Build Madness

Chapter 961 Rough base and refined decoration

Since there is no such communication technology as 'Interstellar Purple Peak' overseas, it is impossible to realize Tiancheng's existing ultra-long-distance real-time remote control. If you want to establish a base on the radiation-filled lunar surface, you need to face the problems raised by Dao Sense of Presence two days ago: Send the astronauts up first, or the builder first?

If you choose the former, it means that astronauts and scientific research personnel must stay in the lunar module.

However, the space of the lunar module is too small to satisfy large-scale space experiments, so it is better to stay on the space station.

And increasing the number of lunar modules will face launch costs, lunar landing costs, update costs caused by equipment life, maintenance costs, etc. Comprehensive calculations, it is estimated that no one on the parent star can afford it.

If you choose the latter...

How is the material shipped?

How is the machinery transported?

How is the equipment shipped?

How do builders build?

Where is it more appropriate to build?

Where can I find exploration data?

Therefore, the lunar base that Ge Lao Er gave free of charge is indeed a great gift, and its value can no longer be measured by money.

If you really want to give an exact number, it should be no less than 500 billion Franklin.

Because the first human landing on the moon alone cost 28 billion Franklins. Over the past few decades, prices have skyrocketed. Converted to the present, it is almost equivalent to 160 billion Franklins.

What's more, that was just landing on the moon, but now it is building a moon base.

Therefore, even if Ge Laoer's ticket is as high as 100 million yuan, even if each astronaut or scientific researcher's daily expenses for food, clothing, housing and transportation are as high as 10 million yuan, the head of the NA space agency still feels that it is worth it!


The North American VIP group couldn't accept being slaughtered by Ge as a fat sheep.

"Mr. Ge, can the price be lowered..."

"We have an old saying in China: 'Hearing is believing, seeing is believing'. It's like selling a product. No matter how much you say, you won't experience the effect? ​​Why don't you go to the aerospace base with me first?"


Regardless of laboratories 1-99, or laboratories 101 and 102, it is always a mystery on the home planet.

No one knows which top scientists are inside, let alone what black technologies are inside.

When the North American VIP group heard this, except for Xiao Bu who was a little hesitant, the rest nodded their heads.

Seeing the boss's expression, the business manager leaned forward and asked in a low voice, "Mr. Xiaobu, what are you worried about?"

"I'm afraid he'll pack us up and send us to the moon."


The business manager was very puzzled, "You really know how to joke."

"You don't understand. At the beginning, he bragged to me that he dreamed of holding a martial arts competition in the whole universe on the moon, and then invited me to fight against the boss of Ice Bear. It happened that we both had been soldiers..."


Are you crazy?

The business manager glanced at Xiao Bu strangely, got up and followed the large team to the space center.


The Western Space Center is a group of buildings where the Tiancheng 102 laboratory is set up on the surface to fool the outside world.

It is located on the west side of Taklamakan, about 110 kilometers away from Tacheng.

As Tiancheng gets more and more aerospace business, this place is gradually opened to Tiancheng's partners.


The VIP convoy traveled through the vast desert. When they arrived here, the North American VIP group not only saw a dozen launch towers and launch vehicles that were extremely prodigal, but also met Yingla.

"Strange, how did she appear here?" Xiao Bu was a little puzzled.

Ge Xiaotian yawned, "Taimei will land on the moon tomorrow."


"Of course, it's not a manned landing on the moon. It's about dropping an engineering vehicle to the XX-KJ coordinates. After the lunar base is delivered, it can be decorated and decorated casually, and people can be sent to stay there. Early investment and early income, everyone understands this truth."


Xiao Bu, who just got the free moon base, and the other North American bosses who heard the conversation were all at a loss.

"Why? Aren't we the second country to get the base?"

"What are you thinking?"

Ge Xiaotian raised his chin in the distance, "Look over there."

Everyone subconsciously turned their heads...

At the gate of the command center of another launch tower, a representative of the South Vietnamese military department in a grass-green military uniform was communicating with Tiancheng engineer.

Diagonally opposite, the representative in green clothes in Cambodia is doing the same thing.

farther away.

The chief with the white sand on his head, the Burmese representative who resembles the third brother, and there seem to be several representatives from Montenegro who are similar to the Nansi people...


The eyes of the VIPs from North America were dull, and Xiao Bu almost showed a "black face question mark" again, "Ge, are they all going to go to the moon?"

"Oh no."


Everyone subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

But haven't breathed in yet...

"In addition to landing on the moon, Taimei is also planning to build a space station, and Montenegro is planning to deploy orbits... um, sorry, business secrets."

North America:"……"

In the silence, just as the convoy was about to stop at the command headquarters, at the end of the field of vision, a launch vehicle spewed thick flames and slowly lifted into the sky...


In the next second, it quietly disappeared from everyone's eyes.

Everyone couldn't help but took off the wide-area goggles, and found that they still couldn't see the disappearing rocket, even if they rubbed their eyes, it didn't help.


"This is a technology called 'distortion of light', just like the scorching sun, we see the distant scenery will also be distorted. Of course, I am just making a metaphor. In fact, the reasons for the formation of the two are fundamentally different. If you have to explain this scene, you can refer to what Newton said: "The gravitational force produced by mass can distort the surrounding space", or Einstein's: "When the volume of an object with mass tends to zero, its gravitational force It will reach an unimaginable level, thereby changing the space, causing light to be unable to escape in its space, and then forming space-time distortion'. Of course, in fact, the technology we use has nothing to do with what the two big guys said. It is One of the optoelectronic technologies."


You might as well not say it.

Everyone looked at the sky again, intending to carefully search for the missing launch vehicle.

But after such a delay, cheers could be faintly heard from far away.

It seems to have successfully entered the established track.

Xiao Bu just wanted to say something.

In the other direction, another launch vehicle rose slowly, and then disappeared...

North America:"……"

Are you shooting too fast?

One after another, where did so much fuel come from?

However, before complaining, the diagonal direction is slowly rising again...

North America:"……"

Ge Xiaotian quietly adjusted the wide-area goggles, and secretly typed: "It's enough to put it on two or three times. If it keeps going like this, I'll believe it!"

Dao Yi: "It's okay, and it doesn't cost money."


In order to install X, Lab 102 faked this continuous launch with the help of AR projections.

As Ge Xiaotian just explained, it was just to bring North American ideas and make the other party mistakenly think that they are very powerful.

Of course, the transmission towers are all real, and the others are all fake. After all, AR technology is augmented reality.

As for the purpose of doing this...

During the Cold War, didn't Ice Bear and North America brag about each other.

The North American VIP group was indeed bluffed.

From getting off the car to stepping into the 'fake 102 laboratory', the collective fell into silence, and even began to suspect that North American technology had gone the wrong way.

Not long.

The laboratory door opened.

"D, it is currently in the opening period, please strictly follow the staff's instructions to visit, otherwise you will start the laser device at your own risk."

When the North American VIP group was woken up by the sound of the reminder, and saw the scene layout inside, they were still in a state of shock, which made everyone gasp in unison.

Originally, the building didn't look very huge from the outside, but the interior space was far larger than a football field.

And above the hall, many spheres are revolving around a light sphere.

They have their own orbits, their own satellites, and their own appearance.

Undoubtedly, this is the solar system.

the most important is.

The staff who look extremely small under the starry sky can pull the planet they want to observe in front of them with just a little emptiness, understand the data, zoom in on the monitoring screen, and even connect to the VR panoramic device to enter the inner world to understand the surface information .

at this time.

There are three more spacecraft in the outer orbit of the parent star, and the launch event, launch location, self-function, and self-parameters are displayed on the top...

"It's amazing, is this the satellite that was just sent up by the launch vehicle?"

Everyone responded to the question from someone who didn't know, and they all stared blankly at the vast starry sky above their heads.

Yes, above the solar system, there is the Milky Way, above the Milky Way, and the Local Group of galaxies...

Ge Xiaotian clapped his hands, awakening everyone, and took the lead towards the building complex in the middle of the hall.

"Everyone, this is the lunar base presented by us. It covers an area of ​​420 square meters, which is equivalent to a basketball court. It has two upper and lower floors and belongs to the 'rough base'.

Of course, if you are willing to add money, we can also carry out "fine decoration" on it. "

Ge Xiaotian said, looking to the left, "In the fine decoration, the first thing to do is to connect water, electricity, heating, gas, oxygen, network cables... well, you can consult 'Tianwei International' for this, they have always been in charge of my property. However, as a friendly reminder, the top ten applicants are exempted from the 'opening fee'.

To solve this problem, the cost of soft and hard decoration is not a problem. After all, our base is mainly used for research.


As we all know, the most abundant thing on the moon is helium three, so the fine decoration also needs a helium three refining device. In this product, we charge in terms of pump body capacity and daily extraction volume, 20 million Franklins for small ones, 50 million Franklins for medium ones... …one-year replacement, three-year warranty, and 24-hour door-to-door service throughout the year.


Anti-radiation greenhouse...

Rare metal refining device..."

Everyone in North America saw Ge Lao Er enter the state, and then looked around the huge "small building complex" in front of him, and suddenly had the illusion of walking into the sales office and listening to the salesman's explanation in front of the large sand table model.


It's not an illusion, it's obvious that the developer gave me a house for nothing, and then used various tricks to trick me into spending more money.

"Mr. Ge, can we not decorate?"

"Okay, after the base is handed over, you can figure it out."

Ge Xiaotian shrugged, his attitude was very casual, and he didn't say that if you don't decorate, we won't give it away.

But the problem is...

If you don't decorate, get this thing, and just dig a hole in the moon, what's the difference?

"Mr. Ge, this kind of base seems useless to us."

"Which is useless?"

Ge Xiaotian pointed at the sky, and pulled the lunar globe in front of him, "According to the agreement on the outer layer of the mother planet, the moon belongs to the common ownership of the mother planet humans, so, as long as the location of the base does not conflict with other 'residents', you can do whatever you want.

In the lunar development project, we have set up a 'transportation transfer station', also known as a 'lunar hub', which has many recyclable launch vehicles for communication with aircraft staying in outer space. If you build a base near the lunar hub, What is it called? This is called convenient transportation!

Think about it, what treasures were dug on the moon, or how much helium III was collected, how convenient would it be to travel to the parent star?

Of course, please consult 'Tiancheng Transportation Group', or 'Tiantian Express', or 'Rabbit Kuaipao Logistics' for specific costs. We have always entrusted them with our business in this area. "

Everyone in North America: "..."

At this time, Xiao Bu seemed to have discovered something, pointed to a mark on a certain area of ​​the lunar instrument, and asked curiously, "What is this?"

"Oh, this is Ice Bear's base."


Everyone was stunned for a moment, and quickly saw other signs, "What about this one?"

"Black Mountain Base."


"Non-regional alliance base."


Even Africa has a moon base?

"what about this?"

"Emirates base."


"Wajima base."

"When did they have a moon base?!"

"I sent it!"


Xiao Bu couldn't believe it, "You don't give one to every country, do you?"

"That's right, I only gave away two hundred seats for free after counting the mother star, and I can afford it."


"Of course, poor places like Zimbabwe are fine. Even if I give it to them, they don't have the money to decorate it... No, they don't have the strength to go up."


Everyone in North America finally understood someone's plan.

I put free things here, if you want them, you have to fly up on my ship, and then buy food, drink, and supplies from me...

The point is, everyone still wants this thing.

In silence.

Ge Xiaotian looked up to the sky and sighed, compassionately said: "Actually, I don't want to do this, but I feel that everyone's life is very difficult. Instead of wasting money on various researches and experiments, it is better to buy ready-made ones from me. It is convenient and saves money. .

However, seeing everyone's reluctance, it seems that the price of the supporting products I sell is too high. In this way, I will make a suggestion that is beneficial to everyone.

As for Ice Bear, it has developed well in the past few years. It no longer uses the funds obtained from frugality and search to speculate in stocks, but to restore the aerospace industry.

On the mother planet, you also know that their tickets are very cheap, why don't you ask Ice Bear for advice on the cost of going to the moon. "

Even without encountering the "West Asia Mire" and "Iraq Mire", North America also lost its manned spaceflight project, and even had to sell seats from Ice Bear to and from the space station.

This is a well-known thing.

Therefore, Ge Xiaotian's suggestion made most of the North American VIPs at the scene somewhat agree.

But the problem is that no matter Mao Xiong or Ice Bear, they only have the technology to go to and from the space station, but they have not achieved the moon landing.


It seemed that Tian Cheng hadn't even landed on the moon.

"Mr. Ge, can you ensure that our people can really land on the moon?"

"Definitely, it is necessary. We have very mature manned spaceflight technology to ensure that your team reaches the lunar surface on time."

"Your words remind me of the characteristics of your aircraft."


"Whether I can come back or not is not guaranteed."


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