Build Madness

Chapter 955 Boss Ge 'airborne' into Europe

"Why is he so popular?"

'If every festival, you would hand out hundreds of millions of red envelopes, or when some people are about to go bankrupt and cannot survive, you can save them like a god, or when some people have no money to play games , you will help them recharge their point cards for several months in advance, and you are handsome, rich, knowledgeable, and kind, I guarantee that you will be as popular as him. '

The chairman of the Accor Group would love to say that.

However, considering the suspicious character of the ZZ family and the attitude of the West against the East, they immediately changed their rhetoric in favor of Tiancheng's entry into Europe:

"General manager, in recent years, North America has overspent Franklin year after year, causing the financial sector of the home planet to fluctuate. Taking France as an example, all industries related to North American commerce are seriously shrinking, which in turn leads to large-scale unemployment. The unemployment rate is as high as 12%.

This is the main reason why we have accelerated the establishment of the European Union and the promotion of the euro.

However, the European Union plan was affected by many unstable factors, such as England's troubles, Montenegro's sway, and NATO countries and regions' hypocrisy, which finally caused our unemployment rate to exceed 15% in the second half of the year.

If this continues, you will not sit still, and we will also face huge losses.

the most important is.

North American business conflicts with Asian business, and North America cuts off the transportation line in the Six Straits of Malacca. Tiancheng is bound to retaliate. If Tiancheng uses aerospace technology, such as throwing a meteorite into the Atlantic from time to time, to cut off the trade between North America and Europe, the European countries will go bankrupt Mostly.

Now, Tiancheng International Holdings invests in Europe and helps Accor to build a comprehensive industrial chain, which can not only help us solve the increasingly serious employment problem, but also help us get rid of our dependence on North American business.

This is why the masses like Mr. Ge.

In addition, in recent years, many wars have broken out on the parent star, such as Soma, Iraq, West Asia, and Africa.

For North America, Ice Bear, and China, these wars are only small-scale armed conflicts, but for us France, they are large-scale battles that we dare not participate in.

You know, we are also one of the 'Five Great Changs', a big country, and I learned from Mr. Ge's words: it turned out to be like this! "

General Manager of France: "..."

"If we make a good deal with Tiantian and move closer to the fast-growing Huaxia, we can not only consolidate our international status and improve our own influence, but also relieve the pressure brought by North America's suppression of the European Union.

In other words, North America certainly does not want us to move closer to China, and will inevitably extend an olive branch. Isn't it up to us to decide how to operate and how to obtain greater benefits? "

"I see!"

The general manager of France supports the home planet joint meeting, tends to 'multilateralism', and opposes hegemony. Hearing this, he nodded heavily, "Then let us welcome our Eastern friends from afar with the most solemn ceremony!"

"He projected it."



The French Accor Group itself is not weak.

It owns Sofitel, Sofitel Legend, Raffles, Fairmont, MGallery, Pullman, Mercure, Mercure, Ibis, Ibis Styles, Ibis Budget, and hotelF1, covering luxury, Multinational hotels with high-end, mid-range and economical levels.

After the cooperation with Tiancheng, French Accor officially entered the Tiancheng industrial chain. So far, it has invested in 25 Sofitel (five-star) and 176 Ibis (chain).

Although they did not make a lot of money in China, Accor has absorbed the concept of "diversified management" from Tiancheng.

For example, regardless of high, middle or low-end hotels, commercial things corresponding to consumer groups are deployed on the first floor, including luxury goods, cosmetics, clothing, shoes and hats, fitness and medical care...

For example, increase the number of special vehicles for hotels, reduce the service threshold for car pick-up and drop-off, and increase the frequency of promotional activities.

For example, integrating all hotel washing, decoration, and material supplies, and centralizing hotel personnel training to reduce operating costs.

Therefore, in the past two years, the French Accor Group has followed Tian Cheng's footsteps and flourished overseas.

The industry spreads across five continents, with 4,800 hotels, 280,000 employees, and total assets of up to 20 billion Franklin. It is currently the largest hotel group in the mother star.

Enjoying the benefits brought by 'diversified operation', the board of directors of the French Accor Group is eager to see Tiancheng's more profitable 'comprehensive industrial chain'.

Therefore, the two parties reached a cooperation.

In the capital world, having capital means having the right to speak.

The Accor Group's board of directors is fully capable of influencing the decision-making of the French high-level, making the latter agree to Tiancheng's entry into Europe.


Ge Xiaotian knew about the French general manager who was about to meet.

In another time and space, in this time period, the other party created the "golden decade" of the relationship between China and France.

This is the main reason why Tiancheng is willing to accept the Accor Group since the canal development zone.

Although time and space are different, the cooperative relationship between the two parties has always been strong.

As for Dao Shiyi's "Accor is not reliable", it is nothing more than ZZ's influence on business.

After all, he was operating overseas. If he didn't watch ZZ, he probably wouldn't even know how he died.

Ge Xiaotian was thinking, operating a sci-fi electric car, and parked in front of the Arc de Triomphe on the Champs Elysees.

In the distance, the guard of honor from the Elysee Palace came on horseback, blowing trumpets and beating drums.

At this moment, there are crowds of people on both sides of the street, and even the windows of the buildings on both sides are crowded with people waving Chinese and French flags.

The spectacular scene, even in the history of France, is unique.

As for law and order...

No matter France or Tiancheng, they all announced to the mother planet as soon as the talks were confirmed: the airborne is a 'projection'!

Only a fool will come out to "Boss Ge".

Not long.

The VIP convoy joined the guard of honor and headed to the Elysee Palace together.

On the capital square, the general manager of France who had been chatting in the Accor Group branch building before, the chairman of Accor and the heavyweight shareholder of Accor were waiting eagerly.

ten minutes later.

Sci-fi electric cars drive into the square.

At this time, the front wheel of the electric car suddenly shook violently, and was slowly lifted up under the push of the hydraulic rod in the middle of the car...

No, the whole electric car is like a 'human', getting up from the ground!

The sudden change caused all the people around the square and the top French officials to stand on the spot in a daze.


"Merde!" (French for 'Fuck')

"Oh, mon Dieu!" (God)

"Automobiliste!!!" (Autobot)

The exclamations and screams instantly overwhelmed the music played by the guard of honor, and the huge sound wave went straight into the sky, sweeping across most of Paris.


When the more sci-fi 'car' walked quickly to the general manager of France, and at the same time issued a mechanically synthesized sound, he stretched out his metal palm...

The general manager of France was stunned for a few seconds, until he looked at the 'Ge's smile' displayed inside the front of the other party's car, and then suddenly woke up:

"Mr. Ge, welcome to France!"

"First of all, I'm sorry, you know that if I really come here, I'm afraid there will be gunshots and explosions around me."

"Ha, Mr. Ge is really humorous. We have very good security here."



Facing the question from the investment tycoon, the general manager of France did not have the confidence to answer.

Because in the European region, the public security in France is generally recognized as poor, especially in Paris. At least in August this year, in order to meet the tourist boom of Chinese aunts, the official has released:

'Please don't wear expensive jewelry, don't carry a lot of cash, and don't go out alone in Paris at night, especially when dancing in the square, remember to tie the stereo to your lap. '

Well, the French guy likes to take advantage of Huaxia's aunt dancing square dance, pick up the stereo and run away...

However, the general manager of France understood the reason why Ge Xiaotian met to talk about law and order.

Tiancheng is about to invest in real estate in Paris, and Tiancheng Real Estate adopts the property management of Tianwei Group, but France is worried that Tianwei is too powerful and will cause uncontrolled incidents, so currently only 20 entry quotas are given.

Talking about law and order is just to increase the number of Tianwei's entry.

"Mr. Ge, please rest assured that after the two parties reach a cooperation, we will open the restrictions on Tianwei."

"It's so good."

As an investor, Ge Xiaotian never backed down on such issues.

Chatting, everyone walked into the palace meeting room.

The staff of Tiancheng International Holdings' European office, the French official commercial representative, and the Accor Group's signing representative had already sat in their respective areas and waited.

Ge Xiaotian greeted other important people one by one, and the cooperation symposium officially started.

Without a projector, the Autobot waved his arm, and a 55-inch virtual screen appeared in front of his eyes.

The sci-fi style makes the conference room extraordinarily quiet.

"Industrial chain is not easy to do, it requires mature industry, commerce, finance, medical care, education, etc. Even if it is as strong as Tiancheng, it took three years to build the industrial chain.

Fortunately, the Accor Group has a strong background, and Tiancheng also has a complete industrial chain template. As long as the funds are in place, nothing will matter. "

French business director: "Mr. Ge, can you tell us about your first round investment plan?"

"As far as I know, the unemployment rate in France has exceeded 15%. Therefore, our first round of investment is mainly aimed at the employment rate."

Ge Xiaotian switched the virtual screen, "You are the largest producer of agriculture in the European region, and the policy of 'encouraging the development of small and medium-sized family farms while restraining ultra-small farmers' has been implemented, so that the per capita arable land area of ​​farmers has increased from 19 hectares to 42 hectares.

It seems to be a good thing, but since the 1980s, due to the excessive use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides on family farms, soil compaction, fertility decline, soil erosion, destruction of biological chains and biodiversity, degradation of the ecological environment, and reduction in the quality of agricultural products have occurred.

In the end, your food export volume fell below a record low, and in recent years, the agricultural trade war broke out on the home planet, and your agricultural and sideline products were piled up in the warehouse, making it almost impossible to sell them.

In such a predicament, soil pollution is a difficult problem to solve. We suggest that under the premise of ensuring normal internal supply, or that the people will not starve to death and have enough to eat, farms that cannot grow high-yield crops , Change it to 'Industrial Park' to build your own industrial system. "

French agricultural director: "Mr. Ge..."

"Don't interrupt, listen to me."


"The industrial system needs a set of supply and demand chains. In terms of raw material supply, Tiancheng not only has the Asia-Europe Bridge, which can connect West Asia and Ice Bear, but also has non-regional industries, which can provide a steady stream of resources. In terms of demand for finished and semi-finished products, I believe that There are 37 countries along the way of Zheng He's voyages, which can help your country achieve both "export volume" and "import volume"!

As for how much it can go up, it depends on how big your industrial system is going to be.

The larger the industrial system, the stronger the military strength, and the more jobs there will be.

Only when the employment problem is solved, can we have the confidence to discuss follow-up cooperation. Otherwise, if the masses have no money, who will buy my house? I can't sell the house, so why invest here? "


The somewhat convoluted investment plan has caused most of the French executives to fall into contemplation (confusion).

But high-level executives in business, finance, industry, and agriculture understood.

Take arable land, build factories on a large scale, increase military strength, create thousands of jobs, ban agricultural exports with industrial exports, and then balance imports with the help of the Asia-Europe Bridge and Zheng He's voyages to the West.

"Of course, if you are worried that Tiancheng will curb your economic lifeline through ocean-going trade, you can develop your own ocean-going trade or those belonging to the European Union. We will help you build a 300,000-ton freighter and supporting ports. It's the cost price."

"Mr. Ge, we need to discuss."

"No problem, let's continue in three days. I will go for a walk in Germany."

The voice fell, the Autobot stopped running, and the projection disappeared...

The French senior officials looked at each other.

You're leaving too simply, aren't you?

Chairman of Accor Group: "Mr. Ge races against the clock to make money, we should determine the investment plan as soon as possible, otherwise other countries will take the lead, and things will be troublesome."


Western Union Career University Auditorium.

Ge Xiaotian walked out of the equipment cabin, rubbed his brows, and sat on the rostrum.

Below, a think tank composed of 500 monks is analyzing the just-concluded 'Cooperation Symposium'.

Group A: "Boss, during the conversation, members of the Accor Group's board of directors agree with your proposal."

Group B: "Boss, the chairman of Accor Group secretly sent an order to Accor's finance team to raise funds, asking for no less than 2 billion euros."

Group C: "Boss, the French agricultural supervisor has objections, and is preparing to combine environmental and land reclamation to put pressure on the general manager's office."

Group D: "Boss, after the meeting, the chairman of Accor invites high-level executives from industrial adjustment, foreign trade, commerce, handicrafts, labor employment, vocational training, technology, social affairs, national unity, urban housing, transportation, etc. to attend a private party .”

Group E: "Boss, according to the analysis, your proposal is stable."

"Nonsense, as long as the Accor Group wants it, as long as they ensure that French agriculture can support themselves, they will definitely agree to my first-round investment plan. The reason for their hesitation is that they want to get the most benefits at the lowest cost."

Tiancheng said it invested in France, but in fact Accor bought equipment from Tiancheng, and Tiancheng provided technical support, and helped adjust the operation mode, coordinate the overall situation, and construct a super-first-class industrial chain on the mother planet.

This is very important for France.

Because French industry can only be called 'comprehensive' in developed countries, but cannot be called 'advanced'.

In particular, with the rise of Montenegro's industry, cheap commodities from the Asian region landed in the European region, and the French industry was even worse.

In the first half of the year, quite a few overseas netizens even suspected that French industry was 40 years behind German industry, because France lost its ability to innovate after Napoleon.

France was furious about this public opinion, but could not refute it.

"Long nights and lots of dreams. Visiting Germany tonight will stimulate Accor. If they don't play, I will invest in German optical engineering... By the way, to fuel public opinion, let's say that after Tiancheng invested in German optical engineering, French industry lags behind." A century of German industry."


"Also, this time I went to Berlin to make a sensation over there. An Autobot is too cheap."

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