Build Madness

Chapter 949 I Never Joke

The northwest sea area of ​​Moro Kingdom.

After an afternoon of confrontation, the mixed pirate fleet ambushing on the west side unknowingly appeared on the edge of the minefield they had planted.

However, the ocean-going fleet that was supposed to enter the minefield bypassed the left flank and appeared in the area where the pirate mixed fleet used to be.

If the two sides just switch positions, that's fine.

The key point is that due to the impact of the magnetic explosion, no matter whether the mines laid in advance or the torpedoes that were semi-floating due to loss of power, all lost control.

In other words, these things have become unrecognizable...

in addition.

The northern waters are blocked by many ocean-going giant ships, and the southern seas are locked by orbital weapons.


The captain of the fleet, who has always been in good health, wanted to contact the 'command center' through a special communicator before he was induced by hypertensive heart disease by super infrasonic waves.

It's a pity that no matter how you adjust it, the signal transmitter is always in a state of failure, and there is only one searchable communication wave around, and there is a chorus singing in it all the time: the east is red, the sun is rising...


The leader of the mixed fleet was furious, and under the stimulation of the gradually increasing super infrasonic wave, he spat out a mouthful of blood and fell limply to the ground.

The 'deputy leader' endured nausea, retching, and a severe headache. He tore off the white pirate shirt on the leader, ordered his cronies to run and wave the splint, and then quickly turned on a loudspeaker that was not accidentally disturbed:

"Our leader just suffered a heart attack. As the deputy leader, I surrender on behalf of our side..."


at the same time.

On a certain military island five hundred nautical miles away.

"Report, the mixed fleet has lost contact with the base."

The dozen or so generals sitting in front of the large display device were not surprised to hear the news.

One of them ordered:

"Lock the disappearing area!"

Immediately he sighed again and again, "Tian Cheng is more troublesome than we imagined."

"Yeah, just a fleet has such a terrifying defense capability, it's hard to imagine what else they have."

North America is not stupid.

Back then, they played raids against Tianwei in the war-torn zone of West Asia, and ended up being dumb. Now they are directly targeting Tiancheng, so they must plan carefully.

Therefore, the warships used by the mixed fleet are all retired old guys.

In other countries, it may be difficult to gather fifty ships, but after the confrontation with the ice bear is over, there are thousands of ships that need to be eliminated in North America.

Take out fifty ships to test the enemy whose strength is unknown, and you can make a profit without losing money.

As for the two thousand soldiers on board...

They are all recruits sent by the Ministry of Land to the Iraqi battlefield. What's the matter with the Ministry of Seas?


After the trial is over, the Haibu will prepare a real battle plan.

It was still the general who had just given the order the first to speak, "There is good news and bad news. The good news is that the active denial system has been successfully developed, and we also have millimeter-wave electromagnetic weapons similar to the 'Light Curtain System'.

The bad news is that we don't know what method Tian Cheng used to make this mixed fleet disappear before our noses, which means that we have no resistance to this attack, so we must find the missing ship, Then according to the detection results, infer what happened to it, and then discover what technique Tian Cheng used. "

"Sir, the mixed fleet is very likely to have been eaten by Tian Cheng, maybe it is being dragged by them to South Africa now, and we launched an attack in the name of pirates, and now we want it back from them, isn't it that we are showing that we are pirates? "

"Pirates? No, they attacked our land troop carrier and threatened two thousand soldiers."

"Oh my God, sir, your idea is really great! This matter has nothing to do with our sea department, it's all a shameful thing done by the land department. Look at them, they were hijacked by a cargo fleet!"

"Hahaha, yes! However, as North American soldiers, we must express our gratitude for our colleagues!"


"Notify the Atlantic Fleet, dispatch collectively, stop Tian Cheng's ocean-going fleet for me, and then ask them to release all our personnel on the spot, return all ships, and compensate one billion Franklin."

"Boss, this matter...does it need to be notified to Dongfang Ge alone?"

"Makes sense."


Western Union Vocational University.

After Ge Xiaotian ended the call with Horton, he sat in the center of the town and observed this naval battle, which was not considered a naval battle, through the system map.

When you see a mixed fleet, check the large database immediately to find the corresponding warship model.

Then I found out that they were all retired old guys.

There is no need to use the staff group, Ge Xiaotian also understands the other party's plan.

Either a test, or 'touch porcelain'.


Ge Xiaotian issued an order to the commander-in-chief of the ocean-going fleet: "Enter special alert, pay attention, I not only need labor, but also 'scrap iron'!" '

If it is hard to fight the main North Atlantic fleet, even if the ocean-going fleet has the three major series of armaments: optical, electrical, and magnetic, it is still a bit dangling.

But fighting old-fashioned iron bumps... It's like Tyson beating up a bear kid.

And in fact it is.

In just five hours, the opponent's entire army was wiped out.

Two thousand 'pirates' were captured, put on black hoods, put in a physical coma, and airlifted to South Africa...

More than fifty ships were surrounded by many cargo ships with mechanical arms, dismantled and recycled.

The mines and torpedoes in the sea are dragged into the center of the town by the underwater robot, whether they are exploded or not, they are all scrap iron.

six hours later.

The northwest sea area of ​​Moro Kingdom is still cloudless and calm. The huge ocean-going fleet set sail again, sailing into the dark sea-sky boundary.

And all the encounters just now seem to have never happened...

Seeing this, Ge Xiaotian turned off the system map, and signaled Dao Shiyi to take out the external communicator.


After a few breaths, the bell rang.

Dao Shishi pressed the answer button, "Hello?"

"Hello, I am the foreign liaison officer of the North American Sea Department. This time I am notifying Mr. Ge, the chairman of Tiancheng International Holdings, that your fleet has attacked our troop carrier. We request you to immediately release all our personnel and return the detained ships, and compensation of one billion Franklin, otherwise, we have the right to detain the ocean-going fleet."

Ge Xiaotian picked up the communicator, "Brother, you have to be responsible for what you say, are you sure we attacked your troop carrier?"

"Yes, we are sure!"

"Is there any evidence?"

"The evidence is in your ocean-going fleet."

"Brother, I suspect that you are jealous of me making so much money, and want to use this method to slow down the speed at which I make money!"


"Of course, I am a legitimate entrepreneur. If you are so sure, I will naturally not refuse or block. My fleet is currently heading to South Africa. If you want to check, you are welcome at any time, but if there is nothing, you block the fleet every time." Every second, you have to compensate me for every second of loss."

"Mr. Ge, don't be joking."

"Do you think I'm joking?"


The foreign liaison officer of the North American Sea Department fell silent.

As a diplomat, he would definitely not agree to any conditions proposed by Ge.

However, when Ge said this, he obviously wanted to block the search with consequences that he could not bear.

Immediately said forcefully:

"Mr. Ge, I'm just informing you, not negotiating with you. Our Atlantic Fleet will start operations in three hours. I hope you will not make meaningless resistance."

"Oh? Really? I want to see the consequences of resistance."


Listening to the laughter coming from the communicator, joy mixed with anticipation, the foreign liaison officer was slightly suffocated.

He turned his head and looked at the dozen or so generals of the Ministry of the Sea sitting beside him listening.

The latter frowned.

At this time.

The radar personnel sitting next to them reported one after another:

"Report, we found that the European Holy Church is gathering towards the Mediterranean Sea. The three Montenegrin Odyssey fleets that have been dealing with the ice bears in the Black Sea suddenly headed south, seeming to plan to join the two Mediterranean fleets."

"Report, the two major fleets of Montenegro Odyssey in the Mediterranean are approaching Gibraltar, ready to force their way..."

"Report, the South African fleet of the non-regional alliance is heading north at an extremely fast speed, and it is expected to arrive at the designated sea area where we blocked the ocean-going fleet in five hours."

"Report, Montenegro Odyssey and the African Alliance suddenly issued a notice, claiming to launch an anti-piracy exercise in the northwest waters of the Moro Kingdom. From now on, all ships that are not from the Moro Kingdom are prohibited from entering the sea area, and the materials for the exercise will be provided by Tiancheng Ocean provided by the fleet."


The news one after another changed the faces of more than a dozen generals.

The South African fleet of the African Union is not terrible, what is terrible is... the five major fleets of the Odyssey of Montenegro that have been fattened by the "appeasement policy" of the new era of the European zone.

That's right, the five major fleets!

The three branches of the Black Sea are composed of three medium-sized aircraft carriers, six Odyssey-class 50,000-ton cruisers, 150,000-ton large drives, fifty small and medium-sized escorts, and six 70,000-ton battlecruisers.

There are two teams in the Mediterranean, consisting of one large-scale aircraft carrier, two medium-sized aircraft carriers, ten Odyssey-class 50,000-ton cruisers, 200,000-ton large-scale drives, a hundred escorts of various types, and ten 70,000-100,000-ton battleships. Cruiser composition.

As of October 2003, the total tonnage of Montenegro Odyssey has approached 3 million tons, tying with North America, three times that of Ice Bear, five times that of England, eight times that of Japan, ten times that of France, and 15 times that of Italy.

It is the sum of the top seven in the Mother Star Ocean, excluding North America and China.


Each aircraft is equipped with the carrier version of the "Super Tomcat 21", which is no less than the latest North American fighter.

After being magically modified by Montenegro Odyssey Industries, the fighter not only has a vertical lift system, but also has thrust vectoring and low-speed control performance achieved by a more powerful engine.

In other words, it can stop in the air and fall freely, and then start up again to surprise the enemy plane that overtakes itself.

In the final evaluation performance, it was second only to Tiancheng's remote control version of 'Skeleton Panda', also known as 'Super Panda Kai'.

in addition.

The above weapons are not the killer feature of Montenegro Odyssey.

Instead, they are various guide eggs deployed on the seabed/mountain/warship.

If you play air battles with us, we will use guide eggs to wash the ground. If you play guide eggs with us, we will play ocean wolf pack tactics with you. If you play sea battles with us, we will all fight in Montenegro Odyssey.

Such a rogue style of play changed the color of Italy's dull talk, and forced the European countries to "appease" again.


This is a way of not resisting aggression, pampering and connivating, giving way, colluding and compromising with the aggressor at the expense of other countries.

The most famous one is World War II.

In fact, North America does not want to appease, but Montenegro Odyssey controls the Mediterranean Sea. If NATO wants to support Iraq, it must compromise with the other party.

After North America suffered setbacks in Iraq and West Asia, it does not want to take the lead at all now.

Especially in the face of Montenegro, a fool who has learned orbital equipment by mistake.


Hearing that Erlangzi was going to conduct an exercise in the northwest waters of Moro Kingdom, more than a dozen generals fell silent collectively.

But the problem is...

The communicator in the hands of the foreign liaison officer did not hang up.

"Crooked, did you squeak? How do we solve this matter?"


The most troublesome thing is that the radar personnel have not stopped reporting.

"Report, just now, Tiancheng's No. 1, No. 2, and No. 3 oil protection brigades, together with two 'engineering islands', and two brand-new Starling-class H submarines of Ice Bear, collectively moved rapidly eastward and are about to sail out of Qiandao sea ​​area."

"Report, Tiancheng International Holdings, under the pretext of the bullfighting country threatening the ocean-going fleet, made a request to go to the North Atlantic Ocean via our Midway Island route. Well, it is a request, not a request."

"Report, Tiancheng International Holdings demands Bullfighting Country to apologize for refusing to provide supplies to the ocean-going fleet and threatening them, otherwise they will immediately come to ask for an explanation."

"Report, the Tiancheng oil protection brigade has entered the Bering Sea..."


"Mr. Ge, you are playing with fire."

The general who gave the order before grabbed the communicator and warned solemnly and calmly.

"On the mother star, except for the territorial sea, the rest of the sea is shared by everyone. It seems that we have done nothing wrong."

"Mr. Ge, as long as you return more than 50 warships and more than 2,000 soldiers, we will let it go."

"Huh? What are you talking about?"


"Sorry, I don't know what happened to you, and I don't want to know. I only know that our ocean-going fleet was threatened by the bullfighting country during the return voyage. I just want to ask for an explanation.

In addition, the sailors of our ocean-going fleet are all honest peasants, as your liaison officer said, snatching the troop carrier... My God, if my men have the ability, I might as well just be a pirate. You know, the profession is hot right now.

Take the Nordic Vikings as an example. I don’t even believe it, but England secretly gave the other party 200 million pounds, just to ask the other party not to loot the English merchant ship...

Fuck, you Westerners are so embarrassing.

No, what I want to say is that pirates are very promising. If my sailors have the ability, I will occupy Bermuda as soon as possible and collect tolls from your sea department. "

"You crazy!"

The commander angrily hung up the phone.


When I looked up, I saw the document handed over by the correspondent: The Bullfighting Country requested asylum.

"What about their own fleet? Besides, the oil protection brigade can't go to the North Atlantic at all. What are they afraid of?"

"No, it's Montenegro Odyssey. The Mediterranean Fleet broke into British Gibraltar. The Bullfighting Fleet was going to guard from a distance, but Montenegro Odyssey mistook it for an attack, and then... a fight broke out."


"Here is a poster of the Montenegro Odyssey sea general, standing on the bow of a bullfight. Now the morale of the Montenegro Odyssey League is high, and the whole people donate money and materials, crying and begging the chairman of Montenegro to take down the bullfighting country and strengthen the sports industry of the Southern League."

"I didn't wake up, or is this world too crazy?!"

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