Build Madness

Chapter 957 Optical Engineering (continued)

Federal General Manager's Mansion.

After some explanations, everyone looked at 'Ge Xiaotian' as if admiring a rare treasure.

Especially the awakened nympho high-ranking woman, who directly hugged the rubber man's arm, kneaded and pulled, kissed up and down...

"Do you feel it?"

Ge Xiaotian: "..."

There is a fart feeling, the master is remote operation, okay, it is not a neuron connection.


The German general manager couldn't stand it anymore, "Let's start."

In the venue, representatives of Tiancheng International Holdings, German business representatives, and the German general manager team had already prepared materials.

Hearing the words, they started to move, some held the gossip shift key, some pressed the keyboard with both hands, and some took a pen to record.

'Ge Xiaotian' straightened his head, that is, corrected the camera connected to the VR display, and looked around the venue.

"Besides China, the only country that I admire and appreciate very much is your country."


Applause from the audience.

This is the magical Ge who can control the pattern of the mother star!

It has never commented on any country or region in semi-public or public occasions.

Saying this now...

very face!

The German representatives at the venue held their heads high and their chests high.

"Although your country is a defeated country and relatively low-key, but in the European region, its economic strength ranks first.

This has a lot to do with the quality of the people, the popularization of education, and the emphasis on engineering. It is also an example for Tiancheng to learn from. "


The audience once again gave warm applause.


Compared with France, which has a comprehensive industry but is not advanced, your country, which is leading in industry, also has its own shortcomings.

One is excessive reliance on exports, resulting in continuous trade surplus, and the surplus is getting bigger and bigger.

Originally, a trade surplus is a good thing, indicating that your foreign trade is in a favorable position. "

Ge Xiaotian turned on the projector and showed the map of Europe:

"However, when France takes advantage of Tiancheng's investment to upgrade its comprehensive industrial system to an advanced level, it will no longer need to import products from your country in the future.

And if the increasingly powerful Vikings go south to control the English Channel and cut off the northern European trade routes, and the Montenegro Odyssey controls the Asia-Europe Bridge and sets high tolls, and the Atlantic Ocean cannot resume sailing due to "natural disasters", then it will be expensive. If there is nowhere to sell Chinese goods, the economy will collapse in an instant. "

German Foreign Minister: "Mr. Ge, what you said is a bit alarmist."

"I never scare people, I just state the facts."

'Ge Xiaotian' smiled slightly, and operated the screen on the back, showing Beihai in the European area.

In the picture monitored by the space satellite:

Densely packed battleships surround an unknown island.

On the island, countless strong Nordic men in Viking costumes, armed with sharp modern weapons, are having a carnival.

Surrounded by radar equipment, air defense guide eggs, and various base vehicles.

And through the windows of the nearby fortifications, one can vaguely see many 'pirate newcomers' who are training through virtual devices.

The camera pulls up.

There are hundreds of such islands in the huge European North Sea.

According to rough statistics, this force is not inferior to the three major fleets of the Black Sea Odyssey in Montenegro.


Seeing such a scene, the German personnel were collectively confused.

Ge Xiaotian flicked his fingers on the tabletop, "I know that most of the important parts of these warships, even the entire warship, including armaments, are manufactured by you."

The general manager of the German side became anxious immediately, "Mr. Ge, please don't make such a joke."

"Viking funds and personnel come from all over the home planet, but the construction of warships and the production of armaments require an industrial base. I don't believe that the five Nordic countries have this capability, and England is too busy to take care of itself, and it will certainly not help the evil. After thinking about it, it seems that only There is your side."

"Mr. Ge, we are not that stupid!"

"Then the question is, where do these big killers come from?"

A certain executive roared angrily: "It must be an ice bear!!!"

After the words fell, the German high-level leaders nodded collectively.

In Europe, the only ones who can sell so many big guys to Vikings are Germany, Ice Bear, and Montenegro Odyssey.

If Montenegro Odyssey wants to go to Northern Europe, it will definitely pass through Gibraltar. The warships are so big and there are so many, things must not be hidden from the European countries.

It's true that they didn't make these big guys, so... the rest are naturally ice bears.

"Yes, it must be the ice bear, the Vikings can enter the Baltic Sea, which connects to St. Petersburg!"

The bigwigs in Europe, who themselves disliked Ice Bear, wanted to tell the world about it immediately.

'Ge Xiaotian' pressed his palm, "This is not the scariest thing."


"You should know that the Tiancheng Intelligence Department is very powerful."

"Yes, Mr. Ge."

"We have reliable information..."

Screen switching:

The satellite map locks on to the Black Sea, showing the confrontation between the three major fleets of the Montenegro Odyssey and the Ice Bear Black Sea Fleet.

The two sides shot at each other, and the eggs flew around.


Even if the interception failed, no guide egg hit the opponent.

the most important is!

Just when the German side was about to marvel at the strength of the Tiancheng Satellite, which was able to capture such high-definition images, and complained about the poor launch technology of Ice Bear and Montenegro.

After the fight was over, the warships approached each other, the Maozi and the Heizi walked slowly up the Banqiao, sitting together like a couple, one took out a wine bottle, and the other took out a wine bottle...

One bite for you, one bite for me...

It seems that it has been commented on!

"I rely on it!"


"What the hell!"

The venue exploded instantly.

Ge Xiaotian: "I suspect they..."

The general manager of the German side: "There is no doubt, they must be in collusion!"

German foreign affairs director: "Yes, no wonder Montenegro Odyssey betrayed North America, no wonder they did not strengthen the Black Sea Fleet, but instead expanded the Mediterranean Fleet. This is a terrifying conspiracy!!!"

The harsh words made the top German leaders collectively shudder.

You know, the three major fleets of the Montenegro Odyssey in the Mediterranean broke through Gibraltar last month, and scared the bullfighting country to tears...

"They're already in action!"

"Oh shit!"


"We must unite!"

"No no no!"

'Ge Xiaotian' raised his finger and shook it left and right, "You still haven't understood."

Then, he switched the screen to the North Sea in Europe, showing hundreds of islands occupied by Viking pirates.


Draw a circle with your finger.

The nympho senior showed a panicked expression: "We are surrounded?!"

'Ge Xiaotian' nodded solemnly.

Other high-level German officials: "..."

"I have to say, your intelligence department sucks!"


"Of course, there are excusable circumstances."

'Ge Xiaotian' said, replacing the screen with a list.

Seeing the above content, the general manager of Germany, who was about to light a cigar to calm his mood due to panic, shook his hand, the lighter slipped, and the cigar fell to the ground.


The audience was dumbfounded, and two of them got up and tried to escape...

"First of all, I'm sorry, our commercial intelligence department has indeed set up a site in your territory, but we are to track down the Five Eyes Alliance, not to do things in your country. As for the mutual harm between us and the Five Eyes Alliance, I want to come everybody knows."

Everyone in the venue nodded in unison, not caring about it, but staring at the list displayed on the screen.

"During the fight, we found that North America installed two thousand 'receivers' in your territory to monitor more than two thousand important people in your side, and the Five Eyes Alliance even infiltrated your high-level officials and hid a large number of News about what's going on with the Vikings and Montenegro Odyssey..."

At this time, the general manager of the German side suddenly interrupted the speech: "Mr. Ge, how about we change the place and communicate in a different way?"

"I feel the need to do so."


Western Union Vocational University.

Ge Xiaotian exited the VR operation mode, lit a cigar, pondered for a long time, and looked around at the think tank discussed below.

"Boss, Germany now has two choices. One is to unite with France to build a European community and use its own strength to fight against Ice Bear, Montenegro, and Viking. But Germany is a defeated country and is bound by many agreements, plus... The news that Montenegro is joining forces with Ice Bear is too shocking, if they can't withstand the pressure, they will choose North America to take action."

"If it is the first option, we will not only be able to enter the European zone smoothly, but also get the full support of France and Germany to achieve the 'Eurasian Co-prosperity' in the first plan in the shortest possible time."

"If they ask North America to take action, our plan to enter the European region will go bankrupt, and the flames of war will spread to Montenegro, and then expand to West Asia, which may trigger a third..."

"However, boss, we speculate that North America dare not get involved in this matter. They have suffered heavy losses in Soma, Iraq, and West Asia. In addition to the economic depression in recent years, we hope that there will be troubles in Europe. 'Anyway, everyone is not good, and I'm just a little bit bad and you're bad, so I'm the best', that's the Western philosophy."

"In addition, the existence of our side is also one of the reasons why North America is unwilling to blend in the conflicts between Europe, Ice Bear, and Montenegro."

"It makes sense!"

Ge Xiaotian pondered for a moment, "Has the Chief of North American Affairs arrived in Europe?"

"Still on the way, it is expected to land in Germany in three hours."

"It seems that we have to come up with some real guys, take a look at France and Germany, and promote cooperation as soon as possible."

Although Wajima and Germany are both defeated countries, there is an essential difference between the two when dealing with North America. One is not daring to resist, and the other is daring to fight hard.

This is the basis of Tiancheng's investment in Germany.

In other words, France used to be the leader of the European Union, and from now on Germany is the leader of the European Union.

Then he led the European League to rage against the Ice Bear, causing the Ice Bear to suffer internal injuries worse than the North American sanctions. Only in this way, Tian Cheng could get more benefits in Siberia.


The residence of the German general manager.

During Ge Xiaotian's departure, Tiancheng's staff had handed over all the 'list' to the German general manager.

A violent storm is inevitable, but it has nothing to do with Tiancheng's business plan.

The two sides returned to the venue, and two high-level German officials disappeared from the venue.

Since the Tiancheng Intelligence Department did not intervene in the German intelligence system, it is very likely that the content of the previous conversation between the two sides has been passed on to North America and England by the Vanishers.

Therefore, the German high-level face is very ugly.

Ge Xiaotian felt that the groundwork was almost done, and he operated the screen behind to display the Nanyang commercial deployment:

"Tiancheng has always paid attention to the interests of its partners. In order to protect our partners from being interfered with by external factors in their decision to cooperate with Tiancheng, we have prepared a trinity defense system for our partners."

"Just like Cambodia, who would have thought that a poor and backward region that can only survive in the cracks can have its own countermeasure system that ignores any guided weapons?"

"With all these in place, Cambodia and Tiancheng will carry out all-round cooperation, laying infrastructure facilities, developing industrial systems, improving commercial sectors, and leasing foreign trade ports. Finally, in just two years, Cambodia will achieve tenfold positive economic growth and become the parent star of the new century. The brightest star."

"I believe that Tian Cheng and you are in Yuanyuan... oh, the eavesdropping mice have been wiped out, that's enough to say."

"I believe that Tiancheng and you will deepen cooperation projects and strengthen technical exchanges on the basis of the original cooperation, and you will become the most dazzling economy in the European region."

Most of the high-level German officials were a little puzzled when they heard this.

But the chairman of old Zeiss, Volkswagen, Baima and other companies applauded warmly, including the general manager of Germany.

Ge Xiaotian vainly pressed his palm, "In order to protect you from being swayed by the outside world during the cooperation period, Tiancheng is willing to provide a 'light curtain system' with 80% of the functions."

Boss Ge came to Germany to reach a cooperation in 'optical engineering'.

The so-called 'optical engineering' refers to a class of engineering that applies optical theory to practical applications.

Such as lenses, microscopes, telescopes.

It also includes other devices that utilize optical properties, such as laser instruments, optical sensors, optical fiber communications, optical discs, and the like.

And the corresponding research and development of optical materials, and applications such as optical simulation and optical system design.

Or, to revive Zeiss.

After all, Germany is the only single-industry group that can dominate the high-tech field of the mother planet. If it really disappears, German industry will lose its ability to innovate and expand.

And now, Boss Ge has added a 'light curtain system' that makes all countries and regions envious...

This is a technique comparable to 'H' shock and awe!

The German high-level executives were stunned for a moment, and they stood up and applauded collectively.


After the applause subsided, Ge Xiaotian changed his voice, "Tiancheng is an enterprise, not a country or region, let alone a charity organization. Therefore, these things need to be bought with money. Of course, resources and technology can also be exchanged for equivalent value."

"This is not a problem!"


The light curtain system and the North American active denial system belong to two types of things. The latter uses millimeter wave electromagnetic energy to radiate, causing a burning sensation on the surface of the living body, or radiating metal to generate high temperature, forcing the living thing to actively leave the enveloped area.

However, the light curtain system uses optical imaging technology, using beams in the form of particles to stimulate biological neurons, forcing creatures to subconsciously avoid this area from the level of physiological functions.

Both can achieve 'no injury', and can also increase the power to kill, but the active denial system is an invisible wave, which cannot block the guide egg, while the light curtain is a 'substantial wave', which can trigger the guide egg fuze .

This is the reason why the countries on the home planet marvel at the power of Tiancheng's AR technology.

Now Germany is about to get the technology...

That night.

Tiancheng International Holdings took the lead in signing the first round of purchase orders with a total value of 13 billion euros with German Zeiss.

These include two light curtain systems with 80% of the functions, and fifteen B-class Super Panda Kai.

The B-level Super Panda is a manual driving version, similar to the Super Tomcat 21 of the Montenegro Odyssey, except that it uses Tiancheng's self-developed engine and aerodynamic structure.

As for Class A...

That is a carrier-based model, which also belongs to the manual pilot version, but with the addition of an ocean-type ground-effect aircraft to boost the sound control device.

There is also a driverless version of the Super Skeleton Panda.

Well, Montenegro Odyssey is a Tomcat, and Tiancheng International Holdings is a Panda.


Tiancheng International Holdings and German White Horse, Germany Volkswagen, based on the after-sales service authorized by both parties to Tianheng Automobile Trading, respectively reached the joint research and development projects of 'electric vehicles' and 'new energy vehicles'.

Tiancheng is responsible for laying charging piles and energy supply stations, while Baima and Volkswagen are responsible for launching new models and exchanging brand authorizations with each other.

For example, there will be 'White Horse Dongba', 'White Horse Tianba' and 'Volkswagen Tua' in the future.

And Huaxia will have 'Tianheng White Horse' and 'Tianheng Audi'...

Of course, Audi is an agent of FAW, and Tianheng can launch other Volkswagen brands.

In short, as the German Ministry of Intelligence confirmed Ge Xiaotian's previous statement step by step (the joint matter of Montenegro, Ice Bear, and Viking), the letter of intent for cooperation signed by the two parties became thicker and thicker, and the total order amount rose...

Including some facilities of the space launch site, the core technology of the launch vehicle, the design drawings of the space shuttle, and the construction project of the lunar base...

When the sun rises the next day and the warm sunshine fills the European area, the business landscape on this land has undergone earth-shaking changes.

at the same time.

The chief of North American affairs arrived at the European headquarters of the North American military in Germany.


Western Union Vocational University.

"Boss, you must be prepared. We suspect that the German side will sell our technology to North America."

"That's better, let North America help us strengthen the 'light curtain system', and then take it back and record it into the main brain. In this way, we can not only trouble the German side, but also have a more powerful light curtain system."

Ge Xiaotian smiled and waved his hands, "If it were Wajima, I'm not sure, but if I hand it over to the German side, I believe they won't be so stupid."


Three hours later, the Ministry of Intelligence sent a message.

The German general manager almost got into a fight with the North American affairs chief.

The North American military chief demanded that Germany terminate its cooperation with Tiancheng International Holdings under the threat of increasing the cost of the garrison.

That is to say, if the German side continues to cooperate with Tiancheng, it will have to spend 2% of GDP, about 52 billion Franklin, as the cost of stationing troops in North America, which is nearly 20 billion more than before.

During the dispute between the two parties, the German side remitted 177 billion euros to the account of Tiancheng International Holdings through Swiss Swiss Bank.

"Think of a way to get the staff of Swiss Swiss Bank to post the screenshots of the remittance to the Internet and put pressure on France through public opinion. By the way, I will use euros to help this staff member to leave the European area and move to Canal Financial Street. placement."

"Good boss."

Ge Xiaotian doesn't care whether the German side is willing to pay North America, even if it really takes 50 billion, that's his business, anyway, his own project funds have already been obtained, "Notify Xu Ling, the general manager of non-regional Tiancheng, to promote a new supervisor, let him The subject handed over the work at hand to the other party, and went to the European region to take charge of the new market."

"Boss, Manager Xu is eight months pregnant, let him stay in the non-area."


Ge Xiaotian looked through the industrial layout and found that Gao Song and Holden went to South America to develop the market, the five Xiaohuang brothers were busy in Mocos, Hao Ge took over the Guangzhou market and rubber projects, and Shuai Bo was in charge of new energy laying...

After being silent for a long time, thinking that the after-sales services of Baima and Volkswagen were all taken by Tianheng, he immediately said:

"Let Qi Feifei go."

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