain circuit.

"Of course, in order to avoid 'meat buns beat dogs and never return', we must activate the 'core code' of the Tiancheng Aerospace Department and go to North America as a female high-achieving student."

"The sacrifice is too great."

Ge Xiaotian shook his head and refused.

The Five Eyes Alliance arranged spies and agents for Tiancheng, but they didn't know that when the town center was in the fourth level, the corresponding unit appeared in the system personnel list.

Although it is different from the spies in the Red Alert, but... Yuri-level spies, it is really too big.

As long as the 'own spy' identity is not activated, the spy belongs to the opponent's personnel.

And once activated, the spy will 'wake up' and... do things.

As for how much was sent...

Ge Xiaotian couldn't count by himself.

All I know is that the gold required to summon and activate a spy is ten times that of a monk.

Sacrificing one is equal to losing ten or eleven...

Ge Xiaotian didn't want to have 'battle damage', because his family has always been 'no injury', and immediately shook his head again to deny, "At present, we have a large number of top scientists on the mother planet, plus you monks, I believe we can do better than overseas! "

"Thank you boss for trusting me!"

Daoyi no longer insisted, but was encouraged, "You choose as soon as possible, and I will arrange for people to be transported to Laboratory 102 later."


Ge Xiaotian hung up the communication and chose the fourth reward.

next moment.

A contraption, comparable to the giant chimney of a large power plant, appears outside the town center. (The system rewards are real objects, no need to build, such as super tractors, shark airships.)

Fortunately, it was at noon, and the students who had eaten after class were all learning their hands-on skills in the 'Training Center', with only Tianwei around.

But the height of hundreds of meters is estimated to be noticed by students soon...

"Drip, once the reward is claimed, it cannot be taken back."

Ge Xiaotian raised his head and watched for a long time, seeing that it could not be canceled, he immediately planned to contact Daoyi again.


"Hey, congratulations on your promotion to the first level of cosmic civilization. In this era, you learned how to use 'energy' more skillfully, and achieved a series of achievements that attracted worldwide attention. As a reward, you have the right to choose once."

"One, launch an interstellar battle and obtain a second-level cosmic civilization technology preview."

"Second, build a second-level spectacle and get a second-level..."

"Third, form a 'parent star' joint organization, coordinate all development, and obtain a second-level..."

"Fourth, create a civilization system..."

"Five, develop a different star..."


Ge Xiaotian couldn't help scratching his head, "I guess I'm the only player in the universe, where the hell am I going to launch an interstellar war? Do I fight myself?"

Unfortunately, the system did not respond as before.

Ge Xiaotian carefully checked the virtual frame, found that there was no countdown, and immediately closed the page.

Just advanced to the so-called first-level cosmic civilization, and the technology tree has not yet been fully activated, so how can I be able to advance to the second-level.

Just like the second-level wonders, referring to the construction standards, even the epic-level wonders that have not yet been built, which cover an area of ​​tens of kilometers and must be attached to mountains to start construction, are far inferior to the "Yugong Yishan".


Build an elevator for the moon to meet the standard.

But to create civilization and develop alien stars...


Ge Xiaotian walked into the center of the town and made a call, intending to ask the other party to find a way to dismantle the 'gravitational wave conversion device' and transfer it.

But when he took out his smart card, he happened to see the communication request from Horton.

"Hey, Huo, what's the matter?"

"There is a big operation here. I can confirm that they are targeting the ocean-going fleet going to Europe for trade."

"The trade is all done, empty ships, they're targeting wool."

"It is precisely because of the empty ships that they can let them go. Otherwise, if they destroy the goods of so many countries and regions, they will anger the public. Now, destroying the fleet is tantamount to hitting Tian Cheng."

"How much action?"

"Beyond your imagination."


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