Build Madness

Chapter 958 Candidates for the project manager of the European region

Ge Xiaotian hadn't seen Qi Feifei for a year since Tiancheng's year-end meeting was held in Dubai last year.

It's not deliberately avoiding, but both parties are very busy.

Needless to say, Tiancheng is consolidating its domestic industry, laying out its presence in the global market, and is always ready for the stars and seas.

Tianheng Automobile Trade is attacking Nanyang while diving across the European region, and at the same time bringing Wuzheng, Shifeng, Wuling, Great Wall, Sinotruk, and Daliu trailers to cater for the construction of non-regions.

Since Ge Xiaotian's positioning of Tianheng at the beginning was 'franchise agent', 'centralized supply', 'unified after-sales management'...

To put it bluntly, it is to sell the exhibition hall, supply the source of goods, monopolize the after-sales in a disguised form, and then promote the security of its own property.

Today, Tianheng Automobile Trade’s franchised agents have broken through four digits. Tianheng itself is responsible for as many as 50,000 after-sales stations, and nearly 50 automobile brands under its agency. Direct or indirect partners, such as tires, parts, interior There are tens of thousands of suppliers of accessories and car wash equipment, large and small, and it is currently the largest comprehensive automobile service company in Mother Planet.

Moreover, it is very stable in the automotive field.

For example, if a car of a certain overseas brand enters North China, if it does not sign a contract with Tianheng Auto Trade, it will not be able to obtain the "Tianheng Authorization Letter" and "Tianheng Auxiliary Vehicle Logo". Approved by the masses.

Because this kind of car is broken down, there is no place to repair it, there is no discount for refueling, there are tolls to go everywhere, and you can’t enter the Tiancheng industrial chain, and you can’t find free parking spaces.

It can be seen from this that Mr. Qi who made all this happen is also a domineering person.

Of course, this is not a monopoly.

Tianheng has always been protecting the interests of domestic automobiles and preventing overseas automobile brands from monopolizing the domestic market.

Therefore, the price of domestically produced cars in this time and space is extremely low. As early as 2002, the total sales volume exceeded one million units. Get on the bus, and then promote industrial development and increase the speed of modernization.


November 3 at 10 am.

Not long after the German business talks ended, a bat-like aircraft painted with the Tianheng logo arrived at Western United Vocational University.

Not long after, Ge Xiaotian saw Mr. Qi, who was like a sister Yu, walking into the office in high spirits.

Tianheng does not belong to Tiancheng, now Qi Feifei can be regarded as a real rich woman, the kind who is in the top 100 on her mother planet.

"There's no need to make another trip, right?"

"I miss you, I took the opportunity to come over and have a look, tsk tsk... the little face is in good condition, it's still so delicate and tender, come on, sister give it a pinch."


Qi Feifei felt bored seeing someone who looked like he was letting you bully him, and sat across the desk: "Speaking of business, I can't go to Europe."


"Chen Feng eats very well in South America. I plan to take the opportunity to win the market there. I have already made a plan and will implement it in the next year. I must go there in person."

"No, it's too dangerous for you to go there in person because of the smog that Horton has stirred up over there."

"What's the danger? I have stayed in West Asia and Africa, and the artillery fire has never seen me missing arms or legs."

"Can it be the same?"

"It's all about war, what's the difference?"


One is acting on your own, and the other is playing for real. Are you stupid?

Ge Xiaotian understood that Qi Feifei didn't know the inside story, so he immediately waved his hand, "You should go to the European area."

"There are pirates in Europe, so you are not afraid that I will be robbed to become the pirate lady?"

"Do they have the guts?"


Qi Feifei blinked, "The Viking pirates are more vicious than the South American Freedom Gang. You are not worried that I will be caught by the pirates, but you are worried about the Freedom Gang?"

"The pirates are open to money, and the Freedom Gang is for freedom, which is different in nature. Besides, South America is so far away, and the middle route is still controlled by North America. I can't reach it."

"how long?"


Ge Xiaotian choked, "Be serious."

"Just as serious as you are."

Qi Feifei rolled her eyes, "Okay, I will arrange for Lin Yang to go to South America."


Lin Yang is the grandson of Yang Lin, Lin Yang's tractor sales center. When Tianheng Auto Trade was established, Yang Lin arranged for him to be the first to join.

As Tianheng Auto Trade became bigger and stronger, Lin Yang also became a Tianheng regional director from an investor in Decheng Auto Trade, and then entered Tianheng headquarters and became a Tianheng executive.

Now he is in charge of the Huaxia South market, and he does a decent job.

Now I am hiding with Brother Hao in a bathing center in Shencheng to make a big sword...

Seeing the surveillance screen, Qi Feifei blushed and stood up with a cold snort, "Oh, man!"

"Hang them to the top of the Pearl River Bridge to cool off!"

"Good boss." Dao Shixi picked up the communicator.

Seeing that Qi Feifei was not in front of him, Ge Xiaotian quietly zoomed in on the monitoring screen...

"Surnamed Ge, are you promising?"

"Huh? Didn't you go out? Why did you spare me from behind?"


"Brother Hao really should lose weight. It seems that last year's desert marathon was not useful. This year they have to start from Qinggang Dongjiawan and run all the way west to the finish line."

"I'm afraid it will take a year to run."

"Advocacy... I will also participate when the time comes."

"Then I'll go too."

"You go to the European area first, and then wait at the end."

"All right."

Qi Feifei was noncommittal, and took out a document from her satchel, "The market positioning you set for Tianheng at the beginning, we have realized all of them now, but I think this should not be what you want."

Ge Xiaotian took the document, "Hey, so much?"

"If public transport, buses, official vehicles, taxis, and corporate vehicles are not counted, the number of automobiles in Dongshan, Nanhe, Xishan, Beihe and other places has exceeded 2 million, and is expected to reach 3 million next year. In the Jiangsu and Zhejiang areas, with the laying of the industrial chain, the number of cars has reached 4 million. The number of cars has increased, and the parking spaces have become increasingly scarce. It is time to sell those parking spaces that you have only rented but not sold.”

"Am I the kind of guy who's up for grabs?"

"Tsk tsk... pretend in front of me, the batch of parking spaces you built four years ago have increased by nearly ten times now!"

"Xiao Qi, you have to trust my character, Lao Ge."

"What? Changed your mind?"

"If the price of parking spaces increases, it will inevitably affect subsequent car sales. Or, if you can buy a car, but you can't afford a parking space, or in other words, park a car worth 20,000 to 30,000 yuan in a parking space worth more than 100,000 yuan. See how outrageous it is, it's not what Tian Cheng wants."

"If you don't sell it, Shen Zhipeng and the others will sell it."

"So, here comes your new mission."

"Didn't you arrange for me to go to Europe?"

"Going to the European region is just to open up the market. When it gets on the right track there, you can just arrange a supervisor."

"What new mission are you going to give me?"

"Building a steel structure automatic parking room."

"Don't we have this project?"

"It has been experimenting, but it has not been fully launched. In the future, you can take a piece of land the size of two basketball courts around Tianheng maintenance stations in various cities and build two automatic parking rooms with more than ten floors or dozens of floors. Drive Tianheng's after-sales business."

"Sounds good."

"You go back and make a plan, first invest 50,000 blocks, and remit the funds to Tiancheng Construction Company."

"Let franchisees invest?"

"Isn't this nonsense, they have earned so much in recent years, they have to use some to support the construction of various places."

"Well, I see, let's find a place to have a meal?"

"Let's go, I'll take you to the Guyue Hotel in the west to experience 'the bright moon shines among the pines, the clear spring rocks flow'."

"Listening to your poetry, I always feel weird..."


1 pm.

After sending Qi Feifei on the second Tiancheng business jet to the non-region, Ge Xiaotian returned to the office.

The secretary group handed over the latest information.

Germany's remittance to Tiancheng through Swiss Swiss Bank cannot be hidden from North America, and the conflict between the two sides has escalated from wrangling to war of words...

But just when North America was preparing to put pressure on Germany through business, the Five Eyes Alliance sent back news of the joint efforts of Montenegro, Ice Bear, and Viking to its headquarters.

Throughout the morning, the entire mother planet became extremely quiet.

In fact, this news is too shocking.

No one even dared to think about what the consequences would be if things really happened.


Both Montenegro Odyssey and Ice Bear are Nantes.

The Vikings also came from Northern Europe and have a great relationship with the Nantes.

A tripartite alliance is not impossible!

To this end, North America approached England, and the latter approached France to negotiate how to deal with it.

Second intelligence:

On the home planet, whoever has the most powerful intelligence system is not Tian Cheng, nor the Five Eyes Alliance, but Ice Bear.

Just like in the joint meeting last year, the Chief of North American Affairs took out the 'chemical substance' to prove that Iraq did possess the H weapon, and Ice Bear instantly pointed out that it was just 'washing powder'.

In is indeed washing powder, and it is still made by Tiancheng.

Therefore, when the Five Eyes Alliance sent the information back to the headquarters, Ice Bear also got the same news.

But Ice Bear was confused.

Why didn't I know such a big thing happened?

Ice Bear immediately contacted Montenegro Odyssey, and the two hit it off and decided to hold a large sea exercise in the Black Sea to celebrate the century-old relationship between Montenegro and Ice Bear.

At the same time, the Vikings also announced that they will be filming the 2004 naval battle blockbuster in the North Sea in Europe.

Such news completely angered Europe and the United States.

The third intelligence.

England dispatched the Royal Navy, North America dispatched the North Atlantic Fleet, and decided to wipe out the Vikings within a week.

To this end, North America and England asked France and Germany to provide five billion euros as support.

Germany looked to France, France...hesitating.

"Whether we can reach a cooperation with France depends mainly on this action. If Britain and the United States lose, and Montenegro and Ice Bear have not yet acted, France will naturally choose 'Zheng He's voyages'."

Dao Eleven: "I'm worried that Britain and the United States will be attacked in a hurry, and they will use H weapons. After all, the battle area is the ocean, and once Viking turns on the light curtain, let alone whether it can prevent H radiation, it will definitely expose us to sell. About the light curtain system."

"It's not a secret that Viking ordered warships from us. If it is exposed, it will be exposed. Who asked them to rob my ocean-going fleet."

Ge Xiaotian opened the AR map of the mother star, "I remember that in the Viking fleet, there is an old general who retired from North America?"

"Yes, I have participated in two oil wars, and have been in charge of the USS Washington and USS Nimitz."

"It seems that Viking does not lack actual combat experience."

"There is no shortage of advanced weapons."

"Let's wait and see."


three days later.

Panda Guardian urgently interrupted a video news.

On screen:

Two regular fleets sailed to the depths of the ocean, and soon launched an attack on another fleet flying the skeleton flag.

The firepower of the active attacker is far beyond people's imagination.

Guide the egg out, almost forming a thick line.

Fighter planes, helicopters, bombers, stealth drones... all over the sky.

Its scale crushes West Asia and Iraq, which are charging with guns.

In particular, the power displayed by the ship-borne armaments has made hundreds of millions of netizens stunned.

And the defense seems to be even better.

No, it was really awesome!


"My God, it turned out to be the undead fleet chasing and killing Lao Ge!"

"Fuck, my faith is back!"

"My god, Viking!"


Amidst the exclamations and screams, giant battleships with pitch-black bodies and sharp barrels suddenly appeared on the side of the attacking party.

The number is as high as fifteen!

They raised the skull flag, blew the Viking horn, and bombarded the guide egg, increasing the speed to the extreme.

Passionate, heroic, spectacular!



White mist spewed out from the ferocious cannon barrel...

A round of salvo directly blasted the five frigates surrounding the attacking side into the sky...

That's right, it's not piercing through, nor is it cutting through the middle, but blasting into the sky!

"Terrifying 460!"

"Unexpectedly, in my lifetime, I will not only be able to see the largest caliber cannon on my home planet, but also appreciate its majesty!"

"Unfortunately, only this time, the attacker released the torpedo."

"Wait, were you stopped?"


"It's a light curtain!"

"Yes, it's a light curtain, Viking actually has a light curtain?!"

"It's over!"

Amidst the discussions, the only fifteen black undead war hunters on the home planet sounded their horns again, facing the cannon fire all over the sky, while firing salvos, they bravely moved forward.

Even if some of the turrets were destroyed by air-to-ground guide eggs that broke through the light curtain defense, even if the hull was pierced by unguided aerial guns, the undead warship never sank.

Panda Guardians delivered The Dawn just in time.

In the exciting BGM, on a remote island, a burly man with disheveled hair holds up his scepter:

"For the Vikings!"

whoosh whoosh...

Nearly a hundred Rafale fighters, suspected by Ge Xiaotian to be produced by German industry, soar into the blue sky...

The attacking side has already been chased away by the undead hunting ship.

"Within range, I am king!"


One gun, one frigate...

Comment below:

Ge Xiaotian: "Wait, these things look familiar, I seem to have seen them somewhere."

Netizen: "Did you forget who was hunted down in the Mediterranean?"

Ge Xiaotian: "Ma De, it turns out to be this group of people!"

Netizen: "And, you also sold them the light curtain system."

Ge Xiaotian: "..."

Tianwei International immediately announced to the world: The boss has an order to hunt down Viking at all costs!

And the other side.

Black Mountain, who has been with Ice Bear for a hundred years, dragged away Ice Bear's H-powered submarine during the Black Sea exercise...

No, one of only two H-powered subs Ice Bear has. (another ship in the Bering Sea)

The Ice Bear blew up immediately, revealing a big killer, and Montenegro Odyssey did not show weakness, causing two-thirds of the Ice Bear to lose power, heat, and water.

This is winter.

The mother star is more lively.


Western Union Vocational University.

"Boss, the latest information."


"After the breakup between Montenegro Odyssey and Ice Bear, the European region was relieved and thanked each other for not kicking Montenegro out of the European Union. However, seeing the strength of Viking, France decided to add a route to our cooperation plan. Guarantee Agreement."

"What content?"

"In addition to Zheng He's voyages to the West, we need to arrange Tianwei to protect French trade ships heading to Northern Europe from being harassed by Vikings."

"How much?"

"This is a request for cooperation."

"If you don't give me money, it will be very difficult for me."


November 10th.

After several rounds of negotiations, Tiancheng finally won the order to help French Accor build an industrial chain.

In addition, it includes two offshore oil production platforms, two 300,000-ton ports, and a large shipyard capable of repairing the Charles de Lego H-powered aircraft.

The cumulative total orders exceeded 100 billion euros.

Of course, many businesses were also rejected, such as laying the Zigbee network, promoting GLONASS navigation, and implementing smart one-card...

But generally speaking, Tiancheng's entry into the European region went smoothly.

However, the matter is not over.


North America launched the second operation against the Vikings. Under the unanimous protest of the European region, especially the Nordics, they did not use small and large killers, which led to the final ending, which was like a replica of the first time.

At this point, North America was too angry to play.

The chairman of Tiancheng International Holdings claimed that he wanted to kill Viking, and planned to arrange for the Tiancheng Oil Conservation Brigade to go to the North Sea in Europe, but they also encountered resistance from Northern Europe, and finally the matter was settled.

But Tian Cheng was an enterprise, and Boss Ge was an individual, he was very angry if he didn't return the beating after being beaten up by the pirates.

Talking harshly on the Internet every day.


North America, who is also very angry, saw this scene, felt the pressure brought by Montenegro and Ice Bear, and then looked at the current situation in Europe...

It feels like an opportunity has come.

"Instead of having a bunch of pig teammates, it's better to find an equal opponent as a 'friend'."

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