Build Madness

Chapter 966 Big Order

November 11th.

After a week of investigation and negotiation, the VIP group from North America reached the first stage of cooperation with the Tiancheng delegation.

content include:

Item A: Tiancheng donated a moon base as a gift, and prepaid property fees in North America for three years, excluding water and electricity bills, totaling 33 billion Franklin. In addition, the purchase of lunar base equipment worth 20 billion Franklin.

Item B: North America lifts sanctions against Sino-Ocean Group, Tiancheng guarantees that Tiancheng technology companies will not dump electronic products in North America, and allows North American computer brands to enter the Xingyuewan industrial chain. In addition, North America has introduced 30 new technologies for free from Tiancheng Standard Technology, such as IPS panel technology without light leakage, touch screen technology without interruption, Tiancheng-level GIS core technology, AR laser substrate technology, VR wide-area display technology...

In terms of agreement B, the Science and Technology Alliance originally held objections, but after learning that the VIP group had obtained 30 pieces of technology for free, they immediately changed their attitude, raised their hands in favor, and even praised the deal as worthwhile.

Item C: Tiancheng 101 Laboratory presented six tickets to the moon to the North American NA Space Agency, but North America must send corresponding astronauts before the 15th to familiarize themselves with the Tiancheng system space standards and adapt to the Tiancheng system lunar module.

Item D: North America has opened some rare metal export restrictions and ordinary iron ore import restrictions. For this reason, Tianrong can no longer secretly manipulate the stock market and futures market.

Item E: The two sides suspend the agricultural trade war, Tiancheng obtains the pricing rights of soybeans, rice, and cotton, and the two major North American grain merchants retain the pricing rights of wheat, corn, and peanuts. The peace period is two years.

Addition 1: Based on the above, North America must support the proposal of 'joint meeting of mother planet and three major security groups to carry out global anti-K'.

Additional 2: Tiancheng must agree with North America to purchase 'biped series machines' and 'unmanned aerial vehicles' in the second phase of cooperation. Commercial versions can be used, but basic functions cannot be castrated.

Once the agreement was signed, the North American VIP group conveyed the news to the outside world as soon as possible without waiting for the professional teams of both parties to refine the procurement plan.

Because it's a signal.

It is related to the stability of the home planet, and it is even more related to the American stock market crash caused by "Asia-Europe Co-prosperity".

Not only Huaxia News reported on this at length, Western media also promoted the news as "positive energy" unprecedentedly.

Huaxia TV station: "This represents a new level of friendly relations between China and the United States."

Twisting Times: "Many leading stocks have bottomed out and rebounded, and the situation is very good!"

London Daily: "We will usher in 20 million tons of Nagumo rice, which will help alleviate the food shortage caused by pirates."

TIME: "This man is on our cover again."

European Radio: "Damn North Americans!"


While the home planet was buzzing about the matter, the VIP group from North America traveled to East Asia in a bat-like craft.

Because in the next week, the professional teams of the two sides will dock relevant procurement agreements, and the NA space agency will also select astronauts for the moon landing.

It is impossible for the North American VIP group to stay in the west, not to mention that there is Ge Papi who has plucked all the wild goose by his side.

Coincidentally, during the visit, Horton assembled Huo Dun's security guards and successfully rescued more than 2,000 soldiers trapped in West Asia with extraordinary strength.

Xiaobu took the opportunity to run over to show his face, pretending to condolences to the rescued soldiers in Sangeyang, which can also increase his own support rate.

At the same time as the support, the Huo Dun Security Group is also officially famous on the home planet, and has the qualifications to be compared with the other two security groups.

a week later.

The Secretary-General of the Mother Planet Joint Conference, in view of the increasingly rampant gangs of ruthless people all over the Mother Planet, proposed to introduce the strength of the three major security groups of the Mother Planet to carry out a joint anti-K.

North America agrees.

England agrees.

Huaxia abstained.

Ice Bear abstained. (Ice Bear doesn't have a security company, but he doesn't want to offend Tian Cheng)

France abstained. (I don't want Montenegro to control the security market in Europe, and I also don't want to offend Tiancheng)

2 (for): 0 (against): 3 (abstaining), and then look at the members, NATO is in favor, Nanyang is in favor, Africa is in favor, South America does not matter, Australia is busy hunting kangaroos and did not come, the minority obeys the majority, and the proposal is passed.


What about agreeing?

Why did we become the main support instead?


the other side.

November 20th.

Dongshan ushered in a prehistoric large order.

The order was issued by the headquarters of the Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce (Huaxia). The consignor and the amount of the order are unknown, and the related business is kept secret, but...any textile company, leather goods manufacturing company, or metal smelting and processing company that joins the VIP, regardless of their size, can apply for a contract with the company. Sub-item contracting business whose own actual registered capital is equal.

The contracting requirements are extremely high, no counterfeiting and shoddy products are allowed, no subcontracting is allowed, during and after production, no disclosure of what you have produced is allowed, and Tianwei security is required to be on duty 24 hours a day.

In addition, according to Tiancheng's standard, the qualified rate of semi-finished products must be kept above 99%.

However, the demands are high and the profits are high.

In other words, the horror of high profits is almost 3 to 5 times the production cost. Even if the punishment of the chamber of commerce can make people lose their fortunes, this will make all VIP business owners tempted.


Early in the morning, the comprehensive business hall of the Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce in the Canal Development Zone was crowded with business owners who came to inquire about the news.

"Mr. Liu, long time no see."

"Hey? Mr. Sun, didn't you go to EEDS to collect wool?"

"Mr. Chen, long time no see."

"Huang Dong? Didn't you go to Neobras to make steel?"

Amidst the discussion, the business owners in the hall were silent when they saw a familiar figure walking towards the customer service center.

The eldest cousin of the Li Brothers Group, Li Wenquan, who is now worth nearly 100 billion red notes, looked around the hall, "The big boss said, this business, as long as you dare to do it, he will guarantee you a steady profit."


The audience applauded fiercely.

Last year, Ge Xiaotian stepped down as the chairman of Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce (Huaxia), and only served as the chairman of Tiancheng International Chamber of Commerce.

According to the VIP level, the boss of Sino-Ocean was supposed to be the chairman of Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce (Huaxia), but due to the impact of North American sanctions, Sino-Ocean Group was busy getting familiar with the route of the Kra Isthmus Canal, so the Sino-Ocean boss voluntarily gave up the chairmanship of the domestic Chamber of Commerce and transferred to the International Chamber of Commerce Platinum VIP.

Companies that have also been transferred to the International Chamber of Commerce include Tianrong, Tianheng, Tianyu, Tianle, Tianwei, Tianmao, Tiannong, Tiancheng Online Shopping, Tiancheng Transportation...

The Tianzihao company shifted its position, and what was left behind was the holding group that started with Ge Xiaotian.

For example, the Li brothers maintain a 45% market share in the Huaxia sports brand apparel market, and a 48% market share in China's high-end men's and women's clothing markets.

For example, it maintains a 45% market share in China's furniture market and has renamed "Mahogany Furniture City" to "Impression Home Furnishing".

For example, Xiaohu Town Cement Component Alliance, which maintains a 65% share in the Huaxia cement component market and is now renamed 'Huadong Cement Mold'.

These enterprises follow Tiancheng to fight in the north and south. If they are not worried about monopoly, their strength is not inferior to Tianzihao enterprises, and the VIP level will naturally not be low.

Therefore, when the chairmen of Xishan Sanjin Group, Nandu Tianfu Group, and Shandi Tianwang Group were selected as representatives of the National Assembly and indicated that they had no time to be chairman, Li Wenquan, the chairman of the domestic diamond VIP company Li Brothers, became Chairman of Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce (Huaxia).

"But the big boss also said, you have to fool him and screw up this business..."

Li Wenquan finished speaking, looked up at the sun outside the window, and said nothing more.

The business owner in the hall: "..."

"Okay, although the business content is confidential, the business name can be disclosed. Next, among all VIP members, any company related to the sub-item business can receive order requests. Whether it is yes or no is up to you. Open, you can apply for a special interest-free loan through the Tianrong app, the loan amount is equal to the cost of the order, and cannot be used for other production, nor can it be used for other production."

After Li Wenquan finished speaking, he pushed the data, "The first item is a special leg bag, made of fiber liner, canvas fabric, and soft plastic frame. The purchase price is 3.5 red notes, and the production cost is about 1 red note. If a single company cannot complete it, you can join a group Production, distribution of profits according to the production ratio, the current chamber of commerce needs to purchase 20 million sets, large and medium-sized textile enterprises are not allowed to participate in this contract, only small and micro individual VIP merchants."

Boss below:

"Isn't this too much?"

"Normal, it's almost the end of the year, and the big boss is giving us benefits. Otherwise, where would you get the money to buy a car, a house, and luxury goods."


"The second item, the leg leather cover, is lined with second-layer leather, made of synthetic leather, and has a hard plastic buckle... The purchase price is 12 red notes, and the cost is 3 red notes. Similarly, large and medium-sized enterprises are not allowed to participate."

Boss below:

"Leg holsters? Who would buy that?"

"Are you stupid? Look at what Tianwei is wearing at the door!"

"Fuck, you react so quickly?"

"Nonsense, except for the military, who would purchase 20 million sets of leg bags?"

"No, our military department handed over the procurement agreement to Daqin Bingfeng this year."

"Possibly an order from the non-regional league."

"You forgot, the non-regional alliance handed over the purchase agreement to Ruyi Textile, the owner of everything."

"That's right...Shh, stop talking, I just received a warning, and if I commit another crime, I will go to the sun."


"The third item, knee pads, is divided into five types, including leather, fiber, and bulletproof..."

"The fourth item, gloves, is divided into six types, including cut-resistant, waterproof, bullet-proof, and fire-proof..."

"The fifth item, carrying equipment, is divided into eight types, including living carrying equipment, tactical carrying equipment, and medical carrying equipment..."

"The sixth item, the training backpack..."

"The seventh item, the multifunctional headgear..."

"Item Nine..."


"Next, small, micro, self-employed or small businesses are not allowed to participate, and medium-sized companies are ready to receive pushes,"

"Item 45, combat suit..."

"Item 46, digital camouflage painting..."


"Next, only large-scale enterprises, or cooperative enterprises with Daqin Bingfeng will undertake."

"Item 73, a special type of helmet, the secrecy level of the style is Tiancheng level..."

"Item 74, a special camouflage for military equipment..."



Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce (Huaxia) Forum.

"My dear, a rough calculation shows that the total value of these orders is nearly 30 billion red notes!"

"Could it be that a certain big country is purchasing military supplies for the new year?"

"Third brother?"

"It's a bit like it. After all, the third brother has made a lot of money planting rubber in recent years."

"What a fart, I bought all the instant noodles and ham sausage."


"Who would that be?"

Although the business owner who got the business speculated about the order sent by Horton, he did not dare to disclose the business parameters he got.

Moreover, with the closure of the forum, various companies have worked overtime to increase production capacity, and no one is chatting.

And Huaxia land, before the arrival of the new year, started a new round of recruitment frenzy.


It is really easy for textile workers, painters, and sheet metal workers in Tiancheng Online School, Tiancheng Night School, and Tiancheng Summer Camp to find a job after finishing their training, stepping out of school, and discovering their skills.

Social phenomena have fueled the already hot 'blue-collar reform' and promoted China's further technologicalization...


Western Tianwei Group.

Ge Xiaotian sat in the demonstration hall, looking at the 3D MAX screen with relish.

On screen:

Five police vehicles converted from Powermasters chase an armored vehicle down Dubai Boulevard.

The big villain car skill Thief VI, operates the armored car to change lanes, drift, and counterattack.

The police vehicle was hit with sparks, but the performance and quality of Tianba surpassed that of the armored vehicle, and the security officer sitting in the vehicle even had the mood to blow bubble gum.

Not long after, a "temporary construction" notice appeared at the end of the road, and the big villain quickly changed direction, drove the armored vehicle into the first floor of a nearby building, and smashed through the walls one after another.

The same is true for Dongba.


The two sides entered the Tiancheng Coast.

Tianwei guarded the entrance and erected barricades.

The big villain smiled contemptuously, increased the speed of the armored vehicle to the extreme, and rushed straight to the nearby shopping mall...

Through the floor-to-ceiling glass of the shopping mall, customers who are shopping can be vaguely seen, showing frightened expressions, and a woman next to her is even frightened by the black veil on her face.

between breaths.

The armored vehicle slammed into the floor-to-ceiling windows of the shopping mall...

The picture is slowed down, time seems to be still, and the whole gives people a strong visual impact.

But the next moment...

The armored rear compartment was tilted up, and various damages appeared all over the body, and it was immediately thrown out by the floor-to-ceiling glass...

The big villain was saved by the safety bag. Seeing the police car chasing him, it happened that the armored car could continue to run, so he accelerated towards the wall...



Without the protection of the safety bag, the villain hit the wall by himself.

And the wall...


At the end of the video: Produced by Tiancheng, it is trustworthy!

With a flash of the camera, Dongba cars, floor-to-ceiling glass, Tiancheng buildings...

"Full marks for creativity, full marks for shooting, full marks for pictures, and full marks for post-processing, the overall score is 99, and one less point is given. I am worried that the advertising team is proud of it."

"Boss, this is produced by our own propaganda department."

"Oh, it's okay."


The big hairy daughter-in-law who came from afar to report the work summary in 2003, that is, Xuan Xuan, the director of Tiancheng's Propaganda Department, turned dark, "Boss, you are treating one more than another."

"Xuanxuan, our Tiancheng platform is not a small company like outside. When shooting commercials, you have to make it as sci-fi as possible."

As Ge Xiaotian said, he switched to the advertisement he made.

On screen:

Boss Ge got up, and the wheelchair robot came to make the quilt, make the bed, bring the washed training clothes and socks, and send the changed pajamas to the all-in-one washing and drying machine.

In the kitchen, the robotic arm started cutting vegetables and cooking...

In the living room, the sweeping robot broadcast the news while cleaning the ground in an orderly manner.

The curtains on the balcony are automatically opened, and the glass displays the outside temperature, humidity, air quality, and weather conditions, and sends the data to Boss Ge's smart watch.

The treadmill took the initiative to come over, and Boss Ge trained for half an hour.

The wheelchair robot puts on the pajamas, delivers towels and a change of underwear by the way, and then helps shine the shoes...

After Boss Ge had breakfast, today's schedule popped up on the display of the home console and was synchronized to the smart watch.

When Boss Ge went out, the door was automatically closed, the smart devices at home returned to their original positions, and the power consumption was almost zero.

When Boss Ge went downstairs, Dongba drove out of the garage by himself.

Open the door, get in the car, Dongba asks where to go, Boss Ge tells the destination, and the Dongba smart terminal selects the closest route, starts at an even speed, avoids pedestrians, keeps a safe driving distance, and arrives at the destination.

Dongba looked for a parking space by himself, and Boss Ge walked into the group building.

The glass at the door is dedicated to display the number of employees asking for leave today, the reason for asking for leave, and send it to the smart watch.

Boss Ge inquired about the condition of a sick employee and connected the other party's phone.

There was a flash of light and shadow in front of my eyes, and the VR glasses showed the picture of the ward.

Condolences, Boss Ge goes to work to play games, eats and sleeps at noon, and then goes to play after get off work at three o'clock...

After returning home after a day of work, sister Xiu checks the post, and the wheelchair robot helps create a romantic atmosphere...

That night.

The curtains close automatically...

"This is life!"

Ge Xiaotian looked at Dao Shishi, "Which Tiancheng main promotional video in 2004 do you think is better?"

"Boss, in fact, I feel that it is more profitable to shoot life movies on the moon base. You think, no matter how many cars or houses you sell on the home planet, after a year, the money you can make is not as good as sending a moon base. The income is high, if we build a lunar living hall and invite the top 500 rich people from the home planet to experience it, we will make a fortune."

"Makes sense...but the moon is not a habitable planet."

"The seven-day tour can also take the opportunity to promote our Moon Branch of the Unknown Hotel."

"Hey, makes sense."

Ge Xiaotian nodded, "Then you make another one, and then release three promotional videos in batches. The propaganda department focuses on overseas, mine focuses on domestic, and yours focuses on the circle of the top 500 richest people."

Ok after the fact.

Dao Shixi said quietly: "Boss, the Science and Technology Alliance uses our technology to produce a batch of high-end smartphones. Since there are no patent fees and no restrictions on various agreements, the price is low and the reservations are hot."

"Give it away, we don't need those silicon electronics technologies, and they depreciate if we keep them in our hands. Giving them to them will allow them to continue to adhere to the silicon electronics path, and then they will never return. At the end of ten years, they will transform at that time." Quantum technology, or optoelectronic technology, we have long been unaware of what it will develop into."

"All right."

"Have the North American astronauts sent it?"

"Send fifteen people, the extra ones are optional."

"Well, when will the VIP group return?"

"A week or so."

"so long?"

Ge Xiaotian looked at the time, it was already the end of the month.

Two lunar bases were also built.

Of course, there are no strong men on the moon. Even if the base vehicle is parked on the back of the moon, I can’t open it. I can only let the No. 1 unit use special glue to glue the basalt and lunar soil together to form a 'brick', and then let Tian Cheng Construction engineers use construction machinery to masonry and cap the roof through remote operations, and finally form a lunar base.

The reason for this is that there is no 'astronaut arms' in the town center, and monks have not comprehended 'space driving skills'.

"This matter is done, and people can be sent up, but my own family can't go up."

Ge Xiaotian complained, and with a thought, he motioned to Eleven, "Send Big Brother's people up first."

"What about North America?"

"Wait for the next batch."

"Will they be dissatisfied?"

"The train leaves on the hour, what's the date?"


"By the way, sending Big Brother's people to the moon base selected for construction in North America, such a big event as landing on the moon, must be lively."

"Where are the people from the Nine Institutes?"

"A few days later, don't worry, the equipment is not in place, and you will be idle when you go up, but when people are idle, they will make troubles, especially in the West, everyone has a bad temper, and maybe when the temper comes up, the two sides will roll up their sleeves and exchange ideas. Demolition of the base... Now there are only two bases on the moon, where will they live when they are demolished? Therefore, our people and those from the Nine Institutes will be postponed."


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