Build Madness

Chapter 960 Ge Xiaotian: It's really free!

Desert town.

When winter comes, the vegetation withers, and the cold current from Siberia blows dust and sand all over the sky, making the world hazy and desolate.


The airport outlined by Senran steel, combined with the system energy heat pump, under the background of AR images, makes this place cast a sci-fi color.

Just like Xiao Bu sighed after stepping off the ground-effect aircraft: "If the Mars probe transmits this scene to the NA space agency, they will definitely mistakenly believe that they have discovered an alien civilization."

"Is Mr. Bu complaining about the bad environment here?"

"Ha, I'm just expressing my inner surprise, Mr. Ge, we finally meet."

"It should be said that we meet again."


During the Wohai exercise, in order to meet Ge Xiaotian, the chief of Wajima bought a set of AR launch equipment at a high price, and Tiancheng also took the opportunity to sell it to Ice Bear and North America.

For such high-tech products, North America and Ice Bear don't hesitate to pay for and pick up the goods, especially if they don't own them.

Ge Xiaotian knew that the three parties would definitely conduct cracking research, and driven by bad taste, he put it in the past every ten days and a half months.

Of course, the Ice Bear Boss and the North American Boss are very busy, sometimes they can see each other, sometimes it is estimated that they are at a critical moment of research, and they are declined by the other party on the grounds that they are busy.

But how to say, the two sides have also met several times and had a very happy talk.

As for what we talked about...

Boss Ge doesn't have any great skills, only bragging can do it.

What is the sea of ​​stars, what is the time travel, what is the theory of the origin of Nuwa...

Xiao Bu seemed to think of something, the corner of his mouth twitched, subconsciously wanting to return to the cabin.

Without thinking, before turning around, someone grabbed his right palm.

Even though Xiao Bu had been a soldier, he was also staggered by the huge force.

Just when he was wondering why the guy in front of him had such terrifying power.

click click click...

The surrounding lights were shining, and the rare handshake group photo was sent to all parts of the home planet.


"Why do I always feel that Xiao Bu is very reluctant?"

"Yes, the expression is a bit disgusting."

"Wrong, look carefully, it's obviously Xiao Bu running towards Lao Ge, with a long-lost reunion smile on his face."

"Goutuo, it's so obvious, don't wash it!"


"Strange, didn't you realize that Xiao Bu has lost his center of gravity, while Lao Ge can not only stabilize the opponent with one hand, but also behave very naturally."

"Healing Brain and Kidney Tonifying Liquid has made him stronger. New packaging for the New Year, buy ten get one free, hurry up and buy it, it is sold in all pharmacies in Limin Activity Center."


"The brand-new Tuna Gongfa, popular version in 2004, produced by 101 Lab, great value for money, 10 yuan free shipping."


"Seventy-two gymnastics, produced by Tiancheng Sports, the new standard of national exercise, you deserve it."


"Behind every successful man, there is a piece of Sanzhu Brand Kidney and Brain Invigorating Liquid Paste..."

Netizens are crazy.


Ge Xiaotian grandly received Xiaobu and others in Shacheng.

Without the leadership of Huaxia's board of directors present, the two sides opened up the window to talk openly. Before and after tea and dinner, the conversation was nothing more than sanctions and anti-sanctions.

Mouth-talking Wang Dao XI VS North American Business Manager.

Nagging Heavenly King Sengyi VS North American Foreign Trade Director.

Publicity Director Xuanxuan VS North American External Spokesperson.

Accompanying secretary group VS North American VIP group...

The atmosphere at the scene was hot, slobbering and swearing were all spoken.

It wasn't until Ge Xiaotian took out the pure golden sand warbler and lit a cigar that Xiaobu and others realized that this is the west.

"What's the matter? Go on, why don't we discuss a result today."

Everyone in North America: "..."

Ge Laoer was famously black in his home planet, so black that North America dared not include him in the list of ruthless people.

"Stop talking? Then let me talk a little bit."

Ge Xiaotian put down the Golden Sand Warbler, "To be fair, you revoked the sanctions on Sino-Ocean Group and opened the export restrictions on 42 kinds of precious metals. We also revoked the anti-sanctions on North American computer brands and allowed them to return to the Xingyue Bay industry chain. "

Director of North American Foreign Trade: "Mr. Ge, this is not fair. After you kicked out our computer dealer, SG tablets, SG pads, Mate books, Mate pads, Shi Guangji notebooks, and Shi Guangji enterprise servers instantly seized our original business. computer market, and with the help of Tiancheng Smart Card, we have won a large number of loyal customers. Now that we return, we will face the situation that we cannot sell any of them. The economic benefits generated by this aspect are far inferior to our cancellation of Sino-Ocean Group. sanction."

"The market is here, you can't take it back, blame your products for rubbish, it has nothing to do with what we're talking about now."


As of the end of 2003, in the commercial field, the manufacturing process used by Huaxia Electronics products has not surpassed that of North America.

Just like chips, our company stays at 45nm, and North America has broken through 30nm. In terms of the performance of silicon electronic products, it is 1.5 times that of our company.

It's just that, starting from the materials, our side used carbon-based chips to reverse the backward situation and realize overtaking on curves.

But business is always business.

On top of business, there is scientific research.

In other words, there are some products that are similar to black technology but cannot be commercialized.

Such as quantum computer, photonic computer and so on.


Ge Xiaotian patted the table, "For our existence at this level, what you argue is irrelevant, and don't worry too much about temporary gains and losses. How about this, I will send you a moon base. What was discussed before is like lifting the ocean. The sanctions imposed by the group, and what allows North American computer manufacturers to return to the Tiancheng industry chain, all follow our instructions."


Everyone in North America was immediately taken aback.

A moon base!

what does that mean?

It means that it can help the NA space agency save hundreds of billions of Franklin, and it means that North America is about to usher in the great development of the universe...

Xiao Bu took a deep breath, "Ge, is this true?"

"I never lie."

Ge Xiaotian turned on the AR projection, showing the front of the moon, "You choose a location, and it will be delivered in two months."


Everyone in North America looked at each other in blank dismay.

All of them have a feeling of 'it's too sudden, I can't accept it'.

"That's it, let's talk about the survival of human beings."


Xiao Bu slapped his forehead violently, "Mr. Ge, since the two parties have reached an agreement and there is no longer any commercial conflict, then it's time for us to go back. For follow-up cooperation, we will arrange for professionals to contact you."

The voice did not fall.

Ge Xiaotian waved his hand and showed the monitoring screen of Ceres, "We found a habitable planet and landed successfully."


The foreigners all over the hall showed unbelievable expressions, and they could even stuff golf balls into their mouths.

next moment.

The interstellar communication connection is successful.

A female mechanical voice came: "Boss, I'm machine number two, and I'm at the xx-cc coordinates of 'Ceres'. Are you going to do AR projection?" 1

"Thank you for your hard work, let's open it."

Almost instantly, the glass exterior wall of the lobby supported by AR equipment displayed a panoramic picture of the surface of Ceres.

"This is impossible!"


"Real-time communication?"

"Tens of millions of kilometers without delay?"

"It's not true!"

The foreigner, who was shocked at first, was immediately fried.

Ge Xiaotian pressed his palm in vain, "It seems that you are indeed lagging behind, and you are lagging behind too much."


the other side.

Xiaobu has secretly contacted the NA space agency, and the North American Explorer satellite confirmed that Tiancheng Machinery landed on Ceres, but he is concerned about the 'no-delay communication technology'...

Director of NA: "Mr. Xiaobu, first of all you need to know one thing, our side is good at quantum technology, and Tiancheng is good at photon technology, although in theory, photon is also quantum, but the types of technology of the two sides are fundamentally different.

We mainly use the Large Hadron Collider to study the ion structure of different substances, and understand the natural 'supersymmetry', 'non-translational', 'non-localized', 'axion-like' diffraction information and other particles of high-energy physics.

In the quantum field, the most famous thing is "quantum entanglement", that is to say, two "quantum of energy" entangled together, we observe one, the other will feel observed, we move one, the other They also move in the opposite direction, and if we destroy one, the other will also be destroyed.

As for the reason, the physics world has not been able to figure it out yet, but we can use this characteristic to encrypt the communication.

Yes, you heard it right, it is encryption, not speeding up communication waves, because electromagnetic waves already belong to the speed of light. According to Einstein’s theory, all things with quality cannot exceed the speed of light, and quantum communication cannot exceed high speed, nor will it Instead of electromagnetic wave communication, it can only be used for encryption.

However, the photon technology that Tiancheng is good at also has the characteristic of 'quantum entanglement', which is called 'photon entanglement'.

Its meaning is the same as quantum entanglement.

The problem is that the mass of a resting photon is zero, and two photons that are entangled but in a resting state can be cut and separated through the "photoelectric effect".

Speaking of this, I think you should understand. "

Xiao Bu: "I don't understand."


The director of NA aerospace was silent for a moment, "I said just now that if two entangled 'energy quanta' change one, the other will also change accordingly, and the same is true for photons.

But photon entanglement can span distances and ignore space. Don’t ask me why. This is also a mystery in the physics world.

Tiancheng separates two photons that are entangled but in a static state, which means that photon A is left in the west, photon B is brought to the east, and then through special devices, photon A is made to make displacement, momentum, spin, and polarization And so on, then will the B photon also make the same phenomenon?

Coupled with the characteristics of ignoring distance and ignoring space, does this mean that information can be transmitted instantaneously? "

If more AB photons are extracted or copied, named (Qian), (Kun), (Zhen) and so on, to form a 'photon sequence', this is the 'photon language', and it is also part of the core of the Shenlong system that Tiancheng claims to use code.

Of course, the credibility is not high, because photon technology does not use binary or ternary, but a more perfect unknown base, maybe not even base, we have been imitating and cracking.

To sum up, if Tiancheng applies photon entanglement technology in the universe, real-time communication across galaxies is not illusory. "

Xiao Bu: "Why can't we do such a simple thing?"

"Quantum entanglement is fundamentally different from photon entanglement..."

"I mean, why don't we have photonics!"

"In the field of optoelectronics, we are lagging behind Huaxia, not to mention Tiancheng. Since you decided to strengthen the research in the quantum field, in order to save costs, we gave up photon technology, so...we don't have it."

"How long will it take us to get there?"

"With the support of sufficient funds, it will take twenty years to reach China's current level of optoelectronic technology, and it will take fifty years to reach Tiancheng's current level of optoelectronic technology."


"Mr. Bu, you must understand that they are using the technology they are good at to attack the field we are not good at. Why don't you use quantum technology to fight back against them? They have given up research in the quantum field."

"I know fucking quantum physics!"


'Actually, I don't quite understand either. '

The director of NA aerospace unilaterally cut off the communication because... Tian Cheng might have eavesdropped on it.

'Damn optoelectronics! '


Shacheng Tiancheng Headquarters.

During Xiaobu's secret contact with the director of NA spaceflight, Ge Xiaotian also demonstrated the "photon entanglement" to let the foreigners in the hall understand the future interstellar communication technology.

"However, Tiancheng Optoelectronics technology is not yet mature, we must build a 'photonic relay station' in outer space to bridge other areas that need to send and receive signals.

I believe everyone understands the meaning of a relay station, which is a device for retransmitting and enhancing signals.

On the planetary orbit between the parent star and Ceres, our No. 2 machine has already deployed 150 relay stations when passing by, which is a huge expense, especially since the relay station has only a three-year service life.

So, if everyone here needs to use our 'Interstellar Purple Peak' someday in the future, please don't complain about the expensive communication fees. "

The demo screen turns.

In the deep space, many relay stations revolve around the sun. The No. 2 machine on the surface of Ceres sends out a signal through the "photon entanglement device", and the nearest relay station responds instantly, indicating that the Ceres space orbit spacecraft has received the message.

At the same time, the Lunar Orbit Relay Station gave a response, indicating that the Lunar One received the same message.

The parent star orbit relay station also gave a response, indicating that the parent star surface receiving station also received the message.

As for other 'photon relay stations', they are left in outer space as 'space public telephones', or are always ready to enter the orbits of planets such as gold, wood, water, fire, and earth.

This is Tiancheng's real 'Starlink Project'.

It was leaked to North America's "Starlink Network" through the "inactive spy" before, just to consume the other party's funds.

It's a pity that the NA aerospace agency is not just for nothing. Through Tiancheng's commercialized optoelectronic products, they have seen through the communication advantages of optoelectronic technology. As early as one-third of the implementation of the North American Starlink project, they stopped this money-consuming project. .

Ge Xiaotian was stunned to see all the foreigners in the hall, and felt that he needed a break before proceeding to the second half.


the next day.

After digesting the 'photon communication', the North American VIP group is like eggplant beaten by frost, wilting.

Ge Xiaotian somewhat understood the other party's mood.

Just like when he figured out the 'chip manufacturing process', he also faced the situation of lithography machines, etching machines, and equipment for making lithography machines that he could not make.

'It's really three years in Hedong, three years in Hexi! '

Ge Xiaotian sighed, and signaled the staff to distribute the documents and copies of the 'Moon Base' presented to the North American VIP group.

Seeing the above content, although it was a free gift, Xiao Bu always felt that something was weird.


I saw Ge Laoer take out a huge two-meter-high poster:

"Well, in one or two months, the lunar base will be ready for use, we should prepare as soon as possible, send the relevant personnel up, and accept it.

Here I have a price list, which includes the cost of the moon landing ticket, the daily food, clothing, housing and transportation of the astronauts. Compared with last year, the price has increased slightly. After all, the price has risen, but the rate is not large, 900%.

But it also saves time, labor and money than landing on the moon by yourself!

In addition, if you want to purchase vehicles and machinery suitable for the moon, or build an aerospace living hall, an aerospace stadium, an aerospace swimming pool, an aerospace livestock farm, and an aerospace laboratory for the corresponding types of scientific research...

What? deliver? These must not be given away, or I will still make a lot of money! "



at the same time.

In far northern Europe.

The boss of the Ice Bear sitting in the 'white house' of Mokos received a 'big gift' from Xiao Huang.

A moon base.

No conditions, whoring for nothing!

"It's interesting to be a friend in the East!"

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