Build Madness

Chapter 951 This is an accident

On the mother planet, Tiancheng's plan for its own comprehensive industrial chain has always been the object of imitation and research by the business community.

This is not only reflected in the 'perfect industrial system', but also in the industrial distribution map like an 'assembly line'.

It's like shipping.

Sea of ​​Okhotsk Shipyard, together with Huaxia Qinggang Dongjiawan, redefines the specifications of ocean freighters, and continuously transports mineral timber and crude oil from Yakutia, Amur, and Neobras to Dongshan.

This means that in the ocean today, there is one "Huo Qing made" for every three cargo ships over 10,000 tons.

The 'raw materials' arrived in Dongshan, were loaded onto a trailer manufactured by Daliu Machinery, and then, driven by the heavy-duty locomotives jointly developed by Dongshan Heavy Truck, Huaxia Jiefang, and Tiancheng Electric Industry, they rushed to production and processing plants in various places in Dongshan.

Affected by Tiancheng's transportation mode of "people stop and stop, goods arrive at the front of the vehicle and leave on the trailer", one front of the vehicle is responsible for at least five "trailers".

This makes it possible for every two trailers in the parent planet's automobile industry to have a "Made by Daliu".

The foreign trade goods manufactured by Dongshan’s sudden production capacity were sent to the south by the inland river transportation system and concentrated in Jianfu.

At the beginning, the leaders of Fuzhou University personally went to Dongshan to attract investment, introduced Tiancheng, gave decision-making preference and numerous subsidies, and helped Tiancheng realize its plan of "skip Jiangsu and Zhejiang, enter the south, and correspond to the distant call of Guangzhou".

Ge Xiaotian has a heart-to-heart relationship, and he will definitely not only engage in real estate in Jianfu to attract money.

Instead, female DJs are instructed to invest in the corresponding industrial chain according to the nature of the ocean trade business.

among them.

Containers are definitely indispensable for ocean trade.

With the help of Dongshan's complete industrial system and the support of Tiancheng's partners, Jianfu has built steel container processing plants, aluminum alloy container processing plants, glass container processing plants, and pure aluminum container processing plants in a very short period of time. factory, plastic container processing factory, synthetic wooden container processing factory...

The produced containers, in addition to supplying the "Zheng He's Voyages to the West" project, were also procured and ordered in large quantities by Chen Feng's Shangpin International, Horton's Horton Consortium, and Wajima's Ninja Shipping.

Today, in the field of mother star containers, there are two "made in Quangang" in every three containers.

October 20th.

Huaxia, Jianfu, Quangang.

It has been three months since the Tiancheng Ocean Fleet left.

Chen Feng's Shangpin International went to America to help western partners replenish Christmas products.

Holden is busy selling the gold version of the SG pad...

Now the container industry is a little cold.

Of course, with the support of three super giants, Jianfu container industry will definitely not lose money, but will make a lot of money.

It’s just that containers are not used now. In order to implement the tradition of Tiancheng International Holdings, various factories have suspended production, formulated “paid vacations” and organized “public travel”...

And today is a good day to travel.

The major container processing factories have completed the end-of-year tasks assigned by Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce, leased the Jianfu Tianyun Group Tourism Civilization, hired Tianyun veteran drivers, and called on all employees to prepare for departure.


In the enthusiastic chorus of the employees, the Tourist Civilization has not left the city where it is located, and the investors, factories, workshop directors, and business department leaders of all major factories have all received "urgent orders" from Feiqu Tiancheng.

The chairman of the steel container, holding a smart card, rubbed his eyes in disbelief, "Is the number wrong? 500,000 TEU? Fifty thousand tons of cargo ships?" (TEU: standard container with a length of 20 feet.)

Didi Didi...

The smart one-card jumps out of the communication request, suddenly it is the chairman of the old friend 'aluminum alloy container'.

"Old Ma, have you received the order?"

"I received it, but I suspect that there is something wrong with the number. By the way, you also received it?"

"Received, 1 million TEU."


"I suspect that there are two extra zeros. After all, there is no shortage of containers in the ocean-going fleet. Even if they go to non-regions and transfer them all to the other side, our inventory can make up for the gap. It is absolutely impossible to ask for 1 million TEU... In other words, How much do you order?"



Didi Didi...

The chairman of the glass container asked to join the group chat.

"Huh? The old horse is here too?"

"You also received the order?"

"Yeah, 100,000 TEU, I was shocked. I also know that there are no 100,000 glass containers in the entire mother planet."


Didi Didi...

The chairman of the synthetic wooden container asked to join the group chat.

"Hey, are you all here?"

"How much do you order?"

"How did you know I received the order?"

"Stop talking nonsense and report the number."

"3.5 million standard containers, 900,000 Tiancheng special containers."


"I suspect that there is an error in the order system. I would like to ask everyone, have you received the order and what is the quantity?"

"Don't ask, they all look like birds, the numbers are scary high, I suspect... Now return to the factory, work four shifts a day, and be able to work until July next year."

"Don't doubt it, I've calculated it, and it will be until August next year, when Zheng He went to the West in 2004."

"My dear, does Tiancheng International Chamber of Commerce have a new member?"

"It's just a bullfighting country, is it possible... to use so many containers to transport bullfighting bulls?"

"Are you stupid?"


"Okay, don't make noise!"

Amidst the discussion, the president of the Container Association joined the group chat, "Everyone should have received the order, and I have already verified it with Tiancheng, and the number is correct. As for the reason... keep it secret!"


"What you have to do now is to urgently recruit workers, including sheet metal workers, sanders, stampers, painters, electric welders..., leasing tractors, leasing dock logistics storage, leasing tower cranes and gantry cranes..."

"President, where do you want us to find so many skilled workers?"

"Jinxiuchuan Tiancheng Technical Secondary School will support us with a group of third-year interns who can lead apprentices. Skilled blue-collar workers are not a problem. Of course, we must train them as soon as possible under the guidance of Tiancheng's intern positions, and with the help of Tiancheng Online School, night school, summer camp, etc. A group of 'container industry blue collars'."

Some orders.

The leader of Fuda who joined the group chat at some point suddenly said:

"Ahem, since everyone is here, and the president of the Container Association is also doing his job properly, I won't repeat myself. Whether Jianfu can rise in 2004 depends on whether you can take the lead. Don't worry, as long as you complete the task beautifully , My old man, I will never treat you badly!

Of course, jobs, workers' income, GDP... none of them can be missing, I hope you can encourage each other! "

"Leader, please rest assured that the task will be completed!"

The chairman of many containers, and colleagues who have joined the group chat one after another, or 'competitors', raised their arms and shouted.

next moment.

Thousands of Tourist Civilizations, under the surprised eyes of countless people, turned around, accelerated, drifted around the corner, and rushed into their respective factories as if encountering a scourge.

"The bell for the start of work is roaring!"

"Yo~hey! Strength is in your hands, dreams are ahead, build roads and bridges and build buildings, let's follow me D, sweat is not in vain, suffering is not in vain, only hard work can make achievements, no one should brag!"

"Hey~ Hey! A glass of wine for success, warming the chest of your loved ones, no regrets, youth has pursuit, and the future has a bright future!"

"Heh~ hey, let's roll up our sleeves and stride forward. All walks of life show their talents, and the working people are the most glorious!"


at the same time.

The northwest sea area of ​​Moro Kingdom.

Hundreds of warships were connected with the same number of freighters one after another.

Countless North American soldiers rushed to Banqiao...


The originally calm sea surface turned out to be choppy with undercurrents in the absence of wind.

The battleship, which had only time to stop due to the docking, but had no time to lower the heavy anchor, slammed into the freighter that had been anchored for a long time.


Although the warships of the new era have "thin skin and big stuffing", and although the standards of Tiancheng freighters are comparable to warships, the quality of North American warships is obviously better than that of Tiancheng freighters.

Amidst the sound of collisions, the stressed area of ​​the 10,000-ton freighter suddenly collapsed, cracked, and flooded...

The 500,000-ton giant ship was pierced by the approaching cruiser...


In an instant, the sirens of all the major ships sounded in unison.

On the other hand, the North American soldiers who were standing on the bridge, preparing to go to the freighter, had an unstable center of gravity and were all thrown into the water.

What's more, the freighter was destroyed, and Tiancheng's crew put on life jackets one after another in order to survive, jumping into the sea one after another.

For a while, the scene was extremely chaotic.

Some soldiers were heavily armed and disappeared in an instant.

Some soldiers were rescued by Tiancheng sailors, and both sides swam desperately to the intact battleship.

There are also some Tiancheng sailors, crying and groping around the nearest North American warship...

The drastic change not only made the new director of the Atlantic Fleet feel like being struck by lightning, but also frightened the North American Sea Department, as well as Xiao Bu who was watching the live broadcast through surveillance.

bang bang bang...

Suddenly, several 500,000-ton giant ships that were pierced in the distance sent distress signals to the sky.

next second.

The huge SOS reflected the whole sky red.

And the 500,000-ton giant ship, whose hull has tilted, gradually sank into the sea with countless falling containers...

Hoo hoo...

Many carrier-based helicopters in the North American Sea took off one after another without receiving orders, and threw lifelines into the sea...

"It's a disaster!"

"This is a prehistoric disaster intensified by hegemony!"

"It is extremely bad in nature, far surpassing the Titanic!"

A Tianyu reporter took pictures of this scene in great grief, and put on a life jacket in the camera, "Brothers, this is the end of the report, I'm going to save people!"

In the early morning of October 21st.

All the ships of the Moro Kingdom, together with the scarce heavy-duty transport aircraft, rushed to the Northwest Sea...

The five major fleets of the bullfighting country, France, Germany, and the returning Montenegro Odyssey... all rushed to the scene of the incident as quickly as possible.

And the news that the Tiancheng Ocean Fleet was hit and sunk by the Atlantic Fleet also caused a sensation in the entire home planet.

"God, what happened?"


"It's not true!"

the other side.

The new director of the Atlantic Fleet, who has already reacted, is talking to the director of the Sea Department:

"Steve, you have to understand that if your Atlantic Fleet can't find evidence, we will face Tiancheng International Holdings' complaints later. Of course, this is not important. The important thing is that Tianwei will definitely retaliate!"

"General, unfortunately, we didn't find our fifty decommissioned ships in the ocean-going fleet."

"you sure?"

"I'm sure, after all, there is a big difference between a freighter and a warship. The ocean-going fleet is all freighters, and there is no model of our warship. Moreover, my people took advantage of the chaos to board the damaged freighter, and we did not find our people."


"General, what should we do? Those sailors are all begging to come aboard our ships."

"This is impossible!"

"But there should be reporters on the scene, if we don't want to save..."

"Steve, if you leak the secrets of the battleship, you will face military sanctions."

"Then you dismiss me."



West Africa, Cape Verde Islands.

In fact, strictly speaking, South Africa has many mountains, while North Africa is the Sahara Desert.

This is also the reason for the stalemate between the African Union (South Africa) and the African Tribes (North Africa) on the north side of the equator.

The backward South African armaments are not suitable for the desert, and North Africa, supported by the European region, dare not exchange fire with North Africa, which is good at mountain warfare.

The Cape Verde Islands are the northernmost part of the area actually controlled by the African Union.

In the early morning of October 20th.

Twenty jet helicopters rushed towards them.

The airport on the island was brightly lit, and nearly 10,000 black uncles with chugs in their arms lined up to guard.

Not long.

The helicopter landed and the hatch opened.

Uncle Hei obeyed the order, boarded the helicopter, and carried the long things packed in sacks.

Twenty minutes later.

The jet helicopter departs and the airport lights go out in an instant.

After a while.

Uncle Hei each carried a sack, followed the instructions of the headset, and walked to the pier hidden at the other end of the island.

"Kamo, what do you think it contains?"

"You can't touch it yourself!"

"I found the helmet, body armor, chugs."

"It's probably a ruthless person captured by Tianwei."

"bless them."

"Well, dig diamonds for us."

"No, this is not a transport ship bound for South Africa."

"Huh? It turned out to be the Southern Ocean."

"Are they going to be transported to Antarctica for mining?"

"May God bless them."

"It's not right, the order tells us to go to the... Airlift, could it be..."

No need to talk anymore.

Uncle Hei who boarded the "Airlift" had seen the "monkey" who was trained in the space centrifuge on the island, and was also loaded onto the ship.

This is a test product for the African Union's manned spaceflight program.

The two black uncles who were chatting before had a throbbing Adam's apple, serious faces, and said seriously:

"May they be happy with their God."


The northwest sea area of ​​Moro Kingdom.

As the remote control team used underwater robots to open the rescue capsule and escape boat from the sunken freighter, and put more rescue equipment into the sea, the chaotic scene gradually subsided.

Thanks to Tiancheng's strong scientific and technological strength, this shipwreck created a miracle.

No sailor was missing or died due to accidental falling into the water. What's more, the reason why dozens of wounded were injured was to rescue the North American soldiers who fell into the water.

Such good news makes it difficult for netizens who are concerned about this matter to support, but at the same time they are very encouraged.

Because Tianyu International posted a news entry: 'Man will conquer nature'!

At the same time, countless journalists squatting in the west rushed to the board of directors of the Western United Vocational University to look for Ge Xiaotian.

"Mr. Ge, what do you think of this matter?"

"Mr. Ge, according to your temper, what are you going to do?"

"Mr. Ge, can you disclose the loss of the ocean-going fleet?"

"Mr. Ge..."

"Mr. Ge..."

Faced with the questioning, Ge Xiaotian's face was gloomy, and he raised his hand to hold back, "I believe this was an accident, but I also believe that the person who caused this accident to happen will pay for it for me."

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