Build Madness

Chapter 956 Optical Engineering

Regardless of the former Tiancheng Machinery or the current Tiancheng Electric Industry, they have never been stingy in building the car of their own big boss.

From the agricultural four-wheeled Golden Cup, to the Mi 26 room machine, the diamond tua car, the Tiancheng business jet, the Tiancheng vertical lift aircraft, and then to the shark airship...

All of them show the force of the corresponding enterprise strength.

Although Boss Ge doesn't often use the car, follow-up research is still going on.

In the middle of 2002, Lao Hong, the director of aerospace company under Tiancheng Electric Industry, presided over the development of the second-generation Tiancheng business jet, which is the jet helicopter currently used by Tianwei. (Appearance is similar to V22)

In early 2003, Lao Hong presided over the research and development of the third-generation Tiancheng business jet.

This model integrates aerospace technology, combines the aerodynamic structure of fighter jets, and adopts the design of recyclable rockets to create a "high-end business jet" with the performance of fourth-generation fighter jets.

It can break defense at low altitude, evade at high altitude, accelerate to get rid of, stealth camouflage, and complete takeoff and landing regardless of bad weather.

It can meet the office needs of important high-level executives of any commercial organization and travel between various regions.

For example, the director of Iraq once took it, passed through layers of blockades in North America without anyone noticing, arrived in West Asia safely, and completed the arms procurement plan.

For example, Ge Xiaotian, chairman of Tiancheng, now takes it to arrive at the capital of Germany from Western United Vocational University in only three hours.


18:30 Berlin time.

Berlin Schönefeld Airport.

The newly developed 'Boxer Dog' armored transport vehicles came galloping.

Without waiting for a complete stop, countless green-clothed soldiers filed down and quickly surrounded the already guarded inner and outer grounds.

At the same time, six Wuzhi planes rose in the sky, and various detection equipment were also placed in the open space in the distance.

Such a scene caused tourists from all over the world to stop and watch.

Even the German masses, known for their strictness and conservatism, couldn't help being curious, or pulled over to take pictures, or set up SG equipment to record.

Not long.

A shuttle-shaped aircraft suddenly appeared in the dark sky. It hovered for a moment and landed slowly.

When the cabin door opened, the well-known "Boss Ge" appeared in front of people.

Boss Ge's airborne landing in France became hot news on the mother planet as early as the afternoon.

People who are curious about the "autobots" have already figured out that this is nothing more than hiding the AR dispenser inside the robot to create the illusion that the virtual human is wearing a machine.

Although the technology is advanced, but influenced by Tian Cheng, many countries have been able to do it, which is not so shocking.


AR projection requires equipment support, whether it is a wheelchair or an electric car, it is always inseparable from the 'vehicle'.

And now, Boss Ge actually got off the plane alone!

No vehicle, no security, not even a secretary...

"My God, it's true!"

"Oh my God, I can't help but think of Aunt Huaxia's evaluation of our German law and order: Crooked Good!"

"I'm suddenly very proud!"

"Damn it, he went to France to use the projector, but he came to Germany to use the real body!"

"Strange, what is he doing?"

"Perhaps a twisted neck."

disembarkation port.

'Boss Ge', who was carrying a travel bag, straightened his head with his hands, and walked down the boarding ladder with mechanical steps.

The high-ranking Germans who had been waiting for a long time suppressed their doubts and stepped forward to greet them:

"Mr. Ge."


The friendly and magnetic voice is exactly the same as my own. Even if I hold the white and slender palm, I can feel the body temperature of ordinary people in this winter environment.

Eyeballs, beard and hair, breath, expression...

Have everything.

But it was precisely this that horrified the German general manager.


Only he knew at the scene that it wasn't him who came, but the rubber man.

This is a project that Tiancheng 101 Laboratory has researched for nearly four years. The first semi-finished product was sent to space by the Huaxia Aerospace Department, the second finished product was sent to the moon by the Tiancheng Aerospace Department, and the third finished product is the one in front of you. .

It is also a gift from Tiancheng to Germany.

Of course, the rubber man in front of him does not have the intelligence of the No. 1 machine, but uses "artificial intelligence", that is, realizes various actions through remote control, and the person involved completes the dialogue with the scene.

And the person involved must be Chairman Tiancheng.

"Mr. Ge!"


Tian Cheng didn't finalize his investment plan in France, so he came to Germany now for inspection.

Therefore, Germany also attaches great importance to this meeting, and more than 20 high-level people came to welcome it.

The general manager of Germany smiled and observed everyone who shook hands with the 'rubber man', and found that except for one woman, the rest had no abnormalities.

'Too strong! '

The German general manager sighed, full of thoughts.

In fact, as early as three years ago, Germany and Tian Cheng secretly cooperated.

The bridge of cooperation is the big leader of 'Old Jiefang', now the 'General Manager of FAW', and the reason for the cooperation originated from 'Audi'.

Of course, the cooperation project between the two parties is definitely not Audi, but a bus with a cast iron engine.

Tiancheng sold the design drawings to Jiefang in exchange for more first-generation buses. In fact, the drawings were resold by FAW to Volkswagen in exchange for finishing machine tools for the production of precision parts for Audi engines.

But after Volkswagen manufactured the first Tiancheng-designed cast iron engine and supporting buses according to the blueprints, they found that this thing was not durable, far from the lifespan marked on the blueprints, and even... the cylinder exploded after two trips.

Volkswagen felt cheated by FAW, so they approached FAW for a theory, and FAW leaders approached Tiancheng. After some explanations, everyone finally understood that this kind of bus must use Tiancheng's maintenance station. (In fact, it is the restoration of the blacksmith shop, which prolongs the life of the engine in disguise)

Volkswagen is very confident in its own "cast iron engine technology", and does not believe that a private enterprise that is lagging behind in the East can surpass itself.

Therefore, with curiosity, the public introduced a maintenance station from Tiancheng Machinery and set it up in Munich.

It turned out that this maintenance station is like the East, which is extremely magical.

The five maintenance workers are omnipotent and can repair almost any machinery, and their work attitude is even more admirable to the Germans.

For example, I ate two pieces of bread in the morning and kept working until noon. I didn’t need to put down the wrench for lunch, and continued to work after drinking a glass of beer. I could even stay up late at night.

As for the maintenance station, although the sparrow is small, it has all internal organs...


With the rise of Tianheng Automobile Trading, Volkswagen and Tianheng’s female executive surnamed Qi launched several rounds of negotiations, and finally entrusted Volkswagen’s after-sales service to Tiancheng Machinery, and the two parties shared accounts in proportion. (Tiancheng’s after-sales quotation is low, so that the public can earn more)

Later, Tianheng Automobile Trade won the after-sales service business of Baima.

In this way, Tiancheng has close contacts with German companies.

In 2001, Tianke entered the field of optics and cooperated with German Zeiss. Half a year later, Tianke surpassed Zeiss in technology. (If Tianke exports high-tech electronics, it will be sanctioned by the West like Longtian Technology)

In 2002, Zeiss, which dominated the optical field in Germany and even ranked first in the parent star optical field, was on the verge of bankruptcy due to financial turmoil, and Tianke immediately provided sufficient financial support.

Therefore, Tiancheng and Deutsche Merchants have been elevated to a 'strategic partnership'.

Of course, none of this has been made public.

Because Germany likes to be low-key, Tianke also likes to be low-key.

In 2003, Zeiss went bankrupt, Tianke was acquired by Weihua, and the cooperation projects between Germany and Tiancheng decreased.

In the past, Tiancheng was looking for business cooperation in Germany, because Tiancheng had nothing.

But now, Tian Cheng has become the uncrowned king of the home planet's business world, whether it is optical engineering, or bionic technology, or genetics, aerospace, and industry, they are all top-notch.

In addition, Tiancheng has the 'photoelectric technology' to counter H weapons...

As a defeated country, it is necessary for Germany to take the initiative to strengthen cooperation with Tiancheng.

Thinking of this, the general manager of Germany took a deep breath and walked to the side of the only female executive who noticed the strangeness of the 'rubber man'.

"Ellie, what's the problem?"

"Although he was smiling, he looked at me coldly, without any emotion."


"I think Mr. Ge must have undergone brutal training in the Siberia training camp, otherwise he wouldn't look like a killer."

The senior female said, showing a nympho expression, "It's so handsome."

General manager of Germany: "..."

The meeting ceremony ended, and everyone went to the capital.

After the onlookers uploaded photos and videos, they immediately set off heated discussions on the Internet.

Some people marveled at the boldness of Lao Ge Yigao.

You know, just after this guy had a conflict with the Atlantic Fleet, he parachuted into Germany, which has the headquarters of the North American garrison, so he might be targeted for elimination.

Some people suspected that this was a stand-in, the purpose was to attract firepower, create trouble, and provide Tian Cheng with a reason to strengthen the counter system.

Others looked to France.

After all, Lao Ge didn't dare to go to Paris in person, and he even talked about public security, but in the afternoon, he ran to Germany, which has the headquarters of the North American garrison...

The general manager of France couldn't bear it anymore, and commented on the web and Panda Guard respectively: "That's not a real person! Are you stupid?!"



Federal General Manager's Mansion.

Everyone chatted and walked towards the meeting room.

Just when 'Ge Xiaotian' was about to enter the gate, affected by the VR operation, he subconsciously looked behind him, preparing to take the 'speech suit' from Dao Shiyi.

Unexpectedly, this time he was the only one accompanying the welcoming team, not even the secretary.

Of course, the personnel from the European office of Tiancheng International Holdings must have arrived early and entered the venue to prepare materials.

But the problem is...

The head of the rubber man adopts the technology of turning the head of the robot, that is... translational 180°C.


'Ge Xiaotian' turned his head to the back abruptly, and came face to face with the nymphomaniac following behind.

The peach color in the latter's eyes disappeared, and the pupils dilated instantly...

A super-high-decibel scream broke the tranquility of the mansion of the general manager of the Federation, and also attracted the attention of the surrounding executives.

When he saw the gesture of 'Ge Xiaotian', he frightened and paralyzed the two senior executives on the spot.

"Ge, Mr. Ge?"

"Oh, this damn body makes me feel very uncomfortable."


The audience was dumbfounded.

Are you afraid it's not the devil?

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