Build Madness

Chapter 964 Lively November (continued)

In the past half a year, the "limited but unlimited" Ark ticket in Holden's pocket has been a bit slow.

After all, rich people who can afford it are not stupid, and the rumors of '2012' alone are far from enough to make them willingly spend 500-1000 million Franklin.

What's more, Lehman Brothers, which was targeted by Tianrong, has joined forces with Wall Street tycoons to launch the "Freedom Boat" project.

Under the operation of capital, this project is far more famous than Tiancheng's "big ship plan" that was secretly built and promoted quietly. In addition, the ticket price is only 20 million, and it is far more popular than Tiancheng's ferry tickets.

In addition, on Tiancheng's ticket purchase voucher, the remark is 'invest in western China, promote global development, and build a new home for mankind', not the '2012 Doomsday Escape Ticket' written by Lehman Brothers.

Under the influence of the great reputation of the 'Freedom Boat', many wealthy people who bought Tiancheng's ferry tickets thought that they were being fooled by Tiancheng, so that they had the idea of ​​refunding their tickets.

Fortunately, Tiancheng's strength in the industrial field, especially the shipbuilding industry, was far stronger than the other party's, so it did not cause a large-scale ticket refund incident.

But today...

When the North American VIP group saw the 'Super Cosmic Battleship', the first thought that popped up in the minds of some executives who secretly bought cheap tickets from Lehman Brothers was not to lament the strength of Tiancheng Electric Industry, but...

'I was duped by Lehman Brothers! '

As the saying goes, without contrast, there is no harm.

The ship built by Lehman Brothers is just a 300,000-ton luxury cruise ship, covered with a layer of thickened steel plates, and then built with oxygen tanks and food tanks. No one knows whether that thing can withstand the huge waves .

And the big boat built by Tiancheng, not to mention whether it can be used or not, is more than N grades higher than Lehman Brothers in terms of size and appearance.

The height is equal to the Tianzi carrier rocket, the width exceeds the longest spaceship, and the length can not be seen at a glance...

The whole body is in the shape of a shuttle, with photoelectric equipment inlaid all over the body, and the outer material is made of...

Look at the side note: Nanoscale tungsten carbide titanium alloy plate with graphene added? !

Although everyone doesn't understand, they still feel the grandeur expressed by these fonts.

No wonder the ticket price started at 500 million Franklin!

This is the real ark!

Some executives contacted their cronies on the spot and urged them to refund the ticket.

Why refund?

Freedom Boat tickets!


In the past six months, Lehman Brothers' tickets have been sold out.

20 million seats per ticket, the price is reasonable.

The business class seat is 50 million, which is economical and affordable.

200 million seats per ticket, full of luxury.

Dominate 500 million seats, do whatever you want...

Although there is no such saying overseas as 'it is better to be a chicken head than a phoenix tail', most rich people understand this truth.

Instead of spending 500 million yuan to buy a "lower class ticket" from Tiancheng, it is better to spend the same money to buy a "dominant ticket" from Lehman Brothers.


In just half a year, Lehman Brothers sold 1,000 master tickets, 2,000 luxury tickets, tens of thousands of business tickets, and 100,000 ordinary tickets...

The accumulated funds exceeded 3 trillion yuan, which not only made up for the false accounts of Lehman Group, but also added two-thirds of "idle funds".

No one in Lehman's board of directors believed in 2012, and even if they believed, they would buy the boat tickets from Tiancheng instead of investing in their own projects.


The extra idle funds were either squandered by Lehman executives, or used to buy Huo Dun Security’s “refuge insurance”, and only a small part was used to purchase iron ore whose price suddenly skyrocketed, and then smelted, processed, and built the Freedom Boat .

Up to now, Lehman's board of directors, who are addicted to enjoyment, also want to open it.

Regardless of whether 2012 is true or not, as long as the 'Freedom Boat' project is delayed until 12 years, no one will make trouble during this period.

As for what to do next?

'Asylum Insurance' is a good thing. With only 200 million Franklin, Huo Dun Security Group can help arrange an absolutely safe retirement place at any time.


People are not as good as God.

On November 8, several big customers suddenly asked for a refund.

Among them are the father of the commercial director, the mother of the foreign trade director, the uncle of the land surveying director...

All are relatives of powerful figures on the North American board of directors.

Lehman's board of directors was a little baffled, and quickly used its own contacts to find out the inside story.


No need to ask, the Internet has already released live video of the North American VIP group visiting Tiancheng Electric Industry and being stunned by the giant space battleship.

Some enthusiastic netizens have also produced a large number of emoticons.

at the same time.

Tianrong International sells shares of Lehman Brothers...

Motherstar Development Bank Freezes Lehman Brothers Funds…

England's Standard Chartered Freezes Lehman Brothers Funds...

North American City Bank Freezes Lehman Brothers Funds (Morgan)…

National Bank of North America freezes funds from Lehman Brothers (Morgan)…

The Horton Consortium, the Butterfield Club, the Soros Fund, etc., also gave out an analysis table that anyone can see that Lehman's accounts are inflated...

Six North American newspapers, 15 mainstream media, 50 Internet companies, and countless self-media reported the above news.


November 9th.

The current largest investment bank in Mother Star is also the most powerful stock and bond underwriter and dealer in Mother Star. The Lehman Group, which has a very high reputation in the industry and has been established for 150 years, has filed for bankruptcy protection.

No one believed this to be true, not even the North American VIP group that was visiting western North America.

the most important is.

Just when Xiaobu wanted to turn the tide and instruct other banks to fight the fire, Lehman's board of directors suddenly disappeared collectively.


There are still some clues left.

For example, they collectively purchased 'Asylum Insurance' from Huo Dun Security Group.

Xiao Bu took out his personal communicator:

"Horton, you must hand them over!"


"You know!"

"I don't understand what you're talking about."

"I want everyone on the board of directors of the Lehman, just fifteen of them."

"Sorry, Mr. Bu, they did buy refuge insurance from me, but it has not been activated, including the positioning device implanted in their skin, and it is now invalid. In fact, as early as yesterday, I felt that something was wrong, so I arranged it in advance. Huo Dun's security guards monitored them, but it's a pity that they were one step too late."

"So, they actually left North America before filing for bankruptcy protection?"

"You know, they have been very high-profile in the past six months, promoting the 'Freedom Ark' all over the home planet, and Huo Dun Security's main business scope is in the Americas, and we couldn't find them in the first place. And, recently, we have been busy from Iraq Rescue your soldiers, the elites of various divisions have been drawn away, and the speed of finding them is even slower."

"How do you make me believe what you say?"

"Actually... I bought ten master tickets, and two of them were given to your father and Xiaobu. Otherwise, I wouldn't be in a hurry to find them. This is five billion Franklin! It hurts me too!! !"


Hearing that Holden even uttered Chinese in a panic, Xiao Bu believed what he said.

But here comes the problem.

Who took away the board of directors of Lehman Group? !

Putting down the communicator, the assistant handed over the information.

"Mr. Xiao Bu, seventy-six people from the Lehman Group are missing. All of them hold shares, and all of them are allocated funds from the Freedom Boat. After our emergency calculations, the market value of the Lehman Group is removed, and the construction of the steelmaking plant and the construction of the Liberty are removed. The board of directors of Lehman Group took away 1.9 trillion of Franklin’s funds.”

"Such a large flow of funds is impossible without the slightest trace."

"Yes, we found out that 500 billion of them were used to buy gold, but we didn't find where the gold went. 400 billion of them were used to buy heavy rare earths, but we also didn't find where the heavy rare earths went. The remaining 1 trillion , were divided into thousands of shares, or bought luxury goods, or bought Tianchuang products, or bought various expensive electronic products, or recharged game coins...all were squandered."

"One trillion, just spend it?" Xiao Bu couldn't believe it.

"The main thing is to recharge the game currency. In the 'Sudan' game, they lined up with the local tyrants of the emirate. The opponent who beat them was called Dad, and they raised millions of younger brothers. This is something that is obvious to all in the game industry, and related videos are still circulating. "


Xiao Bu's hands trembled from anger, and he couldn't help lighting a cigar and taking a deep breath, "I'm looking for the operator of Sudan, and I must recover the funds."

"Sultan's operating company is Dubai Entertainment, but as early as a month ago, Dubai Entertainment announced that Yindan was not doing well, suffered serious losses, and owed huge debts, so he had to choose to close the server."

"Recharge trillions, will this game lose money?"

"Mr. Bu, I guess you haven't played Sudan. The game currency that local tyrants recharge in Sudan, in fact, game operators, including developers, rarely get it."

"Where did that money go?"

"The rich want to be strong. In addition to buying equipment from players, they also need to hire players to build their own legions. Buying equipment requires game coins, and hiring players requires game coins. These game coins are transferred to players. Cash out, so all the money goes to the players, and that's the only reason Sultan is hot."


"When the game operating company opened the zone, it announced that it would waive the cashing fee, but the major international banks need handling fees for remittances, and even some bank deposits also charge customers savings fees, which has caused Dubai Entertainment to help billions of dollars. The player paid a high sum of money in advance, and the game developer Fangtianyu Interactive did not get the development fee...

By the way, there are related news on the Internet now. Tianyu sued Dubai Entertainment in Dubai, saying that the other party did not pay for Sudan’s research and development. Interactive compensation of 20 million dinams. "


Xiao Bu didn't know what to say, and couldn't describe his mood at the moment.

There was a long silence.

Picking up the communicator, "Print me ten trillion yuan, and I must make up for the losses caused by the Lehman Group!"


November 10th.

Another 'solar eclipse' on the parent star.

This is the third time this year and the seventh time since the new century.

Although this phenomenon occurs every year, it is so frequent that people feel 'abnormal'.

In addition, the news of the bankruptcy of the Lehman Group spread throughout the mother planet, and what followed was a loss of 100 million yuan per person for the rich ticket buyers...

In 2012, the topic was heated up again.


Numerous netizens posted pictures of a North American VIP group inspecting Tiancheng's Ark.

Some people say that the North American Board of Directors' visit to the West is actually to buy tickets.

Some people say that the board of directors of North America has already bought the ticket, and this time it is only to verify the progress of the project.

Some people said that Tiancheng's boat tickets were sold out, and the North American board of directors went to the west to get more boat tickets.

It was also said...

In short, everyone believed that the board of directors of North America bought Tiancheng's ticket!

Xiao Bu really wanted to explain, but he couldn't argue...

"I always feel that the whole world is playing me!"

Xiaobu was in a bad mood and postponed the trip for another day.

No, I decided to return home!


Every second he stays with Ge Heizi, the money in his pocket will be greatly reduced!


November 11th.

The VIP group from North America failed to leave in the end.

Because today Ge Xiaotian arranged to inspect 'Tianke'.

If Huaxia is the only country with a complete industrial system on the parent planet, then Tianke is the only company with 'artificial intelligence' on the parent planet.

Although Tianke was acquired by Weihua, Weihua only bought the smart micro-end industry. Tianke also retained light effect display technology, high-efficiency Turing technology, remote control technology, and a series of software and hardware drivers.

In other words, the technology retained by Tianke is the most advanced core technology of the parent star.

To this.

The North American VIP group had a reason to stay for inspection.

You must know that no matter Longtian SG, Weihua mate, or many rising home appliance suppliers and software, they cannot do without Shenlong system.

The Shenlong Algorithm, Shenlong Coding, and Shenlong Proofreading are the strongest technologies recognized by the mother planet, none of them.

Shenlong algorithm can integrate very garbage stand-alone chips into a super Soc, Shenlong coding can integrate scattered Socs into a 'distributed layout', and Shenlong proofreading can embed Socs with distributed layouts in very backward On the motherboard, and then with the help of industrial graphics cards, adjust the not-so-perfect IPS hard screen to create high-definition picture quality for customers, even surpassing high-definition 2K.

To this day, in the Science and Technology Bureau, this is no longer a secret.

But no one can sanction the real Tianke.

Because it has super artificial intelligence, and an invincible optoelectronic computer that can instantly crack the binary algorithm.

As early as half a year ago, there was a saying on the Internet: Tianke is immortal, and Longtian will last forever.

This was the main reason why Old King Longtian bowed his head to Tiancheng Laoge, crying and begging for mercy.

Weihua's development of special-shaped screens also benefited from Tianke's advanced display technology.

Including the glass king who used to only make glass, but is now called the "display king" by the scientific and technological circles, all achievements also come from times.

It can be said that Zhentianke represents the upper limit of parent star technology.

This is the fact that the chairman of Microsoft, Internet and others told Xiaobu.


After receiving Tiancheng's formation arrangement, the North American VIP group quickly denied the plan to return to China and boarded the bus to Tianke Group.

Tianke Group is located in Shacheng Science and Technology Zone.

There are not only office buildings of technology companies such as Longtian, Weihua, and Wanshi, but also group buildings of manufacturers of motherboards, chips, graphics cards, and monitors.

When you come here, you can see electronic products used for publicity everywhere.

But the teams responsible for publicity come from different universities of science and technology or vocational technical schools.

Each school has a brand with its own characteristics, and the students sell their works to assemblers and brand owners who come to purchase.

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