Build Madness

Chapter 962 I don't want to make money at all

A month ago, Tiancheng did not have manned spaceflight technology.

But half a month ago, the Huaxia Aerospace Department, which had been preparing for nearly three years, successfully launched the manned Shenzhou V, completed 12 circles around the earth, and returned safely.

Such a feat is celebrated everywhere, and it goes without saying that it will be recorded in the annals of history.

As a partner, Tiancheng is also a leader in optoelectronic technology, and soon obtained the relevant data from the old masters of the Nine Institutes.

One is to improve the 'Rubber Man in Space' to prepare for the next manned landing on the moon, and the other is to exchange technology and exchange information about 'Ceres' from Tiancheng.

Afterwards, Daoyi will get the data entry system in hand, combined with the relevant information collected by No. 1 machine on the lunar surface, after 101 laboratory day and night simulation drills, and finally have the "not very mature manned moon landing" technology.

Of course, in the face of suspicion from everyone in North America, Ge Xiaotian would not foolishly say that his technology is immature.

He patted his chest and said loudly: "Don't worry, if something goes wrong, we still have perfect remedial measures and a perfect compensation mechanism. In short, we guarantee that we can return, and we guarantee that you will not lose money."

Having said all this, the VIP group from North America who witnessed the various projects of Tiancheng Space Center stopped talking and asked to draw up a contract.

No way, everyone who has experienced Tianchuang shopping, browsed the Panda Guardian forum, and been tricked by the "world in VR", now everyone understands that in the home planet, no one can trust anyone, but Ge Laoer's broken mouth.

Draw up the contract, sign the agreement, this is the guarantee.

However, people don't know that there are actually bigger pitfalls, such as '2012', 'UFO Crashed into the Great Lakes', 'Ark Project', 'Nuwa's Origin Theory', etc., and many more...

ten minutes later.

Tiancheng's legal department distributed the space plan agreed between Tiancheng and North America, as well as a copy, to the North American VIP group.

It also includes the 'Fine Decoration Quotation Form'.

Three minutes later, Bob contacted the NA aerospace director.

The latter: "The Helium III device is definitely needed."


"Oxygen generators must be available. If you have experienced the 'Highland Villa', you will understand how expensive NT's property fees are, not to mention that this is still on the moon surface. With the oxygen generator, we can save oxygen pipes to Opening fee."

"So, the fresh water collection device must also be installed?"

"Forget it, the moon has no water resources, let's use natural ones."

"What about the solar photovoltaic sail energy concentrator?"

"Take it, the electricity bill will be saved."

"A ground source heat pump for the lunar surface?"

"Take it, save the heating bill."

"An anti-radiation greenhouse?"

"Laboratory necessities, I want it."

"Hydrogen storage device?"

"We have, and entrust Tian Cheng to deliver it when the time comes."

"The logistics fee is not cheap."

"No, we don't launch launch vehicles on the lunar surface, what kind of hydrogen storage device do we need..."

A discussion lasted more than half an hour.

Near the end, Xiao Bu used the calculator that came with the wide-area goggles to add up the total, his face darkened, "47 billion Franklin?"

NA Aerospace Director: "The price is fair."


"By the way, Ge Laoer is very dark, remember to ask him if he charges for installation."


"In addition, with these things, the base is still rough. You must ask about heating, wiring, ceiling, flooring, especially doors and windows."

"Is he that dark?"

"There is a rich man in Alaska. He planned to spend 500,000 yuan on villa decoration, but ended up spending 20 million yuan. If you understand it, you will understand my worry."


After finishing the call, Xiao Bu carefully looked through the shopping list he had chosen several times, took a deep breath, and walked towards someone who was drinking tea in the distance.

At this moment, Xiao Bu felt a little nervous for no reason.

"Mr. Ge, I have a question."


"We purchase so much equipment, install?"

"It must be installed for free. You only have five or six people to go to the moon. The equipment is all big. We don't help with the installation. When will you be busy?"

"Tiancheng is considerate in service!"

Xiao Bu gave a thumbs up and handed the shopping list to the staff.

The latter verified it, entered it into the server, and generated a bill, "Mr. Xiaobu, including the fine decoration of the base, the total is 50 billion, please pay."




Ge Xiaotian explained: "Although you pay for the goods and deliver the goods, the cost of aerospace equipment is high, and they are all customized for you. If you go back on your promises, who do we sell them to?"

"Sell it to Montenegro, Ice Bear."

"Are you really planning to go back on your word?"

"That's not what I mean. What I want to say is that Black Mountain and Ice Bear also got the lunar surface base, and they also need these things. You will definitely not be unable to sell them."

"No, no, since it is custom-made, you should understand that these devices, from the inside to the outside, including the control core and operating instructions, will use American English, while Ice Bear uses Ice Bear, and Montenegro uses... oh, they are popular Chinese language, this is common."

Ge Xiaotian clapped his hands, "Don't worry, I pay attention to credit when I do business, and I will never cheat you, otherwise why should I remind you to customize it and sell it directly to you Huaxia equipment, who will you talk to when the time comes? Don't be so Look at me, I'm not afraid of 'peace' now, but you... yo, there's another meteorite falling from the sky."


There is money in the little cloth pocket, and it is still warm.

Where did it come from?

Germany paid 50 billion for the garrison in 2004...

Thinking of this, Xiao Bu, who was tinkering with the IBM military computer and completed the transfer procedures, frowned slightly.

What the hell, why are the two numbers so similar? !

ten minutes later.

Motherstar Development Bank received remittance from Citibank...


Ge Xiaotian stood up with a smile, "Next, let's talk about the shipping costs of these devices."

North American Business Manager: "Mr. Ge, no free shipping?"

"You think this is online shopping!"


"Take our current Tianzi carrier rocket with the largest carrying capacity as an example. It has a total mass of 1,250 tons and a height equivalent to a thirty-five-story building, and only the fuel and fuel tanks account for 90%. The engine, the main engine, the escape engine, the separation engine, the fairing and the escape tower, in the end, only 10 tons of payload are left, and the cost is 17 billion red notes, which is approximately equal to 2.5 billion Franklin.

Let's take a look at the equipment you purchased, the medium-sized helium three extraction device, with a total weight of 42 tons. Even if the volume is ignored, we have to transport it at least four times.

2.5 billion x 4 times, about 10 billion Franklins.

The price of the heavy-duty helium-III extraction device we sold to you is only 3 billion Franklins. If the delivery fee is not charged, I am afraid it will kill me. "


"Of course, if you are willing to deliver by yourself, I have no problem."


Transport your uncle, now who can send such a big and heavy thing to the moon, not to mention North America where Ice Bears have to buy tickets to and from the space station, even Ice Bears will bankrupt themselves.

Xiao Bu carefully looked at the shopping list again, feeling his voice trembling, "Mr. Ge, how much is the total shipping cost?"

"I'll do the math."

Ge Xiaotian pretended to rub the gossip shift key, "Because you purchased a lot of things, the shipping fee... Hey, it's a bit scary to say it."

"How many?"

"Thirty-nine billion."


The North American VIPs who sat in the distance and tasted the watermelon code all spit out their drinks in unison, "How much?"

"Thirty-nine billion Franklin."

After Ge Xiaotian finished speaking, he clapped his hands, "Look, my old Ge didn't even think about making so much money, so I promoted Tianwei International's "Moon Property" service to everyone. If you pay for water, electricity, heating, etc., then pay for the equipment How can I buy these things for rental fees? If you don’t buy them, you will naturally save 390 billion.”

After finishing speaking, he sighed again: "My God, 390 billion, can almost buy Microsoft, you are so rich."


Everyone in North America looked at each other in blank dismay.

Xiao Bu was almost suffocated internally, "Mr. Ge, you didn't say that the equipment can be rented?"

"You didn't even ask!"

North American Business Director: "We request the termination of the purchase agreement!"

"Okay, 5% liquidated damages... Forget it, it's a friend, and it's a new partner, so it's free."

Ge Xiaotian sighed, took back the agreement from Xiaobu, tore it up together with his own copy, and then signaled the staff to return the remittance to the original account.

"Then, let's talk about the equipment rental fee next."

"Mr. Ge, how do you charge the property fee?"

"This business belongs to Tianwei International Group, you can consult there."

"We just want to talk to you."

"Okay, let me take a look at the quotation... 250 million Franklins per cubic meter for pure water, 200,000 Franklins per kilowatt-hour for electricity, 300,000 Franklins per cubic meter for oxygen..."

"Wait, pure water is so expensive?"

"The moon is not the parent star. As I said before, the cost of the 2.5 billion Franklin launch vehicle has only 10 tons of payload, and a cubic of pure water is one ton. We transport 10 tons up each time, which is exactly 250 million yuan per cubic meter. , which does not include the landing costs incurred on the lunar surface.

In a word, I, Lao Ge, am a conscientious entrepreneur. I don’t earn a penny from everyone, but only for the common development of mankind. "


I bother!

The cheeks of everyone in North America twitched, but after thinking about it carefully, this is indeed the truth.

"too expensive!"

Xiao Bu shook his head, suddenly he didn't want to play anymore.

However, just as I was about to speak out, I saw the representative of the third brother follow the staff to the 'sand table model' in the distance.

The third brother representative seemed unaware that there were people in the negotiation area, pointing at the sand table model while purchasing equipment on the virtual display.


Pay and leave.

Come quickly, go gracefully...

Everyone in North America was shocked.

"How did they come here?"

"It was confirmed on the spot?"

"Where did they get so much money?"


Ge Xiaotian attracted the attention of the VIP group, "Although there is a suspicion of leaking commercial secrets, for the sake of our partners, I might as well remind everyone that the third brother has planted a lot of rubber in the past two years."

"Yes, we know."

"We use a lot of rubber, such as tires, glue, daily chemicals, and even launch vehicles to use rubber dyes."


"Also, the third brother doesn't repair the aircraft anymore. He just sells the worn-out one to us and buys a brand new one. Therefore, the third brother is rich now and can afford the moon base."

During the conversation.

'Washima Aerospace Director', while talking loudly with the staff in pure Japanese language, strode into the hall with his head held high. When he saw the people in the negotiation area, he was slightly taken aback, turned his head and ran away as if fleeing, and his posture was distinct when he came Compared.

North America:"……"

Undoubtedly, Wajima is also planning to build a moon base, or the kind that secretly builds it behind North America's back.


Outside the space center.

Former Chief Engineer of Shinkansen, now Chief Engineer of Jishi Rail Transit Group: "Do I pretend to look like this?"

"Your Excellency, you don't need to pretend at all, you can act in your true colors, they absolutely believe it."

"That's good."

"Your Excellency has worked hard for the past two years and made great contributions to the establishment of the sky. Now that the Jishi subway project is about to be completed, the boss will definitely send you back to Wa Island."

"No, I don't want to go back. I still have value. I want to stay in Tiancheng. I need to work harder. Let me go!"



In the lobby.

The North American VIP group has completely withered.

Learn what Xiaobu subconsciously sighed: "It's okay to fight to be pig teammates one by one, and give away the head!"

Two hours later.

North America paid the three-year property cost of the lunar base in advance, totaling 33 billion Franklin, which did not include water and electricity.

In addition, another 20 billion was spent to sign an equipment leasing contract.

In general: building is worse than buying, and buying is worse than renting.

As for whether this is the case...

Probably only Ge Xiaotian knew.

Three hours later.

Wajima was inexplicably cut off from leeks, and many leading stocks were shorted...

five hours later.

The cargo ship that the third brother transported rubber was inexplicably attacked by pirates...

the next day.

Ge Xiaotian personally led the North American VIP group to visit the Western Tianwei Group resident.

Why are you visiting here?

Do business!


When Xiao Bu and others walked into the training ground, they were immediately shocked by the scene in front of them.

I saw a man named Tianwei, or operated a VR device that resembled a tank cockpit, or operated a VR device that resembled a two-legged equipment cockpit, or operated a VR device that resembled a super panda cockpit, or operated a VR device that resembled an aircraft carrier or a battleship , Helicopters and other cockpit VR instruments, or VR instruments operating the artificial cockpit of the space shuttle, are being seriously and seriously trained.

On the wide-area display of each instrument, images matching the training items danced.

Such as battlefield, high altitude, sea, desert, space...

And, there are enemies!

The enemy is a kind of alien creature wearing white armor and electronic eye helmet, whose body size is obviously not human.

The opponent's technology is very advanced.

Possess light plasma weapons, heavy pulse weapons, large-scale radiation devices, and ultra-fast flat aircraft, a three-meter-high small mecha that can self-repair just by changing the 'battery', and a large-scale magnetic explosion weapon...

Although Tian Cheng was very strong, had a lot of people, and even used orbital weapons, mechanical exoskeletons, and heavy legs, but under the impact of the opponent, those who were beaten retreated steadily, causing heavy casualties.


On the dark and yellowish ground, there were countless wreckages of two legs scattered with sparks, and many heavenly guards supported each other, counterattacking, and at the same time retreated to the rescue jet helicopter.

It's a pity that the bat-shaped aircraft in the sky, the super panda modification, and the unmanned skeleton panda were also suppressed by the enemy. From time to time, several fighter planes burst into the air, or suddenly fell...

As a result, the jet helicopter was soon besieged by the enemy...

next moment.

All displays pop up a prompt:


Instructor: "Collective 50 kilometers cross-country, 5000 push-ups..."

"Ge, is your training too harsh? Also, I don't see how training with this imaginary enemy will help you."

"You're overthinking, they're just playing a game."


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