Build Madness

Chapter 948: Beyond Imagination

Thanks to the profound sailing experience accumulated by Sino-Ocean Group, the mature transnational trading system of Tiancheng International Chamber of Commerce, the Kela Isthmus Canal secretly opened by Tiancheng, and the "new cargo ship" manufactured by Tiancheng Electric Industry, the project of Zheng He's voyage to the West was prepared for half a year , started in late August, completed loading and unloading in the trade zone along the route in only two months, and entered the link of collective settlement.

From then on, starting from the Free Port of Magadan in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk in the north, passing through the Shipyard in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, the estuary of the Amur River, the Thousand Islands Islands, Kitakyushu on the Japanese Island, Incheon in Nanbangzi, Liandao Port in China's Liao Province, Dongshan's "Yan" Wei 'Ercheng, Qinggang Dongjiawan, Dongshanzhaoshi, Jiangsu and Zhejiang Lianyun, Magic City Wuzhou Avenue, Jianfu Quangang, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Xiangjiang Qingshuiwan, Nanyue Tiancheng Port, Cambodia Tiancheng Port, Delta Tiancheng Port, Taimei Pattaya...

Cross the Kra Isthmus Canal until the mouth of the Nujiang River in Myanmar, Sri Lanka in Sangoku, Gadibendar in Pakistan, and then enter the Gulf of Oman, reach the first round of trade with the coast of the Emirates-Dubai, then transfer to the Gulf of Aden, the Red Sea, the Mediterranean Sea, and leave Gibraltar , the 'trade route' to the north to France and Germany, the five Nordic countries, and the European ice bears is basically determined.

There are as many as 41 participating countries and regions, and the cumulative trade volume is expected to exceed 20 trillion Franklins this year.

The resulting economic benefits are called the 'Gurje effect' by scholars in the economic field of the mother star.

In other words, Boss Ge, who is not afraid of losing money, used his unique charm and abundant capital to conquer the partners, facilitated all this, and made many regions flourish.

Especially when the epidemic hit the mother planet and caused the Great Depression in many Western countries, this feat has attracted the attention of the world.

But those countries and regions that failed to participate in the project of 'Zheng He's Voyages to the Western Seas' do not want 'Eurasian Co-prosperity'.

For example, England closed Gibraltar to prevent the ocean-going fleet from returning to the sub-region along the original route.

For example, the bullfighting country closed the port of call and refused the request of the ocean-going fleet to stop for supplies.

For example, North America directly dispatched the North Atlantic Fleet, posing as pirates to ambush on the ocean-going fleet's route around South Africa...


China time.

October 16, 12:25 noon.

The northwest sea area of ​​Moro Kingdom.

The three million 10,000-ton freighters transformed from the new-generation system warships are guarding the twenty 500,000-ton giant ships produced by the Okhotsk Shipyard, sailing in a square shape in the calm sea.

There is no cloud in the sky, and the sea and sky in the distance are the same color.

It turns out that these ships are all giants, and they have become extremely small at this moment.

Inside the cabin.

After finishing their work, ordinary crew members lie in their respective rooms with a little comfort, and experience the VR version of the 3D martial arts world through the satellite network.

The captain, first mate, second mate, first officer, chief engineer, person in charge of the splint department, etc. all gathered on the 'ship island', and through an internal network meeting, together with other ship management personnel, negotiated with the fleet commander. When I went to South Africa, I returned empty-handed, but brought something back home.


The radar on the top of the island is activated instantly when there is no operation.

Almost at the same time.

All the owners of the fleet have received an urgent notice from Tacheng in the west of Huaxia:

'Enter special alert, pay attention, I not only need labor, but also 'scrap iron'! '

next moment.

The extremely exciting combat BGM sounded in each cabin, and the strong men dropped their VR glasses one after another and rushed out of their rooms...

And at the bottom of a 500,000-ton giant ship, a hundred strong men held planks and quickly built a "simple house".

Ten seconds later.

The simple house shone with golden light and turned into a stone house.

Twenty seconds later.

The stone house shone with golden light and turned into a big three room.

Thirty seconds later.

The big three rooms shone with golden light and turned into wooden locomotives.

in a minute.

The wooden locomotive spread out, shining golden light, and turned into a metal factory.

Two minutes later.

The metal factory shone with golden light and turned into a bunch of sci-fi unknown buildings.

One of the strong men walked into the building and rang the 'bronze bell' that hung under the eaves and remained unchanged from beginning to end.


"Hey, you initiate an emergency mobilization order..."

hula la...

The moment the reminder sounded, not only a hundred strong men, but also countless strong men who ran out of their respective rooms, both in terms of mental outlook and speed of action, all had a leap-forward enhancement.

"Attention all personnel, within 30 days, connect their micro-ports to the Tianwei combat system..."

"The combat order has been issued, everyone is in place!"

"Report, the light curtain system is ready."

"Report, laser pulse array ready."

"Report, the plasma concentration device will be completed in 10 minutes..."

"Report, the first magnetic explosion self-destruct drone will be produced in 20 minutes..."

"Report, the Class A second ship is responsible for constructing the 'static field', and it is expected to be completed in three hours..."

"Report, the restoration project of the outer cargo ship has started, and the first general-class war hunting ship is expected to be restored in one hour."

"Report, we have achieved satellite networking..."

"Report, the space shuttle is ready for orbital release at any time..."



Two hundred nautical miles away.

An unprecedented, unprecedented super pirate mixed fleet is sailing eastward at high speed...

Inside the command ship.

"General, we still have two hours before arriving at the designated ambush site."

"Don't call me general, I'm a pirate now, call me leader."

"Yes, leader!"

"Don't be nervous. Although we are attacking the Tiancheng Ocean Fleet this time, according to the investigation results of the intelligence system, in order to pass through the actual control waters of various countries and regions, the other party does not have any weapons on board, and they are going around the North Atlantic Ocean this time. There is no support from the Tianwei oil brigade, so we only need to put a bunch of torpedoes and watch an unprecedented disaster movie from a distance, and the mission of this trip is successfully completed."

After the 'leader' of the mixed fleet finished speaking, he patted the reporter on the shoulder, "Congratulations on getting a half-year vacation. At that time, maybe we can go to Alaska together."

"Really? Great leader."

"Cheer up and try to get it done once!"

"Yes, chief!"

Two hours later.

The mixed fleet arrived at the target sea area, and then dispatched helicopters and mine-laying vehicles to pull out the "minefield" as long as 50 nautical miles.

Moreover, in order to avoid being cracked and disassembled by the target's so-called photoelectric technology, there are not only trigger types of mines, but also chain electromagnetic induction types.

A pass busy.

The mixed fleet activated the torpedo delivery device and locked the target route.

And more than a dozen of the warships even opened the guide egg silos...

Another hour passed.

Fleet observers were mixed and reported to find targets.

The 'leader' set up the binoculars and looked towards the north sea.

In the field of vision, one after another, seemingly huge, but actually thin-skinned live targets are approaching the minefield.

"According to plan..."

The voice did not fall.

The radar personnel stood up abruptly, "Report, we have been spotted by the other side."

"No problem, they are unarmed."

The leader waved his hand, "Ready to launch a torpedo."


next moment.

One after another, long strips of objects dived hundreds of meters, passed through the gaps in the minefield, and went straight to the distant target...


When they were less than ten nautical miles away from the opponent, the sea water was suddenly pushed by the invisible air pressure, rolling up layers of waves, and immediately burst like boiled water, bubbling and bursting.


The leader knew that this was the torpedo explosion effect produced by his own infrared sensor being cracked by the opponent and remotely activated.

"Interesting, the second batch of wire-guided jet torpedoes is ready and launched!"

whoosh whoosh...

This time is different from before.

The torpedo didn't dive, it was half-floating on the surface of the water, dragging the wake and going straight to the target...

But at this moment.

On the deck of a ship on the other side, two black aircraft suddenly rose.

The 'leader' quickly locked on the surveillance equipment and zoomed in, "Are they still planning to use the drones to fight back against us? Shoot down these two little things for me."

The voice fell.

The nearby battleship instantly fired two short-range guide eggs...

No accidents, accurate hits.


Two large quadrotors were destroyed in flames.

As for the wire-guided torpedo struggling to float on the surface of the sea, it dived headlong into the sea as if weightless...

Moreover, just when the leader was about to give a new order, the electronic equipment in the ship suddenly became chaotic, and various alarms rang out.

"Report, just now, it seems that someone used graphite or magnetic explosion weapons!"


The leader is not stupid, and instantly understood the target's intentions, "Can you block the interference?"

"needs time."

"Execute the second plan, use the spare device, launch the guide egg to cover the attack!"

whoosh whoosh...

In an instant, more than 30 warships continuously fired long strips of flames at the target fleet in the distance.

Seeing this scene, the leader frowned, and murmured in a voice he could only hear: "I suddenly have a very bad premonition."


In the midair of the sea area where the target is located, a light blue light curtain suddenly flashed.

The infrared sensor egg hit the void light wall and was instantly detonated.

Even if the touch missile can pass through the wall of void light, it will be blocked by the laser pulse array.

The timing guide egg is even more strange. When it is 500 meters away from the opponent, it bursts directly. (Static fields supported by the new Town Center)

"Report, the opponent is trying to bypass the minefield and is approaching our left flank."

"Report, the original electronic equipment is destroyed, we can only use the second backup power system."

"Report, the other party released the 'quadrotor aircraft' again."

"Since they are going around, let them come over and prepare for artillery attack."

The leader pondered for a while, "Arrange maintenance personnel to check the third backup power system. In addition, notify the warships other than the A2 ship to turn off the fire and power outage, and ask the A2 ship to shoot down the hot chicken in the sky!"

"Yes, General!"

"Call me the leader!!!"


More than 50 warships stopped collectively, and only those with the A2 logo on the periphery were expelled and released short-range missiles.


The quadcopter vanished into nothingness, and the island of A2 suddenly burst into sparks and lightning visible to the naked eye.

"Report, ship A2's electrical facilities were severely damaged and lost its combat capability."

"Let them start the backup boiler and return."

"Report, we are locked by an unknown target."


"in the sky!"


The leader looked up at the sky, but found nothing, "Radar, report the situation."

"We found it, but we couldn't see it when it was there."

"Damn it!"

Stealth aircraft can block radar, but during the day, as long as you search carefully, they can be seen with the naked eye.

The issue is.

Invisible to the naked eye, but detected by radar...

"Report, an unknown target has arrived in our sky."


whoosh whoosh...

Ground-to-air guidance eggs shot up into the sky one after another.


The leader and the radar personnel carefully looked at the display equipment, and then looked towards the sky through the observation window.

The egg is flying higher and higher...

"Report, the range of the surface-to-air guided egg is about to reach its limit...and, it exceeds the design altitude."


The leader was stunned, and took a sharp breath, "No, I'm in outer space, help me connect to the satellite."

"Boss, we are pirates. Once the satellites are used, no matter the Galileo system that has just been established, the GLONASS that has completed the Starlink, or even the spy satellites of other countries and regions, they will find that we are fake pirates."

"How can there be so much nonsense, I am the commander!"

"Yes, General!"

"Call me the leader!!!"


Not long.

Satellites supported by the NA space agency sent pictures from space.

On a certain low-Earth orbit of the parent star, a huge space shuttle has opened its delivery module.

Inside the cabin was a meteorite with a diameter of 50 meters.

Moreover, the front of the meteorite is covered by a 'metal skin', and a thruster seems to be installed behind it...


The leader's expression changed, and he kicked the table directly.

A meteorite with a diameter of 50 meters is not terrible, because it will disintegrate in the atmosphere.

The scary thing is that if this meteorite can pass through the atmosphere safely, under the action of gravitational acceleration and thrusters, it will explode with energy that destroys this sea area.

Orbital weapons, even if they don't explode, are just as terrifying.

"Report, leader, the other party has locked us!"

"Retreat fifty nautical miles!"

"Report, the opponent bypassed our left flank and sent a strange ship with two bows and extremely fast speed to block our way."


The leader set up the binoculars, and suddenly saw a strange ship that looked like scissorhands.

Of course, it doesn't matter.

The important thing is that the returning A2 ship was pierced and bitten by the opponent's 'scissors' like picking dung.

Then, countless strong men wearing mechanical exoskeletons jumped up and down.

The A2 ship didn't even make a chug chug, and fell directly.

Afterwards, the monster scissors reversed and launched an impact again, like an icebreaker, pressing ship A2 into the sea...

After a few big bubbles, the A2 ship has completely become history.

Not to mention the 'pirates', the 'leader' has participated in many large-scale battles, and was stunned by the strong visual impact.


The sea is still calm and the sky is still cloudless.

After a nauseating, retching, and dizzying wave, nearly 3,000 'pirates' in the super hybrid fleet suddenly heard electronically synthesized sounds coming from afar.

"We are supported by Tiancheng International Holdings. The Sino-Ocean Group's trading fleet is protected by the three major security groups of the home planet and the joint meeting of the home planet. We have the right to counterattack any ruthless gangs that attack us."

"Attention, we implement the Tiancheng standard. All attacks against us are included in the 'H attack'. We have the right and the obligation to launch counterattacks of the same type."

"We are about to start the alert countdown. After 10 seconds countdown, we will increase the output power of the 'super infrasonic wave' until we destroy all creatures in the attacker's fortification. You have the right to remain silent..."

At this time.

The mixed fleet command ship turned on the loudspeaker:

"Our leader just suffered a heart attack. As the deputy leader, I surrender on behalf of our side..."

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