Build Madness

Chapter 950 Things are a little out of control

As a new member of the Mother Planet United Conference, Montenegro Odyssey adheres to the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence advocated by China, and will never take the initiative to attack the Bullfighting Country.

However, the appeasement decision of the European region, coupled with the name of the second idiot, made no one on the home planet dare to doubt the determination of the Black Mountain Odyssey Sea to attack the Bullfighting Country.

Moreover, the West pays attention to 'public opinion'.

And the Southern League, dominated by Montenegro Odyssey, is currently experiencing "public opinion is difficult to disobey".

on the Bar Peninsula.

Numerous people from the Southern Union stopped production, raised various slogans, armed with militias, and spontaneously organized into the streets and alleys:

'We need bullfights! '

'We must win the gold medal of the bullfighting championship in the Tiancheng Games! '

'We must have bullfighting! '

'I want a bullfight! '

The chairman of Montenegro came forward to appease, but in return there were overwhelming cries and petitions.

"Father Nan (Father of Nanlian), take down the bullfight!"

"Father Nan, if you don't let us fight bulls, we will declare independence and rent a boat to go bullfights ourselves!"


The chairman of Montenegro appeared on the cover of Time Magazine again, becoming a man of the new century who can influence the situation of the home planet, and his comprehensive evaluation index far exceeds that of Xiaobu, Harden, and Hou Sailei.

In addition, the Southern Alliance regards its status as "military exploits". The vast majority of the masses have gone deep into West Asia, and their combat quality is extremely high, and they can be called all soldiers.

Also so.

One night passed, the people of the bullfighting country were panicked, the situation in Europe was turbulent, and the head of the North Atlantic Fleet felt that things were a little out of control...

The Secretary-General of the Mother Planet United Conference even delivered a speech in person, calling on both sides to calm down, exercise restraint, and avoid large-scale armed conflicts.

As for Fade...

'As long as you don't hit us, everything is fine. '

And Italy took the opportunity to exempt Montenegro Odyssey's 200 million Franklin loan.

Montenegro has a heart-to-heart relationship, and is about to lock on the Italian deep-sea guide egg system and turn to the bullfighting country...

This incident accompanied the three Black Sea Fleets entering the Mediterranean Sea, intensified and became the number one topic on the home planet.


Just when everyone thought that a big war was inevitable and the price of gold rose again...

On October 18, things suddenly turned around.

The person in charge of Tiancheng's non-regional Tiancheng office in Morocco, a subsidiary of Tiancheng International Holdings, was verbally entrusted with an important task by Boss Ge, and he parachuted into the country of bullfighting to start a meeting with the board of directors of the country of bullfighting.

During the period, the two parties reached an agreement to build a gymnasium worth 500 million Franklin invested by China Indy Textile Group. Afterwards, Feiqu Tiancheng once again won the right to build two seaports, three roads, and five opera houses invested by China.

The 1.2 billion Franklin's funds were paid off on the spot, and Tiancheng International Holdings issued an announcement immediately. There was some misunderstanding between the two parties before. The Bullfighting Country did not reject the ocean-going fleet's supply request, but the commander-in-chief of the ocean-going fleet made a mistake, and the group has already taken responsibility for it. people are severely punished.

On the same day, Tiancheng International Holdings invested in 20 large-scale fully automatic flour processing plants in Saiwei, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Macedonian, Alba, Croatia, Bosnia and other countries under the Southern Union , and invited the general of Montenegro Odyssey to participate in the project celebration held by Tiancheng International Holdings in Bullfighting Country, which the latter readily accepted.

During the banquet, the three parties got along harmoniously...

So far, Southern League, represented by Montenegro Odyssey, has reconciled with the Bullfighting Country, and the great war has disappeared. United introduces soybeans and wheat...

On the same day, the Mediterranean Fleet left the territorial waters of Bullfighting and went straight to the northwest of Moro Kingdom...

In the evening, someone Ge updated the first web page in the second half of the year, "There is nothing that cannot be solved by engineering, if there is, then create another one!"

The Secretary of the Mother Planet United Conference took the lead in liking and commenting: Mr. Ge made great efforts and sacrifices for the peace of the Mother Planet, and the chief proposed the 'Peace Award'.

Many netizens: "..."

And the other side.

Tiancheng International Chamber of Commerce added a new platinum VIP member, that is, Douguo Indy Textile Group, and was included in the 2004 Ocean Trade List of Tiancheng Group.

Similarly, the number of countries and regions participating in Zheng He's voyages has risen to 38.

However, things are far from over.

The North Atlantic Fleet went south, and the Atlantic Fleet went north. During these two days, they surrounded the ocean-going fleet.


October 20th.

The director of the Atlantic Fleet is sitting in the war room, analyzing what happened on the home planet recently.

The relationship between Tiancheng International Holdings and Montenegro Odyssey is neither good nor bad.

At least, the Montenegro Odyssey made all the countries and regions on the mother planet understand what it means to owe money and be a master.

And in the list of creditors, Tian Cheng ranked first.

Otherwise, how did the carriers of the five major fleets come about?

This can also explain why Tiancheng allowed the Black Mountain Odyssey to go to the bullfighting country.

Nothing more than temptation.

"A businessman is a businessman, short-sighted!"

The mother planet is only this big, and the director of the North American Atlantic Fleet knows very well that he has been shown off by Ge.

The other party not only got part of the business from the Bullfighting Country, but also publicized Tian Cheng's reputation.

But there is a turning point for everything.

For example, as long as Tiancheng's ocean-going fleet hijacks the troop carrier, Tiancheng will face huge compensation.

If there is no compensation, the family has reason to detain the ocean-going trade fleet consisting of more than 300,000-ton freighters and more than 500,000,000-ton ships.

Just these things...

It's worth it even without compensation!

After all, only the Tiancheng Okhotsk Shipyard on the mother planet can build a 500,000-ton ship, while other countries and regions do not even have the technology to build a 300,000-ton freighter.

Think about it.

The director of the Atlantic Fleet looked at the display device.

In the picture, the main warships from the North Atlantic and the Atlantic Ocean have surrounded the ocean-going fleet layer by layer.

With just one order, more than 50,000 soldiers will forcibly board the ship.


Even if Tiancheng's optoelectronic technology is extremely powerful, he would never dare to resist at this time.

Otherwise, the family would have a reason to include 'Tiancheng' in the list of ruthless people, and let the surnamed Ge become like Harden and Hou Sailei.

One must know that Tiancheng's industries are spread all over Southeast Asia and Europe, once this happens, these areas will be devastated.

As for the Montenegro Odyssey five fleets that came all the way...

Could it be that the other party really dared to go to war in North America because of Tian Cheng?

Are you crazy?

"There are all of them!"

The director of the Atlantic Fleet picked up the communicator, ready to give the final order.


The radar personnel stood up collectively:

"Report, our USS Roosevelt in the North Atlantic has been locked by the Second Fleet of the Montenegro Odyssey."

"Report, our Atlantic Lenken carrier has been locked by the First Fleet of the Montenegro Odyssey."

"Report, our side... the aircraft carrier of the Dulumen is locked by a remote guide egg."

"Report, our Vinson carrier..."

"Report, our USS Eisenhower..."

"Report, our USS Washington..."

"Report, our Nimitz carrier..."

"Report, our side..."

"Report, all our aircraft are locked by laser-guided weapons."

"Report, the Ministry of Air Force sent an urgent call, saying that they are preparing for the Tiancheng oil protection brigade and the Ice Bear H submarine, and cannot provide support for the time being."

"Report, General Dawson of the Sea Department sent an urgent call, asking us to abandon this operation."

"Report, Congress has sent an urgent telegram requesting... Liwei."

"Report, Mr. Xiaobu sent an urgent call, let you figure it out."


Did I poke a hornet's nest?

The director of the Atlantic Fleet couldn't believe it, "How dare the Montenegro Odyssey play with us?"

The voice did not fall.

In the integrated radar display in front, a reminder that the Black Mountain Odyssey Sea Division is the first to launch an attack has already jumped out.

Three deep-sea guide eggs from the Mediterranean flew over Italy's airspace and went straight to the northwest sea area of ​​Moro Kingdom.

"Report, the enemy's first attack wave is expected to arrive in one minute and thirty-five seconds."


The director of the Atlantic Fleet shook off his hat and slapped the table with a slap, "Defend, counterattack!"

whoosh whoosh...

Several 'Patriot-2's flew into the air, and disappeared in the northeast direction with scarlet tail flames...

On the integrated radar display, the marks on both sides gradually approached and soon overlapped...

But at this moment, the enemy's mark splits into two, one's own mark collides with one, and after the other mark changes direction, it accelerates and continues to move forward.

"Report, interception failed, the opponent launched a mother-in-law egg, estimated arrival event: 47 seconds!"

"Continue to intercept!"

whoosh whoosh...

"Report, the enemy's first round of attack failed, and our three medium and short-range guide eggs were also intercepted."

"Notify the official and negotiate with Montenegro Odyssey."

"Report, Montenegro Odyssey protested to us first, saying that we had no reason to launch an attack on their exercise area, not only destroying the exercise eggs they launched, but also locking their exercise command ship, asking us to give a reasonable explanation .”

"It's a joke, they were the first to launch the guide egg."

"The report shows that according to the radar data, after the opponent's mother egg was intercepted, the child egg was locked on an abandoned freighter provided by the Ocean Group."


The director of the Atlantic Fleet froze, "I said they were the first to attack, and they were the first to attack!"

"Sir, we have negotiated with the other party, and the other party's answer is: Down with all hegemony."


"Sir, Admiral of the Montenegro Odyssey Sea Department requires us to give an explanation within two minutes, otherwise the 'South Union Passive Defense Agreement' will be implemented."

"What agreement?"

"Defeat all provocateurs, never die!"


"Reporting, satellite monitoring shows that the 477 guided egg launch silos that have been disclosed in the territory of Nanlian are all ready."

"Let me calm down."

"Sir, there is one minute left in the countdown to the Montenegro Odyssey announcement. The five major fleets of the Montenegro Odyssey are only 300 nautical miles away from us. You don't have time to calm down."


The director of the Atlantic Fleet was silent for a moment, "I want to speak to Mr. Bu."

"Sir, the communication has been connected."

Wait until the monitor jumps out of the screen...

"Mr. Bu, I have a heart attack, and I request to be promoted to replace the interim commander-in-chief."



The development of events in Western Europe has greatly exceeded everyone's expectations.

Montenegro and the bullfighting country, which were originally at war, did not fight, but became trading partners.

But North America, which came from afar to see the excitement, became the main party involved.


Panda Guardian, which is managed by Montenegro Odyssey Antivirus, and the web controlled by North America, present two different trends of public opinion.

Panda Guardian, 99% of netizens, accused hegemony.

In the web logs, 99% of netizens abused Montenegro Odyssey for its mad dogs biting people.

For this reason, North America unilaterally tore up the communication agreement signed with Montenegro Odyssey in 2001, imposed sanctions on Panda Guardian, and banned American Internet users from logging into Panda Guardian.

Montenegro Odyssey Antivirus quickly responded to this matter, announcing the termination of Panda Guardian service to the Americas.

One minute after the announcement of the two parties, a large area of ​​the American win platform was paralyzed, and tens of millions of computers, motherboards, memory, and graphics cards in the Americas were burned one after another.


Uninstall Panda Guardian, Panda Burning Incense revives.

five minutes later.

The Mac platform issued a prohibition notice to users in the Americas.

ten minutes later.

Linux, Minix, Unix, together with ios, win mobile, win phone, blackberry and other platforms used by mobile micro-terminals, all face problems such as crashes, restarts, system crashes, screen flashes, and motherboards burned.

Twenty minutes later.

The technology stocks of the twisted stock exchange plummeted across the board, triggering a circuit breaker mechanism, and the server was poisoned, temporarily suspending services.

Thirty minutes later.

The Wall Street financial statistics agency made an assessment and named the 20 minutes that had just expired: Death is coming.

Because in just 20 minutes, the technology stocks evaporated nearly 100 billion Franklins, and the direct economic loss caused by the damage to the masses' equipment was as high as 50 trillion Franklins.

Especially for enterprises and institutions that use the win platform to work, the indirect economic losses caused by it cannot be estimated.

The main problem North America is currently facing is...whether the military equipment can be connected to the Internet!


Europe, Asia, Africa, etc., Panda Guardian normal service area.

Panda Guardian Forum.

Netizens have been so frantic and beyond the scope of understanding of war in the new era, they have been speechless in shock.

All the popular boards, as if time stood still, new posts only appeared after ten minutes.


"I thought it was a confrontation with the egg, but I never expected that it turned out to be such an unimaginable hacking technique."

"I never thought that Montenegro would play with North America for real!"

"Black Mountain Niubi!"

"Caring for North American netizens."

"Yeah, I guess they can't access the Internet, right?"

North American netizen: "What? What are you talking about?"

"Fuck, I caught a North American panda, and he can surf the Internet!"

"Of course, the SG pad I use is immune to panda burning incense."

"Huh? The rumors on the Internet are actually true. Is the SG pad immune to panda burning incense?"

"Nonsense, the Shenlong chip of the SG pad is a single-chip microcomputer with a distributed layout. The hardware programs are all one-way read and cannot be written, while the software programs are all based on hardware customization, and all user data is stored in the external memory. In other words... ..."

"This is 'false intelligence' enabled by multiple control centers."

"Don't say it so bluntly, otherwise Old Wang will be sad. This is clearly 'from the road to simplicity, from evolution to complexity'..."

The new generation of SG pads, especially the gold local version, ushered in a frenzy of buying overseas.


at the same time.

North America has been frightened by the Montenegro Odyssey.

In other words, it is not appropriate to have a stalemate with Montenegro at the moment, even if you really want to kill the other party, you have to wait for your own side to make full preparations.


The two sides were arguing.

North America waived the 1.5 billion Franklin loan owed by Montenegro Odyssey, including the payment for the Super Panda.

However, Montenegro Odyssey did not behave well after getting the advantage. It stopped the exercise plan in the northwest waters of the Moro Kingdom, and forcibly broke into Gibraltar again overnight, returning to the Mediterranean.

In this way, it was confirmed that the reason why Montenegro Odyssey helped Tiancheng to succeed was entirely because of 'loans' and 'benefits'.

October 20th.

Without the idiot to disrupt the situation, the Atlantic Fleet and the North Atlantic Fleet, which surrounded the ocean-going fleet, received an order from the new commander-in-chief to forcibly board the ship.

In an instant, countless warships joined the huge cargo ship, and countless soldiers boarded the bridge connecting the two sides...

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