Build Madness

Chapter 959: After many years of rivalry...

Tiancheng's entry into the European market has attracted not only overseas attention, but also the board of directors.

In particular, when the German funds were in place and the chairman was just about to breathe a sigh of relief, the situation in Europe suddenly changed. First, Montenegro and Ice Bear came out to unite to control the Asia-Europe Bridge, and then Viking pirates popped up, intending to cut off the Northern Europe. route.

The former affects "all the way to the west", while the latter influences "Zheng He's voyages to the west", all of which are unfavorable news for our own side.


In less than a week, the situation changed again. Viking drove away Britain and the United States and returned to Northern Europe. Montenegro snatched the Ice Bear submarine. The two sides broke up again, and the French funds happened to be in place.

Learn from the old saying: This is like riding a roller coaster.

Fortunately, Tiancheng finally successfully entered the European market without any risk, and this matter is considered to be over.

November 20th.

The chairman is going to visit the European region to consolidate the cooperation relationship between Franco-German business and Tiancheng from a higher level.

But before leaving, he received a visit request from North America.

The board of directors must understand who is the biggest obstacle for Tiancheng to enter the European market, but now this obstacle is visiting...

No matter how you look at it, it's not normal.

Nanzhonghai Siheyuan.

Wan Lao, the chairman, the general manager... all gathered together.

The question discussed is not why the other party came to visit, because the other party is neurotic, and normal people cannot guess their thoughts.

What everyone considers is what kind of scene to greet each other.

In other words, should we continue to hide our clumsiness, or show our strength.

If you continue to hide your clumsiness, then entertain them in the old city of the capital, let the other party see the dilapidated courtyard house, wander around the dirty old alleys, and eat some whole grains to prove that your family is still poor.

If you show your strength, then entertain them in Wangjing Development Zone, let them see the photovoltaic building, visit the top technology market, and have a small super military exercise by the way, to prove that your family is no longer what it used to be.

There was a long silence.

Wan Lao was the first to speak: "Just like Tiancheng, gold always shines. Although overseas still distort and smear us in recent years, the hot-selling SG products and the fair panda guardian have let many overseas people know about the new era. With China’s new real look, coupled with the 2008 Olympics, all the way to the west, Zheng He’s voyages to the West and other projects, I is necessary to show our national style, so as to improve our image and status.”

"I agree."

"I agree."

General Manager: "I am worried that if we reveal too much, North America will regard us as potential opponents."

Deputy director: "Yes, if Montenegro can unite with Ice Bear, maybe we will usher in a new opportunity for development."

Wan Lao: "That's wrong. If Montenegro and Ice Bear unite, West Asia will form a whole. The sea department of both sides is super strong, and the land department is not weak. With the Ice Bear and the Sky Department, our west will be in danger."

Chairman: "It's still Xiaoge who has far-reaching considerations and builds a high-speed road to the west in advance, develops the west, lays the foundation for the west, and forms an industrial chain integrating training, cultivation, production, and defense."

Wan Lao: "Stop praising him, let's talk about the problems we are facing now."

Chairman: "Why don't you ask Xiao Ge? How can I put it this way, this matter is also caused by him."

"Makes sense."

Wan Lao took out his special communicator.

After a while.

Chairman: "How to say?"

"He said that if we allowed it, he was going to take the Gundam out for a walk."


Your Gundam is just a decoration, and you even drive it for a walk, maybe even walking is a problem.


November 22nd.

From the early morning, the people in the capital felt a different atmosphere from the past.

Several road sections are under construction and traffic is prohibited.

Within the newly repaired Fourth Ring Road, all energy supply stations will suspend service.

3 o'clock in the morning.

A netizen in Beijing posted a post, claiming that he saw a Tiancheng heavy-duty transport vehicle entering the city.

You know, this is a special vehicle that can only drive westward at high speed, but now it is driving into the urban area.


A netizen who lives near the energy supply station responded to this post, claiming to have seen a large number of green clothes carrying supplies from the energy supply station.

It's a pity that there are no pictures and no truth, and it did not attract a large number of netizens to watch.

As for why there is no picture...

This is the power of optoelectronic technology.

Visible to the naked eye, not to the device.

In other words, when you clearly saw someone on the street, the photos you took were empty, like a ghost.

Of course, if the surrounding area supports AR, it can also be synchronized with the naked eye and the device, completely invisible.

But to do this, massive financial support is needed. Instead of using it in ordinary areas, it is better to strengthen the defense of the border area.

Therefore, except for Huaxia Avenue, AR is not laid in other areas of the capital.

Of course, Tiancheng is rich and powerful, Xingyue Bay and the industrial chain all have this device, that is, the gates of each community, used to shield the space launch site of overseas satellites.

Wait until five in the morning.

Several subway lines are temporarily out of service.

People in the capital also received related notices: VIPs are visiting, and from 6:00 am to 11:00 am today, xx streets and xx routes will be under martial law.

Six o'clock in the morning.

Some people who lived in the upper floors of the residential buildings and were curious about the ceremony saw through the binoculars a scene they would never forget.

On Huaxia Street.

More than 300 recoilless guns are installed, and heavy-duty two-legged equipment is mounted. They are arranged horizontally and vertically, like super guards, guarding many heavy machinery that has never been seen before.

For example, multi-legged tanks, magneto-electric tanks, bicycles with large mirrors...

ten minutes later.

Panda Guardian-Tianyu section, opened a live broadcast room, so that more people can enjoy this scene.

Comment below:

"My darling, although I've seen two legs at the airport, this is the first time I've seen two legs fully armed."

"Especially the painted camouflage, the scale is still so large..."

"My blood is surging!"

"Stunning, I am Huaxia!"

"Amazing my country!"

"By the way, where did the distinguished guests come from to welcome them with such a luxurious lineup?"

"Didn't you see the red flag car? It must be a head of state."

"That's not right, why are there still a few top bull tuas following behind?"

"I guess Lao Ge paid the advertising fee."


seven o'clock in the morning.

A resounding slogan came from Huaxia Street:

"Everyone is there, take your place!"


Wearing green clothes with mechanical exoskeletons, they climbed onto the heavy machinery one after another.


Operate the two-legged green clothes, connect to the military satellite network, turn on the panoramic VR display, and line up.

The red flag car starts, the bull head tua breathes fire...

"Set off!"

Hoo hoo...

Twenty jet helicopters rose from behind...


"Damn, what kind of aircraft is this?"

"Kind of like V-two-two."

"No, this is a domestically produced straight zero three. I checked the Daqin Bingfeng official website, and the military department purchased 500 of them."

"Isn't this speed too fast?"

"The propellers haven't been adjusted yet, the blades are forward, the wings are sprayed, and the supersonic speed is instantaneous. Of course, after adjusting the propellers, it is no longer a helicopter, but a jet aircraft, so strictly speaking, it is not a supersonic helicopter. .”

"That's awesome!"

"Who is here?"

"Look at the sky above the airport, the badge of the chairman of North America? Air Ministry One?"


Kongbu No. 1 does not refer to any particular plane, but after Xiaobu boards the plane, the plane he is on becomes "Kongbu No. 1".

This flight across the ocean uses a modified version of Boeing 747, which is very domineering in theory, but after landing...

No matter the leader sitting in the VIP motorcade who came to greet him, or the green-clothed man driving heavy machinery, or the crowd watching, they all froze for a moment.

Because the flights parked at the airport today are all big ones produced by Tiancheng Aircraft Factory.

The Boeing 747 got in, like a kid facing a group of muscular men.

Moreover, every big guy is painted with a poster of Lao Ge drinking the brain-tonifying and kidney-tonifying liquid.

Lying, sitting, walking... in various poses.

Xiao Bu walked out of the cabin, facing all this, he was stunned for more than ten seconds before he came back to his senses.

But looking down to see the two legs lined up below...

Panda Guardian Live Room:

"I finally understand what 'messy in the wind' is."

"It's a pity that it's not a black person, otherwise it would be a proper response to the 'Black Face Greetings' expression pack."

As a matter of fact, Lao Bu has been the most friendly to China among the past chairman of North America several times. Under his influence, Xiao Bu is busy fighting in West Asia and Iraq. In addition to sanctioning Longtian Technology and Sino-Ocean Group, he is far more friendly to China. Overtake the predecessor.

Therefore, the two sides met very harmoniously.

Half an hour later, the VIP convoy headed for Wangjing.

Wangjing is located in the northwest of the capital, between the capital and Beijing International Airport.

After three years of development, a new business circle has been formed here.

Owns China Radio Headquarters, China Radio Building, Huaxia Tiancheng Engineering Headquarters, Tianyu Film and Television Distribution Center, Parent Star Development Bank (Zhuang Lao), Asia Business Cooperation Association (Jingcheng Li), Chia Tai International Pharmaceutical, Tianheng Auto Trade City, Longtian Technology Building, Weihua Technology Building, Wanshi Technology Center, Tianke Turing (acquired by Weihua), and countless software and hardware development service companies.

In addition, in Wangjing Center, there are also Tiancheng Plaza, Tiancheng Commercial Building, Ginza Shopping Center, Wangjing Sports Center, Tianyu Interactive Entertainment, Tianyu International Cinema, Qingshan Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, Huaxia Gufeng Cultural Center...

Coupled with the surrounding communities and many landmark buildings, this international metropolis that can represent the new era of China is finally formed.

Not to mention Xiaobu's blind eyes, even the chairman who only came here to investigate the project in Wangjing was amazed.


The two people sitting in different VIP cars expressed different emotions with the same literal meaning.


North American Web.

Xiaobu recorded his first day's itinerary in a diary.

Beijing time 10:15.

"This is Tiancheng Supermarket, which makes me feel what the information age is."

Small video with pictures:

Xiaobu applies for a smart card, walks into the supermarket with his face, browses the products, selects the products, receives a replacement paper shopping bag with his face, packs the products he wants to buy, and walks out of the supermarket directly.

At this time, the smart card sounded, and the screen displayed: You have spent 166.45 red notes in Wangjing Tiancheng Supermarket. The list is as follows. If you have any questions, please call 400...

"Yes, there is no settlement here. When you pick up the goods and leave the supermarket, the cloud server has already verified the items you purchased, and the relevant fees will be deducted from your smart card account. It's amazing!"

"I think of Longtian Technology, which was rejected by us, and the words 'Wang' said: SG, convenient life, imagine the future!"

"We're already behind."

Comment below:

North American netizen: "No, you are behind. We have experienced this kind of life in Tianchuang shopping. It is very convenient, easy and enjoyable. We can also create products we like independently. It is you, a group of evil capitalists, who have deprived us The right to enjoy!"

Like +1

Like +1

Like +99...


Beijing time 10:35.

Second log.

"This is Tianyu Interactive, which allows me to experience what is the real virtual world."

Picture video:

VR shooting, VR fighting, AR treasure hunting, AR simulation training, the world of fusion of VR and AR...

"I have to say that their technological maturity is beyond my imagination, and it also surpasses similar technologies that we have classified as confidential."

"If we can introduce it and integrate it into armaments and training, we will greatly reduce the casualties of soldiers on the battlefield."

"Also, it can provide us with more business opportunities."

Non-regional netizen: "What? We have used it, but you haven't? Are you a primitive tribe?"


11:25 Beijing time.

"This is Tiancheng Sports Holiday Hotel. Well, I have to do some publicity for that guy. You guys understand who I mean by 'that guy'."

1:20 Beijing time.

"After enjoying a pleasant lunch, I came to the Huaxia Ancient Culture Center. In fact, I am very interested in Chinese ancient costumes. Look at my outfit, do I look like a 'big farmer' (landlord)?"

Netizen: "..."

Beijing time 1:55.

"This is Tianyu International Cinema. It is said that it not only has 3D and 5D, but also can experience landing on the moon..."

20 minutes later.

"It's amazing. I even doubted that I was an astronaut."

Beijing time...

"This is Tianke Turing. This big guy is the first optoelectronic computer on the mother star, and it is also the server with the fastest calculation speed on the mother star."

"This is Longtian Technology... Well, I wasn't kicked out, look, this is a photo of me and 'Wang'."

"here it is……"

"It's a wonderful journey. Tomorrow I will go to the west through the high-speed road all the way to the west to meet the magical Ge."


Western Union Vocational University.

Ge Xiaotian is sitting in the chairman's office, dealing with year-end affairs.

The first is aerospace.

The "No. 2" satellite launched in August has already arrived at Ceres.

The 'alien pyramid' previously publicized is indeed an active volcano.

The reflected light is also produced by the melting ice water, which converges into a salt lake.

After feedback from the 'No. 2 machine', Ceres possesses a large amount of rare metals and at least 60 kinds of unknown minerals, with a total value of 200 trillion red notes guaranteed.

In terms of climate: minus 72°C during the day and minus 188°C at night, Tiancheng's fourth-generation constant temperature clothing can resist the low temperature during the day, and personnel need to enter the constant temperature device at night.

Comprehensive value: Compared with the moon, it is more suitable for the survival of life, and it is the best location for Tiancheng to build a space port.

Laboratory 102 recommends raising five wild boars, two grizzly bears, and two monkeys for breeding and six months of experimental observation.

Remarks: The development of this project requires an investment of 530 billion red notes, which are used to build two space shuttles, 50 recyclable launch vehicles, 300 space transport cabins, and a constant temperature device to support the living of 200 interstellar miners.

Ge Xiaotian compared the value of Ceres, without hesitation, signed and stamped, and instantly removed a quarter of the funds obtained from the European region.

"How is the training of the two thousand soldiers who robbed the ocean-going fleet?"

"They are already familiar with remote control and can use polar mining machines proficiently."

"Wait until the shuttle arrives at Ceres and put them on duty."

According to the cosmic development plan formulated by the 102 laboratory, Tiancheng did not use manned spaceflight technology in the early stage, but built a cosmic network through satellites, spacecraft, and surface monitoring stations, and then dispatched remote-controlled robots in large quantities to arrange personnel for remote mining.

Of course, not all planets can be 'mined'.

Like Ceres, whose surface is full of thick ice, it is necessary to use advanced technology similar to 'sea water refining'.

Tiancheng had already begun to perfect this technology when it was contracted to build the Incheon Bridge, otherwise it would not have collapsed its own project and delayed the delivery deadline.

After two years of experiments and enhancements, Tiancheng has now relied on the Incheon Bridge Management Office to create a seawater refining project covering the Incheon Sea around the Incheon Bridge pile foundation.

And get a steady stream of constant elements such as 'hydrogen', 'oxygen', 'chlorine', 'sodium', 'magnesium', as well as gold.

Ge Xiaotian ended his aerospace business, and the next step is still related to gold.

That is to filter the Taklamakan.

The project was carried out by Western Tiancheng Technical Secondary School who finished the AR training ground. While learning excavator operation, loader operation, and transport vehicle driving, the trainees filtered the yellow sand in an orderly manner from east to west like scratching the ground.

However, after more than half a month, the amount of gold obtained was far lower than expected, and even less than one-tenth of the invested funds.

"Forget it, let's mine and build the sea."

There is ocean-like groundwater in the Taklamakan. Tiancheng once planned to dig a 'tiankeng', but he couldn't spare manpower and material resources because of his busy schedule. Bring inexhaustible water resources to surrounding industries.

Of course, the amount of money consumed is still huge, but the return on investment ratio far exceeds that of filtering yellow sand.

Ge Xiaotian signed and sealed, and picked up the third document.

The No. 1 machine has completed all the exploration on the moon, and it is determined that it can build a real lunar base.

But the problem facing Lab 101 is that remote operators don't know how to build houses.

In other words, if you want to build a real base on the moon, you must first send the builder up, otherwise how will the astronauts live?

"Such a simple question, do you still need to report?"

Dao Eleven: "Yes, boss, this is indeed a big trouble for other aerospace agencies, but what does our family do? Just pull a few strong men from the construction company to learn remote control, and the matter will be solved ? I suspect that Daoyi is trying to gain a sense of presence, or... give him a ride?"

"It's not his problem, it's a corporate management problem. From now on, in Tiancheng, an employee who can't build a house is not a good employee, and there is no year-end bonus."

"Boss, is the request too harsh?"

"Think about it, in the future when developing the universe, you have to solve the problem of living first wherever you go..."

"That's why we sell houses. If we can build houses, why don't we sell them?"

"It makes sense..."

Ge Xiaotian reacted, and quickly revoked the year-end bonus request that he had just formulated, "Let Daoyi figure out a way to solve it by himself, and build the moon base for me before the Spring Festival."

"Good boss."

Didi Didi...

The red communicator on the desk rang.

Dao Shishi answered and exchanged a few words, "Boss, Xiaobu has already taken the special car to the ground effect transportation transfer station, and is expected to arrive at the desert town airport in five hours."

"How is he doing in Wangjing?"

"After posting hundreds of logs, I was almost shut down by netizens."


"Overall, it's pretty good. After all, the European region is not up to snuff. Montenegro is getting bigger and stronger. Ice bears are watching. If North America wants to find a good teammate, we are the best choice."

"Unexpectedly, after many years of opponents, they finally survived..."

Ge Xiaotian took a look at the real moon base that was going to be built by the No. 1 machine, "A big deal is here, ready to open!"

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