Build Madness

Chapter 967 Unexpected visitor

Seeing that North America and Tiancheng have reached a number of cooperations, and the relationship between the two parties is getting closer, it is a lie for Ice Bear to say that it is not tasty.

Especially Tiancheng is also the biggest investor of Ice Bear.

It's like watching a girl who has been ambiguous with me, a poor second generation, suddenly get into a rich second generation's luxury car...

The ice bear boss is very angry.

Get into the gym overnight to practice boxing...

Hey, hey, hey, the subordinate rushed in holding the communicator:

"Boss, a call is coming!"


"Tiancheng gave us six free boat tickets!"

"Haha, you are indeed my brother!"

"And also said that as long as we send the astronauts there within a week, we are guaranteed to arrive at the moon base one step ahead of North America."

"A week?"

The boss of the ice bear smiled slightly, held his breath, raised his leg sideways, kicked the sandbag with a stern face, and said seriously: "I ask, I will send it tonight!"

Hearing this, the subordinates stood up and saluted, and contacted the Baikonur Space Center in Kazastan on the spot. Whether they wanted to or not, they ordered directly, and then hung up the communication:

"Boss, it's arranged."

"Let's go."

"Where are you going?"

"Western Sand City!"


November 21st.

Desert Town Airport.

After receiving the news of the visit from the boss of Ice Bear, Ge Xiaotian contacted the board of directors as soon as possible. After all, the neighbor's parents came to visit, so why should they find a grandfather to guard the field? What if they are bullied?

Fortunately, since the last '03 joint anti-K' exercise, the deputy director has been staying at the AR training base in the west to supervise the reform of the military department, and rushed over without much arrangement.

The deputy director comes from a technical background and once worked in CNOOC. He is currently the principal of the national school and the principal of the military department, and is also one of the main leaders supporting Tiancheng.

The two sat in the waiting hall and chatted...

No, it was the deputy director listening to Lao Ge's bragging.

What western express train, what western intercontinental airport, what western pearl city...

One listened earnestly, and the other talked happily, but until eleven o'clock in the morning, the two of them didn't wait for the special plane flying from Northern Europe, but they ushered in a Tiancheng passenger plane marked as 'Nanyang Airlines'.

Tiancheng takes the lead in investing in Nanyang Airlines, and Tiancheng is a partner in South Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Laos, and Myanmar, and operates as a shareholder.

That is to say, Tiancheng took the land, built the airport, gave the planes, and the countries were responsible for leasing them, and then distributed part of the ticket money to Tiancheng.

The current route is only limited to Neobras, Sea of ​​Okhotsk, Huaxia Qinggang Golden Beach, Dubai, Emirates, South African City of the African Union, and Odyssey Capital of Montenegro.

It is considered to use air transportation to assist the "Zheng He's Voyages to the West" project.

However, with the opening of Western Sand City to Tiancheng partners, the desert town airport has also become an 'internal air transportation stop'.

The boss of Nanyang, who is used to handle the VIP of Tiancheng International Chamber of Commerce, comes here to purchase electronic components.

For example, Yinglameizi, the chairman of Taimei AS Group, often visits the technology zone, buys a large number of spare parts, ships them back to Taimei to assemble the finished products, and then puts on Taimei’s domestic labels, shouts the slogan of supporting domestic production, and sells them at a high price*** **** For example, the chairman of Nanyue Tannery Factory does the same thing...

Most of these domestic products use Tiancheng series "small factory accessories", which are low in cost and price. On the whole, they are larger than Longtian, Weihua, Great Wall, Qixi, etc., or non-Tiancheng series, or Tiancheng series. Cost-effective advantage'.

For Thailand and other countries, it is equivalent to having an 'independent brand'.

For Huaxia technology companies, it not only disposes of secondary spare parts with a low pass rate, but also makes up for the gap in the overseas low-end electronic market.

Generally speaking, everyone is happy.

Ge Xiaotian saw that the deputy director was a little confused about the Nanyang Airlines airliner's docking, so he immediately talked about the technology industry.

After the latter heard it, he sighed, "We used to be like this too."

"It's different now."

After chatting for a while, the Nanyang Airliner manufactured by Tiancheng landed on the boarding stairs...

But it was a bit different from Ge Xiaotian's imagination. There were only two blond men who got off the plane, and all the follow-up staff were flight attendants.

Before he had time to ask Road Eleven, the person in charge of the airport hurried over:

"Boss, inside information, stock king Laoba and Microsoft Bill, disguised visits."


Ge Xiaotian nodded, then looked back at the deputy director, "Leader, I'm in a hurry."

"No problem, go get busy, I can deal with the ice bear by myself."

"Thank you leader."


half an hour later.

In the office of the general manager of the airport, Ge Xiaotian met with two business leaders who were secretly visiting.

It stands to reason that the stock king boss has to call the boss now, but if there are outsiders present, all the courtesy must be done.

After a while.

The stock king Lao Ba took the lead, "Mr. Ge, although you have sold most of the NT real estate shares before and are now only a minority shareholder of the NT Group, you are still the actual owner of the North American NT Construction Company. Entrusted, I want to buy your company wholly."


Ge Xiaotian looked at Softbill, "Mr. Richest Man is going to ask for it?"

In order to build momentum, or in other words, in order to stimulate the sluggish technology stocks, the boss of Microsoft and Microsoft was bumped into the richest man in the home planet by Wall Street financial giants, and made a gorgeous resume and a series of stories about struggle.

With the newly released win 03, Microsoft Bill has become the most dazzling star in the West.

As for being in the East...

Genius Ge, Dragon King, Bitter Shen, Second-Hand Chen, Duck Qin, CNOOC Qian, Glass Cao, Fashion Show, Qimaofei...

Affected by the news media, ordinary people in the East don't even know who Bill is.

"Mr. Ge really knows how to joke. I know what I'm capable of. If there is no 'technological change', I might not shirk this title, but now..."

Bill shook his head with a wry smile, and returned to the topic, "I came here for another matter this time, which has nothing to do with what the stock king said."

Ge Xiaotian's worth is here, so he doesn't need to be polite to the other party at all, he just nodded when he heard the words, and looked at the stock king old bus again.

The latter took out a set of documents, "It is the Trump Group in North America. The chairman is also named Trump. He has a close relationship with Dubai real estate tycoon Hou Sailei. To describe it as a relationship with China, he can be said to be a cousin."


Ge Xiaotian was very surprised, blinked, and picked up the file.

The content is nothing more than the acquisition of North American NT Construction Company, with all personnel retained, and plans to introduce several construction technologies and purchase a batch of construction equipment. The quotation is very reasonable, about 16.5 billion Franklin.

The value does not seem high, but construction companies and real estate development are two different things.

The urban construction company only owns various construction qualifications and construction machinery, and is a non-listed company, while the real estate development company holds a large amount of valuable land and has countless shareholders to play with.

Ge Xiaotian thought for a while, "The price is very exciting to me."

The stock king old bus secretly moved his fingers, expressing that he was very profitable, and at the same time said seriously: "Please rest assured, Mr. Ge, this is not the first time we have cooperated. As long as you entrust this matter to the Butterfield Club, I promise to help you handle it to your heart's content." .”

"That's fine, but now that North America and Tiancheng are cooperating, I'm suddenly selling North America's industry, and I'm a bit suspicious of divesting in a different direction. When the deal is concluded, I'll ask the stock king to help me look at the investment market and see which industries are worth investing in. "

"Mr. Ge, I have analyzed it for you before coming here. If Franklin is tens of billions, you can invest in minerals. Recently, the price of minerals in North America has skyrocketed (rich people who buy tickets are buying them aggressively). If you can use Tiancheng's unique exploration technology to find several A brand new mine will definitely make a profit without losing money.”

"I'm afraid you will not allow me to invest in this field."

"Haha, it depends on what you can come up with in the second stage of negotiations."

"Makes sense."

Ge Xiaotian nodded, picked up the document to sign, and signaled to the staff to deal with it, "I'm sorry for the stock king."

The latter smiled as he should have when he's done with the commission. After saluting, he followed the staff and left.

While the two were chatting, Microsoft Bill had been looking at the office deployment.

Although this is not Lao Ge's office location, the position level of the person in charge of the airport in Tiancheng International Holdings can be regarded as the middle and upper reaches.

In addition, Boss Ge likes to launch AR phantom surprise inspections, or hold AR temporary meetings, so the office is equipped with AR two-way projection equipment.

This one alone costs tens of millions, not to mention that there are AR display stands worth tens of millions, large wide-area screens worth tens of millions, and conference whiteboards worth tens of millions...

Zero and zero total, up to hundreds of millions.

As the leader of the science and technology alliance, Bill understood the value of the office and was horrified by Tiancheng's strong financial resources just now.

Also strengthened his determination.

Seeing that the stock king old bus left, he immediately opened his mouth and said:

"Mr. Ge, I plan to introduce a complete set of fully automatic agricultural equipment from Tiancheng."


After chatting with the deputy director all morning, and chatting with the stock king for a long time, Ge Xiaotian, who took a glass of water to moisten his throat, sprayed directly, "What did you say?"

"I, I said, I want to import a complete set of agricultural equipment from Tiancheng." Bill was a little timid.

You know, when Long Tian held the SG press conference at the UFO Gymnasium, when Tian Cheng was just a small developer, this guy dared to use biubiu to compare himself to himself, now that this guy has become an existence that can fight against North America, maybe he will take it for real Biubiu pressed his forehead.

This is not a question of courage, but whether you are willing to deal with subsequent minor troubles.

Ge Xiaotian wiped his mouth with a paper towel, and said in surprise: "Your family is a technological pioneer, why do you want to buy agricultural machinery?"

"Mr. Ge, you don't need to ask me, you should have the answer in your heart."


Ge Xiaotian was slightly taken aback, then smiled, "You are a smart person."

Tiancheng presented North America with 30 pieces of advanced technology. It seemed that North America had made a profit, but to the Science and Technology Alliance, it was a hard blow that was more serious than humiliation.

Because in the field of science and technology, when you fail to develop it, it means that you are behind. When you adopt other technologies, it means that you have to follow the path that others have walked.

And if others dare to give it to you, it means that others are more advanced. When you are about to develop your own new technology based on the technology given to you by others, others will give you another batch that is more advanced than the one you just developed. Technology.

One step is slow, every step is slow.

This used to be the case in Huaxia, but now three years in Hedong and three years in Hexi, it has been replaced by a technology alliance.

the most important is.

Tiancheng Technology focuses on Shenlong system, which is the biggest competitor of Microsoft.

Microsoft does not have its own complete technology chain, and all technologies are based on externally developed chips, such as Internet, AMD, and even Apple...

When Tiancheng is able to control the chip architecture of the Science and Technology Alliance, or just donate a brand new architecture to the Science and Technology Alliance, needless to say, there will be no equipment to support the win system in the future.

This is a very scary thing.

Of course, hardly anyone thinks of that at the moment.


Bill could see through.

Ge Xiaotian's eyes were burning, and he leaned over and whispered: "Since you understand the consequences, why didn't you tell the Science and Technology Alliance?"

"I'm afraid that if I speak out, I won't survive the next morning."


Ge Xiaotian couldn't help lighting a cigar, and said sadly, "Don't make me sound so dark."

"Mr. Ge, I think that using Tiancheng's fully automatic agricultural production equipment, introducing Tiannong's seeds and planting technology, and building a brand new North American large farm will be the most correct choice in my life."


Mad, such a tech tycoon, why do you want to farm?

Is it possible...

Infected by Pharaoh who was thinking about farming all day long?

But in this way, Tianrong and Tianke will not be able to overtake Microsoft...

Thinking of this, Ge Xiaotian suddenly understood the real reason why Bill was looking for him.

Because the other party also thought of the plan that Tianrong and Tianke might have implemented.

If Microsoft transforms agriculture and becomes a partner of Tiancheng, based on his tolerance for partners, Bill will turn the unfavorable situation into favorable development.

Of course, at the level of the two of them, Ge Xiaotian was not surprised by the other party's layout. This is the basic operation that a qualified enterprise management should have.

What happens next depends on this meeting.

"Just tell me, how much can you give me?"

"How much does Mr. Ge want?"

"Actually, I'm not interested in money."

"Me too."

"Well, I will give you all the fully automatic agricultural machinery, relevant technical personnel, and seasonal seeds and fertilizers for free."

"Mr. Ge, I don't want to give it away for nothing, because I can't give it, and I dare not give you a price that matches the value of these things."

"Then proceed with the normal procurement. It just so happens that you lifted the sanctions on Sino-Ocean Group."

"I think so too."

"Then what can you bring me?"

"Help you stabilize the pricing power of soybeans, rice, and cotton, and cooperate with you to seize the pricing power of corn and peanuts."

"Hey, it seems that the farm you prepared is not small?"

"Sell most of Microsoft and use all of it to acquire farms."

"have a future."

"I think Dragon King always has this idea, but it's a pity that he is in China, and it is almost impossible to realize it."


What the hell, he was really influenced by Lao Wang.

Ge Xiaotian sighed, "Actually, Mr. Wang just wants to farm the land, not to be an agricultural tycoon."

"You are not Mr. Wang, how can you know what he thinks?"


Seeing that the conversation was dead, Ge Ge Xiaotian simply changed the subject, "Since you are here, you must have made a detailed plan."

"Yes, Mr. Ge."

Bill took out a document and pushed it in front of Ge Xiaotian, "The fully automatic agricultural production equipment I am talking about is not a tractor or something, but an agricultural GIS system with intelligent management."

"I see."

Ge Xiaotian flipped through the documents, "Planting 200,000 acres in the early stage requires at least ten servers, with an agricultural version of GIS, and the package price is 500 million Franklin."

"no problem."

"Irrigation and fertilization equipment, farming and harvesting machinery, etc., do you use Tiancheng to make them, or do you make them domestically?"

"What if we made it?"

"It needs to be modified and installed with a GIS special chip. The cost of each machine ranges from 500,000 to 2 million Franklin. In addition, we need to pay our mechanics additional labor costs according to the working hours."

"How about using yours?"

"The price ranges from 800,000 to 3 million. For specific prices, please consult Tiancheng Electric Industry."

"The latter seems more appropriate."


Ge Xiaotian discussed with Soft Micro Bill until three o'clock in the afternoon, and the other party contacted the newly formed 'Soft Micro Agriculture' to quickly determine the procurement plan.

In this way, within five hours, Tiancheng and Microsoft reached an agricultural strategic partnership.

Because Microsoft Bill was visiting in disguise, he hurriedly left West China at four in the afternoon, returned to Nanyang Xinjia, and appeared in public view.

As for why it's easy...

If the technology alliance knows about this and leaks it to the Wall Street financial giants, Microsoft will be miserable.

Ge Xiaotian took a short break in the airport office, and Dao Shixi finished processing the purchase agreement he had just signed, and said, "It's a pity, this way, we won't be able to squeeze out Ruanwei."

"Am I short of this money?"


"By the way, how much is a catty of wheat now?"

"Nine hairs."

"It used to be 20 cents, but now it's 90 cents? So high?"

"It's not caused by the agricultural trade war, including corn and soybeans, which are all rising. Peter, the chairman of Tianmao, said that if it continues, countless people will starve to death on the parent planet."


"Especially those areas without agriculture, going bankrupt directly."

"No wonder the mastermind reminded me that there are only 185 players left."



"Boss, I need to remind you that Microsoft's investment in agriculture must have the support of a 'big money owner', otherwise Bill wouldn't be able to get so many farms."

"I know who it is."


"The existence that can scare Bill, who else but Horton? I guess that guy is planning to surprise me, but Bill found me one step ahead."

Ge Xiaotian smiled, "The employees in our company work very hard."

"Yes boss!"

"This year's year-end award...discovers gold."

"What currency?"


"Then I will prepare."

"Don't worry, I'll go meet Boss Ice Bear first, but I don't know if Xiaobu will return in a few days, will the two sides meet and fight."

Two thousand soldiers were trapped in West Asia. In the eyes of the outside world and North America, it was all the work of Ice Bear, and there was almost no solution to this problem.


Thanks to the Baiyin League of "the sun and the moon in the pot, the universe in the sleeve", it seems that 100 chapters will be added... Lao Niu has no manuscripts at hand, try to count the chapters owed before, and come out together.

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