Build Madness

Chapter 963 Lively November

Ge Xiaotian led the North American VIP group to enjoy the VR simulation training, AR field training, Tianwei martial arts parade at the Western Tianwei Group resident, and experienced multi-legged mechanical driving, two-legged equipment operation, photoelectric satellite remote sensing detection and so on.

Then go to Shacheng Industrial Park.

on the way.

Xiao Bu looked at the 'square fields' covering the desert, and said curiously: "Ge, I really can't imagine how you can use these things to grow hundreds of millions of tons of grain in the desert."

"look carefully."

Everyone in North America heard the words and looked out of the car window intently.

But in the past ten minutes, I didn't see why.

"Ah... sorry, I forgot that it is winter now, these square fields are temporarily abandoned, and will not be reactivated until March next year."


"However, we can go to the plastic greenhouse area next to it and have a look."

Ge Xiaotian signaled the bus driver to change the driving route, and then sent a new quotation to the VIP group, "North America also has many deserts, I believe these things will be helpful to you."

"Improved ground source heat pump?"

"Yes, but we prefer to call it an 'energy heat pump', just like the plastic greenhouse planting area covering an area of ​​5,000 square kilometers in front of us. Using this device to create a constant temperature system requires only three Kilowatt hours of electricity.

Moreover, because we have installed photovoltaic power generation systems and wind power generation systems locally, the price of electricity is extremely low. That is to say, taking into account equipment depreciation costs and the power consumed by plant spectrum supplementary light (to promote photosynthesis), it only takes 5 red notes.

However, the out-of-season fruits, off-season vegetables, precious medicinal materials, high-protein and high-nutrition locusts we plant in plastic greenhouses can provide... 20,000 red notes per square kilometer per day on average.

Don't be too small, you know, the plastic greenhouse here alone has 5,000 square kilometers, that is to say, it can bring me 100 million income every day, pay attention, it is 100 million every day! "

After Ge Xiaotian finished speaking, in the astonished eyes of the audience, he comfortably picked up the watermelon milk tea and took a sip like a drink, "What's more, our leaders successively contracted me 150,000 square kilometers of desert."


"That's life for the rich."


"When the production capacity of the improved ground source heat pump increases, I will not only expand the watermelon planting area, expand the area covered by the plastic greenhouse, but also raise pigs, cattle, chickens, and ducks...

What? feed? Didn't see those square fields? Sprinkle the grass seeds cultivated by the 101 laboratory in winter, and in spring, summer and autumn, we will have inexhaustible high-yield pasture grasses, which are pure natural, pollution-free, delicious, nutritious, and sold all over the world. "


The VIP group from North America was taken aback for a while.

"So, the desert is actually the black land."

"Mr. Ge, the desert is alkaline, which is not conducive to the growth of vegetation."

"You have to believe in science."


"As early as two years ago, we developed a kind of 'desert rice' based on the ecology of this place.

That is, "sand-lined rice", that is, to use machinery to lift the sand layer in the square field, lay a plastic liner to prevent water leakage, fertilizer leakage, and sand loss, and form an artificial anti-seepage layer in the square field, and then use the formula to fertilize , water-saving irrigation and other systems, and cultivate rice seedlings developed according to the local ecology.

The relevant technologies have been made public, and you can log on to the official website of Tiannong Group to study when you have time. We can provide seeds, lining films, square field manufacturing processes, related construction machinery, related agricultural machinery, special glue for deserts, etc. "

Hearing this, the head of North American business couldn't help but said: "Mr. Ge, can you just do sales without opening your mouth and advertise at every turn?"

"Sorry, I'm a businessman. The reason for this is just out of professional instinct. I can't control my mouth at all."


"Are you thirsty? Come and try the watermelon milk tea we will launch in 2004. It is divided into brewing type, instant heating type, group sharing type, on-site grinding type, and beauty treatment type... Well, the operation mode is similar to that of Starbucks. A reason, everyone knows the cost, a few cents, or even a few cents, can be sold at a high price of dozens of dollars, uh, I almost forgot, Starbucks is just a civilian drink in North America, similar to buying a bottle of code on the side of the road, I just want to express that we package watermelon-flavored milk tea into high-end drinks, such as black coffee, and make a lot of money. If anyone wants to be an agent, you can talk to me in private. The opportunity to make a fortune is right in front of you. Let's see who can be one step faster."

"Cough cough."

Covering his nose with his hands, Xiao Bu reminded the group of VIPs who were ready to move, that he was the boss, "Mr. Ge, we have arrived at our destination."

"Oh? Well, let's take a look at our mechanized agriculture."

Ge Xiaotian drank the milk tea in one gulp, got up and was about to get off the car.

Xiaobu secretly grabbed the corner of his clothes, and said in a low voice: "Ge, my nephew, Xiaobu, is 27 years old and has also been involved in the real estate industry. The three live broadcast kings (the three brothers of Monkey Sailei), Yingla, the first sister of Nanyang Commercial, etc., are not outstanding now. Although he will definitely follow my path in the future, in North America, only capital can hold the position of chairman Sit tight."

"milk tea?"


"Now that you have lifted the blockade on Sino-Ocean Group, I think Xiaobu must be a reliable partner."


In a few words, the two reached a verbal agreement, smiled at each other, and walked off the bus politely.

The other VIPs naturally understood what the two of them were talking about, but they still pretended not to know and looked at the plastic greenhouse seriously.

Ge Xiaotian clapped his hands and said loudly: "I believe that after learning about it, there must be someone who is willing to represent the ground source heat pump project. Of course, plastic greenhouses, desert rice, and square fields for sand control are also acceptable."

Xiao Bu, who got out of the car behind, turned dark when he heard this, but after thinking about it, he also reached a private agreement with this guy...

Seeing Xiaobu's expression, the other VIPs did not dare to communicate with Ge Xiaotian directly, but... contacted their family members one after another.

As a manager in North America, who doesn't have any business?

In other words, without any industry, who can be a board manager in North America?

In the world of capital, there must be capital.

Not long.

When Ge Xiaotian led everyone in North America to appreciate the technology of pipe hole water seepage irrigation, spectral fill light, heat energy reuse, gas interaction and other technologies in the plastic greenhouse...

The Foreign Investment Department of Tiancheng Industrial Chain and the Business Department of Tiancheng International Chamber of Commerce sent a series of electronic copies of agency contracts.

Dao Shishi took the opportunity and said: "Boss, your move is too bad!"


"Directly tie the other party's current management to our chariot. Unless the other party is collectively bombed down, no one will be able to affect the cooperative relationship between the two parties in the future."

"You think too much. The power of capital over there is far beyond what this group of people can resist alone. At least... In another time and space, one person was kicked out abruptly. It was not a scandal, but kicked out."


"Thus, everything is possible. What we have to do is to win over those who have capital as much as possible, and finally form a brand new capital circle to escort Tiancheng International Holdings."

"I see."

"Arrange some business over there, and hand it over to the rich agent who helps us purchase ore. Now that we have a new partner, we must not forget the old man."

Ge Xiaotian hung up the communication, returned to the main force, and led everyone to continue to understand the Tiannong industry.

Then transfer to Tianmao Group to learn about the existence of the four major grain merchants and what capital they have.

For example, the output of desert rice this year is as high as 50 million tons, accounting for a quarter of China's total output, meeting domestic demand, exporting to Central Asia, West Asia, and Africa, and solving the food problem for hundreds of millions of people.

For example, this year's soybean production is as high as 30 million tons, which is three times that of China last year, which meets domestic demand and no longer needs to be imported. (Fake, Tiancheng didn't grow soybeans in the desert, all he used were imported soybeans from Niobras Farm, but in order to win the pricing power of soybeans, he created a scene of the desert full of soybeans for overseas satellites, and now Ge Xiaotian is using a lie covers another lie)

For example, this year's Jerusalem artichoke, which can fill your stomach, has an output of 100 million tons...

For example, this year, the breeding volume of high-protein animals exceeded 20 million tons, which promptly made up for the shortage of meat caused by the increase in feed prices caused by the agricultural trade war.

For example, the output of watermelons has exceeded 500 million tons, which is eight times the total output of watermelons in the parent planet last year.

For example, the production of precious medicinal materials...

for example……

The exaggerated but true data made the VIP group at a loss, as if they had discovered a huge business opportunity.

If the North American ranchers knew what this group of people were thinking, they probably wouldn’t need to be kicked out, and they would disappear inexplicably one by one in a few days.

Ge Xiaotian was not stupid enough to ask this group of people to help him sell agricultural products. First, the other party did not have the strength, and second, in case of exposure, the two major grain merchants in North America would definitely have the ability to get rid of Xiaobu.

Therefore, after learning about Tianmao Group, they didn't mention the business here, and led everyone to Tiancheng Electric Industry in the west.

When the other party places an order, I have to let the other party see the real thing no matter what.


Western Tiancheng Electric Industry was established in October 2002. Like the 101 laboratory, it is also located in the south of Shacheng, and there is an all-weather 'light curtain' passage between the two.

There is an I-shaped giant rail in the channel, which is used to transport the assembled launch vehicle.

A Tianzi carrier rocket is about 100 meters high, weighs a thousand tons, and is a three-dimensional structure. If you want to move it, you must not use traction or push-assist methods, so as not to shake and cause it to fall.

Using electromagnetic orbit technology, using the platform as a carrier, it advances to the space launch site at an average speed of 20 meters per hour.

Therefore, when the VIP group arrived near Tiancheng Electric Industry in the west, before seeing the factory area, they saw a long row of giant launch vehicles that were 'stationary' standing in the desert.

Such a shocking scene made everyone think that they had come to the world of science fiction.

"I said before that if you want to send fresh water, food, equipment, and machinery to the moon, you need countless launch vehicles for each of them, and the cost is very high. This is the best proof."


The VIP group stared blankly out of the car window until they arrived at their destination, You didn't know it.

ten minutes later.

The people in North America who had finally calmed down got off the bus one after another, but were immediately shocked by the things in the huge factory building in the distance.


"This is……"


The Himalayan shipbuilding plan was exposed by overseas spy satellites, and the Tiancheng Ark project is no longer a secret.

But except for the rich people who bought the boat tickets in North America, no one knows that there is a "big boat building plan" in the western desert.


This ship looks like a space battleship from a sci-fi movie.

Witnessing the strength of Tiancheng's industrial chain, no one doubts that this is a fake.

"my God!"

"They really built it?!"


Even Xiao Bu stared at all this in astonishment.

And in Ge Xiaotian's wide-area goggles...

Dao Yi: "Boss, you are such a genius, you instructed us to build the space station into the appearance of a space battleship, and let the VIP group from North America disclose the news of the completion of the ark to the rich people in North America who bought the tickets. We don't even need to explain. It's black enough, it's worthy of being Ge Heizi!"

Ge Xiaotian: "..."


(Thanks for the reward of 'Nickname Purgatory', and arrange to add updates as soon as possible.)

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